Trip Report *Completed* The Running Princesses PHM 2015

Hi everyone! I can't believe we are already home from our trip :(. It went by so fast, but we had a great time and I can't wait to share it with all of you!!

Here is my PTR if you want to see it :

Ok lets get started! I'm going to try and get as much of this TR done before I start my month of nights :)
Who? :
My Mom (Mary), my sisters Jill and Betta (her name is Elizabeth we call her Betta) and myself (Megan)
In the picture from Left to right is Me, my Mom, Betta and Jill

When?: Feb 21 - March 2 2015 (my sisters left Feb 28th)

Where?: The Wildness Lodge - our first time staying there and we loved it! I definitely would love to stay there again if I had the chance! It was our first time staying at a Deluxe Resort as well and it was a great experience. I upgraded from POFQ with the Stay Play and Dine discount.

Why? The Princess Half Marathon happened to coincide with my vacation time (in residency you have to pick your vacation at the beginning of the year and in 2 week blocks - I ended up jokingly picking Feb based on the low predicted crowd levels at Disney assuming I wasn't actually going to go!) and I always wanted to do a Run Disney event so it ended up being the perfect plan! Also, my sisters and my Dad and I gave this trip to my mom for her Birthday in August as a surprise :)

Ok First Day Saturday Feb 21st:
I think I slept like 3 hours at most before officially getting up around 5:00am to head to the airport. It was all good though I was going to Disney!!! (And ICU really helped me prepare for living on no sleep haha)
My mom, Jill and I all flew down from Buffalo together and Betta was flying down from Rochester and meeting us there (our flights were actually landing at the same time). Oh I also woke up at 3:30 am to find a text from Betta about how she thought we were staying at the Animal Kingdom Lodge and she was worried her DME tag said the wrong thing :banghead: I corrected her and then took that chance to check on some of my ICU patients and asked a fellow resident about an update on them before he told me "go on vacation already" haha.

There was a long line for Southwest and I was apparently mad about it haha

This was my first time flying Southwest in a very long time. It was really nice to check two bags for free, especially since we had to bring all our running stuff down. I am by no means a light packer so it was especially nice to bring two suitcases so I had room for souvenirs haha :happy:

Here are the Magic Bands! I decorated them with a decal I got off Easy

Here is Jill with my Ewok...of course he had to come...along with like 8 other stuffed animals

We briefly decided that we would wear masks on the plane so we wouldn't get sick. We told Betta our plan and she made fun of us...and then everyone on the plane looked at us funny so we took a picture and then immediately took them off haha


As if the masks didn't draw enough attention to us I got a peanut shell stuck in my tooth and my mom (who is a dental hygienist) and Jill (who is a dentist) had to floss it out of my teeth because it was literally driving me insane. Yep..we were the weirdos on the plane haha

The flight was otherwise uneventful and we found Betta waiting for us when we got off the plane

We made our way down to DME but not before I made everyone take this picture!

First "ride" at Disney ;)

When we got down to DME is was really crowded, but who cares we are in Disney!
It was a little chilly outside but sunny so it was good to feel some warmth after being stuck in the coldest winter I've ever lived through!
The bus definitely took forever since the Wilderness Lodge was the last stop. There were a lot of fellow runners on the bus which was cool! We sat behind some ladies that had some drama about buying park tickets (who doesn't buy them before they leave?! haha) and the one kept insisting that she would never use the Magic Band with a credit card attached to it because it if gets lost someone can spend all your money (it took everything in my power to not speak up and tell her you get a pin with it).


I missed the picture of us going under the arch but did get this one!

Having never stayed at a MK resort before I thought it was so cool we got a sneak peak of the castle and of MK itself!
Betta took this picture of the sign with my ears

Anddddd finally we were at the Wilderness Lodge!!

It took my breath away it was so amazing! I of course cried a little when I saw it haha

We're here!!!

I have more pictures of the hotel later but we were a bit rushed to get to the expo so I didn't stop and take too many pictures. Check in was painless and our room was ready! Room 3022!


