Trip Report **COMPLETED** Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum Take Disney!!!

I am FINALLY ready to start my TR, we've been home for almost 2 weeks and it has been crazy since I walked through the front door. Plus my computer has been acting psycho and was giving me the hardest time when I was trying to upload onto Photobucket!

If you want to read my PTR, here it is

I am going to warn you all, I took almost 1,000 pictures. This is going to be a very picture heavy TR, hope that's okay :D. We all had an amazing time and laughed more than I think we have on any other trip.

So lets get this started shall we???

Day 1! :) (I actually have no pictures from this day lol)

I unfortunately had to work this day, usually a 9-5 shift goes by super fast but this day it was like pulling teeth....

Just to get through the day I made a little countdown and every 10 minutes I would fill in a bubble just to pass the time haha.

FINALLY it hit 4:55pm and I raced out the door, don't tell my boss I left early ;)

I had to go home and finish packing, I never finish on time. I ran home and stuffed the rest of my stuff in my suitcase, threw everything in my car and drove to get Becca.

Everyone in south Florida seemed to be driving on the same road I was and I was getting annoyed... didn't these people know I had a date with a mouse?!?!

I eventually got to Becca's, threw her stuff in my car and we were off!!!


but first, we had to stop at my cousin's and get something for our costumes haha. She lives about an hour north of me and her house was on the way, so not that huge of a detour

we picked up the bows, got on the turnpike and we were not stopping until we got to WDW!!!! We had this awesome playlist we both had made and we were so excited we kept yelling "WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD" out of the window haha, well mainly Becca was, but I may have done it once or twice :D

We stopped at a rest stop, got some Dunkin Donuts and drove the last leg of our trip.

We pulled into AKL around 10:30pm and parked in the garage underneath, which I think is a brilliant idea. I love being able to park and just take an elevator up to the floor I'm staying on.

We went up to the room and made everyone come down and help us unpack the car. Two girls brought so much stuff we filled my car, I have a tiny car but still it was amazing haha.

After unpacking we all had some sandwiches relaxed and all got to know each other, well Becca and I got to know Kevin and his family since we hadn't met them yet.

At about 1am, we pulled out the bed inside the couch and called it a night.

That's it for Day 1, I'm sorry it's all writing and no pictures, but I do promise there are tons of pics from every day past this one!

Thank you all for reading this and hope you are enjoying it :D


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When I left off, we had just finished lunch at Portobello at DTD. While eating we decided we wanted to head over to HS to ride the thrill rides and watch Fantasmic at night. So we headed over to where the West side bus stops usually are...


The construction drove me crazy. It made it seem so cramped and like everyone was packed like sardines walking through. Was not fun haha.

We walked over to West Side by Planet Hollywood where we knew bus stops used to be... I say used to... Due to all the construction they were GONE.


Sooo we walked back over by Raglan Road and took the boat back to Marketplace to walk to Saratoga Springs and take a bus lol



SO MUCH CONSTRUCTION! Didn't they just redo the volcano like last year? haha.

The boat ride was relaxing and took no time. We then walked the pathway over to SS and went to the first bus stop we found and waited all of 5 minutes before a HS bus came and picked us up!


Yay Vacation Club! My family has been DVC members for 13 years now, we LOVE it :D.

We got to HS pretty quickly and met up with my mom who was already there. We all wanted to go meet Ralph and Vanelope so off to Magic of Animation we went!


We waited a little bit longer than we had wanted to about 30 minutes or so, but whatever today was our play by ear day.


Love the details!

Finally it was our turn to meet them. I ran over to give Ralph a huge hug!

He hugged me so hard he hit my head and knocked my sunglasses off haha

Vanellope gave all of us hugs as well, she grabbed me and pulled me back over to Ralph and held my hair over her own and pointed at Ralph. The handler said we were all triplets haha


Ashley obviously was not ready... I love Wreck it Ralph so meeting these characters were super fun!

We left MOA and headed over to ST. We had to pass what used to be American Idol Experience..


I know not very many people liked this show, but I LOVED it. My sister and I would always audition and would perform in the shows so seeing it gone was a little depressing.

