I am FINALLY ready to start my TR, we've been home for almost 2 weeks and it has been crazy since I walked through the front door. Plus my computer has been acting psycho and was giving me the hardest time when I was trying to upload onto Photobucket!
I am going to warn you all, I took almost 1,000 pictures. This is going to be a very picture heavy TR, hope that's okay . We all had an amazing time and laughed more than I think we have on any other trip.
So lets get this started shall we???
Day 1! (I actually have no pictures from this day lol)
I unfortunately had to work this day, usually a 9-5 shift goes by super fast but this day it was like pulling teeth....
Just to get through the day I made a little countdown and every 10 minutes I would fill in a bubble just to pass the time haha.
FINALLY it hit 4:55pm and I raced out the door, don't tell my boss I left early
I had to go home and finish packing, I never finish on time. I ran home and stuffed the rest of my stuff in my suitcase, threw everything in my car and drove to get Becca.
Everyone in south Florida seemed to be driving on the same road I was and I was getting annoyed... didn't these people know I had a date with a mouse?!?!
I eventually got to Becca's, threw her stuff in my car and we were off!!!
but first, we had to stop at my cousin's and get something for our costumes haha. She lives about an hour north of me and her house was on the way, so not that huge of a detour
we picked up the bows, got on the turnpike and we were not stopping until we got to WDW!!!! We had this awesome playlist we both had made and we were so excited we kept yelling "WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD" out of the window haha, well mainly Becca was, but I may have done it once or twice
We stopped at a rest stop, got some Dunkin Donuts and drove the last leg of our trip.
We pulled into AKL around 10:30pm and parked in the garage underneath, which I think is a brilliant idea. I love being able to park and just take an elevator up to the floor I'm staying on.
We went up to the room and made everyone come down and help us unpack the car. Two girls brought so much stuff we filled my car, I have a tiny car but still it was amazing haha.
After unpacking we all had some sandwiches relaxed and all got to know each other, well Becca and I got to know Kevin and his family since we hadn't met them yet.
At about 1am, we pulled out the bed inside the couch and called it a night.
That's it for Day 1, I'm sorry it's all writing and no pictures, but I do promise there are tons of pics from every day past this one!
Thank you all for reading this and hope you are enjoying it
The parade pictures are just beautiful. I have yet to see this parade in person but your pictures are almost as good as being there myself.Following along.
The parade pictures are just beautiful. I have yet to see this parade in person but your pictures are almost as good as being there myself.Following along.
Alice, Hatter, and Jiminy Cricket from far away. We all know how much I love Alice and the Hatter
I've always felt kind of bad for Snow, she's the only princess in this parade who is not on a float. She's the original princess, why wasn't she invited to be on the float?? Lol
Love this costume!!!
I drooled some more over the costumes in this parade
I wish I had the creativity Disney's costume designers have
Bubbles!! As with all the other floats, I'm in love with this one lol
So many cool things to look
That performer has the coolest spot in the parade, she just gets to sit up there and see everything from up high, where do I sign up??
We could see the main man and his lady in the distance!
More costumes I drooled over
I loved Chip and Dale in these costumes... I sound like I'm obsessed with costumes haha. I use to costume in high school for the theater department
Mickey and Minnie!
And with that, the parade was over... until next year my friend!
That is all I have for today guys, thanks for following. I will be posting more after the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
I enjoyed your trip report! I've been to Disney World many times, but not during Halloween. Your report really makes me want to go next year. Thank you so much for sharing.
I enjoyed your trip report! I've been to Disney World many times, but not during Halloween. Your report really makes me want to go next year. Thank you so much for sharing.
Halloween time is amazing at WDW! We've gone so many times but only in the past 2 years have we visited during Halloween and because it is so amazing we have vowed to always come back during lol. Thank you for following along, there is so much more to come!
After FOF parade, Becca had one request... we had to go see the Country Bears!! Her and I love this show, my sister hates it, but she suffers through it because we outnumbered her. Plus we're older, that's how it works lol
We walked up right as the doors opened for the next show... SCORE! We sat in the center of the theater and enjoyed singing along with those bears!
Ash and I loved the Country Bears movie when we were younger so watching this show just makes me think of that movie and it just makes me happy.. dorky I know haha
Finally it was time for our favorite part......
BIG AL!!! "And there was blood on the saddle. And there was blood on the ground" haha, Ashley and I will sing this all day long after seeing this show... and we did.
