TiggersPooh said:
u want the dirty details from a CP? Think about it...thousands of college students in one place...let your imaginations run wild! LOL OK so its not that crazy...
I am CP Alumni as well...The same things happen that happen at any major university. The program is amazing, but you can't be afraid of hard work. You also have to have some basic social skills to handle living with room mates.
I have written a paper on the subject. I find the biggest downfall of the College Program was eliminating the Summer Only Program. They used to have 100,000 + (Applicants for Summer of 2000) people interview for 3,000 summer only positions. Then they would use the Fall and Spring Spots for those who didn't get in the summer and could afford to miss a semester of school.
Now the College Program hires a lot of Community College and Junior College kids to work the 7 month programs. Most of these Cp-ers have never lived outside of their parents' homes. A lot of them have never had a job besides babysitting. They go wild because they haven't had a couple semesters at a University with similar social experiences.
In brief...I worked Summer 2000, Summer 2001, and Summer 2002. You could only apply for the "Summer only program in 2002" if you were alumni. During Summer 2000, every other CP-er that you came across gave you the vibe that they were going to be a CEO of the next Fortune 500 Company. Amazing People. You would do just as much networking with your fellow CPs as Disney Executives. During Summer 2002, you would meet other CP-ers who hated Disney but wanted to get away from school and living at home for a semester+summer.
I have done a lot of research and writing in depth on this topic. None of which has ever been published. It explains how amazing an opportunity the CP can be for anyone who is motivated and has a passion about being able to work there. If anyone ever wants to read it or has any questions about the CP, please contact me.
The role (ie. Operations, Custodial, Quick Food, Greeter) that one has down at Disney has nothing to do with the experience. I have had friends working custodial and quick food that have had better experiences then jungle cruise and haunted mansion operation workers. Disney is very upfront about the role you will receive. Never believe any story about a CP-er being deceived before they arrived down in Orlando.
I highly recommend the program to any college student who has had an hourly job before and has the necessary social skills to be a
reasonable room mate.
I've rambled enough...