Trip Report **COMPLETED** Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum Take Disney!!!

I am FINALLY ready to start my TR, we've been home for almost 2 weeks and it has been crazy since I walked through the front door. Plus my computer has been acting psycho and was giving me the hardest time when I was trying to upload onto Photobucket!

If you want to read my PTR, here it is

I am going to warn you all, I took almost 1,000 pictures. This is going to be a very picture heavy TR, hope that's okay :D. We all had an amazing time and laughed more than I think we have on any other trip.

So lets get this started shall we???

Day 1! :) (I actually have no pictures from this day lol)

I unfortunately had to work this day, usually a 9-5 shift goes by super fast but this day it was like pulling teeth....

Just to get through the day I made a little countdown and every 10 minutes I would fill in a bubble just to pass the time haha.

FINALLY it hit 4:55pm and I raced out the door, don't tell my boss I left early ;)

I had to go home and finish packing, I never finish on time. I ran home and stuffed the rest of my stuff in my suitcase, threw everything in my car and drove to get Becca.

Everyone in south Florida seemed to be driving on the same road I was and I was getting annoyed... didn't these people know I had a date with a mouse?!?!

I eventually got to Becca's, threw her stuff in my car and we were off!!!


but first, we had to stop at my cousin's and get something for our costumes haha. She lives about an hour north of me and her house was on the way, so not that huge of a detour

we picked up the bows, got on the turnpike and we were not stopping until we got to WDW!!!! We had this awesome playlist we both had made and we were so excited we kept yelling "WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD" out of the window haha, well mainly Becca was, but I may have done it once or twice :D

We stopped at a rest stop, got some Dunkin Donuts and drove the last leg of our trip.

We pulled into AKL around 10:30pm and parked in the garage underneath, which I think is a brilliant idea. I love being able to park and just take an elevator up to the floor I'm staying on.

We went up to the room and made everyone come down and help us unpack the car. Two girls brought so much stuff we filled my car, I have a tiny car but still it was amazing haha.

After unpacking we all had some sandwiches relaxed and all got to know each other, well Becca and I got to know Kevin and his family since we hadn't met them yet.

At about 1am, we pulled out the bed inside the couch and called it a night.

That's it for Day 1, I'm sorry it's all writing and no pictures, but I do promise there are tons of pics from every day past this one!

Thank you all for reading this and hope you are enjoying it :D


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So at this point I am not really sure what part I'm on... this is going to be a much longer TR than I expected, I didn't realize just how many pictures I took. Hope you all are okay with that! lol I figured you would be.

Sooooooo let's continue! Back to the Boo to You Parade!

After HM, it was time for the HoDown!

When I first saw this parade I was very confused... why were there cowboys in a Halloween parade? It took some major thinking to figure it out haha, not one of my finest moments I will admit that :banghead:


Clarabelle! We used to joke with my mom that she was Clarabelle the cow because my dad always said he was Goofy. I can't even count how many times she got offended by that, but hey at least she got to be a Disney character!


Isn't she fabulous?


COUNTRY BEARS!!!!!!!! Becca and I LOVE them, you'll see later on when we go to visit them. Big Al is my favorite "There was blood on the saddle" haha :hungry:


There's a bad picture of all the characters walking away haha. Chip and Dale were so cute in their outfits


Up next were the newest additions to the parade....

VANELLOPE and RALPH! I love Wreck It Ralph, Vanellope is such a kick a** character. She's definitely a favorite of mine, but more on that later!


Not a very good picture, oops. My camera has a mind of its own sometimes

This whole section of the parade has scent cannons on the floats, it smelled INCREDIBLE! Oh my gosh haha. Becca didn't believe me when I told her they piped scents out of them. She said that was so weird, but so amazing haha.


The candy corn was cute, made me think of Toy Story 2 :p


I kept expecting Buzz and Hamm to pop out from underneath them


GOOFY! I've always loved Goofy's Candy Company, especially the store at DTD. This float is just candy for the eyes, so much to look at


I kind of liked how that picture came out, not so sure why haha


Bubbles! I am not ashamed to admit that while at WDW I feel it necessary to pop the bubbles that come my way :rolleyes:


With the sights of these 3, I knew exactly what was coming... VILLAINS!