We had FP's for ST so we hopped in line


Excuse the blurry pictures. We were walking pretty fast

Now every single time we go on ST the person sitting next to me is ALWAYS the Rebel Spy. They caught me this time, and I was making the weirdest face I SWEAR. It was so embarrassing haha.

I'm not some huge Star Wars fan so I have no idea what scenes we had or anything.

After ST, we headed over to something we rarely watch...


We sat front and center for the show, Becca had never seen it. She LOVED it haha.

Once done hanging out with the Muppets, we saw that Indy was starting in 20 minutes so we headed over to the ice cream cart next to the show and got some treats.

Its a tradition for me to always get a rootbeer float before seeing Indy. I have no idea how it started, but it did haha


The crowds weren't too bad the entire trip, so we ended up with pretty good seats.



The man of the hour!


Something weird happened in this show. The boulder was never let out. Indy started running like it was, but it never did. Kind of an Awkward moment.



Marketplace scene.


Yay volunteers!

That is all I have for now, be posting more soon!



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Back to some Indy pictures! :D


This camera looks older than me.. I mean come on Disney, I know you're eventually scrapping this attraction but the least you could do is keep it up to date lol


Some acrobat action. I love them lol.


A pretty awesome action shot if I do say so myself

Now Becca swears she had no idea this guy was part of the show, she thought he was an actual volunteer haha

She was dying of laughter when he got "punched" which is horrible haha



We finished with the Epic Stunt Spectacular and decided a trip through the movies is what we needed...

They had changed some of the movie costumes and props in the que from the last time I had seen it.



The line was almost no wait at all, we walked straight on pretty much


"Hoooray for Hollywood...."


I had my fingers crossed for the Western scene, but the car infront of us ended up getting it not us :(


We then ended up with an Alien encounter


Where'd Mugsy go? lol :P


Oh look, the front end of the Jungle Cruise plane haha

We then ended up in the wonderful land of OZ




Excuse me sir, where did you get your hat? haha

We finished our journey through the movies and decided we wanted to pay our respects to a childhood star....


Robin Williams, he passed away a few weeks before we went on this trip



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I feel like this TR is coming to an end so quickly. We only really have one full more day after this one! But good news is, I go to WDW in 48 days for my birthday! So this is distracting me from counting down the minutes until then haha....

So where were we?!

We finished with GMR and I had a request! I wanted to go watch Voyage of the Little Mermaid. We had time to kill until our final FP for Fantasmic, so they didn't argue



Yay for outdoutated laser technology! haha


There she is! I have a serious complaint!!!! WHY does Disney dim her hair down all the time? I mean c'mon have you seen the movie? She has FLAMING red hair... In the parks it's like this dull copper color. I don't understand it. Makes me angry. Seeing as I have flaming red hair, why can't she? I had a little girl after the show tell me my hair looked more liked Ariel's than Ariel on stage.

Rant over :D


Really bad picture, the Ursula puppet is ENORMOUS. Did I mention I hadn't seen this show in years lol.


I know they have to do it for the effect, but Ariel's tail here looks like a dead and gutted fish... too much? sorry lol.

Also, Eric's first and last appearance in the show.

As much as I love LM, I can only sit through this show once every few years. Yes, it's cool the first time. But you see just how out dated it is and you leave saying "that's it?"

Once I surfaced from being underwater, we decided it was time to learn how to do draw some Disney characters!


We were in the 2nd row, there were little to no people


We had a pretty new teacher, so we got to learn a classic character! MINNIE!

Now, I am a terrible perfectionist. Yay OCD tendencies haha. This class was HARD for me. I kept wanting to erase everything I did, but the biggest thing there is no erasing. Drove me nuts. But here are our final products:


I said she gave Minnie chipmunk cheeks, she argued her's was best...


She said she was all about the ears obviously haha

and Mine:

I thought mine was the best. It was proportionate and had the best bow hands down!


They both disagreed :( lol

We STILL had more time until our FP's, about 45 minutes. So we decided to wait for TSMM. It had a posted time of 60 minutes, but had heard from a CM was more like 30.


