Trip Report **COMPLETED** It's My Mom's Birthday (and it's still a hot one)!

Hey guys, since I essentially failed at making a live TR I will be doing a real one :joyfull::joyfull: I give all you live trip reporters credit! I kept forgetting!! To be fair, though, I have my hands tied most of the time taking videos for my YouTube channel :)

I'm sure you know but it was my Mom (Mary) and I (Megan)!

August 8 - 13, 2017

The Contemporary!

Today is my Mom's actual Birthday but she can't get off easily on Monday's since its her long day so we went earlier to celebrate her Birthday - ish :)

Day 1 - August 8, 2017
My Mom had to work a half day so I impatiently waited to leave for Disney :rolleyes:. When she got home we checked our luggage, went for a walk and relaxed before my Dad got home to drive us to the airport.
The Gang was ready to go..:joyfull: We are weird I know!



We left for the Airport around 3:30, got there around 3:45, and we had our bags checked and went through security by 3:50 :p I love the Buffalo airport!
We were starving since neither of us ate anything but breakfast so we headed to the Anchor Bar (birthplace of chicken wings). (PS For anyone not from Buffalo who wants to visit and try chicken wings let me know...I can name at least 10 spots better than the Anchor Bar :p)


We split the appetizer sampler like we always do :) Boneless wings, chicken wings and mozzarella sticks. So healthy! ;)

After dinner we headed to our gate to wait for our flight. In the morning of this day there was a fatal hit and run right outside the airport which was sad enough but while we were waiting I found out it was one of my friend/co-worker's uncles. So sad :(. They still haven't found the guy driving the car either :(:(
We were watching the news while we waited to see if they had any leads and soon enough it was time to board the plane.



Next up: Getting to Florida!
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Well-Known Member
Finally all caught up!!!! First of all, happy belated birthday to your mom! What's better than celebrating your birthday in the world? A theme park view room!! Man she is one lucky mama!! :)

It's been soooo hot in Philly so I can't imagine the weather in Disney recently! I always tell joe when I come home "it feels like disney outside". You have managed to look super cute in all your sweltering hot pictures! My trip in 2014 was a scorcher and I do not look anywhere as cute as you!!

You have become a Cali Grill regular and I am so jealous! I want to return! It's so beautiful there! Thanks for letting me vicariously live through you and eat there multiple times ;)

Glad you enjoyed your meal in Mexico! I ate there my first ever trip and have always wanted to return. Whatever I ordered back then was super spicy, and I had flan, so I wasn't a fan of the food. I'm sure the menus changed since 2005 and the ambiance is to die for! I will get back!

Lastly, your WDWmagic meetup was awesome! So happy WDWmagic brings us all together! I can't believe how many friends I have made, and feel like I truly know! I am shy in real life too, and my friends think I'm nuts when I talk about my "Disney friends" to them. They don't understand! LOL

Thank you for sharing I am loving this!

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Please submit that squirrel picture next year :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious: You will DEFINITELY win. Obviously the judges are rodent fans.

It was so fun meeting you and Mary (Mrs. Mary :D)! I wish we could have had a table to sit at, but maybe next time. I think your picture turned out cuter than mine, and you do not look sweaty! Now after that cramped monorail ride...maybe so.

I think turn-down at 10:30 is a little weird too. I'm usually fast asleep by then :cautious:

Haha the squirrel picture is definitely going to win :joyfull:
Literally one time I was almost asleep when they came for turn down was so odd! Bahha how did I forget that the monorail was so crowded ??? I agree a table would have been nice...definitely next time!

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I love how the little girl in the front row looks completely relaxed and the woman next to her is cowering and clinging to her husband. I can't really talk, because I'm a chicken and won't go on ToT, but it's just so funny in the picture.

Hahaha I didn't notice that ! Half the time I'm super chicken about the ride and the other half I don't mind it at all ! I think its all the build up :)

I'm betting the turn down at 10:30 has to do with the fireworks shows and such. They expect you not to be in the room at that time?

I mean thats probably it but I can't imagine we are the only ones in bed by then!

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So pleased you fitted in a WDW Magic meet up!