I do love me some villains, I am dying for the day that I can meet an Ursula face character.


Gotta love the way these guy fake play their instruments. Plus their lip synching is on point:cool:


Pain and Panic rave style! They both had glow sticks and definitely looked like they were raving haha.

The float went by so quickly, I couldn't get a good picture :arghh:

With the villains float, the parade was over.... goodbye until next year friend.

Posting more right now! I finally fixed the problems on my computer so I will be able to post more quickly now!!!
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After the parade, we headed over to Club Villain! I had heard so much about it and how amazing it was, AND I head that Anastasia and Drizella would be there... I NEEDED to get there lol

We walked in and it was so cool in there! They had music playing and about 5 villains walking around dancing with you and interacting, definitely my kind of place!

So there's a little back story, Becca and I originally were not planning on being Tweedle Dee and Dum. Ashley and I had actually decided on being Anastasia and Drizella last year and had started costumes, but due to some timing issues, we didn't finish. My dad as a nice gesture, changed the names on our bands to Anastasia for Ash and Drizella for me. That was before we changed the costumes. I am obsessed with the step sisters, they act exactly like Ash and I. We are loud, obnoxious, crazy, and not the most attractive at times haha.

We saw Anastasia and walked right up to her!


The three of us discussing how we were having a problem making their dresses and how hard it was! Anastasia had some ideas on how to make it easier, but they would never pass her mother's tests. lol


A "cute" picture :D

I then sprinted over to Drizella, I heard a CM say she only had 5 minutes left until she had to go. I was going to meet her!


I showed her my MagicBand and how it had her name on it. She was offended because I decorated it like a mermaid, when she obviously was better. She did say that my hair screamed mermaid.


We also met Lady Tremaine, no pictures with her. But, she was told by her daughter that we attempted to be them and that we obviously could not uphold their high standards. She then said I wasn't even close to their costumes now. There's no arguing with her so I just agreed. :rolleyes:

Before we left, I needed a picture with this

Where can I purchase/take this from? I NEED this for my room.

After Club Villain, we decided to go back to Tomorrowland. We agreed to hit all the trick or treating locations on the way and we took the long way over there.

We definitely hit the one where my friend was working over by the Speedway. He gave me hand fulls again! We hit the trail over by Storybook Circus twice and got a lot and I really do mean A LOT of candy.

It was about 11:50 when our bags finally got so heavy it was hard to carry so we decided on one more ride before the party was over.

We decided on Buzz... none of us can ride together, all we do is argue about where to turn the car so we all rode alone.

The ride ended up stopping us right where the orange robot is for about 3 minutes. I thought I was doing really well! Until I saw Ashley in front of me.... SHE MAXED OUT AT 999,999.. I was so angry! haha

I ended up with this score

This was a high score for me. I was very proud of myself. Becca came in last out of the 3 of us. She is still learning :happy:


My "Focused" face haha


Becca looks very angry doesn't she?

We did stop for some PP pictures


We slowly made our way out of MK, we had an amazing first day in the parks and MNSSHP was even more amazing then the year before

Back in our room at AKL, everyone else was asleep so we were as quiet as possible getting ready for bed. We were asleep by 1:30.

That is the end of day 2... wow that took a while. Everyone still with me? haha Thanks again for following along. I will have day 3 tomorrow! :brb:
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We woke up whenever our bodies told us to, we had two long nights in a row. I think it was around 10am. My mom was making breakfast so the smell of bacon was heavenly to wake up to.

No one really had any plans that they NEEDED to do this day, our whole group is very go with the flow. My mom had a great idea though, she suggested we go to HS and see the Frozen Sing a long!

I was dying to go see it, so was my mom and Ash. Kevin and his family wanted to go do Disney Quest, so it was the 6 of us. My parents, Ash, Becca, Paulie, and I.

While waiting for everyone else to finish getting ready, Paulie saw my tutu from the Halloween party and decided to become a ballerina


Don't tell him I posted this :joyfull: He'd kill me haha

We were out of the room by 11:30 and at the bus stop

Becca bought us these crowns for our trip in may for the Rock your Disney side event and we never wore them so this whole trip we wore them!