View from our balcony: (it took me nearly the entire vacation to realize we could see the monorail from here and Bay Lake towers haha)

We were starving and as much as I wanted to get to the Expo I eventually agreed we needed to eat so we headed to Roaring Fork for a quick bite to eat:
My mom, Betta and I split Turkey Wraps which were good and Jill had a cheeseburger which she loved


Then we headed to the Expo! Next post Expo and MK!


Well-Known Member
Thank you! It was really great I can't say that enough! Which Run Disney events have you done?

So far I've only done the 2013 WDW Marathon, and 2015 Dopey Challenge. I have the Dumbo Double Dare coming up in September which I am really looking forward to.

I really want to do Wine and Dine but I think my husband would ban me from the internet if I signed up for another runDisney race this year. I also really don't like running late at night so this race might not be the best idea for me, yet I am so willing to pay $200 to do it.


Well-Known Member
So funny that you ended up on ToT with the Brazilian tour group! Popcorn is one of my favorite snacks too. The buffalo mac & cheese and the hot dog in the pretzel bun look yummy. Loved the story and pics from your Phineas and Ferb meet and greet. The Frozen Sing Along looks like lots of fun. Wish we'd had time to do that last summer. Looking forward to reading more.

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So far I've only done the 2013 WDW Marathon, and 2015 Dopey Challenge. I have the Dumbo Double Dare coming up in September which I am really looking forward to.

I really want to do Wine and Dine but I think my husband would ban me from the internet if I signed up for another runDisney race this year. I also really don't like running late at night so this race might not be the best idea for me, yet I am so willing to pay $200 to do it.

Wow! you inspire me I haven't made the leap to full marathons yet let alone the challenges along with it! I really want to do the Wine and Dine too it looks fun! I don't enjoy running at night either but I heard the course is awesome

Great Memory Maker pictures. I would agree that HS doesn't have much for rides which I hope will change in the near future. Following along.

Thanks! Yea I mean I shouldn't say I dislike HS because its Disney and I love everything there and I do love the rides they do have (aside from the GMR) but it currently is my least favorite of the 4 parks

So funny that you ended up on ToT with the Brazilian tour group! Popcorn is one of my favorite snacks too. The buffalo mac & cheese and the hot dog in the pretzel bun look yummy. Loved the story and pics from your Phineas and Ferb meet and greet. The Frozen Sing Along looks like lots of fun. Wish we'd had time to do that last summer. Looking forward to reading more.

haha that T of T ride is one I will never forget! All the food we had at HS was really good! We never used to eat on property so its always fun for us to explore what food options there have! The Frozen Sing Along was fun definitely do it next time if its still around!

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 3 continued:
When we came back to our room we found this nice surprise!

It was a pretty decent day out in terms of warmth so Betta took a rest while my mom, Jill and I headed down to the pool. None of us really wanted to go swimming so we grabbed a drink at the bar and headed to the beach! It was so neat for us to have our own beach at the hotel!

Beautiful day!
I think Jill and I had Mai Tais again and my mom had the Big Island Iced was defintely nice to relax on the beach for an hour or so...especially so we could rest our poor legs haha

Yum Mai Tai

We were making fun of my mom with her hat haha even though it is cute!

After finishing our drinks we headed to the room to get changed and head back to HS for dinner!
When we got to HS we looked around some gift shops then headed to the Sci Fi Diner for dinner! I love this place...last time we just ate appetizers but this time we ordered some different things on the menu and it was all great (that way I don't have to say it everytime haha )

this is a weirdly uncentered picture haha

I don't have any pictures of food because its way too dark in there but we had :
Me: Magic Star Cocktail (in case you couldn't tell from the above picture haha) and a cheeseburger
Jill: I want to say she had the Long Island Lunar Tea but I may be making that up, and the Shrimp Pasta
Mom: Buffalo Chicken and Onion Rings
Betta: Smoked Turkey Sandwich
Loved the experience again this time and will definitely go back again! The little movies they play always make me laugh
After this Jill wanted to go see the Muppets so we hopped in line