We finished with the bears and according to my pictures, we hung out in Frontierland a little bit longer. I don't remember this, but according to my next picture we went to BTMRR
I have no other pictures from BTMRR, but I do have some from SM!! Now to be honest, I have always hated this ride from when I was little. My parents lied to me when I was 4, they said to do child swap for this ride, we had to get in the log and ride it a little then they would let us out.... well as we all know... NOT TRUE. I have had trust issue with theme park rides ever since
I enjoy everything about this ride except the main drop, I hate it. No idea why, just do
Isn't she beautiful? lol They sat us in the first 2 rows which sucks for us.
I then asked Ashley to make a nicer face... this is what I got
I don't know how I deal with her
After the drop, I took my camera out
I love this set piece. The chickens and other animals make me laugh every time
This picture makes me laugh so hard.
My head is not down because I'm scared, it's down because of my hair. You probably have noticed by now that I have really red hair lol. Well, red hair is very hard to keep up, it fades constantly especially when it gets wet. I didn't want to deal with my hair dripping red for a few hours so I tried to hide it haha.
After SM, we headed out of MK and off t somewhere else. Where did we go??? I guess you will have to stick around to find out...
Great Ashley facial expressions getting ready for SM. The rest of the parade pictures turned out good. You are correct in thinking how the costumes are creative and Disney does a wonderful job at that. Following along.
Who's ready for some F&W fun??? Good, so am I! lol.
We hopped on the Monorail @ TTC and jumped tracks over to the Epcot Monorail.
On the Monorail we met the cutest little kid and his mom. They live in the Orlando area and came over to WDW for the day. He is obsessed with the Monorail and they had been riding it for about an hour. He kept saying "One more loop mommy?" She finally said she was bored of it haha. He then told me that his mommy told him Disney's main rules, Disney doesn't open until after nap time. And that it is impossible to cry in Disney. I will pass these rules along to my future children. Sounds like a great way to keep the trips drama free! haha
We entered into Epcot and headed over to Club Cool for some yucky soda
We couldn't trick Becca with Beverly! The CM told us they had to remove it for F&W because guests would drink to much, come in there and try the soda and get sick on the floor
After I was done dying from laughter from that story we headed into WS
We found a table over by the main gift shop right by the entrance to WS
We had Ash stand at the table and we went over to Hawaii! We all got the same thing...
PORK SLIDER my mouth is watering right now thinking about it.
One of my favorite things at F&W
THen we headed over to Greece, there was a little bit of a backup with the gyros, the other items were prepared but we had to wait bout 10 minutes for the gyros. No big deal, there were about 30 people waiting .
We finally got the gyros and found a table overlooking the lagoon! SCORE
The gyro was amazing as usual, I just picked the onions off. I hate raw onions lol.
I downed the gyro in 2.8 seconds and I was ready for some more! Becca and I headed to Canada while Ash waited with the table
Canada's line went by super fast and we were back at the table in like 2 minutes lol. Ash then hopped in line for some food
I got the Cheddar cheese soup YUM! and the filet mignon... eh
I loved the soup as usual. I am just not a huge red meat eater, my mom told me I had to try the filet. I just did not enjoy it at all. I loved the mushrooms though!
I could so go for some soup right about now
My parents ended up meeting us while we were eating in Canada. Once we finished eating we al needed to reload our F&W GCs so we stopped by the stand in Canada while my parents got some beers.
While Ash and Becca loaded theres I shopped around and laughed at the tshirts there
I was dying over the shirts, kinda shocked I didn't buy one For those of you who don't know, I work for the NHL team in my area and I am completely obsessed with hockey so these were right up my alley
More will be coming tomorrow. Thank you for following along!
I feel like I haven't posted in forever... I've been creeping on the forums but haven't gotten around to posting more of my TR haha but I am ready for more. The real question is... are you all ready???
Welllll I hope so because here we go!
When we left off, I was laughing my butt of over hockey shirts in Canada. My mom was in line for a beer near the Canada cart. One of the CMs saw her band that I decorated and she called me over. They had just given the CMs there own bands and they wanted to know how to decorate them. Gave them the info and my dad was practically dragging us into the UK
Becca and I sat on the curb outside the pub and people watched while my dad went into the pub for a beer
For some reason my mom couldn't find me and Becca sitting right there on the curb, she walked past us 3 times before she realized it was us... I mean hello, bright red and blue hair lady! You're not going to see that all around lol
We peeled ourselves off the curb and headed into France. I was excited for the Escargot. I loved it before and was kind of bummed when I heard they were changing it.