The bus came almost right away, we were the only ones so it was a private drive over there. By private I mean all of us were obnoxiously loud and laughed the entire way over.

We got there pretty quickly and headed into the park


This sign made me really sad... first off why does HS close so early!?!?! secondly... I LOVED Backlot Tour and when it closed a little piece of me died :cry: I know it wasn't anything special, but I've always loved it. The costume and scene shops you race through... the boneyard... all of it. I also loved volunteering to be in the Harbor attack show!

We walked in and saw this beauty

Later that week while we were there, they announced that they will be taking it down in 2015. This was the only picture I think I took of it this whole trip... I use to hate the hat, now that I know it's leaving, I'll miss it.

So we had one mission while there today.... FROZEN SING ALONG.

I lead the group in a brisk power walk to the theater, they weren't giving out the passes like I had heard they were. I asked the CM and she said there was a show starting in 10 minutes and there was room for us! I could have hugged her!

To sit together, we ended up in the back of the theater which was okay with us. As long as we got to see it, we were happy


Selfie before the show. I think we were the oldest group there without a child haha. No shame! It's WDW we can be as old or young as we want.


That pole was in my way of the screen, but I didn't need the lyrics... I knew all of them :happy:

I am gonna warn you.... we were VERY far away, none of my pictures came out very well...


The stage was cute! I was so excited for this show. The little girls infront of us kept turning around and staring at me... oops haha


ANNA! I love Anna, she is quirky, silly, and not afraid to be herself. The two narrators were hilarious! The jokes were definitely up my alley :p

They would tell the story of Arandalle, and play the songs as they would appear in the movie. I was singing along having a great time. My mom and dad even knew the words and joined in! Paulie has yet to see Frozen so he just enjoyed


Let It Go :D


I was the most excited for one thing.... KRISTOFF! I had heard some rumors that the face character was ummmm well hot haha. :facepalm:

Horrible picture, but the rumors I had heard were true. He looked just like the movie!


I may or may not have screamed when he came out... the mom infront of me turned around and said "I know right?" Glad to know I'm not the only one!!!!



In Summer! Why couldn't we have an Olaf character come out?


Ashley was very upset they didn't do Fixer Upper

It was finally time for the Queen

Horrible pictures I swear, but we enjoyed it!

She came out and lead us all in a reprise of Let it Go


Look how cute Anna and Kristoff are together!



Fierce pose!

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After we watched the sing along, I had one place I needed to visit...


There was almost nothing here for us really to do, they had the snow play area for kids, but that's about it. They had some nice looking cocktails... but no one was feeling it at 10 am haha. :hilarious:

Once done drooling over all the Frozen merch we couldn't afford, and reading the ridiculous signs stating only 5 per guest! I couldn't believe it lol. We needed some thrill rides!


Hello beautiful... and only a 10 minutes wait?!? Could you get any more perfect?? Definitely! Look at the sky behind it! Being from south FL, you know how much it rains, we had a lot of luck with the weather this week!

Becca is not a huge thrill ride person, EE is tough for her but she sucks it up. She had never been on TOT. The 5 of us begged her to go on, she finally gave in! She was super nervous but we were all proud


That is her I'm nervous but trying to hide it face :hilarious:


We walked directly in to the pre show room, we mouthed all the words as usual to the video. After that, we entered directly into..... THE BOILER ROOM! ha.. see what I did there? Cheesy I know :cool:

We were seated in the back row of the elevator. Becca clinged onto Paulie and I during the entire ride! haha

That's me in the red shirt, Becca, Paulie, Ashley with her phone in her face, My
mom and Dad

I'm in love with that ride picture haha. TOT is Ash, Paulie and I's favorite ride so Paulie looked at us and said "Again?"

My parent sat the next round out. We walked right on again and sat in the back row. The guy next to us was a little obnoxious, but then again, so are we haha. He kept screaming when we were in the dark and he terrified the little kid infront of us...

It's actually kind of funny, both pictures it looks like its the same picture of me photoshopped into both pics haha. I always do the same pose o_O

We found my parents after we got off and Paulie had a request he wanted to ride RNR! Becca and I wanted something cold to drink, it was getting a little hot out, which is saying something since we're all from FL haha. Ash and Paulie went single rider and we all sat and talked about F&W which we would be going to that night.


