Trip Report College Graduation Celebration: Inappropriate stories, crazy cast members, taking selfies, and FOOD

When you're post vacation depression finally settles in, what must a crazed WDW fan do? Make a trip report, of course! As I type this trip report in 60 degree weather in the boring Chicago suburbs, I hope to bring magic to your home, in addition to some many, many laughs. Enjoy!

Reason: Cassie (my best friend since the 2nd grade) and I's (Jessica) college graduation! After a four grueling years of schooling, we figured we earned a much needed all girls trip to WDW.

Here's a photo of the cast with some brief information about us to make you a little more familiar with us.


From left to right:

Jessica (me, 22): I received my B.A. in elementary education at the University of St. Francis with additional endorsements in special education and middle school social science and language arts. I hope to be obtaining a teaching job at the primary level for the upcoming school year!

Jodi (my sister, 20): Jodi is a hair stylist, and is also attending junior college to eventually obtain a degree in business or communications. Jodi is actually applying for the Disney College Program in August.

Rachel (Jodi's best friend, 20): Rachel also has her cosmetology license. While going to the same college as Jodi (they are in some of the same classes), Rachel works a ton as a waitress.

Cassie (my best friend, 22): Cassie has a B.S. in Psychology from University of Illinois. Cassie will be attending grad school in the fall at Midwestern University to earn her masters in occupational therapy. Cassie did the Disney College Program last year and graduated from it. She has lots of inside knowledge!

I have made trip reports before, so feel free to check them out:

Now, onto the report!
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Well-Known Member
HAHA! I'm laughing at your coffee story. I like cream in my coffee, but I'm like you in that I don't want anyone else fixing it for me. I hate getting coffee at McDonald's because they put the cream in themselves :confused:


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Original Poster
HAHA! I'm laughing at your coffee story. I like cream in my coffee, but I'm like you in that I don't want anyone else fixing it for me. I hate getting coffee at McDonald's because they put the cream in themselves :confused:
I'm so glad someone understands me! I mean, this is not Starbucks, and even they leave out milk and cream for their customers. I'm glad we can relate!

Me too! I just ask for it black with cream on the side and do it myself :)
Smart! What's with that manager thinking he can make drinks for other guests like that? Very strange.


Well-Known Member
We drive and for the last few trips I have brought my Keurig and a variety of kcups to enjoy. I use sugar free coffeemate and it is nice to make a cup any time I want it. Sitting on the balcony at AKL Kidani with a cup of coffee and a pastry, while watching the animals and having breakfast was especially nice.


Well-Known Member
Loving the pictures and the trip report. Chef Mickeys in on my to do list my next trip. All of the different hotel pictures is really cool, thanks fore sharing them. Following along.


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Day 2: The Coolest Summer Ever Part 2

Want to know if that cast member's theory on who exits first was right? Well, I think he was kind of right. Everybody exits at the same time, but somehow the people upstairs seem to get off faster.


She was happy to be arriving at MK!


Once we went through security and scanned our bands, we were greater with the Coolest Summer Ever's banner.


Every time I get to MK, a parade is going on. Every single time.

Naturally, we went straight to Starbucks because parades mean no lines!


I love coffee. This drink was finished under 5 minutes. Oh, and do you notice the pin I'm wearing? It's a "I just graduated" pin from Disneyland because for some reason WDW doesn't see graduation as a form of a plausible celebration to make a pin out of...o_O

After Starbucks, we had to take a cute picture of our Disney Side outfits because we knew we were going to get gross soon with the heat and humidity.

...and lots and lots of construction

I will say the construction is rather frustrating, but I hardly paid attention to it. The construction in MK is nowhere near as bad as it is in Downtown Disney *ehrm, erhm, soon to be Disney Springs* (stories coming soon). On the plus side, I surprisingly liked the new hub.

I will post in the next post since I'm having difficulties with uploading pictures in this post. More to come!
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Day 2: The Coolest Summer Ever Part 3


I was pleasantly surprised to see how the turf blended in well. In the other photos posted on here, the grass looked fake and just bad. When in person, it really looks like grass. I'm not sure how I feel about people lounging out there, though.


We decided to head over to Fantasyland since Jodi was dying to get a picture with Gaston lifting her up. When we got there, the line was too long and she couldn't join it. We figured that there were other times to see Gaston, so we explored Fantasyland a bit.


It's funny how this place has its own version of "butter beer."




DSC_0798 - Version 2.JPG


We were so hot that we just needed a break, so we decided to hop on the train to get a break. We ended up looping the entire park and going back to Fantasyland, haha. I also really wanted to see the Native American set up.



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Day 2: Coolest Summer Ever Part 4

I seriously take too many pictures...



Once we got back to Fantasyland, I had to use the bathroom. Cassie insisted that I should go to the best bathroom in MK, in the Tangled area. I will admit, it was pretty nice.

I love what they did here.




I have no clue what the purpose of these pictures are.


After basically doing nothing we decided to go on a ride, The Haunted Mansion!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
We drive and for the last few trips I have brought my Keurig and a variety of kcups to enjoy. I use sugar free coffeemate and it is nice to make a cup any time I want it. Sitting on the balcony at AKL Kidani with a cup of coffee and a pastry, while watching the animals and having breakfast was especially nice.
Now, that is smart! I had a Keurig when we went camping in Fort Wilderness two Christmases ago. I used that thing every morning. I'm highly jealous of your experiences watching the animals and drinking coffee and eating a pastry while doing so. Sounds amazing!
Loving the pictures and the trip report. Chef Mickeys in on my to do list my next trip. All of the different hotel pictures is really cool, thanks fore sharing them. Following along.
Thank you! You MUST go to Chef Mickey's. It will not disappoint. Thank you and you are welcome! Sometimes I think I might be going overboard on posting these pictures, but there are so many beautiful things in WDW that I cannot not share, haha. Thanks for reading!


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Great update! I was a bit concerned about the turf in the hub, but you eased that. Yes - if you can hold it, the Tangled BRs are worth it. :D

The "non-standard" pictures I think are great. As are the candid shots.

Yes, no longer can you worry about the turf. It blends well. Haha, the tangled bathrooms are really worth it! Thanks regarding my pictures! I love to take pictures from different standpoints. Thanks for reading!
Loving your TR, your pics are beautiful!
Thank you! (:
Still loving the TR! Your pics are sooo colourful!! Thanks for the share!
I'm glad you're still loving it! You are welcome!
You can never have too many photos :happy:
Haha I totally agree. By the end of the trip, I had a little over 2,000 pictures.
Lots of photos are part of a great trip keep them coming! Your outfits are cute. Is your sister (I think) Marie from the aristocats?
Thank you! I had a feeling no one would complain. (: We loved our costumes, thank! And I should have been clear on who was who. I was Minnie Mouse, Jodi was Marie from the Artistocats (you were right!), Rachel was Pocahontas, and Cassie was Oliver from Oliver and Company.
Great TR, awesome pictures! :)
Thank you! More to come!


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Day 2: The Coolest Summer Ever Part 3

Why is it that the Haunted Mansion queue always looks to be a much longer wait than it actually is? Well, this time it felt kind of long due to the heat. Naturally, I took lots of pictures to keep myself busy.


Ehm, ehm, much hot, lots of people...

My tutu. I seriously made this skirt at 11 o'clock at night, the night before we left for Florida.



Almost there! This was Rachel's first time on the ride.

Every time I go on the Haunted Mansion, I have to take pictures of the chandeliers.

The Haunted Mansion is not the Haunted Mansion without a couple "breakdowns." I almost sure this happens to load and unload those in wheelchairs. I don't mind this as HM is my favorite ride. Cassie and I were together, and we were stopped right in front of the creepy clock. Actually, it was kind of creepy just sitting in front of it, but I took a pretty sweet picture of it.

As we passed Madam Leota (sp?), we looked for the rumored drop that a guy supposedly fell down. Guess what? It exists! I believe there may be a net there now, though...

We stopped again and this time it was in the attic. Cassie mentioned that she thought the groom on the wedding cake had his head cut off. This is more poor attempt at finding out if the groom was decapitated. It kind of looks that way!


How can anyone get sick of this ride? I mean, I just had to devote a post to it. Sorry for the lack of updates, and I will try to be more consistent! More to come!

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