Trip Report *COMPLETED*A 21st, a first timer, stuck on tower of terror and the never ending rain trip report!

Hi guys! Came back from my trip to Disneyworld Wednesday and decided I best start my report as soon as, considering I slacked on notes and I’m going mainly off memory :banghead:

You can find my failed pre trip report here:

This is my first time doing a report so go easy on me and my rubbish photograph skills!!

Who: Me and boyfriend Reece.
Why: My 21st and his first time. This is my 5th trip to Disney and was the best one yet!!
Where: Caribbean beach
8th May till 22nd!

*** EDIT It has been brought to my attention I forgot to add a photo of said boyfriend and replaced him with my dog. Here we are ***


Me forcing my dog to take photos before I leave him for two weeks.

So my travelling started a day early on the 7th which was a bank holiday over here in England. We had a few hiccups the days leading up which caused a little bit of stress. First issue we ran into was I had a prescription in the chemist which was closed until Tuesday the day we fly, so I had no chance of picking it up as we leave Monday. I rang multiple chemists open near me to see if they could help until I finally got told to ring the NHS who sent an emergency prescription over to a chemist quite far away. The pharmacist wasn’t very helpful and continuously asking me why I needed to use that service. Because I have nothing better to do on my Friday night sir :rolleyes:.

Finally got my prescription and all is good until I pack the last bits of my suitcase and surprise it’s 5KG over! After weighing Reeces he didn’t have much extra space in suitcase but his hand luggage was empty. After chucking some things and filling his bag I was good to go.

So I pick my hand luggage up and the strap snaps off. At this point me and my dad are just staring at it with disbelief, I managed to find the screw that kept it together and we fixed it, so we thought.

Brings us to Monday morning the day we leave for the airport and it’s time to check in and choose seats. We had been monitoring the seats closely for a very long time and they was plenty left, until the last 15 minutes. EVERY single row was full with no seats together!! We were flying with Virgin Atlantic and noticed they was one row in the upstairs bubble had became free! Previously someone had booked one seat in the middle of three obviously in hope to have a row to themselves but for some reason all three seats were now available.

Not wanting to take chances we booked the two seats and paid for them. We ended up having nobody sat next to us either!

At this point I’m hoping, praying in fact nothing else goes wrong like flight delay or anything. Slowly 2pm rolled around and we departed for Manchester Airport, no traffic and everything was plain sailing. The terminal 2 long stay car park was full so we ended up booking terminal 3 and praying the awful reviews were wrong. We managed to get on the shuttle bus (managed being key word, he tried to go past us), he blazed around the corner at a ridiculous speed all the suitcases were falling and he wouldn’t stop to let people put them in the storage racks.

Finally we got to our stop and I pick up my bag and boom the handle snaps off again. It’s 27 degrees (about 80F) now I know this doesn’t sound that hot but I promise you 27 in England feels ten times hotter than 27 in Orlando. The heat was ridiculous and we had a 15 minute walk to our hotel pulling the suitcases and carrying a broken bag. We had plans to go walk the pub and watch planes but we ended up staying in the room with air conditioning full blast and ordered a dominos :banghead:

We stayed in the Crowne Plaza (no photos I was too annoyed with the world) it was fine, clean and done the job. We could see planes land from our room.

As the night goes on my throat becomes raw and my nose is sniffy, in a panic I overdosed on vitamins and prayed it was allergies.

It wasn’t.
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Great report so far, how was the construction on Centre Town and the food court area, does it look close to being done? We will be there in November

Thank you! I’m literally the worst person to ask this, we only went to Centertown twice and I can’t say I noticed it much. Isn’t it due to be finished in summer or is it later? It honestly wasn’t anything to bother us, as soon as we got there it was a bit of an eye sore but we didn’t notice after that. We had construction close to our pool and that didn’t bother us either.


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So after Pirates it was time for some food. We headed over to Colombian Harbour House and we both had chicken nuggets and fries with a lemonade slushy. I slacked majorly on food photo's as all the food looks (and tastes) the same from QS :rolleyes: .

We wanted to leave our Splash FP till the end of the slot so we would be ready to go on our next one as soon as. It was finally approaching time so we headed over to the mountains. This is always one of my favourites and I can't go to MK without going on Splash and Thunder!

Reece loved the ride so much. He has watched this a few times on youtube and was singing the song for the rest of the day.

My hair is mental on this pic :facepalm:

By the time we got off Splash it was time for Thunder Mountain! This was up to a 60 minute wait but luckily we had a Fastpass! Is it just me that feels guilty walking past everyone in standby?!
We were sat near the back which is always my favourite. This turned out to be one of Reece's favourite rides!
At this point it was around 2.30pm and way too hot. The crowds were insane so we decided to call it a day as we were both getting hot and a bit cranky especially after all the travelling the day before.

