Snow White will always be held in high regard as will Fantasia. And many others where the music and films live on in the parks. The "When You Wish Upon A Star" song is one of the most iconic musical numbers in all of Disney. When you here it or Zip a Dee Do Dah, the first word that comes to mind is "Disney"I've been really trying to be accepting when it comes to Disney as a whole. I made an effort to watch all of the animated films. I actually like the renaissance now. I praised the last two new movies. I've been trying to get into Star Wars. It just hurts when the fans and even the company don't pay attention to their origins. It hurts even more when the company uses Walt just as an extra means to make a few more bucks. I don't know, maybe it's just me. I'm getting really tired of seeing the same Disney films praised over and over again, and not a single one is one that Walt touched.
What I don't like is less in the films but more in the economics of going to WDW. Milking the guest for every dollar and cent wouldn't be what Walt was about. That's the part that saddens me a bit.