concierge rooms

Does anyone know the answer to this question. If you are in a concierge floor room at one of the wdw resorts, can you bring non guest to your room or to the concierge lounge?


New Member
My guess would be no. I think that would really be misusing your privilages and unfair to everyone else both concierge and non-concierge, and probably wouldn't be tolerated. Put yourself in the shoes of all of the other concierge guests...would you want to spend all that money to have the privilages of concierge and watch someone else bring along all of these other guests who didn't pay? Don't be that person.
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New Member
Originally posted by stinkyface
Does anyone know the answer to this question. If you are in a concierge floor room at one of the wdw resorts, can you bring non guest to your room or to the concierge lounge?

We have at the Grand. But it wasn't to "show them" the floor it was just logistically good at the time so they didn't have to go back to their resort and shower etc.. and we could go out together earlier.

I don't see it as a big issue since i doubt its a problem, otherwise the Concierge desk would check for room ID's the minute you got off the elevator etc...which is a guest inconvenience in and of itself.
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New Member
Originally posted by crazygirley
My guess would be no. I think that would really be misusing your privilages and unfair to everyone else both concierge and non-concierge, and probably wouldn't be tolerated. Put yourself in the shoes of all of the other concierge guests...would you want to spend all that money to have the privilages of concierge and watch someone else bring along all of these other guests who didn't pay? Don't be that person.

But how would someone else staying on the level know that half of your party is paying for a room on that level and half isn't?

If you're thinking of a worse-case scenario, remember, there are obnoxious people of all wallet-sizes.

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New Member
Originally posted by lebernadin
But how would someone else staying on the level know that half of your party is paying for a room on that level and half isn't?

If you're thinking of a worse-case scenario, remember, there are obnoxious people of all wallet-sizes.

It's just common's not fair for other people who can't get up there. It's the rules, and they shouldn't be broken just because you think you should be allowed special privilages for your friends. It's like when people cut in line for a ride...they get right on the ride, but never had to wait like the people behind them. If you bring a non-concierge guest into a concierge lounge to eat and drink as they wish, it isn't fair to those who have paid the money to have those privilages to have people who haven't paid use them. It's almost like stealing, but in a nicer way.
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Originally posted by stinkyface
Does anyone know the answer to this question. If you are in a concierge floor room at one of the wdw resorts, can you bring non guest to your room or to the concierge lounge?

Room - Yes
Lounge - No

Just like at any hotel, you ought to be able to bring visitors up to your room. I don't know why you should have less rights just because you are staying in a concierge room and need a card to get in the building/floor. But, in my opinion, when your visitors start using the lounge, or the pool, or eating the food, you've crossed the line.

Something tells me Disney will still turn a profit on your concierge charge even if your friends grab some food. But I wouldn't do it.
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New Member
Originally posted by crazygirley
It's just common's not fair for other people who can't get up there.

Ah but your original point that i quoted and responded to was in re to the other guests on the concierge level and how would those other guests know if this person was walking around amongst other concierge level guests or their relatives/friends who aren't on concierge level.

Unless they were wearing tshirts saying "we aren't staying on this level and are taking all your fresh fruit!" i wouldn't be the wiser and actually could care less since it doesn't impact my enjoyment.

I think pointing out someone who doesn't "belong" on the floor is more detrimental(to everyone involved) than just continuing on to your room, the elevator etc..

I understand your point in re to someone cutting someone else in line, but that's not the same situation. The person doing the cutting is visible to everyone around them and everyone behind them will then have to wait an extra 30 seconds to get on the attraction, which, however miniscule, does affect everyone.

A family here and there bringing their non-concierge family members or family friends up to see their room or grab a banana or sherry from the bar doesn't affect the rest of the guests directly or indirectly unless a huge scene was made and as an aftermath it was found out the people didn't belong on the floor. But at that point, the initial scene that was made would be more the issue than whether they belonged, right?