We headed back to get the bus (why is Caribbean beach always one of the furthest bus stops :banghead:?)
We were the only ones on the bus! When we got back to the room Mousekeeping was just around the corner so we quickly got into swimsuits and headed to the Martinique pool.

One thing I will say about our room, the location was great for the Martinique pool and bus stop. We were super close to both and would only take about 20 seconds to get to the pool which had the laundry room attached. The bus stop was just facing us also, our room number was 2426.
I did try to get in the water but it was so cold! Since we arrived I kept having issues with my eye burning, turning red and would sting so bad I couldn't open it. Whilst I was in the pool it randomly started happening again to the point Reece had to walk me out and wash them for me as I physically couldn't open them. It had happened in the morning getting ready and just after Splash Mountain where we spent ages stood by some strollers and rinsing it with water from Reece's bottle.

I put it down to the water from pool/rides even though non had gone in my eye at the pool. It eased off and I decided to just subathe instead.

When we realised my suitcase was over weight we took out things like shampoo and toothpaste and decided to buy in walmart, however on our trip yesterday we had forgotten the toothpaste. We had a travel one but no way would that last 2 weeks. Reece asked a CM in the resort where we could buy any and he told him to wait there and came back with some and said he could have that free. This was lovely however it was about the size of my baby finger! We decided to get a Uber to Walmart as I needed a new water bottle and some more snacks. I also love the slushy drinks they sell! I found a good water bottle that promised to keep my drinks ice cold for 12 hours, and that it did. We also ended up buying some congestion tablets for my cold and some back aid. The bottom of my back was so incredibly sore even one step was becoming too much as it would send stabbing pains up. Reece thought it might be best for us to just go back the resort and rest it off but I was no quitter! I took the tablets and sat on a bench drinking a slushy for some while and I started to feel a little better.

We also had an Australian woman come over to ask for help and stated didn't know our drugs needed the strongest thing for her headache. I had to disappoint her and tell her I was English and was guessing myself, I advised her to go over to the pharmacist and she practically ran over :hilarious:.

With Reece's backpack full we got a uber over to Disney Springs. We had a stroll around World Of Disney where I bought a PNK cap, I couldn't decide between this and a sleeping beauty themed one saying 'I'd rather be sleeping'.

We strolled around a few more shops, I tried to get photos but none worked out with it being so dark and was really quite busy! I was really quite chilly this night but Reece was fine so I think it was just my cold. I would be perfectly fine when I was outside but as soon as I was in an air conditioned room my nose would become so blocked and stuffy! We had to leave the air conditioning off in our room and just the fan on or I couldn't sleep. By this point the back aid tablets were working and although the pain was still there, it was bearable. We went to D-Luxe burger and both ordered the classic cheeseburger and fries to share, I was so full I only ate about 3!


It was time to call it a night!

*** I promise as the trip goes on I do take more photo's, the first few days I wanted to just enjoy being in the moment as it was Reece's first visit as opposed to having my phone out every minute. ***

Tomorrow: Epcot and HS


Well-Known Member
So glad you and Reece had a great time! I'm glad he loved the Disney Experience as much as you did! Sorry you caught a cold, here's hoping you recover in time to enjoy the rest of your trip!:cool:


New Member
tough start to your trip but there is nothing like that first visit. my wife and i went through this, she had visited a number of times and it was my first, she helped me get the most out of the experience. looking forward to continue reading your trip report.


Well-Known Member
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tough start to your trip but there is nothing like that first visit. my wife and i went through this, she had visited a number of times and it was my first, she helped me get the most out of the experience. looking forward to continue reading your trip report.

I know! It was so much more magical seeing his reaction to everything! Thanks!


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Day 3 EPCOT and Hollywood Studios!

So we woke up extra early for morning EMH in Epcot. I absolutely love it here and the flower and garden festival makes it for me. We went once when it was over and it just wasn’t the same! Normally I’d say it’s my second favourite park to Magic Kingdom but I loved every park equally this trip!!!


It was impossible to get a good pic of this, always so crowded.

The bus wasn’t too late and we got to the park probably around 8:15 which was fine. We headed straight to Soarin which was listed as a 10 minute wait but was a walk on. We were front row to the right so we got the wonky view but Reece didn’t even notice he loved it that much!

Off we headed to Test Track which was put as a 40 minute wait but we went single rider and walked right on! The family next to me was hilarious, it was obviously their first time and they had a ball!


I don’t appear to be enjoying myself but I promise I was :facepalm:

We sadly never got back on this due to wait times and things much to Reeces dismay. He’s a big fan of cars and fast things so he enjoyed this.

We walked over to Mission space and waited about 15 minutes! I like this one but it made Reece feel sick so we gave it a miss in future but I would of liked to have gone back on!

Next we stopped for some photos



We walked over to Nemo and sat watching the seagulls for a bit so I could video and send to my mum and dad, they love them! I was meaning to buy the beach towel with them on but I forgot :banghead:.

