CM put the "kaybash" on recording Cranium Command

General Grizz

New Member
I don't see how it's illegal.

Cast Members have allowed me to videotape countless times. In fact, in the speils, they ACTUALLY say it's OK to use the camera without the "extra lights" -- or I ask permission.

If a Cast Member says no, I don't do it.

So I really don't see what the problem is.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

I didn't know you were the head of the "Morality Police" all of a sudden.:)

I create a post to let others know who may want to video this attraction what happened or will happen if they try and you get all high and mighty?

I KNOW Disney does not want you to tape the attraction, that is now obvious. So why do you feel the need to TELL ME that I shouldn't. I didn't ask for your opinion on the subject and don't see what you are trying to accomplish by telling me so.

I'm assuming you never broke any rule at a Disney park? And anyone who does you make sure to point it out to them?

And I completely fail to see how videotaping an attraction is a distraction? Is sitting next to someone a distraction? If you are ALLOWED to videotape, is that all of a sudden a NOT distraction, but when it's against the rules it IS a distraction? Whether it is allowed or not, I have never been bothered with people taking pictures or video as long as there is no noise or light or flashes.

I don't want to get into a war with you on this or have bad blood, but unless I was whining and complaining that Disney or a CM prevented me from videotaping an attraction that they don't want taped, I don't see how your remarks were warranted, unless your whole intent was to stir the pot.

Hopefully we can put this to rest and not have any name calling or people questioning others "ETHICS" as I've noticed people taking shots at me


New Member
Originally posted by HennieBogan1966
I mean, would you like someone coming into your home and taping without your permission.

If they give me fifty bucks a piece and I can charge them a fortune on top of that for a limp cheeseburger then damn right I would


WDW John

I doubt this is a copyright issue. Notice that Disney doesn't object to videotaping outside in the parks, how many people have you seen taping or photographing a parade or at the Beauty and the Beast show at MGM? These works are also protected by copyright but you don't see anyone trying to stop people from recording them.

I'm sure they would have an issue if the recorded work were then displayed in a way that violated copyright, but I think viewing them privately in your home is OK. If not, no cameras would be welcome in Disney parks.

I think the issue really is distraction and in some cases privacy. For example, if they are using a proprietary technology that could be scrutinized and the idea "stolen" by another park they may not want anyone videotaping it.


Well-Known Member
This is the fun of the outdated copyright system in the digital age! HURAH!

Simply put, according to the mighty powers, anything you write, create, or whatever is copyrighted in some way shape or form. Now, I'm guessing that at WDW, it's mostly the disturbances to guests than copyright issues, although I bet there are a few rides out there that are licensed that might not want video taping for that reason (ie, remeber One Mans Dream before the lift on the ban? Or the walking Backstage Tour?). I bet Disney can inforce a copyright issue with taping, but would it be practical? No. Would it hurt the guests? Yes.


New Member
Im not trying to stir up trouble but, are yall saying that you are not to videotape at all on any attraction or what, because this year and last year and coming up in a week, I plan on videotaping as much as I can.If your saying its wrong than why do they allow cameras in the parks anyway.They know your going to videotape.The only attraction that Ive videotaped that happened to be a show was Carousel of progress, and I didnt recieve nothing telling me I shouldnt.But The next time we went a CM came over a speaker telling someone not to use their camera.I really dont understand why that happened because numerous years my parents have been videotaping thet ride every trip and didnt hear nothin.:veryconfu :confused: :veryconfu :confused:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by the-reason
Im not trying to stir up trouble but, are yall saying that you are not to videotape at all on any attraction or what, because this year and last year and coming up in a week, I plan on videotaping as much as I can.If your saying its wrong than why do they allow cameras in the parks anyway.They know your going to videotape.The only attraction that Ive videotaped that happened to be a show was Carousel of progress, and I didnt recieve nothing telling me I shouldnt.But The next time we went a CM came over a speaker telling someone not to use their camera.I really dont understand why that happened because numerous years my parents have been videotaping thet ride every trip and didnt hear nothin.:veryconfu :confused: :veryconfu :confused:


Trust me. If they don't want you to, they'll tell you. I was just throwing out the whole copyright issue with modern technology card again.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by HennieBogan1966
I believe what we have here is some people who beleive that they are indeed, above the law. I see it all the time.
Like every time you look at your avatar?:D If videotaping the inside of an attraction is a "violation" of copyright, wouldn't logic follow that photographing the outside of the attraction a "violation?" Yet I don't see any CM's running around saying, "Sorry, sir (or ma'am), any photography of Mickey Mouse is prohibited." Has anyone been asked not to shoot video on Jungle Cruise? Anyone? Anyone?

I don't think copyright is the issue. I think Disney just wants to preserve the integrity and special "magic" of certain attractions. Some CM's may strictly enforce this, some may not. Which makes it hard to know when it's "okay" and when it's not. Secondly, I think there are some attractions where consideration of other guests, and the safety of guests, are issues.