After Ash and Paulie got off RNR, he wanted to go again. RNR use to be my favorite ride until I finally got over my TOT fear so I decided to go on with him. Gotta get at least one ride in per trip! It does give me a headache though.

Paulie and I ended up sitting in the same car just one row behind each other.

Everyone was waiting for us at the exit once we got off. We all wanted to go back to the room and relax for a little bit before EMH at Epcot!

We made it back around 3pm and took a nap, I don't think I slept I read TR and stuff on here haha.

Kevin and his family came back to the room also and relaxed a little. They had a lot of fun at DQ. We all got ready to leave and go to Epcot, we were out by 5:15! Great timing for 9 people.
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We got to Epcot and we all had 10 different directions we wanted to go in haha.


I really love that picture. SSE is just amazing to look at. When I was younger, I didn't like Epcot at all, as I've gotten older I have come to appreciate all of it the countries, futureworld, everything!

SSE had no line at all, so we all decided to hop on

My pictures on here never turn out good...

Becca and I made our future, I was eating a lollipop I had gotten from MNSSHP and was not going to stop eating it for the picture haha. So this is what turned out


After SSE, we headed over to outside the Land pavilion to meet up with Kevin and everyone. They all wanted to head over to Sum of All Thrills to make rollercoasters. I am incredibly claustrophobic and the few times i've been on this, I have had to hit the button in the middle and stop the ride, and as you all know Becca hates rollercoasters.

We had something else in mind..... what would 2 "young adults" do while waiting for everyone else?



So mature aren't we? We each got our piggies and played the game! We saved way more than enough, mine was for an awesome vacation, hers for college haha. I was saving in my mind for a huge Disney vacation!

Once we saved enough, we headed over to the other Innoventions to meet up with the rest of the group


So beautiful... I am starting to love this park more and more

When we got over to SOAT they were all on different ride vehicles at the same time collectively screaming haha. Funny thing to experience from the outside. My mom, Annie, Becca, and I were dying of laughter

We all played around Innoventions a little bit

Hi Becca!


How many adults does it take to figure out this machine? 4... it took 4 of us to figure out how to make it work haha.

By that time, we were all starving. It was F&W time! Everyone else had already had some fun at F&W fest during the trip, this was Becca and I's first time this trip. I have been to F&W every year since I was little, Becca had never been!

Everyone had one mission when we got to WS.... MARGARITAS!! We stopped at the stand outside Mexico, I got the triple layer frozen one.


One of our nicest pictures from this trip, Becca called this the "Romantic" picture haha. The sky is so gorgeous behind us

Funny story, I was standing there drinking mine and Kevin and Annie Marie caught a wiff of it in the breeze, they turned right around and ran to the stand and got their own! haha. Then while walking into Norway and 3 women ran by and saw what we were all drinking we told her and they all ran to Mexico. I need to start making commission from WDW! haha

We weren't really hungry, we had margaritas and in WDW we were all content. My dad and Paulie wanted the grapefruit beer in Germany. So we all headed over there. We kept looking at each booth but nothing was screaming at us. Until we hit Singapore! Becca and I shared the chicken curry

It was amazing.. I love curry and this was just.. OMG I can't even begin haha. Even Becca loved it and she's a picky eater

I had one mission this night... well two get a margarita and see Smash Mouth. It was there last night of Eat to the Beat. Smash Mouth is a band I grew up with and we saw them last year on our trip. I ended up on stage with them too last year haha.

Becca Paulie and I went ahead to America to get something from Hops & Barley and get good spots for Smash Mouth.

I have no picture of what I had, I had the lobster alfredo... it was okay, not my favorite. I miss the lobster roll from past years.

Smash Mouth was AMAZING! The lead singer even got this close to us

They were just as great as the year before. They are amazing live.

We finished watching the concert and finished making the loop around WS without eating anything else... we had 4 more days to go! Pacing ourselves.

Plus we had FP's for Soarin' to make it to! We had 10 minutes left in our window so we all booked it through the WS from France. Wellll... on the way Becca and I have to use the restroom... of course. haha we can never just go somewhere!