I wish I had a Bzillion dollars, don't you?


America's favorite spud


Uhhh Mr. Potato Head, where'd your pupils go?

We ended up being let through the Handicap entrance and got to bypass a chunk of the line, they sat us with a family of 4, so we took up the other half of the car. Score!



Breaking to rules, we put on our glasses before the ride started... Don't tell Mickey


I WON!!! Ashley beat all of us though... she always does. lol

TSMM took about 45 minutes in total, which meant we were in the window for our FP's on the other side of HS.. and off we went running!



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I would say that all three drawings were nicely done and it's hard to choose the best one. TSMM is a family favorite and while I hate to admit my son always beat the rest of the family in a landslide. Seems to me that everyone is having a wonderful time at Hollywood studious. Following along
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We sprinted over to the theater for Fantasmic. We were way past our FP Window but when we got there, we tapped our bands and saw a green Mickey! Wooo I could stop stressing haha.

We were seated in the 3rd row center. Great seats!


We still had about 15 minutes until showtime. Ashley had been eyeing the "Glow with the Show" ears the entire trip. I told her to just go for it and she bought them!


So we took some selfies and pictures of her and her new ears. PHOTOSHOOT!





I love the princess floats, que the tears



I hate how I can never get a good picture of these!



Brave Little Tailor Mickey :D


Blurry magic!


Here comes the boat



It seemed kind of empty this day. I'm not sure why



I love this picture


Looking at all these pictures is causing the songs to get stuck in my head haha


Mickey! This is probably the one job at WDW I would never want to do... I have a huge fear of heights lol

Fantasmic ended, there may or may not have been some tears from me.

Ashley's ears were super distracting! lol They're amazing. When fireworks go off, the ears flash. When the lights go out, so do the ears! Crazy.

We made our way out of the park. It was past closing time so no one was really there.


My last picture of the day was of an Olaf display....

We headed back to AKL and hit the hay..

Coming up is our final park day. Thank you for following


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Love the Fantasmic show, its one of the best through out WDW. My daughter has the same reaction during the show that you may or may not of had. Love Olaf my favorite character. Following along for the remainder of the report, does it really have to come to an end?


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We woke up early to get to AK at rope drop.. wellllll 3 girls getting ready obviously takes some time


A little blurry lobby action, we moved over to the Jambo house for our last two nights, we lost half our group so no use for a 2 bedrooms.

We got to AK around 9:15 instead of 9 oops. But still it was pretty slow the entire week we were there and this morning was no different.


I guess my camera was feeling blurry this day...


Little better!

We were starving and I was in desperate need of some coffee... We were heading for the Safari anyways so we stopped at the pastry window thing...

I got an iced coffee... is it me or is WDW's iced coffee amazing???

Thank God for the paper straws... I have a horrible time drinking out of cups for some reason haha. Yay for no coordination!

We finished out pastries and coffee and headed inline for KS.. everyone else in the park had the same idea obviously haha

The wait was posted at 30 minutes I think. That is the longest I've ever waited for the ride... It's usually a walk-on


We eventually got on the ride and as always in the mornings, the animals were EVERYWHERE



Sleepy head


"I want a hippopotamus for Christmas"


The gators were super active too




The giraffe was playing hide and seek with us


LOTS of elephants

We finished our 3 week safari a little early and decided why not go explore Mt. Everest and disturb the yeti? Not like he is gonna move or anything... lol


I actually really like that picture


We danced to some music with Disco Yeti, we may or may not have done the hustle together... lol

I was dying to go see Finding Nemo the Musical! I have done theater my whole life and I love this show.


We ended up in the first row of the upper tier. So we were right by where the actors go by and I got a nice bar to put my feet up on!


We go out.. AND THEN BACK IN


When I tell you I'm obsessed with this show... I really am. It's amazing





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More Finding Nemo The Musical!


"Just keep Swimming!"



Just showing you how close we were, this was not zoomed in..



