Citrus Dreamin' - Game Thread

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
There was a point where both teams were discussing similar enough themes/visuals that I was starting to think it was going to be a Disney Adventure/Dubai LegoLand situation lol. Kind of amazing with how many parallels there are between the two projects how different and distinct they feel. Really great stuff!

I'm getting some breakfast, then I'm gonna start writing reviews
Where ya getting breakfast?!

The creative output from this game has been extraordinary thus far!

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Where ya getting breakfast?!

The creative output from this game has been extraordinary thus far!
Nice local joint. Think it's named after the chef. Scottish dude I think? Got a couple of locations around Orlando. MacDonald's or something like that? Idk but it was a real classy place. Had a playground and everything

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Team Boats Reviews


  • First Impressions​
    • I was worried for a bit since so much time in brainstorming seemed dedicated to what to do with Echo Lake (which honestly this would've fit in perfectly fine with Echo Lake as it stands today imo) that the ride would wind up overshadowed, but thankfully that wasn't the case at all. Once a vision for the ride was settled on ya'll came together and did some really great work. Really clever, well done, and special. This feels like the best of classic EPCOT merged with the best of classic Studios to create something that feels instantly classic. At times a bit too much for a C perhaps, but never quite crossing that line. High capacity, would be great especially for fans, and wouldn't be a huuuge draw for general audiences that would cause another big spike in attendance. this is exactly what Studios needs! My one main concern is it might feel a bit too similar to Great Movie Ride (and I'll discuss that more later), but being compared to one of my all time favorite rides is not necessarily a bad thing at all!​
  • Presentation​
    • Google Sites is usually a bit overkill for a single ride, but it is a format I enjoy and you've done a great job making it feel special and using it to elevate the project as a whole. small touches like the quotes at the top of sections, the names for the pages, and the joke with the credits really sell it. Everyone did a good job working together on the site (especially @Outbound @Architectural Guinea Pig and @spacemt354 who I believe did most of it if I'm not mistake). The audio by @Outbound is something I'll discuss more late but once again was a standout "plus" for the presentation​
    • The area map by @Lord Fozzinator was very well done as always. Like usual though, I'll give the note that sometimes your priorities can be a little off on what needs the most focus. At the end of the day, the only major change was the showbuilding and redoing bits of the lake. I'm not sure you needed to cover Indy or redo the Prime Time Cafe building or go as extensive. Your maps are great, but when the land wasn't even a big part of the project and how much time/effort goes into them I feel like you could have used that time more to do art for the ride or help write a scene or two for the ride itself and just made a simpler Echo Lake map or perhaps skipped the map entirely. Again, there's absolutely nothing wrong with your map. It looks amazing, has incredibly realistic detail/sizing, and you've taken past notes in stride making it very clear and readable too instead of just stylish. I'm just concerned its a lot of effort going to something that doesn't need it​
    • The layout map by @Tegan pilots a chicken was great. Especially with the additions of AGP and Space tying it all together. A good collaboration that shows how in sync this team can be once they get going!​
  • Team Dynamic​
    • Honestly, most of my notes here you already addressed and have plans on how to work on it going forward. @Architectural Guinea Pig did a great job leading for this being their first time being a PM in a game like this. I'd recommend having a To Do list up a little earlier and update it a bit more frequently (even if its a less detailed To Do list with the more detailed breakdown coming later). I'd also be careful not to get too caught up in your specific pitch that you miss other player's attempts to build on your ideas or work on it together, but also by the end of this round you realized that and were already working towards being more open​
    • I also was going to note to @spacemt354 that the last day is maybe a bit late for notes that involved bigger changes to the ride like cutting or rearranging scenes that are already written or were being written, but also I agree with pretty much everything you were saying and you already addressed that yourself that you were unable to be as involved over the weekend leading to your input being a bit more last minute than planned. So, again, no notes needed from me. Ya'll got this and did my job for me lol​
  • Introduction - @spacemt354
    • Love a good custom team logo. Always fun even if it is just making it black and white​
    • The intro is nice and simple, yet immediately sells me on the tone you're going for. It's clear right off the bat the passion that went into this one.​
    • Love the art from across the lake by Space. You have such a knack for environmental concept art. Landscapes, buildings, kinetics, all that good stuff that often doesn't get the focus in art on the forum but goes such a long way in selling the atmosphere​
    • Minor nitpicks here and there. Like the description saying paths are gray but the concept art and Fozz's map showing the paths still reddish brown. Or some spots saying "grayscale" and others saying "greyscale." Little things, not big deals. Just stuff to keep and eye on when proofreading​
    • I was really skeptical of the New York port theme at first, but you sold me on it with the concept of it being a pre-Hollywood setting and themed as almost a prequel to the rest of the park. Really clever stuff. Love the thought that went into the thematic weight of the land. The lake might be a bit small for that many boats though, It's a fun gag with Team Boats having their own boats (always love jokes like that in projects), but then I look at the map or think about it with a realistic eye and it definitely feels like perhaps a bit much, but I'll excuse it since its just kind of a jokey reference anyways.​
  • The Prologue - @Outbound
    • I kinda feel like you could have just started the project here and been fine. The focus on early filmmakers as magicians really sells the ride and the thematic throughline that makes it sing. Beautifully written and a great way to sell what makes the ride unique rather than just "Great Movie Ride but with older films"​
  • Facade/Queue - @spacemt354
    • The facade sounds lovely. Simple, yet very effective and meaningful​
    • I love the queue being a museum of pre-video forms of projections/moving pictures. Really informative but in an engaging way that would make for an entertaining queue. Plus, it would signal to families with young kids that if they find this boring the ride might not be for them. which is good for an EPCOT style ride to let them know off the bat what they're getting themselves into. Would hopefully help with the lower guest scores these kinds of slow moving "boring" rides that I love so much tend to get from families. Not that the queue or the ride is "boring" but it is slower paced and not necessarily for everyone (which is totally fine and part of what keeps it at C-Ticket level of ambition/budget)​
    • The chain of ride vehicles beingthe cameras is a fun touch and makes it feel like guests are actively involved in the filmmaking process here while still being the "passive observers" this ride type demands.​
    • The art by @Brer Panther is fantastic as always. I love your character art, but its nice whenever I get to see you branch out a bit too!​
  • Ridethrough​
  • Audio - @Outbound
    • Really great work and somehow pretty perfectly timed with the rate of reading. The things you've been doing with audio editing so far are a truly great innovation for armchair imagineering. You might not be the first to play with audio (it sadly got lost somehow at somepoint, but I enjoyed playing around with a similar concept on a much smaller scale with my FNAF project for SAVII), but I'm not sure I've ever seen it done to this scale with this detail and this quality like you have here and with the Tiki Room project​
  • Narration - @spacemt354
    • I was nervous at first having one person on narration duty rather than having the narrration done by the people designing each scene, but I think ya'll made the right call. This gave it a strong consistent voice which helped the project as a whole feel more cohesive. It helps that the narration is excellent and sells the "Epcot meets Studios" style. If there's a particular standout bit I'll mention as I go, but wanted to just say off the bat well done with the narration​
  • Scene 00 - @Outbound
    • The horse in motion is a great way to start off. And one that has some more mainstream recognition now thanks to Nope. A lovely, simple beginning that immerses guests right away in much the same way the starscape/Mammoth does in Spaceship Earth​
  • Scene 1 & 2 - @Architectural Guinea Pig
    • I love the detail of the brothers being still figures. Adds a lot to the realism. The descriptions throughout feel real in a way that is tough to accomplish. It almost seems like I'm reading a description of an actual ride rather than an armchair imagineering proejct​
    • The magical tone is established right off the bat. This feels whimsical rather than educational in a way I appreciate and feels at home in Disney​
    • The train really is a neat effect. A great update on the similar gag seen in Journey into Imagination and Mr Toads. It sells the grandeur and communicates how insane this film would have felt to its original audience who had never seen a moving picture before​
  • Scenes 3 & 4 - @Outbound
    • I have not once, but twice done a Trip to the Moon dark ride for game son the forum. Once for the 1SC and once for a game by @twilight Zone back in the day. It's one of those ideas that has always stuck with me, but I've never had a chance to really go all in with it. It lends itself so well to this kind of setting I feel. Not to mention how important it is to filmmaking history. You did a great job capturing it here!​
    • The idea of starting with the "behind the scenes" of it leading into the next sequence recreating a few iconic visuals was great and a perfect transition to being more inside the films going forwards. Once again, I love the focus on filmmakers as magicians. As well as the realism with the effects.​
    • "Call it, one of the first 'special' effects in cinema history." this line feels so perfectly EPCOT in tone while still fitting the more whimsical style of this ride. Excellent narration by @spacemt354
    • Love the concept art by @ThemeParkPriest. Nice and simple, but a great highlight of the visuals ya'll are choosing to focus on​
  • Scene 5 - @spacemt354
    • A very simple scene, but a great use of simplistic visuals to highlight the importance of simple visual storytelling in filmmaking. A great gag in the movie, a great gag in the ride, and one that works without the need for any complex effects.​
  • Scene 6 - @WaltWiz1901
    • I know there was some debated about whether to include the Alice Comedies. Whether it felt more like animation history rather than live action filmmaking history. Personally, I like it. Especially with the narration selling it as a part of movie history with the ties to Disney. Plus, this feels like another "magic trick" of early filmmaking. I don't usually (or ever) say this, but I wish there was less animatronics/figures and more projections/screens. I think giving the concept and style, making Alice the only dimensional figure while all the cartoons are either painted flats or projections could've sold the hybrid even more.​
  • Scene 7 - @spacemt354
    • The Metropolis scene is a nice way to scale back a bit for a calm moment before the finale. A grand landscape build with miniatures full of details for guests to find (and a great setting for the transition between floors considering how vertical it is). But no overly flashy effects. The tease of Pepper's Ghost as a stage technique used in this film was a smart way to continue the thematic ties of the ride​
  • Scene 8-10 - @Outbound
    • I am torn on Oz being here. On one hand it is a great scene and absolutely the perfect choice to represent the transition to color. Don't think you could beat it. And the scene you built with it is fantastic, a real showstopper yet without ever using any effects that would put it above a C-Ticket scale just using those simply effects wisely. On the other hand, this feels really similar to the stand out Oz sequence from Great Movie Ride. Which already was built around Munchkinland and ended with the simple figures of the main four on the Yellow Brick Road by a matte painting of the Emerald City with this same song. I feel like using Over the Rainbow to discuss sound/music in film leading to the tornado leading to just a short trip through the colorful landscape of Munchkinland blending into the London Park from Poppins as a smooth transition between scene might have been better and helped it stand out more. But also its tough to say I would have rather you done that when what you have is still very fantastic. GMR isn't there anymore anyways so is it even really a big deal to have a very similar scene? Like I said, I'm a bit torn on it.​
    • Also, small thing, you're in the colorful whimsical world of Oz and then the next scene is mostly the colorful whimsical world in the chalk painting from Poppins. I don't think you needed the stop inside the London Bedroom in between those. I get what you were going for, but I think a smoother transition between the two would've been a stronger option.​
    • That being said, I love your use of Poppins to tie everything together. I was skeptical at first (especially using the animated sequence), but you did a good job paying off what came before. From the blended medium like the Alice Comedies to the specific call back to the horse that started it all, to the magical tone. This feels like a culmination of everything that came before it and a great climax!​
    • The end bit with the dark room and showcasing innovations missed and highlights of cinema history is very fun and I could definitely see myself getting goosebumps riding this ride, hearing the music rise to a crescendo, seeing the history of cinema sprawled out before me, and then hearing Walt say "It's kind of fun to do the impossible." A great capper to a great ride​
  • Shopping & Dining - @ThemeParkPriest
    • The specialty merch in the gift shop is a lot of fun. I especially love the flipbooks. Ties into the themes of the ride well and how it intends to inspire future filmmakers through the tour of the past!​
    • The food truck for the cast/crew is a solid option for a snack stand. I like the focus on snacks/sides. Some cheese fries and a piece of black & white pie would be a good midday pick me up in the park​
  • Cinemagic Theater - @Brer Panther
    • A nice, simple A-Ticket to help round out the park's line up and give a lowkey place to rest for families in a park that can be pretty hectic. Honestly if it is staying and not being replaced I feel like the Vacation Fun theater IRL should be used like this with a continuous rotation of classic shorts rather than a set show. Also, I like the mix of animation and live action. A good way for tired kids and grandparents alike to share their interests with each other​
  • Conclusion​
    • This is going to be a tough round to call. There's some very minor issues here and there that are mostly either nitpicks or just things I personally would have liked done differently not really problems. Some mild issues with teamwork that have already been resolved and a few moments that are maybe a bit too similar to Great Movie Ride, but overall a stellar project and one of my favorites I've ever seen on this forum. Well done!!!​

