Congress Questions Next Gen


Well-Known Member
Nothing going on with NextGen that don't happen at Facebook, Amazon, and other internet sites. NextGen will more than likely have superior safeguards then the internet, but lets keep talking about how the Mouse is big brother.

Jimmy Thick- * Rolls eyes *

Except, y'know, that Facebook and Amazon don't know exactly where you are and what you're doing at every moment of the day.

Regardless, this ought to make for one of the more interesting broadcasts on CSPAN...


Well-Known Member
I have asked this question multiple places and people seem to not know the answer or purposefully disregard it and choose not to answer it. With the wave of RFID going around and the current controversy about Disney's use of it: How is Disney's use (besides FP+) of the bands different that those used at Great Wolf Parks (with success) and Kings Island being rolled out this year? Both use for room, payment, and interactive storytelling. If it was such a controversal thing, why is there not outcry at Great Wolf and why would Kings Island start using them this year?

Just looking for some opinion because I have heard rave reviews (and experienced) the use of the bands at Great Wolf


Well-Known Member
After reading the document all the way through, I can't help wondering if Iger's a bit nervous at this point... or at least is looking a lot closer at just what he got into when signed that $1.5 billion check. The honest answer to nearly all of the committee's questions makes Disney look pretty guilty on all counts, and at this point I'm wondering if Iger was even informed of the full details of NextGen or the legal implications involved. I can't help but be reminded of the fiasco surrounding the Aulani resort, and the DVC prez not being fully aware of Hawaii tax laws when determining the resort expenses, which resulted in one very angry Iger and some execs getting fired. Could something similar end up happening here?

And neither will Disney. An RFID chip is not a GPS tracker. It can tell when you pass a reader, that is it.
Good to know. Some of the posts around WDWmagic can be a bit misleading.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
It sounds like the questions were written by someone or with the aid of someone very familiar with what is being planned. Interesting......

My guess is the whole program won't be sunk, but there might be some changes.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
After reading the document all the way through, I can't help wondering if Iger's a bit nervous at this point... or at least is looking a lot closer at just what he got into when signed that $1.5 billion check. The honest answer to nearly all of the committee's questions makes Disney look pretty guilty on all counts, and at this point I'm wondering if Iger was even informed of the full details of NextGen or the legal implications involved. I can't help but be reminded of the fiasco surrounding the Aulani resort, and the DVC prez not being fully aware of Hawaii tax laws when determining the resort expenses, which resulted in one very angry Iger and some execs getting fired. Could something similar end up happening here?

Good to know. Some of the posts around WDWmagic can be a bit misleading.

Disney is a billion dollar corporation with highly paid and highly competent lawyers. Do you really believe anyone with any business sense, especially a billion dollar corporation, would sign off on a technology that could be seen as a potential privacy risk without consulting highly paid lawyers?

You don't think Disney crossed their I's and dotted their T's before there was any kind of yellow light yet alone green?

Its easy to hate Disney, and I can understand that, but really, these are business people first.

Jimmy Thick- No Spruce Goose.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
After reading the document all the way through, I can't help wondering if Iger's a bit nervous at this point... or at least is looking a lot closer at just what he got into when signed that $1.5 billion check. The honest answer to nearly all of the committee's questions makes Disney look pretty guilty on all counts, and at this point I'm wondering if Iger was even informed of the full details of NextGen or the legal implications involved. I can't help but be reminded of the fiasco surrounding the Aulani resort, and the DVC prez not being fully aware of Hawaii tax laws when determining the resort expenses, which resulted in one very angry Iger and some execs getting fired. Could something similar end up happening here?

Good to know. Some of the posts around WDWmagic can be a bit misleading.
I doubt it. While most of the questions are legit, the continued use of the word "geolocation" shows an ignorance of what the technology actually does. Remove that from the document and you are left with a bunch of simple questions that should all have simple answers. From a legal standpoint I think it will ultimately come down to "Our sandbox, our rules. Don't like it, don't come.".


Well-Known Member
And neither will Disney. An RFID chip is not a GPS tracker. It can tell when you pass a reader, that is it.

You really think they're only putting readers in the POS terminals and FP+/entrance poles? Obviously they're not going to actively "track" you like the CIA putting a device on your car and tailing you, but they want all the data they can, and how fast you move from A to B, where you stop between, why you stop, all of that is very informative and likely important to the numerical "profile" they want to build on guests to maximize the potentials of the system.


Well-Known Member
This is a puffed up congressman ruffling his feathers for the hometown voters and bored CSPAN viewers. As most congressmen do.

That said, this is a PR nightmare for Disney. After being a Disney watcher for a few decades, they absolutely hate losing control of their message, and their MyMagic+ message is slipping away from them quickly. The prospect of a sitting Disney CEO being called before a congressional committee, even if only in written format, to answer questions about a new theme park initiative that cost the company 1+ Billion dollars is disastrous. The press will jump on this, condense it into an 8 second sound bite and 45 second vapid "story" for the brain-impaired viewers at home, and the whole MyMagic+ thing becomes tainted goods worse than DCA circa 2001.

Disney is losing control of their message on MyMagic+, and for Disney that means complete disaster. It's a grey and rainy day today in Burbank, and you can bet a cold wind has blown down the halls of the executive suites with this little congressional bombshell.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
You really think they're only putting readers in the POS terminals and FP+/entrance poles? Obviously they're not going to actively "track" you like the CIA putting a device on your car and tailing you, but they want all the data they can, and how fast you move from A to B, where you stop between, why you stop, all of that is very informative and likely important to the numerical "profile" they want to build on guests to maximize the potentials of the system.
Of course not. I have a feeling they will put them in a number of key points. The reality is that is not real time tracking. Even if they were to put them at 24" on center throughout all of WDW property what evil could befall me by Disney knowing that I went to Aloha Isle, bought a Dole float, sat outside of the Swiss Family Treehouse for 9 minutes, took 2 minutes to walk to the bathroom and exited 3 minutes later?

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