As i said before, i've stayed at the Grand on the concierge level. If anything, there needs to be more families doing this to eat all the food that is put out and goes to waste each day because not all on that level choose to eat it combined with lower occupancy to begin with.
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Original Poster
Wow! I didnt expect to hit so many nerves. I apologize! My question, which i suppose i didn't word very well, was about Disney's official policy. I have no intention of breaking any rules, and i am sure i will find out the official answer when i make the reservation. I was just curious if any one knew if this was something concierge guests were allowed to do.
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Well-Known Member
I imagine one could get away with bringing non conceirge guests to graze on the food and take advantage of the views and the other benefits of concerige service...

...but I just think it's Tacky.

It's Kinda like when you ask your wife to fill up her purse at an All-You-Can-Eat buffet.:lol:
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Well-Known Member
I brought someone up to our room before, back in the 80s, and a few years a go. I think disneys doesn't mind if they are in your room, it's just the lounge they care about. And as long as they aren't spending the night, too. :) If you are too worried, you can always just call and ask them.
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Meega, nala kwishta!
On our last trip in October, we brought friends that we had dinner with that night up to our concierge room at AKL. We were on the fifth floor, so you didn't actually need special access to get there (the lounge is on the sixth, and you do need to use your room card to get there). We showed them the room, and the view of the savanna.

Then we went down to Victoria Falls for drinks. So Disney not only made money off us and our friends for drinks, but our friends liked the place so much, they are now thinking of staying there for a weekend get away and they live in the Orlando area!

I don't think Disney would mind. They let them through the gate after I told them they were gests of mine.

But I agree with others in that we did not take them to the lounge, that just wouldn't be fair to all the other paying concierge guests.
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Well-Known Member
Re: Re: concierge rooms

Originally posted by johnvree

Something tells me Disney will still turn a profit on your concierge charge even if your friends grab some food. But I wouldn't do it.

:lol: :lol: aint that the truth..just got back from bwalk concierge, staff was superb and they take alot of crap from the guests who, for the most part were rude and inconsiderate, but imho, not worth the extra $$
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The Mom

Premium Member
Re: Re: Re: concierge rooms

Originally posted by Marijil
:lol: :lol: aint that the truth..just got back from bwalk concierge, staff was superb and they take alot of crap from the guests who, for the most part were rude and inconsiderate, but imho, not worth the extra $$

Did you see me? :lol: I was the solo traveler, middle aged woman with "wild" hair. :lol:

I agree about the rudeness; or maybe just loudness. ;) A couple of mornings I just grabbed a quick cup of coffee, went back to my room, and returned when the crowd had thinned.
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New Member
Our family of 3 has gone to concierge at the Yaught club in the past. We have a couple friends who live in ORlando and Tampa. When we invited them to the room, we were proud to be able to offer them a glass of wine and small snack. We were not trying to take advantage of the situation but if someone just picked you up at the airport, took you shopping and helped with luggage, the least you can do is a small tid-bit. This is accepable behavior in some of the finest Hawwaiian hotels in the world. Why not at Mickey world?
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Meega, nala kwishta!
Re: Re: Re: Re: concierge rooms

Originally posted by The Mom
I agree about the rudeness; or maybe just loudness. ;) A couple of mornings I just grabbed a quick cup of coffee, went back to my room, and returned when the crowd had thinned.

That's what we do too. Take it back to the room. Nothing like watching the animals at AKL plus having the food and drink as well.

We only spent time in the lounge when we were talking to people like CM or other guest we got friendly with. Other than that, we never spent any time except to pick and go.
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New Member
Originally posted by AkiraRaptor

So Disney not only made money off us and our friends for drinks, but our friends liked the place so much, they are now thinking of staying there for a weekend get away and they live in the Orlando area!

Yeah good point, free marketing. :)
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New Member
I was just wondering, how does one get a concierge room and where are they? I feel kind of dumb for asking. :lol: But I've been wondering this for awhile. My mom and I are going to be trying to stay at AKL in March before I move in for the WDWCP. Any tips on how to get a good room? THANKS

Also, on topic, I would say to just ask about it. I think that as long as they aren't in the lounge or staying the night, they would be allowed in!
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