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Team Birds Review


  • First Impressions
    • Minor note right off the bat. If you can include credits they do help a lot to make sure I'm properly giving everyone on the team their fair shake and not overlooking anyone's work. Not a big deal at all and I understand with how in sync this team is that it can be tough to divide things up anyways. And absolutely not something that is going to count against the team in terms of deciding who wins. But I'd hate to be looking back here when deciding on eliminations now or for a future round and eliminate someone because I thought their contributions were done by someone else. Luckily there isn't a ton of brainstorming (ya'll kind of settled on this idea right away and it just clicked with only a few notes after, it was crazy to witness. I think it took more messages to convince @AceAstro he accidentally titled it Journey into Imagination on the final post then it took to make the ride lol) so it is easy enough for me to go through and check who did what.
    • That out of the way: I love it! A water ride is definitely something Studios needs and this is such a creative take on an animation attraction. There's some mild concerns about something so projection heavy with an animation focus so close to Runaway Railway feeling repetitive, but you do such unique things with the technology that (much like Boats with GMR) I don't feel like the comparisons drag your project down at all.
    • I feel like I'm going to have a lot less to say here than I did with Boats (which has been the pattern), but please don't take that as a knock against ya'll or that I'm less engaged. This team has a real talent for streamlined projects that feel like a singular voice. These almost feel like solo projects, but with the talent of a whole team poured into it.
  • Presentation - @AceAstro
    • A nice and simple forum post. I honestly can't remember the last time I've seen that lol. It works really well here and fits Birds' style of stripping back the fluff and polishing the core of the project. I feel like a little bit more could have been done to fancy it up. Perhaps not using the default font. Or maybe as color is added to the ride you start using different colored texts instead of staying black and white. I appreciated the scaled back and simple presentation here, but very tiny splashes like that could have helped without adding much work. I know there was some bigger plans for a more expansive presentation, but ya'll made the right call to keep it simple and save some of those bigger ideas for later.
    • The artwork by @PerGron is fantastic! so expressive and whimsical! Does a great job communicating the style and tone while still being fun and just plain pretty to look at
    • One thing that got lost in the shuffle and was missed in the final project is this fantastic photoshop of the facade by @Disney Dad 3000! Looks so real I had to a do a double take when I saw it. Love the ties both to Disney history (with it being modeled after the real animation studios) and park history (with it bringing back the Big @$$ Hat in a way)
    • vqhmK20.png
  • Team Dynamic
    • Ya'll continue to be very in sync and continue to work really well together. I was a bit worried by a couple days of near total silence, but ya'll were on top of it and just working on your sections. @AceAstro did a great job as leader keeping things organized. I'd maybe suggest that the team could do a bit more to update each other on their progress as they go. And to be careful that no one is getting lost in the shuffle (like how DDad's main contribution this round was missed being added into the final project). But overall this is a very strong team that works together really well
    • I would also maybe advise to be careful not to lean too heavy on one person. The entire ridethrough was done by @JokersWild and the queue and the tech write up. If I didn't see how collaborative the brainstorming was I would almost say this feels less like a team project and more like Jokers & Friends lol. But having seen behind the scenes I know that's not the case. But maybe a dividing things up a bit more would be nice.
    • As a quick note, @MonorailRed was absent this round. They gave me notice in advance and gave their team notice too so I won't hold it against them. IF anyone from this team is eliminated and IF Red winds up on the chopping block, any decision will be made on the season so far no based on her being out of town. If anyone else is gonna miss most or all of a round due to a prior commitment or something, let me and your team know. I won't guarantee immunity or anything like that, but any decisions will be made based on the season so far not based on what you missed while on vacation. As best as possible, I don't want "having a life outside this forum" to be a detriment lol
  • Introduction - @DisneyManOne
    • The ties to the park's history was very nice and I like the detail of it being a part of the park's 35th anniversary (though if you wanted it to be a part of Disney100 I would've let ya'll set it a few months ago, but this anniversary works too). As a big fan of the old animation attraction as a kid, using this ride as an evolution of its ideas is a really appealing concept to me. You maybe slightly oversell it in the intro for what it meant to be a C-Ticket, but also I won't begrudge you using a bit of marketing hype. The simple boat ride full of projections definitely fits the scale I was looking for. As always, great writing. Although I'd love to see you branch out and work more on the attractions themselves as you tend to default to focusing on the intro most rounds. Using your writing skills to set the stage for everyone else's work rather than letting your writing take a bit more of the focus.
  • Queue - @JokersWild
    • I like the nice and simple start of the queue. I appreciate what the park is becoming and I love the more immersive worlds, but little things like this keeping the "studio" theme alive go a long way imo keeping the park's identity strong.
    • The transition from the realistic studio into the very abstract "Ideas Dept" is well handled. The dark area could potentially be intimidating for younger riders, but the bright bursts of colors forming characters adds some much needed levity and also work as a neat "guess the character as it is forming" game to pass time in the queue without holding things up the way interactive queues do. It sets the tone very nicely.
  • The ridethrough - @JokersWild
    • If there's one thing I can count on from a project by a team including Jokers and PerGron, it's that the ride is gonna be esoteric and weird, but in a very good way lol
    • The very simple and abstract beginning is a very striking visual to start out with and a great way to get guests acclimated to the darker lighting needed to make these effects work. Feels almost like the orchestra warming up before the show begins
    • The idea of a space being built around you, going from ideas to sketches before your very eyes. It's incredible! I've never seen something like this, and yet I can picture it vividly.
    • The use of music here is great (well, described music). I love the simple piano building to a more complex melody as more detail and colors are added. It makes the transition more of a full sensory experience
    • Minor nitpick, a picture of the Spring Sprite would've been nice. I recognized her immediately after seeing here, but I didn't know her by name. Plus, an extra visual could have helped break up the scenes more. She was a very fun inclusion here though. A great way to start to add life to the developing scenes
    • The Disney characters here are a lot of fun. I really adore the use of sketches forming into the characters. A great use of projections and a great integration of IP to add more fun/life to a ride that was running the risk of being to artsy for a Disney park up till now.
    • The transition from hand drawn to digital (while still blending the two) is a very fun step. Still a great use of characters and while you do move on to more modern animation the classics aren't lost either. It feels almost like Once Upon a Studio in how it blends everything together, but without just taking the easy way out of just being One upon a Studio: the Ride.
    • The ending of Star (literally the only good thing about Wish) and Tink flying through fireworks as Mickey waves at guests is a great finale. Although the focus on the Mouse for the finale isn't helping the Runaway Railway comparisons, but at the same time its tough to say to cut Mickey when his inclusion here is great. But I do almost thing that just the focus on the fireworks and Tink/Star leading us back into a more abstract space like a starfield transitioning back to the station could've been a nice finale that brings it full circle. But at the same time what you have here is definitely a more grand climax utilizing the projections to add more characters and features than a traditional ride could have. So, I'm slightly torn on the ending. It's definitely a great ending though. I just have an internal debate about whether a few tweaks could make it even better
  • Technology - @JokersWild
    • This section is a great addition and the videos really do go a LONG way to helping me visualize how the ride and it's effects would be pulled off and how they could realistically look. My only note is that this should have come first. I enjoyed the ride a lot more my second time reading it because of how much easier I could picture everything after reading the tech section and watching the videos. Before getting to this part, I was worried this would feel potentially underwhelming with how heavy it would be with projections and screens (unless there's something you didn't mention or I missed somehow, there's not even a signature animatronic like River Journey or Seas with Nemo), but after seeing the tech you plan to use I get how, while still a C-Ticket scale, this would manage to impress and amaze.
  • Post Show - @tcool123
    • Love a good post show. Great way to add more substance and fun to a ride for a low budget. The stuff you added feels like a great homage to the classic animation attraction
    • The Animayou is a fun feature. Sure it is not much fancier than snapchat filters from 5+ years ago, but the integration into Play Disney and the integration as a part of a larger animation exhibit make it a really fun addition here
    • Colortones is another great addition and I love how it is integrated into the space as a whole and not just pushed into a corner or something
    • Wishgranter is a really fun idea. Using Star as the framing device for an I Spy type game in other Disney movies is nice and simple yet a great addition. Perfect little game for younger guests, especially since this is a relaxing indoor, air conditioned space right next to the Disney Jr show.
    • Of course, a rotating meet & greet is always nice and a great feature for the studio park. Starting it off with Oswald is great choice imo. I'm kind of surprised you didn't go with Asha since you were already integrating Wish into this experience in subtle ways for the 100th, but I appreciate to more classic approach
  • Additional Upgrades - @PerGron
    • short and sweet. Doesn't take away from the focus on the project, but these are some solid updates to Animation Courtyard. A House of Mouse dinner theater is a great addition and Studios could use more dining. It's a shame to lose an attraction for a restaurant, but let's face it Mermaid has been closed for so long I'm not sure it even counts as a loss
    • The Disney Jr updates are nice. I'm shocked Disney hasn't made a deal to add Bluey there yet considering how crazy popular it is (and for good reason, that show slaps. It is probably my second favorite new-to-me show I've watched this last year right behind Severance and right above the Bear. I resisted it for a long time considering I'm a nearly 30 year old man without kids, but I hadn't had this many coworkers try to get me into a show since Game of Thrones was new. Aside from an occasional breakout hit like the Owl House I don't watch many kids shows, and don't think I've watched a young kids show like that since I was like 7. But there really is something special about Bluey). Random tangent aside, this is a nice update that would breathe some new life into it.
  • Conclusion - @DisneyManOne
    • I think this got missed in the shuffle too. Which is a shame because it is a very nice wrap up. I'm not sure if this was an intentional omission to streamline the project (which I do appreciated a nicely streamlined project) or if it just got missed (I know some stuff came up last minute with Ace giving him less time than planned to compile everything. I don't think a conclusion was really needed, but it is nice to end by bringing the focus back to the ride rather than ending off on a Bluey M&G
  • Final Thoughts
    • There's some minor issues like missing pieces in the final project (though only supplemental stuff nothing major), formatting of what should go where (tech of how the ride works should probably go before the ride in this case) or mostly surface level similarities Runaway Railway. These are all small issues though. The ambition and artistry on display is fantastic and the use of Disney characters to add some fun and vibrancy is perfect. This is an incredible ride and another one of my all time favorites on the forum. Like I said last night, whatever team wins will do it by a razon thin margin. And whatever team loses, should absolutely not take it hard. Whatever happens, you should be very proud of what you've done here.