We told the rest of the group to go ahead and we trailed behind. They said they would wait for us, but when we got there they were no where in site. Becca and I got there and our window was 10 minutes gone. They let us on with no problems :D


We were the first ones in the 3rd row

I didn't go on this ride the last few trips to WDW, I forgot how relaxing it was. Becca had never been on it, she loved it!

When we got off, Annie was sitting at Sunshine Seasons just relaxing she said they all went on Soarin' again since the stand by line was 10 minutes. Thank you EMH!

Becca and I decided to go on Living with the Land, we had a whole boat to ourselves! We sat in the front and put our feet up on the bars infront of us. Man were our feet sore. You would think so many trips you would get use to it! We have learned to change shoes up so your feet don't get use to just one. It definitely helps. Sounds weird, but it works haha.



Smile Becca!


I love little details, like the ceiling


Sunflowers :inlove:



HIDDEN MICKEY! The ears are a little small, but we will just go with it haha:facepalm:

We enjoyed our relaxing cruise through hydroponics and stuff... smart I know. And we strolled our way out of the Land Pavilion...

Where did we end up??? You will all just have to wait until tomorrow to find out. Thanks for reading!
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After we finished Living with the Land, we headed over to our guilty pleasure ride... Journey Into Imagination!

Every time we go to Epcot, we have to go on this ride. It's not very good, but it hold a special place in our hearts.



That picture hit us right in the childhood.. he is missed.

I am the type of person who talks to CMs, about anything lol. The CMs working the ride were entertaining themselves. Becca and I were the only ones in our whole vehicle. So they talked to us for a little, they were all about our age and in the DCP. A dream of mine, one day lol. Eventually another family joined in another car in the vehicle and they sent us off







This scene is so colorful, I love it

After we were finished with Figment's open house, we headed over to...

Test Track!

Stand by was only 30 minutes so we hopped in. It was just Becca and I, but when we turned around, Paulie, and both Kevins were behind us! It was crazy haha .They weren't following us, they just ended up there.

Becca and I designed our own cars, they were ridiculous. Hers was a huge monster truck, mine looked like some ridiculous attempt at a sports car... totally didn't work


Our ride picture didn't really work out, You can't see me at all lol. Our whole group has their hands up and the single rider acted like he didn't wanna be there haha. Yes we are obnoxious.. but who isnt?

Once we were done with TT, it was about 10:30pm. We were all tired and decided since EMH were over at 11 we would head back to the room. When we got there Becca and I were dying to go rest our feet in the hot tub, unfortunately at AKL the pool closes at 11, we tried to go in after that and got yelled at.:rolleyes:

We decided the Jacuzzi tub was just going to have to work. We relaxed for a bit and just talked.

After that, we all hit the hay. We were exhausted and loopy haha.

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the pics are moved or deleted :)

Sad we can't see the pictures... :( Your report sounds like so much fun!

Following along the great journey given in this report. Just wish the pictures weren't deleted. Watching for more.

Thanks everyone for letting me know! My photobucket account somehow isn't active anymore. I have no idea what happened! I'm currently uploading the pictures again and will be fixing the report. Sorry about that! I'll let you know when it's fixed :D


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the pics are moved or deleted :)

Sad we can't see the pictures... :( Your report sounds like so much fun!

Following along the great journey given in this report. Just wish the pictures weren't deleted. Watching for more.

I FINALLY re-added all the pictures back into the report! Sorry about that little hiccup guys. Thank you all so much for following along with my report, I hope you stick it out with me. There is a lot more fun to come! :D


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I woke up around 9am to the smell of coffee. My mom and Annie were over in the second room just talkin. I went over and joined them so we didn't wake Becca or Ash. No one had any plans for this day, except the guys, they all had a golf reservation that morning so they were already gone.

About 30 minutes later, Becca and Ash woke up. We talked about our plans, we all wanted to go see the FOF parade. So that was our plan, my mom and Annie were going to head over to DTD.

We took turns showering and taking our time getting ready. At about noon we were starving, my mom and Annie were already gone. The 3 of us decided to head off property to get some lunch. One thing I love about staying at AKL, 192 is right down the road and has a bunch of options. We decided on Taco Bell since it was cheap and right there haha. We brought it back to the room.