We did then head to the GMR but it still had a 30 minute wait...what the heck! I honestly would not wait like more than 10 minutes for that ride haha We passed on that ride
We ended up splitting up after this: Jill and my Mom left to head back to the hotel and Betta and I went to Animation Courtyard hoping to get into the drawing class

For those of you who did not read my June TR Betta and I tried numerous times to get into a drawing class last trip but always got cut off. This time we made it, just barely missing the cut off! We were so excited!! We got to sit in front using the lap drawing boards! Our teachers name was Megan and she was great! We drew Goofy which was so awesome. I'm surprised at how much easier it was than I expected...they definitely do an amazing job teaching you. Here is Betta's

And here is mine (I forgot to color in his nose haha)

These classes are a great idea so happy we finally made it into one.
After this we headed back to the hotel because we were tired.
Not before a Memory Maker picture our Mom would be proud. The guy we asked was so anti-taking pictures though haha we asked for a picture and he didn't even say anything just pointed to where we should sit

Apparently my Mom and Jill had a snack at the hotel

And I grabbed a Magic Cookie Bar just for @LisaBelle and it was delicious! I don't usually like coconut but I really enjoyed it!
I was semi nice and shared a piece with Betta

Then we went to bed early...still trying to catch up on sleep!

Next up: Day 4 Epcot


Well-Known Member
Oh how I long to be eating a Magic Cookie Bar right now!!!! I LOVE those things!!!! Glad that you enjoyed it.
Isn't the beach at Wilderness Lodge great? We like to go down and watch the water pageant from the beach on our first night. You and Betta did a great job drawing Goofy. That's another thing we didn't have time to do on our last trip. One more thing for the list for next year!

Brian & Jill

Well-Known Member
Love your trip report so far!!! Glad you guys were able to get away from our long,snowy and cold winter here in Buffalo. We have stayed at Wilderness Lodge twice,and we just booked it again for the 1st week of July after we get of our Disney cruise. We plan on doing the Castaway Cay 5k weather we walk it or run it. Glad to hear that you loved Wilderness Lodge. Looking forward to reading more of your trip report!!!!


Well-Known Member
Love your report! And I love that it was a girls' event too! I am nut a runner at all. but would love the experience of passing through MK and EPCOT like that and of course, getting some bling! Do they let you walk the marathon, or does everyone have to run?

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Oh how I long to be eating a Magic Cookie Bar right now!!!! I LOVE those things!!!! Glad that you enjoyed it.
Isn't the beach at Wilderness Lodge great? We like to go down and watch the water pageant from the beach on our first night. You and Betta did a great job drawing Goofy. That's another thing we didn't have time to do on our last trip. One more thing for the list for next year!

The beach is so awesome and honestly no one was ever there so it was nice and peaceful! We never did watch the Electrical Water Pageant from the back actually that would have been a good idea! We did watch it from there boat dock though. Definitely do the drawing class next year! So worth it!

Love your trip report so far!!! Glad you guys were able to get away from our long,snowy and cold winter here in Buffalo. We have stayed at Wilderness Lodge twice,and we just booked it again for the 1st week of July after we get of our Disney cruise. We plan on doing the Castaway Cay 5k weather we walk it or run it. Glad to hear that you loved Wilderness Lodge. Looking forward to reading more of your trip report!!!!

oh my goodness this winter has been awful right?! I really loved the WL I hope I can stay there again if we get a discount code or something...or I just splurge haha. I used to think I did;t care where I stayed but something about the WL made me fall in love with it. Have you guys done a Disney Cruise before? I'm curious about making the jump to the cruise trips...I've heard the 5k is fun!

Love your report! And I love that it was a girls' event too! I am nut a runner at all. but would love the experience of passing through MK and EPCOT like that and of course, getting some bling! Do they let you walk the marathon, or does everyone have to run?