And I know I exactly what you meet about WDW friends - I talk to Chris about people on here and expect him to know who I am talking about - he knows you and Nicole @prfctlyximprct obviously as we met ( and he know Ruth @Minnesota disney fan as we met and share emails regularly) . but he struggles with everyone else no matter how much I talk about them!

On the other hand most of my work friends know quite a few of you - I think they think we go out at the weekends! :)

:joyfull::joyfull: I think my friends think I hang out with you guys on a regular basis too based on how often I bring people up!

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Finally all caught up!!!! First of all, happy belated birthday to your mom! What's better than celebrating your birthday in the world? A theme park view room!! Man she is one lucky mama!! :)

It's been soooo hot in Philly so I can't imagine the weather in Disney recently! I always tell joe when I come home "it feels like disney outside". You have managed to look super cute in all your sweltering hot pictures! My trip in 2014 was a scorcher and I do not look anywhere as cute as you!!

You have become a Cali Grill regular and I am so jealous! I want to return! It's so beautiful there! Thanks for letting me vicariously live through you and eat there multiple times ;)

Glad you enjoyed your meal in Mexico! I ate there my first ever trip and have always wanted to return. Whatever I ordered back then was super spicy, and I had flan, so I wasn't a fan of the food. I'm sure the menus changed since 2005 and the ambiance is to die for! I will get back!

Lastly, your WDWmagic meetup was awesome! So happy WDWmagic brings us all together! I can't believe how many friends I have made, and feel like I truly know! I am shy in real life too, and my friends think I'm nuts when I talk about my "Disney friends" to them. They don't understand! LOL

Thank you for sharing I am loving this!

Aw thats sweet of you to say I feel like I look terrible in all these pictures :joyfull: Speaking of Cali Grill we are going one more time and then I think we are taking a break...only because we want to try new things! Well, I say that now anyway :p
We have eaten at Mexico like 5 or 6 times now and I think only one time we didn't like it! You are right, the ambiance is great which I think helps :)
No one will understand Disney friends unless they are involved in the community I think :) Thank you for following!

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 5 August 12, 2017
Today was the day we were pretending was my Mom's actual Birthday :)
You may recognize the shirt and ears from my Birthday :p

Anyway, we got up around 7 am and had breakfast down at Contempo Cafe (which was insanely slow for some reason) before heading to the MK!
Security had a long line so we entertained ourselves with more Birthday pictures :joyfull:

We left pretty early but with the long security line made it only 5 minutes before opening. Instead of rope drop, we stopped for some Photopass pictures. I had to wear my glasses because I had an eye surgery consult later in the week and I couldn't wear my contacts before it.


We waited forever in that original line and then later down Main Street found a photographer with no wait so stopped for that picture too :joyfull:

Then we took even more pictures :)


My Mom suggested we go to Haunted Mansion first since we didn't ride it yet so we headed there!
Hello BTMR railroad from afar



Next up: more MK

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 5 continued
After HM we decided to check out the wait for BTMR. I think it was only listed as 10 minutes so we hopped in line! We hadn't waited in stand by in a few trips (unless it was park opening and you just zoom through) so I took some pictures of the que.



Since we were in the area we decided to wait for Splash Mountain now instead of coming back later in the day for our FP. You have to conserve steps in the heat :) It was listed as a 20 minute wait but according to Touring Plans it was only about an 11 minute wait. In the end I think we waited about 15 :p
I took a few pictures on the ride with my waterproof camera but only this one turned out :)

Apparently we also didn't get our ride photo...oh well! I have noticed, however, that we have been having more and more pictures from rides not show up. I should probably just take a few minutes to just tap my band after the ride.
I had no idea whats going on with my Mom's eyes but here is our after picture. We were in the third row and got decently wet (she looks wetter than me because my hat is covering my hair :joyfull:). It was so hot that we dried right away :)

After this we headed towards our FP and ran into some country bears! We said hi to Shaker but didn't get our picture with him because we weren't exactly sure what was going on. Its like the old days where characters are just out and about and you can interact with them but not necessarily take a picture :) We did get our picture with Wendell !