We ate our food and watched some Stacey! We love Stacey and her Must-Do's

Around 2 we headed over to MK! We got there pretty quickly and walked through Main Street.


Marie was meeting and she had almost no line so we hopped in!


We had the cutest interaction with her! She hugged all of us then turned us around to look at the castle, we were a little confused. Then this happened!




So cute! I love the picture above :inlove: Marie was adorable


Once we met Marie, we saw the practically perfect Mary Poppins! She was roaming around so we stopped and spoke with her about how Becca and I were obviously Royalty due to our crowns and how she loved our peculiar choices in hair color!


We had such a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious time with Mary that we decided it was time was time to find a spot for FOF. We scored amazing seats across the street from the Emporium. We've only watched this parade from Frontierland so I was excited to watch it so close and on MS!

It was getting pretty hot out, and our seats were in direct sunlight. So what do you do when in MK and it's hot out? get DOLE WHIPS!

We had Ashley save the seats and we went to get the Dole Whips. I'm so new to the world of these things, I hadn't had my first one until this past May! I have no idea how I had gone that long without one! I'm hooked now

The line was crazy long as usual It took us about 20 minutes to get our Dole Whips, but it was so worth it. We headed back to MS, Ashleys was starting to melt and drip so we kind of ran to her haha.


mine was very melted when we finally got to her, she was complaining about the heat and how she felt as melted as the DW. I told her to shush and eat her treat lol, such a big sister answer right?


My mouth is watering from the thought of the DW right now, why can't they make an at home machine to make these all the time?? Come on Disney!!!


We finished our treats and finally saw this in the distance!


I am completely obsessed with this parade, I think it AMAZING I will see it multiple times in one trip.



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The dancers got closer and closer to us...


and closer

and finally they were right in front of us!


The details in these costumes are amazing! I drool over them every time :eek:

just like that, the princesses were within our reach!


The beast is such a gentleman

The back two portions of the float were not rotating as usual so we got to see Tiana and Naveen... keep these two in mind, they will show up later on !


These two were amazing, Naveen pointed at me and said he loved my tiara. That I reminded him of Tiana's friend Ariel. All from a parade float! I was dying, fan girl moment haha :p:cool::cool::cool::cool:


Because the float wasn't rotating, Anna and Elsa were facing towards the back so we didn't get to see much of them until they were past us.


Time for the Tangled part! We all know how much I love Tangled, the girls costumes are to die for, and the float is AMAZING! It swings! Come one? How can you beat that?



I love that picture, and I seriously want one of those costumes!

After that, it was time for FLYNN!!!!!!!!!! :eek::cool::cool: Love him:inlove:


That picture is just too fabulous for words.

I took this picture as he was asking Becca how she got the tiara back from his satchel. He then turned his satchel upside down. haha


Time for the Little Mermaid section!!!



This float is so awesome, straight from the movie :happy:


She was amazing as usual, she saw me and said she loved my hair and crown. I love parades, the characters are so interactive and there's so much to look at!


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We continue with the FOF parade!


A line of lost boys, we had great seats if you couldn't tell :cool:



One of the coolest floats in the parade! Well... they're all cool haha. This one is just wowwww. Unfortunately, Hook wasn't swinging though on the anchor. Nothing that usually moves was moving this day... oh well :confused:




Sassy Tink :D:D


tick tock.. tick tock... tick tock...

who's ready for a little Brave action??? I was very happy when I first saw the parade and saw that they included Brave into it. Obviously Merida was the first Princess to show you do not need a man to be happy... and it makes me kind of upset when I hear all of this about how Frozen was the first.. blah blah blah. I love Frozen as much as anyone, but why is it so much more popular than the other movies? Like the classics?!? Or, some of the newer... Brave.. Tangled... any of them. I don't get it... okay rant over! haha







Ashley and I call them Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup... Powerpuff girls anyone??? lol


Prince Phillip working that cape :cool:


Yay Maleficent time!!!!!

I was so proud of that picture when I first took it, then I took another a few after that kicked this one's butt! We will get there


Are you all ready for that picture that I am oh so proud of???

BAM! :eek:

I know it's not fantastic, but I am not very good with a camera, so I was shocked I got the timing right



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