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
The Winner of the Fifth Expedition is...


Both team did incredible! Truly incredible! Ultimately though, I think Boats edged it out. It was tough to decide considering how strong both projects were (and how much they both spoke to me and my interests specifically). While both teams had minor issues and nitpicks, I feel like the minor quibbles I had with Birds detracted more from the overall experience more than the minor quibbles I had with Boats. Again though, both teams should be proud.

This was a 10/10 project going up against a 10.5/10 project

And for winning, the prize they will receive is...

A Brand New Picture of a Used 2001 Honda Civic!


Pictured: A picture of something worth nearly $3000 according to the Kelly Blue book if it is in good condition. Too bad it is in fact just a picture

For being the Skipper of the winning team, @Architectural Guinea Pig has won immunity for the next Elimination.

Speaking of eliminations, here comes the hard part.

As mentioned before, member of the losing team will be eliminated

@Disney Dad 3000

While you're a strong player, you've been contributing less lately. Often just a piece of art or two. Probably still would've kept you on board to see if some different prompts would've helped spark your creativity a bit more again. But you chose to nominate yourself for elimination. Not the best strategic move, but a very admirable one. I hope you've enjoyed your time here and I look forward to working with you again in the future

BUT while you have been eliminated, maybe this isn't quite the end yet. I'll be messaging you soon

But if you remember, since there was no eliminations last round, it was decided to do double eliminations this round. While one was guaranteed to be from the losing team, this second elimination can come from either team.

@Disney Warrior

While you've done well this season so far (especially considering the less time you had available this time of year, something you let us know before the season even began), you just weren't very involved in the brainstorming these last two expeditions and your contributions to the final projects were some of the smallest. In any other game, you would have gone further. But considering the uniquely high level of activity here, I'm afraid this is it for this game.

BUT while you have been eliminated, maybe this isn't quite the end yet. I'll be messaging you soon

The next River begins soon. With the next Expedition coming shortly after

Good luck, Explorers!

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Welcome to the Rapid River!


Pictured: More Cardio than I've done in weeks

Citrus Dreamin' will be divided into 5 Wondrous Rivers with each new river adding a new twist or element to the gameplay.

The third river we encounter is The Rapid River! There will be three Imagineering Expeditions along this river, each with a shorter time frame and a simpler prompt. All three Expeditions will be done in about 12 days total. Rather than each Expedition being judged on its own, the River as a whole will be judged as a whole at the end of it. So, no rewards or eliminations until this River is over (at the end of Expedition #08). Plus, if you can't be active in one prompt you have two others to make up for it since it is all treated as a whole for judging.

There will be 1 player eliminated at the end of this River (Potentially 2), but it isn't all bad news. One player will win the coveted and delicious
Golden Dole Whip!

These shorter rounds are a great chance to get crazy with it, try new things, get creative, and have fun with it!

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
I kinda knew it was going to happen sometime soon, especially with me being busier next week (hey, at least I’m on spring break rn). I had a fun time. Good luck Boats! (@Pi on my Cake can I still be in their PMs so that I can spy on guest judge them)
I'm really glad to hear you take it well, I'd absolutely love to have you on board as a devious spy guest judge!

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
The Winner of the Fifth Expedition is...


Both team did incredible! Truly incredible! Ultimately though, I think Boats edged it out. It was tough to decide considering how strong both projects were (and how much they both spoke to me and my interests specifically). While both teams had minor issues and nitpicks, I feel like the minor quibbles I had with Birds detracted more from the overall experience more than the minor quibbles I had with Boats. Again though, both teams should be proud.

This was a 10/10 project going up against a 10.5/10 project

And for winning, the prize they will receive is...

A Brand New Picture of a Used 2001 Honda Civic!


Pictured: A picture of something worth nearly $3000 according to the Kelly Blue book if it is in good condition. Too bad it is in fact just a picture

For being the Skipper of the winning team, @Architectural Guinea Pig has won immunity for the next Elimination.

Speaking of eliminations, here comes the hard part.

As mentioned before, member of the losing team will be eliminated

@Disney Dad 3000

While you're a strong player, you've been contributing less lately. Often just a piece of art or two. Probably still would've kept you on board to see if some different prompts would've helped spark your creativity a bit more again. But you chose to nominate yourself for elimination. Not the best strategic move, but a very admirable one. I hope you've enjoyed your time here and I look forward to working with you again in the future

BUT while you have been eliminated, maybe this isn't quite the end yet. I'll be messaging you soon

But if you remember, since there was no eliminations last round, it was decided to do double eliminations this round. While one was guaranteed to be from the losing team, this second elimination can come from either team.

@Disney Warrior

While you've done well this season so far (especially considering the less time you had available this time of year, something you let us know before the season even began), you just weren't very involved in the brainstorming these last two expeditions and your contributions to the final projects were some of the smallest. In any other game, you would have gone further. But considering the uniquely high level of activity here, I'm afraid this is it for this game.

BUT while you have been eliminated, maybe this isn't quite the end yet. I'll be messaging you soon

The next River begins soon. With the next Expedition coming shortly after

Good luck, Explorers!
Didn'T See That Coming Bbc Two GIF by BBC

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Imagineering Expedition #06



I know you all love EPCOT! EPCOT is everyone's favorite park to work in! Horizons, Dreamfinder, Figment, Living with the Land, etc. What Imagineering competition would be complete without an EPCOT prompt? Well get ready! Because now it's time for an EPCOT project!

--What you need to know--


The festivals are a staple of modern EPCOT. They can be a bit controversial among fans and there can be pros/cons, but at the end of the day they are constantly bringing a fresh energy to the park. Celebrating international cultures in their own unique ways. The Food & Wine festival celebrate cuisine, Flower & Garden Festival showcases types of gardens and plant life from around the globe, Festival of the Holidays is a salute to all winter holidays but mostly Christmas, and the newest addition of the Festival of the Arts (FArts for short) celebrates music and art from around the world and throughout history.

Each Festival is unique, but there is some things they all have in common. There's always a scavenger hunt (mostly if not completely focused on the world showcase) where you search for the festival's mascot as they celebrate the festival themselves. Like Spike the Bee with local plants in each country for Flower & Garden or Figment hidden in historically significant paintings for FArts. Generally with a little prize at the end. There's also always some sort of live entertainment in the American Gardens Theater. Concerts are a common one, but there is the Broadways showcases for FArts and Candlelight Processional for the Holidays showing that there can be some variety. There's always food booths of course. While they can easily be written off as just more spots to eat/drink, they do all follow a theme for the Festival. More creative presentations for FArts, more plant based for Flower & Garden, Traditional holiday meals for Festival of the Holidays, etc.

While the Festivals all have these in common (among other smaller details like merchandise, a new theme for the Odyssey pavilion, a new beacons of magic show for Spaceship Earth, fun decor in Living with the Land, etc.), there is also always unique features that makes it stand out. The topiaries for Flower & Garden, Storytellers for Festival of the holidays, multiple live art projects and photo ops for FArts, better food and extra booze for Food & Wine. That's just scratching the surface but it is enough to get you started.

--The Prompt--


Design a brand new EPCOT Festival!

It is up to you to decide what makes the festival special and what is/is not part of it. But you must include a Scavenger Hunt, Live Entertainment in the American Gardens Theater, Food Booths, and at least one Unique Feature

You do NOT need to worry about the calendar or scheduling this for a specific time frame. You can, if you would like, either fit your festival in between the current one's, rearrange their dates, or replace one of the real festivals. But you do not have to. As far as I'm concerned, it is ok if your Festival takes place in the month of Smarch right after Fall but before autumn.


No Wilderness Explorer's Guide (didn't feel needed since an overview was already given in the prompt), but if you have any questions let me know.

There will be no Eliminations or Awards during the Rapid River, but rather at the end of the River (Expeditions 6, 7, and 8) Awards and Eliminations will be based on the River as a whole.

--Team Skippers--

Give it up for...

Skipper @Outbound on Team Boats
Skipper @PerGron on Team Birds

If your team wins, you will be granted immunity for the next Elimination

--Helpful Advice--

This Round is a short and sweet!
A bathroom, a bench, and some odds & ends. Not much to it. These short rounds are always some of my favorites. You get out of them what you put in. From #HippoSplatterWall to #BloodyWatermelonWall, these can be a blast. Go goofy, take it seriously, or find a nice middle ground. If it's just not your cup of tea, there will be two other rounds after this in the River. With the simpler premises and shorter timeframes, its expected that not everyone will take a starring role in all three prompts. But I encourage you to give it a shot and have some fun with it! Ya never know what you might come up with

--Guest Judges--

@Lizzy May Bee
@Disney Warrior

--When is it due?--

This project is due in just under 4 Days on Sunday, April 21st, 2024 at 11:59 pm WDW Time
(9 pm Disneyland Time, 11 pm Six Flags over Texas Time, 2 pm the next day Tokyo Disneyland Time)

--Some Brainstorming Music--


Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
@Pi on my Cake takes on @PerGron in a special April Fools edition of Disney Debates, going live tonight at 10PM Eastern.

Questions include...