Our first FP was for Space Mountain! I was trying to be an alien but I somehow missed the picture :rolleyes:

After that we headed to the Peoplemover. It had a long wait and we were very hot ...:p



Next up: out and about
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Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 5 continued
After the Peoplemover we started to head to our next FP, Dumbo. However, we both kind of looked at each other and decided to head out of of the park instead. The heat was really getting to us this day so we decided to go back to the room. I was able to move both our FPs to later in the evening anyway :)
We sat in the room for a few minutes before I suggested we eat lunch at the Sand Bar (the pool bar/food area). We aren't necessarily huge fans of the Contempo Cafe lunch/dinner so we figured why not try this instead!
Would these birds stop us from enjoying lunch?

Nope...miraculously they went away and did not bother us at all! Phew (as we all know my Mom hates birds :joyfull:)
We ordered the cheese quesadillas and the nachos with chili and cheese to share.


All I can say is yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. No lie. It was SO good. I feel like part of it was the food was so hot which I feel like you never get in Disney! I could eat some of those nachos right now :hungry:
After lunch we swam and relaxed for a bit. It actually started to pour as we went inside so we were trying to decided what to do and my Mom suggested we stop and explore the Grand Floridian! I was actually thinking the same thing because I wanted to check out Basin.


We checked out Basin but in the end I decided not to get anything. We wandered around the other shops a bit then somehow landed in the bar :joyfull:
It was still pouring!


The bar was kind of a weird atmosphere. There was one bartender who doubled as a waitress so the service was slow. It wasn't a big deal since we had a bit of time before we needed to get back and dressed for the evening. We did get a snack of spicy nuts which was a bonus :joyfull: The other guests sitting around us were not talking to each other at made it an extra weird place to be :confused:


We both ordered a Cosmo to drink (you can see the snack in the background).

Next up: more adventures

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Have to have that Mickey Bar. I don't know about you are anyone else, but when I do Disney I have to have a Mickey Bar, Dole Whip, and a Mickey Waffle to feel like my trip can be complete.

:joyfull::joyfull: My Mom is similar to you but I don't really like ice cream or Dole Whips or waffles (except I will occasionally eat a Mickey waffle) :p For me its popcorn! I need to have popcorn to feel my trip is complete :)


Well-Known Member
LOVING your trip report! It's so cool that you got to meet up with others from the forum too.

Would really love to check out your YouTube channel, what's the name of it? I actually have one with my sister, just called Karen & Rachel. We are constantly on here reading TR's and texting to add more plans to our trip but I haven't posted a TR in a while! We also found vlogging significantly reduced our picture count!

It's so tough battling the heat, we always need our afternoon break! Very excited to read more.. X

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 5 continued were our Cosmos?

Literally disgusting :hungover:. I have had many Cosmos in my life and have never had one this bad. I can't even describe why it was so just was. It tasted like how I would imagine rubbing alcohol would taste.:hungover::grumpy:
We felt bad but didn't drink more than a few sips. The bartender didn't get around to our table for about an hour so I ended up going up to the bar to pay an we snuck out before she noticed we didn't drink our drinks :joyfull:. I just didn't want her to feel bad that we didn't like them.
Anyway we headed back to the hotel and got ready for our evening
It had stopped raining briefly so we decided to walk to the MK
Sadly it started pouring as soon as we got to security :joyfull: We finally had to bust out our ponchos that we bought way back in July in AK :) Good luck ponchos ran out of luck!
Anyway, I have like zero pictures but we got to see the Flag Retreat again both outside and when they moved it inside to Town Square Theatre :)
Our dinner reservation was for Tony's so we went checked in and waited. It was freezing inside ! I wish I had my sweater but I stupidly took it out of my bag. I considered going to the Emporium to get a sweatshirt but it was so rainy I decided to tough it out. We had a bit of a wait before we were finally seated :)


We were sitting right by the windows...I wished we were outside so I could be warm :joyfull:


We didn't share entrees because I don't like pasta/red sauce :joyfull:
My Mom chose the baked rigatoni

She thought it was good, but just not very heat hot :)
I got the strip steak

I was bummed it didn't come with the old side it used to come with (which was like a cheesy potato). The streak was still good though! There were mini potatoes hidden under the steak in case you were curious :)
I feel like we were rushed through our dinner a bit, but it was still good. We declined dessert and headed on our way to our FPs

Next up: rain time fun

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
LOVING your trip report! It's so cool that you got to meet up with others from the forum too.