Crush's song is my absolute favorite in the entire show


Yay! Marlin and Dory




After we sang along with Nemo, we headed over to Dinosaur. I personally love this ride. Ash and I play this game, we dont hold on and we lift our feet up. You end of flailing around all over haha. Try it next time I dare you!



I was obviously the only one who knew where the camera was... lol. I am going to be honest, I HATE the next photo dino... It looks like a lizard head on a cherry picker. And they have the picture on the opposite side of it so everyone is looking the other way.. Why did they even change it??

Once we finished with Dinosaur we wanted to head back to the room, it was about 1 or so. We were starving. We went to the Mara to get some lunch.

I got the soup of the day, I think it was coconut chicken curry soup.. OMG amazing


I also got the chicken pita gyro sandwich thing lol. I had it a few days earlier. It is seriously delicious and huge. I barely finished it.

We all took naps. My parents came back while we were eating and napped with us as well lol. We had some big plans for that night. MK had 2 am EMH!

Becca Ashley and I woke up around 4:45 and got ready for the night. We left my parents. I decided to drive my car over there because we didn't want to fight the crowds that night for a bus since we had pretty slow drivers the whole week.

Once there we also decide to take the ferry over, the sun was setting and it was really nice outside



Poly construction.. one day I'll stay in one of the villas. One day


GF... we stayed there once. It's just not my style. I know.. I know. I actually prefer Bay Lake Tower at Contemp. It's very much my style lol


It was a Tiara kind of a night


I know Ashley was mad at us for something.. which is why she stood away from us. I dont remember why she was mad though haha.

That's all I got for now! The last couple of posts of the trip are coming soon. As always, thanks for following along!


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We're so close to the end of this TR :( this is the last night! A few more posts to go though so you do have to deal with me for a little longer. lol

After a relaxing boat ride across Seven Seas Lagoon we ended up at the front gate. We breezed through bag check and tapped our bands and BAM green Mickey. In we went for our final night in the parks :'(


The sun was setting and everything looked beautiful. I love the parks at sunset.

While walking in we saw this guy...

Now Ariel, as you all know is my favorite character. I went up to him and just simply said "why?" haha he explained it was for a Youtube video which I later found online kinda cool. But he said he liked my hair and then they ran off into the sunset. Never a dull moment!

Ashley and Becca were hungry but I was on a mission. I heard a rumor that Tiana was going to be meeting with Naveen. I've never met either of them so I was definitely not missing that! They were just finished with their set but would be back out in 15 minutes. I told Ash and Becca to go eat at Sleepy Hallow and I would wait in line.

They made it back right before we met them.



Naveen was amazing. He hugged me and said "YOU'RE MY FAVORITE PRINCESS. Besides Tiana of course" I was like "what are you talking about?" lol. He was like YOU'RE ARIEL JUST LOOK AT YOU. THe attendant was dying of laughter cause he was screaming it. He then asked me to sing for him. I could not stop laughing haha.

He tried to sing Kiss the Girl and Ashley and I took matters into our own hands to teach him


Tiana was NOT impressed lol


We were having our own little moment lol


We all said goodbye.


Ashley was oh so classy with Tiana.


Naveen told me he hopes I get my tail back so we can go swimming together. I was still dying of laughter. BEST MEET AND GREET EVER lol

At this point the sun was completely down and we were just kinda of wandering around. Park was open very late with EMH so we had the whole night


I seriously miss this castle right now

We then headed across the hub to Tomorrowland


I love Laugh Floor so we definitely had to head over there

On our way out, my parents called to let us know they were in the park and wanted to meet somewhere. We decided the best way was through the castle. I wanted to stop at Momento Mori for something as well


I love this picture of the castle :)


I picked up two antenna toppers for my car. One hitchhiking ghost and one madame Leota tombstone. I love them!

We finished up there and decided to meet my parents in Adventureland... Off we went!


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The TR is so close to over :(. Thank you all for staying and following along for the past couple months. We still have a few more posts, but I feel like it's ending so soon! Good news is, I'm back in WDW in 39 more days!!!

SO where were we?? Oh yeah, going to meet the parentals!