1. Who is the most FOOLISH Disney villain?

2. Which Pixar film would be most improved by adding Larry David?

3. Which Disney attraction should NEVER get adapted into a Muppets special?

Should be starting in just about 10 minutes! Looking to be a fun time


Well-Known Member



Festival Description
For generations upon generations, stories have been one of the most prominent ways we have communicated with each other. We craft stories of fictional heroes and villains: knights fighting dragons, astronauts against aliens, love conquering death. The deeds of our real-life heroes are immortalized, be it in legends or in history. And in these stories, we are given ways to change the future; to learn from characters' misdeeds, or to reflect on where our own past can lead us. This form of communication is so monumentous that Disney has decided to craft a fifth EPCOT festival around the concept: the EPCOT International Festival of Stories.

The Festival of Stories takes place for only one month: October. This is EPCOT's "birthday festival", so it seems only fitting to only have it take place in October. Throughout the month, EPCOT comes alive with the power of stories, and how we use them to reach out to the world. There are specialty food booths offering dishes from around the world, as well as dishes inspired by the culture and stories of the eleven nations of World Showcase. Each pavilion of World Showcase hosts live demonstrations of unique storytelling forms from their respective countries. Dreamfinder and Figment even have a special scavenger hunt you can partake in. And since this is EPCOT's "birthday festival", the America Gardens Theatre comes alive with EPCOT in Concert, an elaborate spectacle on par with the Candlelight Processional where the ideals of EPCOT are honored in song and in dance. In essence, the Festival of Stories is a beautiful reflection on how one story can have a massive impact on the world.

Food Offerings

EPCOT Festival of Stories - Where every flavor has a story, dishes are waiting to be experienced from October 1 through October 31, this year’s celebration is not one to be missed!

Once you see the tasty options available, your appetite will be sure to grow. With nearly 20 Outdoor Kitchens, there is a perfectly harvested combination of new delights and spectacular storytelling.

As you eat your way through the Festival, don’t forget to pick up a Festival Passport to participate in Storytellers Stroll, a winding food stroll featuring five delicious dishes from various Outdoor Kitchens inspiried by the light bites of summer. Get a stamp in your passport after you’ve purchased the items and once you’ve compiled all five, simply make your way to Tropical Tales to receive your Festival-exclusive treat.

Below are all the treats the EPCOT chefs have put together for you this year:

Brunch of Legends
This breakfast booth will feature classic American folklore characters and dishes, bringing a taste of the past to the present day. Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" featuring information on the rich storytelling tradition of American folklore and how the foods of the folklore's region inspired the menu.

Paul Bunyan's Pancake – One, giant fluffy pancake served with maple syrup and butter
Johnny Appleseed's Fruit Salad - Fresh mixed fruit salad with a honey yogurt dressing
Davy Crockett's Sausage and Biscuits - Homemade buttermilk biscuits served with savory sausage patties and gravy
Rosie the Riveter's Power Bowl - A bowl of quinoa, black beans, avocado, roasted sweet potatoes, and a sunny-side-up egg
Huckleberry Finn Smoothie - A refreshing and fruity smoothie made with huckleberries, strawberries, banana, and a splash of orange juice, inspired by the adventurous spirit of Mark Twain's beloved character.
John Henry's Steel Drivin' Bacon Bourbon Milkshake - A decadent milkshake mixing sweet potato, maple syrup, crispy bacon bits, vanilla ice cream, and a splash of bourbon.
Bigfoot's Smoky Bacon Bloody Mary - A savory and smoky variation of the Bloody Mary, featuring crispy bacon-infused vodka, smoked paprika, barbecue sauce, and a splash of liquid smoke. Topped with a skewer of a giant slice of candied bacon shaped like a foot, pickled okra, and a dusting of smoked sea salt.
Johnny Appleseed's Apple Cider Flight - Big Storm Brewing Co. Apple Blonde Ale, Caramel Apple Pie Ale, Apple Pecan Brown Ale

A Sushi Story
Stroll by the Japan Pavilion and immerse yourself in the rich history of sushi at our festival booth. Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" featuring information on the culinary history of sushi in Japan, as well as the art of sushi making. Taste authentic flavors that have been passed down through generations.

Traditional Spicy Sushi Roll - A classic combination of sushi rice, fresh fish, and vegetables, rolled in nori seaweed and served with soy sauce and wasabi.
Future World Fusion Roll - A imaginative combination of spicy tuna, avocado, mango, and tempura shrimp, all rolled together in a delicate soy paper wrapper. The roll is then topped with edible microgreens and a futuristic molecular gastronomy-inspired foam that adds a touch of whimsy and sophistication to each bite. It is served with a side of liquid nitrogen-infused dipping sauce that creates a dramatic smoking effect.
Sushi Ice Cream - Indulge in a delightful dessert with our creamy matcha ice cream wrapped in a sweet dessert rice, and submerged in a light and crispy tempura batter, fried to golden perfection. Served with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of powdered sugar.
Sakura Spritz - A floral and refreshing cocktail inspired by the cherry blossoms of Japan. The Sakura Spritz is made with sparkling sake, cherry blossom syrup, and a splash of soda water. Garnished with a delicate cherry blossom petal.
Plum Wine Spritzer - Indulge in the sweet and fruity flavors of plum wine with our Plum Wine Spritzer. A mix of plum wine, soda water, and a splash of lemon-lime soda.

Greek Grub
Step into the world of Percy Jackson and the Olympians at the Festival of Stories! This booth combines the flavors of Greek and American cuisine with a magical twist, inspired by the beloved book series by Rick Riordan. Enjoy classic dishes with a modern twist as you embark on your very own quest for delicious food. This booth has a tent nearby for series information and purchases nearby.

Zeus' Thunder Fries - Crispy french fries topped with chopped lamb gyro meat, feta cheese, oregano, and a drizzle of tzatziki sauce.
Athena's Olive Tapenade Flatbread - A flatbread pizza topped with kalamata olives, roasted red peppers, feta cheese, and a balsamic glaze.
Hades' Spicy Wings - Crispy chicken wings tossed in a fiery buffalo sauce, served with celery sticks and blue cheese dressing.
Dionysus' Baklava Sundae - Layers of flaky phyllo pastry, honey, nuts, and cinnamon, served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and whipped cream.
Lotus Lemonade - A refreshing blend of lemonade and mixed berries. Topped with a edible flower.
Hephaestus' Smoked Old Fashioned - A smoky twist on the classic old fashioned cocktail, made with bourbon, smoked maple syrup, bitters, and a charred orange peel garnish.

The Columbian Cafe
The Columbian Cafe booth at Epcot's new festival celebrates the rich and diverse bakery culture of Colombia. Guests can indulge in traditional Columbian delicacies such as empanadas and pandebono, along with a variety of sweet treats like tres leches cake and guava pastries. Enjoy a cup of bold Columbian coffee. Immerse yourself in the flavors and aromas of Columbian cuisine at this vibrant and delicious booth. Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" featuring information on Columbian Bakery culture.

Empanada Flight - Savory pastries filled with beef, chicken, and cheese. Each severed with complimentary toppings.
Pandebono - Cheese bread made with yuca flour and cheese
Guava Pastry - Flaky pastries filled with sweet guava paste
Tres Leches Cake - Moist sponge cake soaked in three types of milk and topped with whipped cream
Columbian Coffee - Rich and bold brewed coffee served black or with milk
Columbian Coffee Cocktail - Columbian coffee blended with a splash of SelvaRey chocolate rum. Topped with a white cheese cold foam.

Classics & Cuisine
Step into the world of French literature with our Literary French Bistro! Indulge in a menu inspired by iconic literary works such as "War and Peace" and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" featuring information on traditional French cuisine and it's tie-ins to the literature showcased.

Les Misérables Duck Confit - Tender duck leg slow-cooked in its own fat until crispy on the outside and fall-off-the-bone tender, served with a side of wild rice pilaf
The Count of Monte Cristo Tartlets - Mini pastry shells filled with a creamy mixture of lobster, mushrooms, and gruyere cheese
War and Peace Mille-Feuille - Layers of flaky puff pastry, pastry cream, and fresh strawberries stacked high and drizzled with a raspberry coulis, a delightful and elegant dessert option
The Phantom Café au Lait - A classic French coffee drink made with equal parts strong coffee and steamed milk, served with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Kir Royale - A festive cocktail made with crème de cassis and champagne, garnished with a fresh raspberry for a touch of sweetness

Curiouser Cuisine
Welcome to the Alice in Wonderland booth at the Epcot festival! Step into a whimsical world inspired by Lewis Carroll's classic tale and get ready for an enchanting experience. Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" featuring information on traditional UK cuisine and it's tie-ins to Alice in Wonderland.
White Rabbit Carrot Salad - A fresh and crunchy salad featuring carrots, raisins, and sunflower seeds, dressed in a light vinaigrette.
Mad Hatter Tea Sandwich Platter - Assorted mini sandwiches with fillings like cucumber and cream cheese, smoked salmon and dill, and ham and mustard.
Jabberwocky Shepherd's Pie with Tumtum Tree Topping - Ground pork and sausage, Earl Grey-infused gravy, vegetable medley and gruyere mashed potatoes. Topped with chopped parsley.
Drink Me Potion - A sparkling blue lemonade served in a special "Drink Me" bottle with a whimsical straw.
Mad Hatter's Martini - A quirky cocktail made with gin, vermouth, and a splash of grenadine, garnished with a twist of lemon.

Maíz Magnífico
Welcome to Maíz Magnífico, a food booth inspired by Mexican folklore at Epcot's Festival of Stories! Our menu features traditional dishes and flavors that have been passed down through generations in Mexico. Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" featuring information on the culinary history of corn in Mexico.
Elote Locos - A traditional Mexican street food consisting of grilled corn on the cob slathered in a creamy chili-lime sauce and topped with crumbled cotija cheese.
Tamales de Elote - Steamed corn husk parcels filled with a sweet mixture of fresh corn, sugar, and cinnamon, a popular dish enjoyed during summer festivals in Mexico.
Tacos de Escuintleco - Slow-cooked beef barbacoa topped with pickled red onions, cilantro, and salsa verde, served in warm corn tortillas.
Panqué de Elote - Traditoinal mexican corn cake served with fresh strawberries.
Maiz Tierno Margarita - An unexpectedly refreshing summer margarita recipe made with corn milk, lime, orange liqueur, and Exotico Blanco tequila.
Tejuino - Traditional Mexican drink recipe with ancient origins. Made with corn masa, piloncillo, and water, this fermented beverage is also naturally gluten-free. Served with crushed ice, lime juice, and a pinch of salt.

Mythical Bubble Brews
Indulge in a magical experience at "Mythical Boba Brews" where traditional Chinese folklore meets modern bubble tea creations. Immerse yourself in a world of mythical creatures and ancient legends as you savor the unique nonalcoholic and alcolholic bubble teas , each carefully crafted to tantalize your taste buds and transport you to a realm of enchantment. Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" posters featuring information on Bubble Teas ties to China and Summaries of the Folklore showcased.

