Well-Known Member
We attend mass at Mary Queen of the Universe Shrine every time we vacation at Walt Disney World. Our family adheres faithfully to the traditions and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, and we have found the liturgies at the Shrine to fulfill all of our expectations. In fact, they do solicit donations, though, in contrast to some others, I have not found their requests to be in any way obtrusive. The priests who began the ministry of serving Orlando's tourists by, among other things, holding regular Sunday mass at the Polynesian Resort, have built that incredible Shrine from the ground through the generous contributions of its visitors. Instead of obsequious participation in an offensive practice of religious bribery, I consider such generosity on the part of the donors and such commitment on the part of the Shrine's adminstrative and support staff admirable.
Orlando, one of our nation's greatest shrines to consumption and frivilous consumerism now has a Shrine to the Mother of Christ, "...a temple, a sacred place to give glory to God and to honor our mother." (Quote taken from the Shrine's website.) Though I found the services at the Polynesian quaint, sincere, and homey, and while the nostalgic part of me misses them a bit, I find the sentiments expressed in the mission of the Shrine far more inspiring than the meager tradition embodied in holding mass in a empty Luau restaurant.
On related notes: The last couple of masses I attended featured very uplifting and less than beggarly homilies; the Shrine falls under the auspices of the Diocese of Orlando and its services and sacraments are thus very much valid and within the norms of the Roman Catholic Church; and, to my Methodist brother, Mary's Queenship represents an honorary title given her in return for the immeasurable blessing she brought to all mankind by her faithful act of complete trust and self giving by carrying Our Lord into the physical universe as His Mother, and is distinct from the Kingship of Jesus Christ, which is eternal, unearned, and absolute.
Thanks for the clarification. As I said before, I was only going by what I read in that book, and I should know better by now than to blindly accept someone else's review at face value without researching and/or experiencing things for myself. Since all I have to go by is what I read in that book, I can neither agree with nor refute what you have posted. All I can do is log away the fact that I have seen two totally different reviews by different individuals and, since I will never see it for myself, I guess it is kind of irrelevant. :wave:
And, regarding that Virgin Mary thing, that issue has been hotly disputed for 500 years between Catholics and Protestants so I don't expect that there will be a sudden, miraculous consensus here on the WDW message boards. :lol: