CM's Flirting With Guests


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
CM's flirting with guests? Of course it happens.
Guests flirting with CM's? That happens too.
(Granted, it happens more often at the Universal parks.)

Is there a specific guideline for CM's regarding this issue?

Surely it's appropriate to compliment a CM on an attractive appearance or characteristic. But are CM's forbidden from doing the same to guests? And what happens if they do?

Suppose a guest (male) begins talking to a CM (female), they "hit it off" and he's a local. He, realizing she has a job to do, asks for her phone number. So far so good. Do regulations forbid her from consenting? Or suppose he doesn't ask her for her number, is she allowed to ask him?

Assume that none of the above comments made by the guests or CM's constitute as sexual harrassment, as that is an entirely different issue.



Well-Known Member
I'm sure there is a policy somewhere on this, but honestly, I am not aware of what exactly it is.

Me personally... I've had a few guests flirt with me... and there have been a few that I would have loved to flirt back to... however... I knew that I had a role to play, and I remained professional at all times. (*grumble*... lol)

I would think as long as there is no sexual harrassment, and the cast member remains professional, and in role... then I don't think the exchange of email or phone numbers is wrong. But like I said, I'm not quite sure on Disney's policy...


Well-Known Member
A CM flirted with me...and she ended up being my girlfriend for a few months ;)

...I see nothing wrong with it..hehe


New Member
i picked up a cutie from the jungle cruise loading dock, she didn't give me her # but she met me at P.I. later that night. Had a great time that night.:animwink: it was about 4 years ago now. Hi Kate if you are out there.

Beauty and the

New Member
Nothing puts a little spring in your step more than someone atempting to flirt with you, no matter how old you are or even if you are wonderfully happy with your partner. Its nice to know you still have what it takes! i would never complain about any CM who flirted with me and hope they wouldn't report me either!!


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
as a CM, if you flirt with a guest, you're on the clock, and they complain, you can be fired on the spot.

But if you're off the clock.. HEY-O! How do you think I met my GF..


Well-Known Member
I think that as long as the atention is not unwelcome on either side....go for it!!!! As long as the CM remains professional during business hours, what they do romantically after hours is no one's business but thier own!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman
as a CM, if you flirt with a guest, you're on the clock, and they complain, you can be fired on the spot.

But if you're off the clock.. HEY-O! How do you think I met my GF..

The girl I dated was lucky that I thought she was cute...cuz her entire flirt session was while she was on the clock at the HM.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Flirt session?

Originally posted by NowInc

The girl I dated was lucky that I thought she was cute...cuz her entire flirt session was while she was on the clock at the HM.

"Flirt session?"

Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?

Hey, at least it's dark in the HM.



Well-Known Member
I really don't remember how that goes, but it sure was weird at times.

Examples: I did flirt while on the clock, and with another CM, and we did exchange numbers, but all steps were taken during the day, separate from each other, so not to show up...

And another one, Brazilians have this thing where they greet each other with pecks on the cheek (female-female and female-male). So I'd get at work and greet my Brazilian friends this way. My managers used to look me oddly untill I explained. But, after the date, I tried that with the girl. She'd accept it if we were alone (i.e. no managers).

I don't know, I guess it's very personal. But I wouldn't try it as a CM to a Guest. You never know... :kiss:


Account Suspended
Who has time to flirt?

Maybe some other venues offer a more personal experience... but when I'm in contact with Guests I either stand in front of them with a spotlight on me, only 3min 50sec window to get them seated and load wheelchairs, or outside saying "Eight minutes to the next show..." and "Please park your stroller along that wall" or "Ladies and Gentlemen may I have your attention please.. We are currently experiencing technical difficulties."

I doubt that would be a good time to flirt...

Not to mention it limits my dating pool.. I try, but some days the only people I verbally communicate with are those having problems with this, that, or the other.

I think it would be easier to flirt with a fellow CM. Sometimes there's overlap in breaks and wh else do ya talk to in an empty breakroom? (Empty breakroom!?! Yes, it does happen.)



Well-Known Member
Two of my friends went to WDW a few years back, they are two blokes (not together, but gay). Aladdin asked if they were togother, when he found out he they weren't, he got quite interested in one of them :animwink: and began to flirt. I beleive they met for dinner later that day.


New Member
Disneydudette where in MA are you if you don't mind my asking? I'm a CM and in MA for about another three weeks until I head back to WDW full time. Just figured if you thought CM's were a turnon...... :eek:) Just kidding! Have fun!

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