Moon Goddess Bubble Tea - A soothing blend of jasmine tea, coconut milk, and blue butterfly pea flower, garnished with edible flower petals in honor of the moon goddess Chang'e.
Monkey King Bubble Tea - A playful mix of banana, peanut butter, and chocolate in a rich milk tea base, topped with whipped cream and crunchy peanut topping in homage to the mischievous Monkey King from the classic Chinese novel "Journey to the West."
Five Elements Bubble Tea - A harmonious blend of five different teas representing the elements of Chinese philosophy: wood (green tea), fire (spicy ginger), earth (cinnamon), metal (black tea), and water (lychee).
Golden Summer Sunset Tea - A vibrant orange and peach tea with a splash of citrus, reminiscent of a beautiful summer sunset in China.
Jade Emperor Bubble Tea - A regal blend of green tea liqueur, honeydew melon, and milk tea with honey pearls for a touch of sweetness.
Dragon's Breath Bubble Tea - A fiery combination of cinnamon whiskey, dragon fruit, and black tea topped with popping boba pearls.

Grimm's Summer Kitchen
Transport yourself to a summer wonderland inspired by German fairy tales as you indulge in delicious dishes that embody the flavors of the season. From refreshing salads to grilled meats, each item on our menu captures the essence of summer in Germany. Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" posters featuring information of the tall tales showcased.

Cinderella's Garden Salad - A light and refreshing salad featuring a mix of organic greens, heirloom tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, and crumbled goat cheese, tossed in a balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Topped with candied pumpkin toasted pine nuts for added crunch.
The Huntman’s Schweinshaxe (Roasted Pork Knuckle) -Tender roasted pork knuckle served with crispy crackling, sautéed potatoes, and greens mixed with a tangy mustard sauce.
The Big Bad Sausage Platter - A selection of traditional German sausages, such as bratwurst, weisswurst, and knackwurst, served with sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, and tangy mustard for dipping.
The Rumpelstiltskin's Golden Apple Strudel - A classic apple strudel filled with spiced apples, raisins, and a touch of rum-soaked golden raisins, dusted with powdered sugar and served warm with turmeric golden vanilla sauce.
Red Riding Hood's Black Forest Cake - A decadent slice of chocolate cake layered with cherries and whipped cream, topped with chocolate shavings.
The Frog Prince's Sparkling Elderflower Spritz - A light and floral cocktail made with elderflower liqueur, sparkling wine, and a splash of soda water, garnished with a lemon twist for a burst of citrus. Topped with a lilly pad garnish made out of giant mint leaves.
Snow White's Sparkling Apple Cider - A refreshing and effervescent apple cider made from crisp German apples, perfect for cleansing the palate before the meal.

Unique Offerings

A variety of unique experiences will be available during EPCOT's Festival of Stories. Each country in World Showcase will feature limited-time experiences centered around the folklore and culture of its respective country. Visit the Japan Pavilion and learn about Japanese Yokai, benevolent or terrifying creatures that live deep in the Japanese countryside, or visit the Canada Pavilion to learn the stories and traditions of the First Nations people of Canada.

Visit the new Festival Center in FutureWorld to take part in a variety of interactive educational exhibits on the history and future of the a variety of technologies that aim to improve quality of life around the world.

Dreamfinder's Story Search

Join Dreamfinder in a hunt for famous stories all across Epcot. Throughout the park are twelve hidden storybooks each open to a page recounting a famous story related to the location of the park it is.

Storybook Locations:
  • The Land Pavilion- Location on the walk up the pathway into the pavilion. The story features Squanto the Patuxet Indigenous American who taught the pilgrim settlers to plant “the three sisters” of corn, squash, and beans.
  • The Seas Pavilion- Location near the entrance to Coral Reef Restaurant. The story features the world famous ghost ship “The Flying Dutchman.”
  • Mexico- Location Donald’s meet and greet space. The story features La Llorona, the famous ghost who also is featured in the song from “Coco.”
  • Norway- Location behind the Stave Church. The story features a story of the trickster God Loki leading to Ragnarok
  • China- Location near the exit of the gift shop. Story features Sun Wukong the Monkey King on his grand adventure
  • Germany- Location inside Sommerfest. Story features Little Red Riding Hood of the Brothers Grimm legends.
  • Italy- Location near the lakeside near the gondola. Story features Dante on his journey to Paradise in the Divine Comedy.
  • USA- Location behind Regal Eagle Smokehouse near the bathrooms. Story features folk legend John Henry vs the machine.
  • Japan- Location near the pagoda. Story features mythological hero KintarÅ facing off against a giant carp.
  • Morocco- Location near the entrance to Restaurant Marrakesh. The story features the characters of the Lion and the Hedgehog from the story The Lion, The Hedgehog, and the Donkey.
  • France- Location near Ratatouille entrance. The storybook features the Three Musketeers.
  • UK- Location near the garden stage. The storybook features the story of Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
  • Canada- Location near the waterfalls. Story features the tale of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox.
People who check off the full scavenger hunt list and return it to one of the outposts will receive a special sticker featuring Dreamfinder and Figment with the Festival of Stories logo.

EPCOT in Concert
The main America Gardens Theatre show for the International Festival of Stories, EPCOT in Concert strives to musically honor the ideals that EPCOT stands for -- peace, brotherhood, discovery and the hope for a better world. EPCOT in Concert is on par with the famous Candlelight Processional, in that it makes use of an orchestra, a narrator and a mass choir. However, EPCOT in Concert is augmented with dance, soloists and spoken word, as well. Like the Candlelight Processional, EPCOT in Concert is performed three times a day, with the final show finishing just moments before Luminous lights up the sky.

The lights on-stage are dim. One can barely make out the silhouettes of the orchestra, choir and narrator as they arrive at their places and tune-up. Before long, this opening announcement is heard.

"Dreamers and doers, welcome to the America Gardens Theatre. Tonight's performance will start in just a few moments, but before we begin, we'd like to go over some important safety information. For the sake of our performers, the use of flash photography or external video lighting is not permitted; and we ask that you please turn off all cellphones, pagers or other devices that make noise. Thank you for your cooperation. And now, as part of the EPCOT International Festival of Stories, we invite you to join us for a musical celebration in the name of peace and unity, as the America Gardens Theatre proudly presents: EPCOT in Concert!"

Overture: "We've Just Begun to Dream (EPCOT Fanfare)"

Opening: "Celebrate the Future Hand in Hand" (Ira Antelis/Cheryl Berman)
-- featuring principal soloist and dancers (all songs feature the choir and the orchestra, unless noted)

At the conclusion of the opening number, the narrator (who wouldn't be a celebrity), standing at a podium, begins his narration.

"Good evening, dreamers and doers, friends and neighbors. Welcome to EPCOT in Concert. Tonight, we gather here to celebrate the ideals that EPCOT stands for. EPCOT was born from one of the last dreams Walt Disney had. His original idea for the land that Walt Disney World occupies was to have the majority of the space be occupied by E.P.C.O.T. -- the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, a place where the latest and the greatest in technology could be tested; so that the city would now and forever be right on the cusp of the future.

It was an ambitious dream that never got off the ground, but when work began on EPCOT as a theme park, the Imagineers remained motivated by Walt's ideals for the E.P.C.O.T. city. In fact, as our rope drop announcement says, 'Walt Disney was a dreamer and a doer. A man who cared about the world and its problems. He believed that people could develop solutions to problems if equipped with information, technology and opportunity. EPCOT has been created to showcase the natural and man-made wonders made over a thousand years of progress; and to highlight the vast and varying cultures of countries around the world. This is the essence of EPCOT – a collective endeavor by people, for people, in the hope for a better world.' And so, it is to all dreamers and all doers that we dedicate our next two songs -- the first song is for the dreamers, and the second is for the doers."

Song of the Dreamers: "Beautiful Dreamer" (Stephen Foster; arr. Robert Lau)
-- featuring principal soloist and dancers

Song of the Doers: "Gonna Build a Mountain" (Anthony Newley/Leslie Bricusse; arr. Derric Johnson)

Considering that prior to 2022, the Candlelight Processional used the Voices of Liberty arrangement of "Joy to the World" with a full orchestration, this version of "Gonna Build a Mountain" would follow the same principle -- VoL arrangement with full orchestration.

"Here at EPCOT, we have four distinct neighborhoods, all framed around a certain theme -- World Celebration, World Discovery, World Nature and World Showcase. However, it wasn't always like this. From 1982 to 2021, the first three districts were united under the name 'Future World.' Now, we invite you to travel back in time with us as we look back on the great EPCOT songbook; and remember the experiences that once were. And please, feel free to sing along."

Future World Tribute: "EPCOT Medley" ("Fanfare" / "Tomorrow's Child" / "Energy (You Make the World Go 'Round)" / "Universe of Energy" / "New Horizons" / "One Little Spark" / "Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit" / "Listen to the Land")

"Our opening number, 'Celebrate the Future Hand in Hand', served as representation of World Celebration, gateway to the wonders of EPCOT. But now, let us take a moment to acknowledge World Discovery, which, over the years, has focused on technological breakthroughs -- energy, health, transportation, future living, and space exploration -- be it the first manned mission to Mars, or a 'cosmic rewind' back to the days of the universe's formation. Our experiences here in World Discovery strive to give guests a look into worlds constantly being studied; and who knows? Maybe our future scientists and researchers will have received the 'one little spark' to pursue science right here at EPCOT! To honor this spirit of discovery, we present this arrangement, which takes quotes from four preeminent scientific voices -- Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye -- and sets them to music."

Song of Discovery: "We Are All Connected" (Symphony of Science)
-- song performed entirely by soloists representing the four scientists in the video

"World Nature honors the earth, the sea and the sky; and honors what we must do in order to ensure that future generations will be able to look upon the natural world with the same wonder we did as children. In fact, just take a moment now to recall what it was like for you -- to run through fields of grass, to roll down hills, to prance through fields of flowers, to cannonball into lakes. Remember that joy and carefree feeling you felt doing those things as kids? Just imagine a world where future generations of children won't be able to experience such joys. We must all do our part to ensure the Earth is clean, that climate change does not ravage our lands and cause untold catastrophe. We must all do our part so that generation after generation will still be able to experience such wonders of childhood that can only come from frolicking in nature; the kind Edna St. Vincent Millay immortalized in poem...and Eric Barnum set to music."

Song of Nature: "Afternoon on a Hill" (Eric Barnum/Edna St. Vincent Millay)
-- featuring dancers; only musical accompaniment is a piano

"World Showcase stands in the name of global unity and in honor of the various cultures of the world. At the current count, World Showcase honors eleven nations; although there's room for at least six or seven more. At this time, we would like to honor the nations of World Showcase with this medley; a medley featuring well-known songs from each nation."