Running through the parks is a feeling I can't even describe! You can walk so long as you maintain a 16 minute mile. I think I heard of some people walking the whole thing...we walked a little bit but not until about mile 9 or so and we still finished in plenty of time. The bling at the end is a nice touch too ;) Disney medals are nicer than any other ones I've gotten from a race haha


Well-Known Member
Doc - you should try out a cruise; you will LOVE it! We are going back for our second with the kids next January (a Star Wars cruise)!! I can hardly wait! We did a 4-night last year to try it out and see how the kids would do, and all they did was cry about how short it all was when it was over as they did not want to leave. HAHA!

I am definitely going to walk the 5K this next time ... :)


Active Member
Congratulations on your Princess 1/2! I was there as well and this was my first Princess....I ran the Wine & Dine a couple years ago but really wanted to do the Princess! Needless to say I have runDisney fever again! Truly enjoying your TR.....:)


Active Member
Your family seems to like Disney glow drinks just as much as I do...I'm not sure if you know, but you can order those drinks but ask for them without glow cubes and they are like $3-4 cheaper. So now I order my first drink of the trip with the cube, save it, and it to all my other drinks the rest of our trip -- it ends up saving you so much money and you can have a glow-beer which is something I like much more then mixed drinks haha.

Brian & Jill

Well-Known Member
The beach is so awesome and honestly no one was ever there so it was nice and peaceful! We never did watch the Electrical Water Pageant from the back actually that would have been a good idea! We did watch it from there boat dock though. Definitely do the drawing class next year! So worth it!

oh my goodness this winter has been awful right?! I really loved the WL I hope I can stay there again if we get a discount code or something...or I just splurge haha. I used to think I did;t care where I stayed but something about the WL made me fall in love with it. Have you guys done a Disney Cruise before? I'm curious about making the jump to the cruise trips...I've heard the 5k is fun!

Running through the parks is a feeling I can't even describe! You can walk so long as you maintain a 16 minute mile. I think I heard of some people walking the whole thing...we walked a little bit but not until about mile 9 or so and we still finished in plenty of time. The bling at the end is a nice touch too ;) Disney medals are nicer than any other ones I've gotten from a race haha
Yes we have been on 4 Disney cruises,this will be our 5th.The cruises are very fun and you can do as little or as much as you want. All your food and soft drinks are included,the only thing you pay for is your alcohol and souvenirs. Funny you say something about a discount code, we just got an email from disney with a code that's why we are staying at WL. We normally stay at POR which we love and where we normally stay. The other reason we are staying at WL is that our nephews are going to be with us and they have never stayed there so that will be kinda neat for them.

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Doc - you should try out a cruise; you will LOVE it! We are going back for our second with the kids next January (a Star Wars cruise)!! I can hardly wait! We did a 4-night last year to try it out and see how the kids would do, and all they did was cry about how short it all was when it was over as they did not want to leave. HAHA!

I am definitely going to walk the 5K this next time ... :)

I would be lying if I didn't say I was looking up cruises as we you usually combine a Disney vacation with a cruise?

That looks really good! Where did y'all get them? Are they only at the Wilderness Lodge?

I've heard they are at POR but not sure of thats true...I only saw them at the WL...and they are delicious!

Congratulations on your Princess 1/2! I was there as well and this was my first Princess....I ran the Wine & Dine a couple years ago but really wanted to do the Princess! Needless to say I have runDisney fever again! Truly enjoying your TR.....:)

Thanks for reading! That race was so fun! Did you get a chance to stop and meet any characters? That was my only regret that I did not :)

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Your family seems to like Disney glow drinks just as much as I do...I'm not sure if you know, but you can order those drinks but ask for them without glow cubes and they are like $3-4 cheaper. So now I order my first drink of the trip with the cube, save it, and it to all my other drinks the rest of our trip -- it ends up saving you so much money and you can have a glow-beer which is something I like much more then mixed drinks haha.