It was pretty good, a little too much garlic in it for my liking. I still miss the brioche escargot. This one you could not really taste the escargot, or find it even lol.
My mom also got the new slush drink.
I tried it, it was pretty good actually. I did try the one form the years before, like it better. Seeing a theme here? I liked France before they changed it. Don't change what isn't broken
We finished our food and kept walking on our food journey since that's all we were there for lol.
I stopped at Brazil to get the cheese bread
I had read a review that said these were amazing, they were okay... Not much flavor. The cheese had no flavor, it was just a texture to chew on. The bread was good though.
The rest of them left me and went over to Japan. I met them and they all got the sushi. I usually get it, but at this point I was full to the max. So I just sat down while they enjoyed.
Someone, I'm not sure who exactly, wanted to try sake and ended up getting the peach gel? All I know is we were all super confused why it was called gel until it was opened.
When you poured it into the glass, it was liquid but it quickly turned into a gel! I was amazed lol. I tasted it, I'm not a huge peach fan, but I loved it!
At this point I think we were all ready to explode so we all adopted Becca and I's strolling pace that we had been using the whole trip.
We strolled into Italy looked around a little, again someone got an alcoholic beverage. I think this was the Italian Margarita
I really liked it. Tasted like really good frozen lemonade haha.
We finished strolling through the countries and decided to head out before the fireworks started to beat the crowds.
I really do love SSE, it's gorgeous at night. Like I said before, I use to not like Epcot at all. Now I am appreciating it a lot more!
It's really good that we decided to head back to the resort early because right as the bus came, the flood gates opened and everyone and their mother was racing to the buses.
We made it back to the room and relaxed with everyone. Everyone was exhausted after 4 straight days in the parks. We all just laughed and laughed for hours with each other. Good bonding time.
That is all I have for tonight. More coming up tomorrow! Thanks for reading
Sorry for no recent updates, the holidays and everything KILLED me lol. I will hopefully wrap the TR up by the end of this month we are already counting down the days until our next trip in March. Thank you as always for following along, much more to come
I will definitely be posting some tonight! I havent started my PTR for March yet, but I will most likely start that tonight as well. I will definitely let you know when I start that!
Sooo I haven't posted in almost a month... I suck I know haha. But I'm back and ready to finish strong!
We woke up around 9:30. Today was our "let's play it by ear" day and we decided we wanted to go to DTD... Becca, Ash and I were the only ones going so we threw on whatever clothes and headed out.
First stop I think was the restroom because my first picture was this infront of WP
lol, ignore Becca. She was putting on hand sanitizer I think.
More pictures while I waited
Once we all were finished we headed over to the one place I wanted to be.. Co-Op!
Had to pass Once Upon a Toy of course
Then I saw this....
I love the Beautifully Disney collection and when I heard that they had it here as a trunk store I was DEAD. We had to go!
I loved the store, the CMs were super helpful and they even offered to do our makeup for free. We didn't have the time to do it. but If it's there next time you can bet that's where I'll be!
They had 3 other stores in there. One was a sports themed, one was customizable phone cases and the other like a home store based of attractions. Pretty awesome if you ask me
Next up was WOD
I do love this store, there's so much in there for EVERYONE!
Becca and Ashley said they found my shirt
Since I ALWAYS end up acting like the tour guide of the group. I have to admit, I really did want the shirt haha.
We finished all our shopping and we were STARVING! We passed by Portobello and decided to give it a try.
Ashley's beautiful face
Becca and I, you could obviously tell it was a very lazy day by how crazy our hair looks haha.
This bread was AMAZING. It had rosemary on it, and the roasted garlic with it was to die for.
Our food came out quickly and it was bubbling hot.
I had the four cheese pizza. It had Mozarella and Gorgonzola on it for sure. With sundried tomatoes. It was delicious!
I cannot remember what everyone else had haha. I was occupied by my own food.
We had a really weird waiter. He was making awkward jokes no one understood and kept like touching our arms and stuff. I was trying to laugh it off but Ashley really was creeped out haha. I was like ummmmm just ignore it?
We finished lunch and decided to head to HS....
I have to go do some laundry right now. But I will be posting more soon! Thanks for following