Medley of the World: original choral medley featuring well-known songs from each of the World Showcase countries

"Yes, peace and unity are two of EPCOT's most prominent ideals. Yet sadly, it seem as though peace and unity are quite hard to come by. Throughout all of human history, peace and unity have been harmed by senseless things like bigotry, greed and war; and all three of these things only bring with them sadness and gloom and pain unlike no pain ever felt. If we are truly to reach peace and unity, then we must look back on our past, remember our history well and strive to ensure that the pains of the past are never again felt by the children of the future. And nowhere can there be a more powerful reminder of the pain and suffering that come from war than in the letter Sullivan Ballou penned to his wife just days before his death at the Battle of Manassas."

Song of Mourning: "Ashokan Farewell", with reading of Sullivan Ballou letter (Grian McGregor and Jay Ungar; arr. Carole Stephens)
-- reader recites Sullivan Ballou letter first, mournful oboe playing melody comes in near the end, leading into choral performance [I use this link because it's the only version I could find with the orchestral accompaniment. All the other versions on YouTube just use the piano accompaniment.]

"If we are truly to reach the day when peace and unity are finally achieved, we must learn to look upon each other as humans. We must cast aside prejudice, and treat bigotry as a cardinal sin. Regardless of who we are, what color our skin is, what gender we are, what our religion is, who it is that we love -- we must recognize the only way to achieve peace and unity is to do it...together."

Song of Brotherhood: "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" (Bob Russell/Bobby Scott; arr. Mark Hayes)

"Peace on Earth, and goodwill to men. For centuries and centuries, this ideal has been one that mankind has been striving for. And truly, if we wish to achieve a better world, it is imperative that we must strive for it. Each and every one of us gathered here today has the spark that can lead to peace. Even one person raising their voice is enough to lift the spirit of all humanity. When one sets the song within them soaring, the world will hear it. [Side note: I had to include the Harmonious reference in this; especially considering what the next song is. I really do think that show deserved so much better.] Peace on Earth is possible; and just one person is enough to kick off a movement. One tiny ripple can lead to a mighty wave. Someday can"

Song of Peace: "Someday" (Alan Menken/Stephen Schwartz; arr. Mac Huff)

"But above peace and above unity; above technology and above discovery; above the love of nature and the love for all humanity; there is one ideal that is of critical importance for EPCOT: hope. The hope for a brighter future. The hope for peace and unity. Hope should be the guiding light that leads all decisions made for the good of all humanity. Hope is that bright candle leading us all on the path to tomorrow. Hope is able to wash away doubt and fear; and instill the promise that all will be well. As we go forward to improve our lives and the lives of others, we must carry hope with us; the hope that we are not alone, and the hope that all the hurdles we must face will be overcome. Wherever our journeys take us, hope will always be there for us, to remind us that a better tomorrow is possible."

Song of Hope: "You'll Never Walk Alone/Climb Every Mountain" (Richard Rodgers/Oscar Hammerstein II; arr. Mark Hayes)
-- featuring dancers

"These are the ideals of EPCOT; and indeed, these are ideals that all people of the world should carry with them. As we conclude our celebration tonight, we see that the potential of a bright and glorious future is within our grasp. As we go on in life, we must remember the ideals we've ruminated on tonight -- the potential of all dreamers and doers, the joy of discovery, the beauty of nature, the knowledge of our past, the brotherhood of all humans and all nations, and the hope that peace is possible -- and be able to use them to lay out the ideas that will improve the lives of all life on Earth -- its people, its animals, its plants, and everything in-between. As we go on, let the fire of new ideas lead us to bold new innovations and bold new ways of life. As we go on, let us yearn to stand hand-in-hand with all the people in the world in the name of peace. As we go on, let us know that the promise of the future starts with us here and now."

Finale: "We Go On" (Gavin Greenaway/Don Dorsey)
-- featuring entire company; all featured soloists and dancers

Curtain call. Lights to black after "We Go On." Lights rise again as all bow twice. Then, individual bows in this order: Dancers first, then principal soloists, then the choir, then the narrator, and finally, the conductor motions for the orchestra to rise so that they may be acknowledged. All bow once again. Lights surrounding the theater are fully lit as the Exit Music starts.

Exit Music: "Soarin'" (Jerry Goldsmith)
-- this underscores the departure of the dancers, the narrator and the chorus

At the conclusion of the Exit Music, the orchestra once again rises to be acknowledged. Lights dim on-stage. Much like the Candlelight Processional, we get one more announcement.

"Dreamers and doers, thank you for joining us for this performance of EPCOT in Concert. We extend our sincerest gratitude to all of our participants in this concert -- the orchestra under the baton of ______, the principal soloists, the troupe of dancers, the choir, our narrator, _____, and especially you, our audience.

We hope you enjoy the rest of the International Festival of Stories, and enjoy the rest of your time here at EPCOT. But if tonight's show concludes your visit to Walt Disney World, then we hope you've had a fantastic time and will return home safe and sound. Now please gather together all your personal belongings, take small children by the hand and exit to the rear of the amphitheater,
for the lights surrounding the theater, and the lights all around World Showcase Lagoon, will soon be dimming in anticipation of tonight's performance of Luminous: The Symphony of Us. [the unitalicized part is only used for the final performance of the night]

On behalf of all of us here at EPCOT, we hope you have enjoyed this performance and we hope that you remember that the promise of the future starts with you in the present. Thank you, and goodnight."

~ ~ ~


Festival Description and EPCOT in Concert: @DisneyManOne
Food Offerings and Festival Logo: @MonorailRed
Unique Offerings: @JokersWild
Dreamfinder's Story Search: @PerGron


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Pi on my Cake

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Festival Description
For generations upon generations, stories have been one of the most prominent ways we have communicated with each other. We craft stories of fictional heroes and villains: knights fighting dragons, astronauts against aliens, love conquering death. The deeds of our real-life heroes are immortalized, be it in legends or in history. And in these stories, we are given ways to change the future; to learn from characters' misdeeds, or to reflect on where our own past can lead us. This form of communication is so monumentous that Disney has decided to craft a fifth EPCOT festival around the concept: the EPCOT International Festival of Stories.

The Festival of Stories takes place for only one month: October. This is EPCOT's "birthday festival", so it seems only fitting to only have it take place in October. Throughout the month, EPCOT comes alive with the power of stories, and how we use them to reach out to the world. There are specialty food booths offering dishes from around the world, as well as dishes inspired by the culture and stories of the eleven nations of World Showcase. Each pavilion of World Showcase hosts live demonstrations of unique storytelling forms from their respective countries. Dreamfinder and Figment even have a special scavenger hunt you can partake in. And since this is EPCOT's "birthday festival", the America Gardens Theatre comes alive with EPCOT in Concert, an elaborate spectacle on par with the Candlelight Processional where the ideals of EPCOT are honored in song and in dance. In essence, the Festival of Stories is a beautiful reflection on how one story can have a massive impact on the world.

Food Offerings

EPCOT Festival of Stories - Where every flavor has a story, dishes are waiting to be experienced from October 1 through October 31, this year’s celebration is not one to be missed!

Once you see the tasty options available, your appetite will be sure to grow. With nearly 20 Outdoor Kitchens, there is a perfectly harvested combination of new delights and spectacular storytelling.

As you eat your way through the Festival, don’t forget to pick up a Festival Passport to participate in Storytellers Stroll, a winding food stroll featuring five delicious dishes from various Outdoor Kitchens inspiried by the light bites of summer. Get a stamp in your passport after you’ve purchased the items and once you’ve compiled all five, simply make your way to Tropical Tales to receive your Festival-exclusive treat.

Below are all the treats the EPCOT chefs have put together for you this year:

Brunch of Legends
This breakfast booth will feature classic American folklore characters and dishes, bringing a taste of the past to the present day. Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" featuring information on the rich storytelling tradition of American folklore and how the foods of the folklore's region inspired the menu.

Paul Bunyan's Pancake – One, giant fluffy pancake served with maple syrup and butter
Johnny Appleseed's Fruit Salad - Fresh mixed fruit salad with a honey yogurt dressing
Davy Crockett's Sausage and Biscuits - Homemade buttermilk biscuits served with savory sausage patties and gravy
Rosie the Riveter's Power Bowl - A bowl of quinoa, black beans, avocado, roasted sweet potatoes, and a sunny-side-up egg
Huckleberry Finn Smoothie - A refreshing and fruity smoothie made with huckleberries, strawberries, banana, and a splash of orange juice, inspired by the adventurous spirit of Mark Twain's beloved character.
John Henry's Steel Drivin' Bacon Bourbon Milkshake - A decadent milkshake mixing sweet potato, maple syrup, crispy bacon bits, vanilla ice cream, and a splash of bourbon.
Bigfoot's Smoky Bacon Bloody Mary - A savory and smoky variation of the Bloody Mary, featuring crispy bacon-infused vodka, smoked paprika, barbecue sauce, and a splash of liquid smoke. Topped with a skewer of a giant slice of candied bacon shaped like a foot, pickled okra, and a dusting of smoked sea salt.
Johnny Appleseed's Apple Cider Flight - Big Storm Brewing Co. Apple Blonde Ale, Caramel Apple Pie Ale, Apple Pecan Brown Ale

A Sushi Story
Stroll by the Japan Pavilion and immerse yourself in the rich history of sushi at our festival booth. Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" featuring information on the culinary history of sushi in Japan, as well as the art of sushi making. Taste authentic flavors that have been passed down through generations.

Traditional Spicy Sushi Roll - A classic combination of sushi rice, fresh fish, and vegetables, rolled in nori seaweed and served with soy sauce and wasabi.
Future World Fusion Roll - A imaginative combination of spicy tuna, avocado, mango, and tempura shrimp, all rolled together in a delicate soy paper wrapper. The roll is then topped with edible microgreens and a futuristic molecular gastronomy-inspired foam that adds a touch of whimsy and sophistication to each bite. It is served with a side of liquid nitrogen-infused dipping sauce that creates a dramatic smoking effect.
Sushi Ice Cream - Indulge in a delightful dessert with our creamy matcha ice cream wrapped in a sweet dessert rice, and submerged in a light and crispy tempura batter, fried to golden perfection. Served with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of powdered sugar.
Sakura Spritz - A floral and refreshing cocktail inspired by the cherry blossoms of Japan. The Sakura Spritz is made with sparkling sake, cherry blossom syrup, and a splash of soda water. Garnished with a delicate cherry blossom petal.
Plum Wine Spritzer - Indulge in the sweet and fruity flavors of plum wine with our Plum Wine Spritzer. A mix of plum wine, soda water, and a splash of lemon-lime soda.

Greek Grub
Step into the world of Percy Jackson and the Olympians at the Festival of Stories! This booth combines the flavors of Greek and American cuisine with a magical twist, inspired by the beloved book series by Rick Riordan. Enjoy classic dishes with a modern twist as you embark on your very own quest for delicious food. This booth has a tent nearby for series information and purchases nearby.