That is the best tip I've ever gotten - I did not know that! We accumulated several of those glow cubes and honestly I'm sure I will never use them again haha

Love this thanks for sharing!

Yes we have been on 4 Disney cruises,this will be our 5th.The cruises are very fun and you can do as little or as much as you want. All your food and soft drinks are included,the only thing you pay for is your alcohol and souvenirs. Funny you say something about a discount code, we just got an email from disney with a code that's why we are staying at WL. We normally stay at POR which we love and where we normally stay. The other reason we are staying at WL is that our nephews are going to be with us and they have never stayed there so that will be kinda neat for them.

Discount codes are the best! We love POFQ and while we were at the WL we did miss it a little (esp the proximity to Downtown Disney) but the WL has something that is so special about it I can't wait to stay there again! everyone is really convincing me to do a Disney cruise... haha

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 4!
We got a good amount of sleep again and got up and went down to the Roaring Fork for breakfast! I have nothing written down so I'm assuming we didn't eat anything other than our usual bagels, croissants and fruit :)
I happened to be looking at the app and noticed that Epcot was already my mind I knew I usually planned park days based on EMH but honestly didn't even check myself what time the park actually opened...ooops. No matter...I was significantly less calm this trip (at least I made a good effort to be haha) than the last so no worries I figured we would get there before the actual park opened anyway.
Why does my mom always take these horribly unflattering pictures? No one will ever know

Well, the bus took forever. What is it about buses going to Epcot? I don't think I've ever experienced a fast bus to Epcot haha We had to stop at Fort Wilderness to pick people up so it took especially long! I heard a family talking to their planner of the trip saying it was a miracle she wasn't freaking out that they were so late to the was kind of funny Betta and I were saying it sounded like me haha
When we got to Epcot we missed our window to get in as resort guests so we went in with the "commoners" ;)
We went straight to Test Track which already had a 30 minute wait but we waited anyway and had a great time.
Jill and my car won :)

This was Betta and my Mom's car

I love this ride! The ride picture for this one makes me laugh because of our hair haha

We sent this picture to my Dad to make him jealous we were in Disney...because we are mean haha

After this we went to The Character Spot for a Fast Pass! This was so cool!!! I never even really knew this existed before!
Part of me likes the non-speaking Mickey better



We then decided to head to Starbucks which had the worlds longest line but we still waited for it haha (Jill and I did). I actually don't terribly mind Starbucks being in the parks- it blends in pretty nicely which is good.
Then we went to Club Cool which is Jills favorite because she loves Beverly :depressed: (she literally wished it was open during the race so she could go in)

Betta actually liked Beverly this time around but I blame it on her pregnancy haha
I did not participate and just enjoyed my Starbucks instead

We headed over to Finding Nemo after this because we had a Fast Pass for Turtle Talk

Cute ride as always! When we went to use our Fast Pass for Turtle Talk it was actually shut down! We waited about 15 minutes but it never started working so we left
We had high hopes of going to the Typhoon Lagoon so we headed out so we could go there

Of course it started raining and it was rather chilly so we had to change our plans but not before eating some lunch (oh and Mousekeepers arranged our growing collection like such)

I think I forgot to mention that the night before I was in the WL gift shop and there was a Duffy squished behind all the other ones and he couldn't even naturally I had to rescue him (we also added big Olaf to the collection...for the baby...and Jill got a Sven)
We grabbed some lunch at the Roaring Fork which was really good
I had the Buffalo Chicken Flatbread (it was the Chef's flatbread special)

Betta had the Wilderness Salad

Jill had the burger again (figured you didn't need to see it again) and this muffin

and my Mom had the Chicken Breast Nuggets

What I like about the Roaring Fork is the toppings and condiments bar! It sounds silly but its really nice
After this, since it was still cloudy/rainy, we decided to head to Downtown Disney :)
Up next Downtown Disney (Disney Springs?) and back to Epcot


Well-Known Member
Great day at Epcot with some awesome pictures. The flatbread looks really good, I know its the Chefs special but is that on the menu year round? Following along.

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