We decided to meet over at POTC




Kinda awkward... at this moment my parents were like "JESS THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT YOU!" I was like stop mom dad please.... lol. The whole boat was dying... they were all saying "You're the red head!" Sooooo weird haha. At least we had a fun boat

When we finished sailing with our favorite Pirates, EMH was just starting. I had a mission for the night, I had to meet Ariel to show her my phone case I had custom made. So off we strolled to New Fantasyland... Can you still call something new when it's been around for over 2 years??? oh well


Ashley's face looks kinda crazy there ^^^ haha. I'm waiting for the day I can meet Prince Eric and he invites me to move into this castle. "Oh Eric. Marry you? What would my father say!" haha I love that entire scene in the movie.

Wishes was scheduled to start in about 5 minutes and we decided to watch it from this secret place Ashley found the other day. Now if I tell you where it is, you cannot let anyone else know! Then EVERYONE will go there haha...


We sat at the tables and chairs over by the Meet and greet lines and sat down. We could see every firework except what they fire right by the castle. Of course you don't have the castle as the backdrop, but it is still really nice. Just SUPER LOUD. Since you're closer to where they're fired from.


I suck at taking Firework pics so forgive me...


We finished watching Wishes and according to my pictures, we ended up at Space Mt? Okay haha. I don't remember this but I'll go with it!


We then went back to Storybook Circus and said what the heck why not and rode the rides!

Now as all of you who have been on Barnstormer know, it was not made to fit 2 adults comfortably. So Becca, Ash and I each got our own row haha


The CM even said "smart" haha. Becca felt special since she got a wing over her head

After our 12 second ride with Goofy, my mom begged to go on Dumbo... something I don't like going on. I hate heights and spinning like that. It's kinda boring also but whatever haha. We walked on.


When we got to choose our Dumbos.... THEY LEFT ME ALONE! They all paired up and here I was forever alone...



I'm pretty happy for someone who was abandoned haha


So remember how I said I hated this ride... wellllllll my car didn't work AT ALL. I brought it up to the top and tried to bring it down... nope my Dumbo decided he was staying at the top and that was that! So I rode around and my mom kept saying I was boring for not moving and I kept yelling 'I'M TRYING, DUMBO HATES ME" So we were all dying of laughter.

After the "Super fun" ride with Dumbo, I said that I needed to meet Ariel or else lol. So off we went! 5 minute wait. My mom was so excited, she said it was because she hasn't seen me meet Ariel since I was 10 so this was going to be adorable. She started fixing my hair and stuff, super weird lol.

Finally she told me to swim on over!


She said she loved my shirt "It was a traditional tattood style Little Mermaid"

We then talked about our hair color and how I looked so much more like her than her sisters did and how we needed to be twins because we obviously were. I was loving it! My mom was smiling so hard


Everyone else said they didn't want pictures with her, they wanted me to have my time. Such a caring group I know lol.

I then showed her my phone case. I had a custom little mermaid case made by someone on Instagram. It was covered in 3D things. The main focus were two pictures of Ariel covered in tattoos and piercings and an ursula. I loved that case so much. It unfortunately broke and I ended up getting a new phone anyways.

When I showed her my case she was amazed she said "Look at all those thingamabobs!"

She also asked me how I got a fish hook stuck in my nose "If you didn't notice yet, I have my nose pierced with a hoop" So she asked me how it happened and if I planned on taking it out or not. I said no I like it, she said "Me too! But Daddy would never like it if I did that" My dad piped up and said "Yeah I didn't" haha. Such a great interaction!


I don't know if you can see the case, but it is COVERED lol

Becca then said it was her turn to join us! So she swam on over and we talked about hair colors some more since Becca's was blue. We talked about what color tails we would have. She said she knew mine would be teal like hers since we were obviously twins.


I was obviously enjoying the heck out of this!


The interaction was great, she spent 20 minutes with us in total. It was amazing. It was the end of her shift because the CM kept saying Ariel we have to go check on flounder and she kept saying Oh well he's a big guppy I want to spend time with my new friends.