Zeus' Thunder Fries - Crispy french fries topped with chopped lamb gyro meat, feta cheese, oregano, and a drizzle of tzatziki sauce.
Athena's Olive Tapenade Flatbread - A flatbread pizza topped with kalamata olives, roasted red peppers, feta cheese, and a balsamic glaze.
Hades' Spicy Wings - Crispy chicken wings tossed in a fiery buffalo sauce, served with celery sticks and blue cheese dressing.
Dionysus' Baklava Sundae - Layers of flaky phyllo pastry, honey, nuts, and cinnamon, served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and whipped cream.
Lotus Lemonade - A refreshing blend of lemonade and mixed berries. Topped with a edible flower.
Hephaestus' Smoked Old Fashioned - A smoky twist on the classic old fashioned cocktail, made with bourbon, smoked maple syrup, bitters, and a charred orange peel garnish.

The Columbian Cafe
The Columbian Cafe booth at Epcot's new festival celebrates the rich and diverse bakery culture of Colombia. Guests can indulge in traditional Columbian delicacies such as empanadas and pandebono, along with a variety of sweet treats like tres leches cake and guava pastries. Enjoy a cup of bold Columbian coffee. Immerse yourself in the flavors and aromas of Columbian cuisine at this vibrant and delicious booth. Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" featuring information on Columbian Bakery culture.

Empanada Flight - Savory pastries filled with beef, chicken, and cheese. Each severed with complimentary toppings.
Pandebono - Cheese bread made with yuca flour and cheese
Guava Pastry - Flaky pastries filled with sweet guava paste
Tres Leches Cake - Moist sponge cake soaked in three types of milk and topped with whipped cream
Columbian Coffee - Rich and bold brewed coffee served black or with milk
Columbian Coffee Cocktail - Columbian coffee blended with a splash of SelvaRey chocolate rum. Topped with a white cheese cold foam.

Classics & Cuisine
Step into the world of French literature with our Literary French Bistro! Indulge in a menu inspired by iconic literary works such as "War and Peace" and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" featuring information on traditional French cuisine and it's tie-ins to the literature showcased.

Les Misérables Duck Confit - Tender duck leg slow-cooked in its own fat until crispy on the outside and fall-off-the-bone tender, served with a side of wild rice pilaf
The Count of Monte Cristo Tartlets - Mini pastry shells filled with a creamy mixture of lobster, mushrooms, and gruyere cheese
War and Peace Mille-Feuille - Layers of flaky puff pastry, pastry cream, and fresh strawberries stacked high and drizzled with a raspberry coulis, a delightful and elegant dessert option
The Phantom Café au Lait - A classic French coffee drink made with equal parts strong coffee and steamed milk, served with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Kir Royale - A festive cocktail made with crème de cassis and champagne, garnished with a fresh raspberry for a touch of sweetness

Curiouser Cuisine
Welcome to the Alice in Wonderland booth at the Epcot festival! Step into a whimsical world inspired by Lewis Carroll's classic tale and get ready for an enchanting experience. Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" featuring information on traditional UK cuisine and it's tie-ins to Alice in Wonderland.
White Rabbit Carrot Salad - A fresh and crunchy salad featuring carrots, raisins, and sunflower seeds, dressed in a light vinaigrette.
Mad Hatter Tea Sandwich Platter - Assorted mini sandwiches with fillings like cucumber and cream cheese, smoked salmon and dill, and ham and mustard.
Jabberwocky Shepherd's Pie with Tumtum Tree Topping - Ground pork and sausage, Earl Grey-infused gravy, vegetable medley and gruyere mashed potatoes. Topped with chopped parsley.
Drink Me Potion - A sparkling blue lemonade served in a special "Drink Me" bottle with a whimsical straw.
Mad Hatter's Martini - A quirky cocktail made with gin, vermouth, and a splash of grenadine, garnished with a twist of lemon.

Maíz Magnífico
Welcome to Maíz Magnífico, a food booth inspired by Mexican folklore at Epcot's Festival of Stories! Our menu features traditional dishes and flavors that have been passed down through generations in Mexico. Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" featuring information on the culinary history of corn in Mexico.
Elote Locos - A traditional Mexican street food consisting of grilled corn on the cob slathered in a creamy chili-lime sauce and topped with crumbled cotija cheese.
Tamales de Elote - Steamed corn husk parcels filled with a sweet mixture of fresh corn, sugar, and cinnamon, a popular dish enjoyed during summer festivals in Mexico.
Tacos de Escuintleco - Slow-cooked beef barbacoa topped with pickled red onions, cilantro, and salsa verde, served in warm corn tortillas.
Panqué de Elote - Traditoinal mexican corn cake served with fresh strawberries.
Maiz Tierno Margarita - An unexpectedly refreshing summer margarita recipe made with corn milk, lime, orange liqueur, and Exotico Blanco tequila.
Tejuino - Traditional Mexican drink recipe with ancient origins. Made with corn masa, piloncillo, and water, this fermented beverage is also naturally gluten-free. Served with crushed ice, lime juice, and a pinch of salt.

Mythical Bubble Brews
Indulge in a magical experience at "Mythical Boba Brews" where traditional Chinese folklore meets modern bubble tea creations. Immerse yourself in a world of mythical creatures and ancient legends as you savor the unique nonalcoholic and alcolholic bubble teas , each carefully crafted to tantalize your taste buds and transport you to a realm of enchantment. Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" posters featuring information on Bubble Teas ties to China and Summaries of the Folklore showcased.

Moon Goddess Bubble Tea - A soothing blend of jasmine tea, coconut milk, and blue butterfly pea flower, garnished with edible flower petals in honor of the moon goddess Chang'e.
Monkey King Bubble Tea - A playful mix of banana, peanut butter, and chocolate in a rich milk tea base, topped with whipped cream and crunchy peanut topping in homage to the mischievous Monkey King from the classic Chinese novel "Journey to the West."
Five Elements Bubble Tea - A harmonious blend of five different teas representing the elements of Chinese philosophy: wood (green tea), fire (spicy ginger), earth (cinnamon), metal (black tea), and water (lychee).
Golden Summer Sunset Tea - A vibrant orange and peach tea with a splash of citrus, reminiscent of a beautiful summer sunset in China.
Jade Emperor Bubble Tea - A regal blend of green tea liqueur, honeydew melon, and milk tea with honey pearls for a touch of sweetness.
Dragon's Breath Bubble Tea - A fiery combination of cinnamon whiskey, dragon fruit, and black tea topped with popping boba pearls.

Grimm's Summer Kitchen
Transport yourself to a summer wonderland inspired by German fairy tales as you indulge in delicious dishes that embody the flavors of the season. From refreshing salads to grilled meats, each item on our menu captures the essence of summer in Germany. Near the booth is a "Culinary Story" posters featuring information of the tall tales showcased.

Cinderella's Garden Salad - A light and refreshing salad featuring a mix of organic greens, heirloom tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, and crumbled goat cheese, tossed in a balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Topped with candied pumpkin toasted pine nuts for added crunch.
The Huntman’s Schweinshaxe (Roasted Pork Knuckle) -Tender roasted pork knuckle served with crispy crackling, sautéed potatoes, and greens mixed with a tangy mustard sauce.
The Big Bad Sausage Platter - A selection of traditional German sausages, such as bratwurst, weisswurst, and knackwurst, served with sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, and tangy mustard for dipping.
The Rumpelstiltskin's Golden Apple Strudel - A classic apple strudel filled with spiced apples, raisins, and a touch of rum-soaked golden raisins, dusted with powdered sugar and served warm with turmeric golden vanilla sauce.
Red Riding Hood's Black Forest Cake - A decadent slice of chocolate cake layered with cherries and whipped cream, topped with chocolate shavings.
The Frog Prince's Sparkling Elderflower Spritz - A light and floral cocktail made with elderflower liqueur, sparkling wine, and a splash of soda water, garnished with a lemon twist for a burst of citrus. Topped with a lilly pad garnish made out of giant mint leaves.
Snow White's Sparkling Apple Cider - A refreshing and effervescent apple cider made from crisp German apples, perfect for cleansing the palate before the meal.

Unique Offerings

A variety of unique experiences will be available during EPCOT's Festival of Stories. Each country in World Showcase will feature limited-time experiences centered around the folklore and culture of its respective country. Visit the Japan Pavilion and learn about Japanese Yokai, benevolent or terrifying creatures that live deep in the Japanese countryside, or visit the Canada Pavilion to learn the stories and traditions of the First Nations people of Canada.

Visit the new Festival Center in FutureWorld to take part in a variety of interactive educational exhibits on the history and future of the a variety of technologies that aim to improve quality of life around the world.

Dreamfinder's Story Search

Join Dreamfinder in a hunt for famous stories all across Epcot. Throughout the park are twelve hidden storybooks each open to a page recounting a famous story related to the location of the park it is.

Storybook Locations:
  • The Land Pavilion- Location on the walk up the pathway into the pavilion. The story features Squanto the Patuxet Indigenous American who taught the pilgrim settlers to plant “the three sisters” of corn, squash, and beans.
  • The Seas Pavilion- Location near the entrance to Coral Reef Restaurant. The story features the world famous ghost ship “The Flying Dutchman.”
  • Mexico- Location Donald’s meet and greet space. The story features La Llorona, the famous ghost who also is featured in the song from “Coco.”
  • Norway- Location behind the Stave Church. The story features a story of the trickster God Loki leading to Ragnarok
  • China- Location near the exit of the gift shop. Story features Sun Wukong the Monkey King on his grand adventure
  • Germany- Location inside Sommerfest. Story features Little Red Riding Hood of the Brothers Grimm legends.
  • Italy- Location near the lakeside near the gondola. Story features Dante on his journey to Paradise in the Divine Comedy.
  • USA- Location behind Regal Eagle Smokehouse near the bathrooms. Story features folk legend John Henry vs the machine.
  • Japan- Location near the pagoda. Story features mythological hero KintarÅ facing off against a giant carp.
  • Morocco- Location near the entrance to Restaurant Marrakesh. The story features the characters of the Lion and the Hedgehog from the story The Lion, The Hedgehog, and the Donkey.
  • France- Location near Ratatouille entrance. The storybook features the Three Musketeers.
  • UK- Location near the garden stage. The storybook features the story of Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
  • Canada- Location near the waterfalls. Story features the tale of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox.
People who check off the full scavenger hunt list and return it to one of the outposts will receive a special sticker featuring Dreamfinder and Figment with the Festival of Stories logo.

EPCOT in Concert
The main America Gardens Theatre show for the International Festival of Stories, EPCOT in Concert strives to musically honor the ideals that EPCOT stands for -- peace, brotherhood, discovery and the hope for a better world. EPCOT in Concert is on par with the famous Candlelight Processional, in that it makes use of an orchestra, a narrator and a mass choir. However, EPCOT in Concert is augmented with dance, soloists and spoken word, as well. Like the Candlelight Processional, EPCOT in Concert is performed three times a day, with the final show finishing just moments before Luminous lights up the sky.