Would really love to check out your YouTube channel, what's the name of it? I actually have one with my sister, just called Karen & Rachel. We are constantly on here reading TR's and texting to add more plans to our trip but I haven't posted a TR in a while! We also found vlogging significantly reduced our picture count!

It's so tough battling the heat, we always need our afternoon break! Very excited to read more.. X

I have watched some of your videos :) I am such a slacker on watching all my YouTube channels though so not too many :) My channel is called D.O. Disney ! I just subscribed to you! I'm so jealous you have so many followers...I have been stuck around 50 for like forever ! I hear you on vlogging taking away from pictures..I have to make a huge conscious effort to do both :) Thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
Day 5 continued were our Cosmos?
View attachment 224803
Literally disgusting :hungover:. I have had many Cosmos in my life and have never had one this bad. I can't even describe why it was so just was. It tasted like how I would imagine rubbing alcohol would taste.:hungover::grumpy:
We felt bad but didn't drink more than a few sips. The bartender didn't get around to our table for about an hour so I ended up going up to the bar to pay an we snuck out before she noticed we didn't drink our drinks :joyfull:. I just didn't want her to feel bad that we didn't like them.
Anyway we headed back to the hotel and got ready for our evening
View attachment 224804It had stopped raining briefly so we decided to walk to the MK
Sadly it started pouring as soon as we got to security :joyfull: We finally had to bust out our ponchos that we bought way back in July in AK :) Good luck ponchos ran out of luck!
Anyway, I have like zero pictures but we got to see the Flag Retreat again both outside and when they moved it inside to Town Square Theatre :)
Our dinner reservation was for Tony's so we went checked in and waited. It was freezing inside ! I wish I had my sweater but I stupidly took it out of my bag. I considered going to the Emporium to get a sweatshirt but it was so rainy I decided to tough it out. We had a bit of a wait before we were finally seated :)
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View attachment 224806
We were sitting right by the windows...I wished we were outside so I could be warm :joyfull:
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View attachment 224808
We didn't share entrees because I don't like pasta/red sauce :joyfull:
My Mom chose the baked rigatoni
View attachment 224813
She thought it was good, but just not very heat hot :)
I got the strip steak
View attachment 224817
I was bummed it didn't come with the old side it used to come with (which was like a cheesy potato). The streak was still good though! There were mini potatoes hidden under the steak in case you were curious :)
I feel like we were rushed through our dinner a bit, but it was still good. We declined dessert and headed on our way to our FPs

Next up: rain time fun
It IS freezing in Tony's!! There were several people complaining in the bathroom there when we went last Summer. I even had a sweater because so many of the restaurants were so cold and even that didn't help enough.


Well-Known Member
I have watched some of your videos :) I am such a slacker on watching all my YouTube channels though so not too many :) My channel is called D.O. Disney ! I just subscribed to you! I'm so jealous you have so many followers...I have been stuck around 50 for like forever ! I hear you on vlogging taking away from pictures..I have to make a huge conscious effort to do both :) Thanks for reading!
Will you please add me to your channel, too?


Well-Known Member
I have watched some of your videos :) I am such a slacker on watching all my YouTube channels though so not too many :) My channel is called D.O. Disney ! I just subscribed to you! I'm so jealous you have so many followers...I have been stuck around 50 for like forever ! I hear you on vlogging taking away from pictures..I have to make a huge conscious effort to do both :) Thanks for reading!

Oh really?! That's cool, such a small world! I'm the same, I like to watch whole trips so I will watch the same channel for ages and then move onto the next! I've subscribed to you too, will definitely be checking it out! Aw believe me it's taken AGES to get there haha I think it helps for us that we have videos from Disneyland Paris too and vlogging is really popular there as well so we get subscribers that visit Paris as well as those that go to WDW. Definitely found we get more when we upload regularly but it's hard to do that when you've a full time job, it takes quite a while to put it all together and edit etc.

Well we have designated Rachel the picture taker and me the vlogger from now one! Hopefully that'll help!

Have you plans for another WDW trip this year? We're back 27th October to 11th November.. CAN NOT WAIT!

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