I've met Ariel before but she just took the time to make it special I loved it.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear we are almost at the end. I love reading your trip report because it really brings a smile to my family's face. What a great interaction with Ariel to me she has always been one of the best. Will be watching for the rest of the report.


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Almost at the end, but still great :)
We're almost there, but happily it'll be time to start the next one soon! I leave in 37 days!

Sorry to hear we are almost at the end. I love reading your trip report because it really brings a smile to my family's face. What a great interaction with Ariel to me she has always been one of the best. Will be watching for the rest of the report.
Thank you! That means a lot, I'm happy I can share my experiences for others to enjoy :) I'll be posting some more now


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The last day in the Parks is almost over! :'( but in great news.... I'll be leaving for my next trip in 37 days!!! I cannot wait :D

Okay, lets wrap this trip up shall we?

Everyone finished laughing at me and my twin (Ariel) and I made the executive decision... LETS RIDE HER RIDE lol. Remember that "leader of the pack" shirt from a few days before? Yeah totally should have been wearing it...

We walked on and one CM even said "Welcome Home princess" to me, I died haha. My mom looked at me and said "Great, her head is even bigger now" HEY! MY head did not grow at all.... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


I seriously hate how they made of the Ariel AA's look on this ride... they all look like they have smoked a little bit of somethin somethin if you know what I mean.. lol



This Ariel looks like she's got someone trying to put her hair in a pony tail.... I know they changed this one in particular from DLCA because everyone called her "Dole Whip" head, but this is not better! I'm just super critical of LM things oops:p

At least they got one thing right...

Ursula looks amazing :inlove::inlove:


Flounder here always makes me laugh lol

I finished fan girling over everything LM and we crisscrossed the park over to Frontierland. Everyone wanted to ride BTMRR


We pretty much walked right one since it was EMH and no one was there!

We always request to sit in the back, the Wildest ride in the wilderness is even wilder back there!

After we were done being flinged around the back of a runaway train, my dad was tired and isn't the biggest MK fan.... which is a sin I know. He left and went back to AKL. The 4 of us needed a restroom break and where does one stop when needing a bathroom in MK??

The Tangled restrooms of course!

I love this area at night, it just makes me super happy

Once we finished our business, my mom had a request, which she never does so we agreed to go with it. She wanted to ride PPF, it only had a 10 minute wait so off we went flying


PPF was magical as usual, I love riding anything Walt helped create it just makes me happy.

We walked by Fairytale hall and saw the impossible....



I was NOT missing that. My mom didn't want to go, so she went a sat down while we went in line. We were the oldest in there without any children and I had no shame... I was going to meet them.

I LOVE Anna, shes quirky and goofy and I love everything about her lol. I also have been obsessed with musical theater my whole life so Idina Menzel voicing Elsa was the greatest thing ever.



It is so beautiful in there. Just wish the lighting was better.. HELLO Disney, fix the lighting especially somewhere you know your princesses are meeting. Don't you want them to look good too??

Be prepared... I'm about to spam you with pics of Anna and Elsa...


Anna was pretty good, I wish she was more quirky, but I'm not complaining. We all did a group shot, and of course everyone wanted their own solo shot


Becca said she wanted warm hugs like Olaf

I went up and Anna said that my hair made her think of her favorite mermaid.. are you seeing a theme here? lol

We did Sven antlers!


Ashley just wanted to be a princess.

Anna asked how we all knew each other. We explained that Becca was my best friend and Ash and I were sisters. She then asked how old blah blah blah... When she found out we were the same age as her and Elsa she flipped out! She yelled "ELSA!!! ELSA!! They're us!" and Elsa just looked at her and said "Okay Anna, but I am meeting other little princesses" it was so funny haha.


Time for the queen! I love her dress and shoes. Amazing costuming. She was very intimidating lol. Kinda nerve wracking.


Ashley looked super nervous



Elsa told Becca she obviously had ice powers cause of her blue hair


Our awkward Ice power pose that obviously none of us can do because Elsa outshines all of us haha..

That's all for now folks. Will be wrapping up soon!

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