The lights on-stage are dim. One can barely make out the silhouettes of the orchestra, choir and narrator as they arrive at their places and tune-up. Before long, this opening announcement is heard.

"Dreamers and doers, welcome to the America Gardens Theatre. Tonight's performance will start in just a few moments, but before we begin, we'd like to go over some important safety information. For the sake of our performers, the use of flash photography or external video lighting is not permitted; and we ask that you please turn off all cellphones, pagers or other devices that make noise. Thank you for your cooperation. And now, as part of the EPCOT International Festival of Stories, we invite you to join us for a musical celebration in the name of peace and unity, as the America Gardens Theatre proudly presents: EPCOT in Concert!"

Overture: "We've Just Begun to Dream (EPCOT Fanfare)"

Opening: "Celebrate the Future Hand in Hand" (Ira Antelis/Cheryl Berman)
-- featuring principal soloist and dancers (all songs feature the choir and the orchestra, unless noted)

At the conclusion of the opening number, the narrator (who wouldn't be a celebrity), standing at a podium, begins his narration.

"Good evening, dreamers and doers, friends and neighbors. Welcome to EPCOT in Concert. Tonight, we gather here to celebrate the ideals that EPCOT stands for. EPCOT was born from one of the last dreams Walt Disney had. His original idea for the land that Walt Disney World occupies was to have the majority of the space be occupied by E.P.C.O.T. -- the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, a place where the latest and the greatest in technology could be tested; so that the city would now and forever be right on the cusp of the future.

It was an ambitious dream that never got off the ground, but when work began on EPCOT as a theme park, the Imagineers remained motivated by Walt's ideals for the E.P.C.O.T. city. In fact, as our rope drop announcement says, 'Walt Disney was a dreamer and a doer. A man who cared about the world and its problems. He believed that people could develop solutions to problems if equipped with information, technology and opportunity. EPCOT has been created to showcase the natural and man-made wonders made over a thousand years of progress; and to highlight the vast and varying cultures of countries around the world. This is the essence of EPCOT – a collective endeavor by people, for people, in the hope for a better world.' And so, it is to all dreamers and all doers that we dedicate our next two songs -- the first song is for the dreamers, and the second is for the doers."

Song of the Dreamers: "Beautiful Dreamer" (Stephen Foster; arr. Robert Lau)
-- featuring principal soloist and dancers

Song of the Doers: "Gonna Build a Mountain" (Anthony Newley/Leslie Bricusse; arr. Derric Johnson)

Considering that prior to 2022, the Candlelight Processional used the Voices of Liberty arrangement of "Joy to the World" with a full orchestration, this version of "Gonna Build a Mountain" would follow the same principle -- VoL arrangement with full orchestration.

"Here at EPCOT, we have four distinct neighborhoods, all framed around a certain theme -- World Celebration, World Discovery, World Nature and World Showcase. However, it wasn't always like this. From 1982 to 2021, the first three districts were united under the name 'Future World.' Now, we invite you to travel back in time with us as we look back on the great EPCOT songbook; and remember the experiences that once were. And please, feel free to sing along."

Future World Tribute: "EPCOT Medley" ("Fanfare" / "Tomorrow's Child" / "Energy (You Make the World Go 'Round)" / "Universe of Energy" / "New Horizons" / "One Little Spark" / "Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit" / "Listen to the Land")

"Our opening number, 'Celebrate the Future Hand in Hand', served as representation of World Celebration, gateway to the wonders of EPCOT. But now, let us take a moment to acknowledge World Discovery, which, over the years, has focused on technological breakthroughs -- energy, health, transportation, future living, and space exploration -- be it the first manned mission to Mars, or a 'cosmic rewind' back to the days of the universe's formation. Our experiences here in World Discovery strive to give guests a look into worlds constantly being studied; and who knows? Maybe our future scientists and researchers will have received the 'one little spark' to pursue science right here at EPCOT! To honor this spirit of discovery, we present this arrangement, which takes quotes from four preeminent scientific voices -- Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye -- and sets them to music."

Song of Discovery: "We Are All Connected" (Symphony of Science)
-- song performed entirely by soloists representing the four scientists in the video

"World Nature honors the earth, the sea and the sky; and honors what we must do in order to ensure that future generations will be able to look upon the natural world with the same wonder we did as children. In fact, just take a moment now to recall what it was like for you -- to run through fields of grass, to roll down hills, to prance through fields of flowers, to cannonball into lakes. Remember that joy and carefree feeling you felt doing those things as kids? Just imagine a world where future generations of children won't be able to experience such joys. We must all do our part to ensure the Earth is clean, that climate change does not ravage our lands and cause untold catastrophe. We must all do our part so that generation after generation will still be able to experience such wonders of childhood that can only come from frolicking in nature; the kind Edna St. Vincent Millay immortalized in poem...and Eric Barnum set to music."

Song of Nature: "Afternoon on a Hill" (Eric Barnum/Edna St. Vincent Millay)
-- featuring dancers; only musical accompaniment is a piano

"World Showcase stands in the name of global unity and in honor of the various cultures of the world. At the current count, World Showcase honors eleven nations; although there's room for at least six or seven more. At this time, we would like to honor the nations of World Showcase with this medley; a medley featuring well-known songs from each nation."

Medley of the World: original choral medley featuring well-known songs from each of the World Showcase countries

"Yes, peace and unity are two of EPCOT's most prominent ideals. Yet sadly, it seem as though peace and unity are quite hard to come by. Throughout all of human history, peace and unity have been harmed by senseless things like bigotry, greed and war; and all three of these things only bring with them sadness and gloom and pain unlike no pain ever felt. If we are truly to reach peace and unity, then we must look back on our past, remember our history well and strive to ensure that the pains of the past are never again felt by the children of the future. And nowhere can there be a more powerful reminder of the pain and suffering that come from war than in the letter Sullivan Ballou penned to his wife just days before his death at the Battle of Manassas."

Song of Mourning: "Ashokan Farewell", with reading of Sullivan Ballou letter (Grian McGregor and Jay Ungar; arr. Carole Stephens)
-- reader recites Sullivan Ballou letter first, mournful oboe playing melody comes in near the end, leading into choral performance [I use this link because it's the only version I could find with the orchestral accompaniment. All the other versions on YouTube just use the piano accompaniment.]

"If we are truly to reach the day when peace and unity are finally achieved, we must learn to look upon each other as humans. We must cast aside prejudice, and treat bigotry as a cardinal sin. Regardless of who we are, what color our skin is, what gender we are, what our religion is, who it is that we love -- we must recognize the only way to achieve peace and unity is to do it...together."

Song of Brotherhood: "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" (Bob Russell/Bobby Scott; arr. Mark Hayes)

"Peace on Earth, and goodwill to men. For centuries and centuries, this ideal has been one that mankind has been striving for. And truly, if we wish to achieve a better world, it is imperative that we must strive for it. Each and every one of us gathered here today has the spark that can lead to peace. Even one person raising their voice is enough to lift the spirit of all humanity. When one sets the song within them soaring, the world will hear it. [Side note: I had to include the Harmonious reference in this; especially considering what the next song is. I really do think that show deserved so much better.] Peace on Earth is possible; and just one person is enough to kick off a movement. One tiny ripple can lead to a mighty wave. Someday can"

Song of Peace: "Someday" (Alan Menken/Stephen Schwartz; arr. Mac Huff)

"But above peace and above unity; above technology and above discovery; above the love of nature and the love for all humanity; there is one ideal that is of critical importance for EPCOT: hope. The hope for a brighter future. The hope for peace and unity. Hope should be the guiding light that leads all decisions made for the good of all humanity. Hope is that bright candle leading us all on the path to tomorrow. Hope is able to wash away doubt and fear; and instill the promise that all will be well. As we go forward to improve our lives and the lives of others, we must carry hope with us; the hope that we are not alone, and the hope that all the hurdles we must face will be overcome. Wherever our journeys take us, hope will always be there for us, to remind us that a better tomorrow is possible."

Song of Hope: "You'll Never Walk Alone/Climb Every Mountain" (Richard Rodgers/Oscar Hammerstein II; arr. Mark Hayes)
-- featuring dancers

"These are the ideals of EPCOT; and indeed, these are ideals that all people of the world should carry with them. As we conclude our celebration tonight, we see that the potential of a bright and glorious future is within our grasp. As we go on in life, we must remember the ideals we've ruminated on tonight -- the potential of all dreamers and doers, the joy of discovery, the beauty of nature, the knowledge of our past, the brotherhood of all humans and all nations, and the hope that peace is possible -- and be able to use them to lay out the ideas that will improve the lives of all life on Earth -- its people, its animals, its plants, and everything in-between. As we go on, let the fire of new ideas lead us to bold new innovations and bold new ways of life. As we go on, let us yearn to stand hand-in-hand with all the people in the world in the name of peace. As we go on, let us know that the promise of the future starts with us here and now."

Finale: "We Go On" (Gavin Greenaway/Don Dorsey)
-- featuring entire company; all featured soloists and dancers

Curtain call. Lights to black after "We Go On." Lights rise again as all bow twice. Then, individual bows in this order: Dancers first, then principal soloists, then the choir, then the narrator, and finally, the conductor motions for the orchestra to rise so that they may be acknowledged. All bow once again. Lights surrounding the theater are fully lit as the Exit Music starts.

Exit Music: "Soarin'" (Jerry Goldsmith)
-- this underscores the departure of the dancers, the narrator and the chorus

At the conclusion of the Exit Music, the orchestra once again rises to be acknowledged. Lights dim on-stage. Much like the Candlelight Processional, we get one more announcement.

"Dreamers and doers, thank you for joining us for this performance of EPCOT in Concert. We extend our sincerest gratitude to all of our participants in this concert -- the orchestra under the baton of ______, the principal soloists, the troupe of dancers, the choir, our narrator, _____, and especially you, our audience.

We hope you enjoy the rest of the International Festival of Stories, and enjoy the rest of your time here at EPCOT. But if tonight's show concludes your visit to Walt Disney World, then we hope you've had a fantastic time and will return home safe and sound. Now please gather together all your personal belongings, take small children by the hand and exit to the rear of the amphitheater,
for the lights surrounding the theater, and the lights all around World Showcase Lagoon, will soon be dimming in anticipation of tonight's performance of Luminous: The Symphony of Us. [the unitalicized part is only used for the final performance of the night]

On behalf of all of us here at EPCOT, we hope you have enjoyed this performance and we hope that you remember that the promise of the future starts with you in the present. Thank you, and goodnight."

~ ~ ~


Festival Description and EPCOT in Concert: @DisneyManOne
Food Offerings and Festival Logo: @MonorailRed
Unique Offerings: @JokersWild
Dreamfinder's Story Search: @PerGron

Another Expedition has come to a close
But since this is the Rapid River expect the next one to start... well... Rapidly!
Reviews might take a bit longer since the results won't matter until the rivers end, but look forward to a podcast tomorrow night!

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