We walked on this ride and had a nice journey through the sea’s! As we came out they was a dolphin swimming around so we sat and watched him for a while but was really busy. I tried to get a photo but he was too quick!

We went over to the electric umberella and I got a Mozzerella flatbread I think it was and Reece had a burger. It was okay but found the cheese to be overpowering.

After a wander through some shops we headed back for the bus as it was really getting hot and Reece’s toenail had completely snapped off :hungover:(TMI sorry!!)


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Day 3 Cont
Once we got to the resort once again MouseKeeping was just coming around, I swear we couldn’t call the times. One day it would be 11am then another 4pm.

We quickly changed and got into swimwear and headed to the pool. It was ridiculously hot and we couldn’t settle with the heat. We went for a walk to the sandy area where the hammocks are, all this done was remind me how much I hate sand. After 10 minutes of uncomfortably lying in a sandy hammock we headed back the pool. We only lasted about a hour before heading back to our room and eating some snacks.

So my phone was running purely off WiFi and the signal was pretty rubbish. Reece had upgraded his plan so he could use his phone normally so I used that to FaceTime my mum and dad and show them the resort. Whilst he was eating I went out to show them around. Now one thing about me, if I was put in a maze alone you’d never see me again. I get lost walking round the corner and I can’t follow a map or directions so I’m pretty much a lost cause. I felt pretty confident as I walked out the door until 20 minutes minutes later my mum declares ‘you’re lost aren’t you?’ I also get my poor direction skills from her, she once went to get a drink from a cart in Tomorrowland and it was literally 10 steps away. Me and my dad watched as she span in circles looking confused and started to head towards the castle which was our agreed destination if anyone got lost :banghead:.

Obviously we ran after her before she walked off but it was pretty amusing to watch and we joked about it, until now and I was in the same position:coldfeet:.

I couldn’t remember for the life of me my room name or building number so I literally kept circling building 26 and coming out the exact same place! I thought if I find the pool I know I’m next to that, so I asked a mouse keeper who didn’t understand me and sent me in the direction of the main pool:banghead:.

I’m still on the phone to my mum at this point so I said I left my mobile in my room so brainwave strikes and I thought I’ll hang up and ring my phone! Well I hang up and realise his phones locked and I can’t remember his password:arghh:. So I’m walking around for a further 10 minutes, I’m not too bothered as I knew I’d EVENTUALLY find my room but it was hot and I didn’t have anything to drink with me. I finally found myself In my building (oblivious that I was in the correct place) and I spot Reece in the next little row of rooms and he looked a hot mess! “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!” “On an adventure”. I asked him why he didn’t ring his phone from mine but he couldn’t remember my password either:geek:. After getting in and deciding I’m not allowed out on my own I started to get ready for Hollywood Studios!


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We had a 5.45 RnR fastpass but Reece took a bit of a funny turn and ended up throwing up. He was quite dizzy and just overall didn’t feel good so I told him to go to bed and have a sleep. He was hot so we turned the air conditioning on but I had to sit outside because it just made me way too stuffy.

After about 45 mins I went back just to check on him and he was sat up sipping water. He felt much better and said he wanted to go out. We waited half a hour just to be sure he was okay and he insisted he was so off we went! We had already missed out first FP at RnR but we should still make it for our next one at Tower of Terror!

As soon as Reece walked in Hollywood Studios he loved it. My dad loves it here and I was never a fan but ToT makes the trip worthwhile.

I think I’ve mentioned before he is a major Star Wars fan, much to my dismay.

I still can’t believe he spent over 30 dollars on this but he is still adamant it was worth it :hilarious:

We just made it for our FP at the Hollywood Tower Hotel!

This is my all time favourite attraction and I couldn’t wait for Reece to ride it. As much as I love this ride I always get such a nervous nauseas feeling when we sit down!
Coming from Reeces screams and laughing I knew he loved it!


I came off giddy and we both wanted to ride again but the wait was too long and we had Star Tours to get on! I do this think is a great attraction but I find myself a bit bored with the whole 4D stuff, universal milked it for me.

I wanted to get a pic of the Miss Piggy fountain for my mum (show her a video of miss piggy and she’ll laugh till she’s crying). The fountain was working too so bonus!

Then was time for some dinner and we headed to ABC commisonary. We both ordered the steak which was ... what you’d expect from a QS restaurant.

I think we had a slushy with nearly every meal because you can have any drink from the WS menu now! My favourite is blue raspberry from Pinocchio village haus.

Whilst we had dinner I checked to see if they was any more fastpasses and I managed to get one for 8.35 at ToT. We wanted to see Fantasmic so we weren’t sure if we would make it in time but I booked anyway.
I did really enjoy Hollywood Studios in the evening, it had much more of an ambiance to it.

Reece spilt his slush on his t shirt and he ended up looking like he was taking a pregnancy reveal photo instead of hiding it.
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