CM put the "kaybash" on recording Cranium Command


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
No idea. there were 2 CM's running the attraction, 1 for pre show, 1 for the main show. Pre show either didn't see me or didn't care.

Main show guy came up to me right when the show started.

I think it's just a matter of luck when you do these things. Some CM's enforce rules, some don't, sometimes there's too many people to notice.

There wasn't more than 50 people in the theatre and I was in the back row where the CM stands with no one around me, so I stuck out like a sore thumb


New Member
The human mind has an incredible ability to rationalize poor behavior, so the cheater will easily convince himself that he has done nothing wrong. No one with a conscience wants to think of himself as a thief, so the human mind enters into denial, rationalization, and self-delusion.

"I'm not bothering anyone" is the typical refrain. Distractions of this type do bother other guests no matter where you are located in the theater. While there is no justification on your part, I am sure you will continue to feel secure in your rationalization. :D


Account Suspended
Doesn't anyone here have a real problem with people knowingly violating rules of not only courtesy, but protection of copyrighted product? I mean, would you like someone coming into your home and taping without your permission. And what kind of example are we setting for the children around us, whos' parents wind up saying, "I don't care what that other Mom/Dad is doing, it's wrong!" And you wonder why your kids don't listen in school? Geesh!! Look, I fully understand the excitement of being there, and wanting to capture a part of the magic. But I for one have a real problem with those of you out there who feel you are above the law. YOU ARE NOT!!! And although this extends far beyond the gates of ANY theme park, let's keep in mind that this is DISNEY Product. Part of the magic is the unique quality and originality of what the imagineers create.

Give it a rest people. Rules are rules for a reason.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Woody13
The human mind has an incredible ability to rationalize poor behavior, so the cheater will easily convince himself that he has done nothing wrong. No one with a conscience wants to think of himself as a thief, so the human mind enters into denial, rationalization, and self-delusion.

"I'm not bothering anyone" is the typical refrain. Distractions of this type do bother other guests no matter where you are located in the theater. While there is no justification on your part, I am sure you will continue to feel secure in your rationalization. :D


Do you speed?

Better yet, have you ever made a "rolling stop"?


New Member
Originally posted by BwanaBob

Do you speed?

Better yet, have you ever made a "rolling stop"?

We used to call them "California stops" and no, I don't. I also never make a left hand turn from the left lane into the right lane. My policy is that to avoid the law, you just have to obey the law!


Account Suspended
Woody may speed, as we all tend to do, but I'm betting he doesn't "cut people off", just because he can. It's this type of behavior that continues to be the downfall of our children these days. Mom and Dad do it, so it must be okay to break the rules when it suits you.

I think all we're really trying to say here, is to use a little consideration around others. Undoubtedly, those choosing to violate the rules and attempt to videotape, don't bother asking those around them if it is distracting to them. Which is exactly the point we are trying to make here. If you did, they would probably tell you that it's against the rules, which you know!!!!!

But you aren't going to ask, because you don't care!!! Grow up, have a little class, and act accordingly.


Well-Known Member
just for the record...

a little "devil's advocate".

Didn't intend to set anyone off.

(...I've got to stop doing that!)


Account Suspended
Well said Woody!!

I believe what we have here is some people who beleive that they are indeed, above the law. I see it all the time. At work, on the road, etc. I agree that they will rationalize their behavior, until it happens to them. THEN it's an issue. It's amazing how they develop memory loss when they are reminded of how they are accountable for their actions too. Wonder if any of these people are Eisner fans? Ya think?


New Member
Originally posted by BwanaBob
just for the record...

a little "devil's advocate".

Didn't intend to set anyone off.

(...I've got to stop doing that!)

We're cool. Nothing wrong with with playing (or being) the devil's advocate. Someone has to defend such people as Roy Disney. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by HennieBogan1966
Well said Woody!!

I believe what we have here is some people who beleive that they are indeed, above the law. I see it all the time. At work, on the road, etc. I agree that they will rationalize their behavior, until it happens to them. THEN it's an issue. It's amazing how they develop memory loss when they are reminded of how they are accountable for their actions too. Wonder if any of these people are Eisner fans? Ya think?


Anyone who knows me on these boards knows my stance on these "issues">>> All falls into one catagory.

...can anyone think of it?

(HINT: do a search!!!!!)
(HINT #2: do a bunch! It's been discussed as many times as "Rude Cast Members"!)


Well-Known Member
I'm a die hard too...and I'll go the distance for Roy!

This subject is a little touchy.

Mgmt vs. Consistancy.

can you say ":lol:"?


Active Member
So after all the videotaping debate is said and done...

Hope someone has captured CC on tape - I'll miss the attraction and would really like to see it again.


New Member
Originally posted by cymbaldiva
So after all the videotaping debate is said and done...

Hope someone has captured CC on tape - I'll miss the attraction and would really like to see it again.

But wouldn't that be illegal? :eek:


Active Member
I really have no desire to weed through legalities...

I'd just like to see the attraction again - is that really so much to ask?

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