Confirmed Norovirus, returned last week


We left WDW on Friday and BAM, my 6 year old gets Norovirus. We just returned from the ER about an hour ago, as he has been horribly ill since Saturday.

Anyone else get sick? We stayed in the Campgrounds in our RV, and cooked a majority of our own food. We DID do a character breakfast at The Beach Club, and I think that is where he got it from and as I have heard from other folks, they got sick there too...


Well-Known Member
So sorry your little one got sick. Norovirus is so contagious, you could have caught it anytime, anywhere. The handrails at Peter Pan's Flight. The lap bar on Splash. The ground someone threw up on in Tomorrowland the day before. (gross I know, but it happens!) You could have caught it in the bathroom at Cracker Barrel on the trip home. It's everywhere.

To me, potential for sickness and WDW go hand in hand. Not only do you have the American flu, you've got the European flu, the South American flu, the Canadian flu, the........ well..... you get the picture. :) It's people from all over the world and all their germs hanging out in one place.

Lucky for us, only one tummy bug in many trips to the World. Here's hoping we can keep up that record!

Also... this might? get better responses in General Discussion?

I hope he is better soon! Be sure to sterilize everything - toothbrushes, everything. I had one friend who couldn't get it out of her house this winter. She had to clean like a crazy person to finally get the reinfections to stop. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Hope your lil' one feels better soon!

WDW is riddled with germs, bacteria and viruses - as is any public space, but perhaps more so because of the international factor, the high concentration of kids, lots of touching of things (handrails, ride vehicles, etc.).

Practice hygiene and common sense at all times; wash hands properly and frequently, don't touch your eyes/nose/mouth, etc.

That said, I started my trip in November sick and ended the last one in March sick - even with these precautions. I never get sick - and followed those precautions (as much as possible)! When your number's up, it's up. :(


New Member
Original Poster
Ya...definitely could have gotten it anywhere....with driving down and being in our RV, our exposure was extra places on the ride airports, etc....totally stinks....


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Oh, that really sucks; poor guy. :( I get sick a lot at home, but almost never on vacation. The last time I was even mildly sick on vacation was flying down, and that I caught at school. Sometimes it just happens. Tips for the future: 1. Make sure you and your little one get plenty of rest. 2. Even though you eat more junk on vacation than at home, I find I feel better if I throw in some healthier options. 3. Keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in your purse. Don't let your little one put his mouth on anything (I have an 11-year-old brother, trust me, they do it occasionally at that age still). Insist that they all go to the bathroom and wash their hands before meals. It seems like common sense, but it prevents illnesses! Sometimes it can't be helped, though.


New Member
Original Poster
Ya...I am a germaphobe....actually, more serious than that - I am antibiotic resistant to common bacteria so precautions are my life....another reason why I am surprised he got it...


Active Member
a few years ago when my son was only about 9 months old him and my dh both got a nasty stomach bug after eating at the luau at Poly. My husbands only lasted 24 hours. My son was incrediably sick for at least a week. high fevers and lots of throwing up and such. This last trip about a year ago. my Son and I caught fifths disease.. But after many many years of enjoying disney these were the only two notable illnesses we picked up. Hopefully this time we go we stay illness free!


Well-Known Member
Transmissions of Norovirus can happen in the following ways:
  • Eating foods or drinking liquids that are contaminated with norovirus
  • Touching surfaces or objects contaminated with norovirus and putting your hands in your mouth
  • Having direct contact with another person who is infected and showing symptoms (for example, when caring for someone with the illness, or sharing food or eating utensils with someone who is ill).
  • Also the incuabation period is about 1-2 days after exposure somethimes as short as 12 hours. If you are indeed antibiotic resistent be careful as a person can remain contagious from Norovirus up to 3 weeks after symptoms have disapated.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
yes sir. In February, we stayed at GF with my brother and his family. My brother and I both got it the same day. My wife on our first day back from WDW. My niece got it as they were waiting for the ME to the airport. First time that has happened to as at WDW, and I hope its the last!!! Actually dropped my phone in the sink as I was cleaning up. Not fun.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Its no fun! LOL

And Lysol wipes dont cut it! Gotta use the spray!
I think in your room you're okay. Believe me, I have asthma, and if it weren't clean, I'd know right away. Slept on the floor one night because my parents said, "Oh, let your brother have the sofa bed!" Woke up wheezing from whatever cleaner they used on the floor. Needless to say, they have never suggested that ever again, lol.

Sucks about the antibiotic resistant bacteria.:(


Well-Known Member
So sorry your little one got sick. Norovirus is so contagious, you could have caught it anytime, anywhere. The handrails at Peter Pan's Flight. The lap bar on Splash. The ground someone threw up on in Tomorrowland the day before. (gross I know, but it happens!) You could have caught it in the bathroom at Cracker Barrel on the trip home. It's everywhere.

To me, potential for sickness and WDW go hand in hand. Not only do you have the American flu, you've got the European flu, the South American flu, the Canadian flu, the........ well..... you get the picture. :) It's people from all over the world and all their germs hanging out in one place.

Lucky for us, only one tummy bug in many trips to the World. Here's hoping we can keep up that record!

Also... this might? get better responses in General Discussion?

I hope he is better soon! Be sure to sterilize everything - toothbrushes, everything. I had one friend who couldn't get it out of her house this winter. She had to clean like a crazy person to finally get the reinfections to stop. :cool:

This is all so true...and so gross.


Well-Known Member
That Norovirus is so contagious!! Every time we get a patient with it at the hospital we go overboard with the bleach disinfecting everything! And inevitably, despite our knowledge of the threat and diligence in hand washing, some members of the staff will get it. As was posted earlier people can be spreading it for a few weeks after their symptoms have resolved. There is just no way to avoid getting it, other than constant hand washing with soap and water and never, ever touching your mouth or picking up food without washing your hands first, and regular disinfectant's don't kill it, only bleach. Its an evil, virulent and insidious virus.


Well-Known Member

We left WDW on Friday and BAM, my 6 year old gets Norovirus. We just returned from the ER about an hour ago, as he has been horribly ill since Saturday.

Anyone else get sick? We stayed in the Campgrounds in our RV, and cooked a majority of our own food. We DID do a character breakfast at The Beach Club, and I think that is where he got it from and as I have heard from other folks, they got sick there too...

I hope your kiddo gets better soon! What a bummer.

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