I for one hate it when people use flash photography on dark rides. I would have no problem waiting patiently while the ride stopped and the offender was escorted from the ride. On the other hand, if someone is at the back of the attraction, and no one is bothered by the camera's viewfinder, no lights are being used, no view of the show is blocked by the camera, and there is no safety issue, I don't see an issue with taping the attraction. If an announcement is made not to photograph or videotape, then the cameras should be put away, because (here we go with the legal stuff) you agreed to follow the rules when you purchased your admission.

If Disney doesn't want video being shot, then there should be an announcement. Otherwise, how can you know?



Points of interest (if your are interested :) )

Even if the paperwork isn't filed out a creative work is "copyrighted" at it's creation. Last time I checked it was a couple of pages to fill out and a $15.00 fee.

Even the design of the buildings, i.e., Cinderella Castle is copyrighted. Ever take a photo of that?

Check your avatar lately? Your original creation is it? (OK, I know some are but there sure is a lot of Disney avatars out there).

Everyone really want to get tourqued up? Shall we discuss the fair use doctrine?

*Most annoying Disney moment* Being cut off at the pass by a massive tour group all in orange tee shirts. (Remember those guys)?


Well-Known Member
I too see nothing wrong with video recording rides or shows. Personally, I have never done it but seeing other people do it does not distract me or irritate me. In fact, I had someone sitting right next to me on test track recording the whole ride. The only thing I can't stand is when it does become distracting, like the big bright lights, or flashes. But a camera that is not emmiting light (besides the little red one) does not distract me one bit. I hope that someone can get Crannium Command on tape so I can still see it when it is closed.


Well-Known Member
One word:


Take everyone's experiences and what do you get?

Depends on the mood of the CM that day!


Well-Known Member
ya know, i was getting a bit hot under the collar with Hennie's posts about how obviously some of us think we're 'above the law' and how we don't care about other people and we should grow up and all that jazz. i was starting to take personal offense by it since i had mentioned earlier that my dad has taped many shows at WDW. my dad is one of the most considerate people i know, and if he knew he was distracting someone, he would immediately stop doing whatever he was doing. as i'm sure most of us here would. it's not like we're taping stuff for the sole reason of getting on someone's nerves or to prove that we can 'beat' the law. it's just ridiculous to even think that!
if video taping is getting on someone's nerves, then i would assume that they would speak up about it. either that, or forever hold their peace and deal with it. you're at a WDW show for like, what? 10 minutes?
and i'm not sure who mentioned that we wouldn't like someone coming into our home and video taping...but please! a person's home is their private space...meaning NOONE can video tape that without the person's permission, or without a legal warrant. but WDW is a PUBLIC space, so it's different. maybe they should make all of us sign contracts or something before we enter the parks....maybe that would solve this whole issue.
as for the way i see it...if Disney isn't going to keep these attractions around, then someone has to immortalize them...and that someone has gotta be those of us with cameras and a 'rebel spirit'. hey, what can i say? we live on the wild side :goodnevil :animwink:

kevin, i am absolutely amazed at how your simple, informative post was thrown way out in left field into a moral issue! i think we all understand that you were aiming to inform us, but, as you said, there are some who just enjoy stirring the pot. and, i too, hope that there is no bad blood because of all this. but i think it's crazy how out of hand this thread seemingly has gotten because a few decided to take it in a different direction.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

I know, funny how things turn out. I can't believe what a useless piece of human trash I am for trying to video Cranium Command
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I take solace in the fact that I can visist WDW any day I want while others can whine and complain about trivial matters.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Someone mentioned this a while back in this thread about Captain EO. It was on MTV several years ago. I've got a copy of it. In fact, I'm going to burn it on DVD shortly so I have a nice permanent copy of it.


Active Member
video ramblings!!

I've never had a problem with recording WDW attractions on video. I've often walked clear past Cast Members while video recording. they usually do something fun for the camera.

I use Night Vision. there's no external light, but you can see a lot of the detail that gets lost while recording. at WDW this has never been an issue.

at DL they use night vision security cameras, and the result is that when my invisible light comes into the view of their invisible light, it looks like I have a 50,000 watt arc lamp in my Doombuggy. this resulted in some CM screaming at me all through the graveyard over the loudspeaker (even after the NV feature was extinguished).

my next time through I alerted every CM I encountered and told them I would be using NV on the ride. this was fine. I asked them to alert the CM in control that I would be using NV. this didn't happen and she was yelling over the loudspeaker through most of the Ballroom and Attic.

(this was very late and night and nobody was on anyway - I try to avoid crowds if I'm going to record).

after the third try I got sick of it and got a CM to call control. she was actually being more disruptive to the show than any number of people waving around camcorders, launching into long tirades over the Mansion PA system. if I could have gotten her name I would've marched off to City Hall immediatley.

I never did end up getting a full video of Pirates because I was uncomfortale videoing it with other people in the boat.

at DL in June I got seated behind some sisters who decided it would be great to start throwing handfuls of water at each other. this is a great way to lose a hand, but they kept doing it even after I told them this.

at abut the Auction scene a CM came over the loudspeaker and announced:

"YES! Congradulations! It IS real water! Not a special effect!We ask that you please keep your hands OUT of it!"

that made my day. :goodnevil

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