Hi Guys.
I'm about to go on lunch so I'm not really here... but Kat told me people were asking about me... and I don't want anyone to worry...
I'm okay... I'm not great... but I'm okay.
Everyday things get a little easier but somedays things get a lot harder. The realization and acceptance of this has reallllllllly sunk in which in ways makes it so much harder... but it does make for some easier times as I'm still here... and I'm still living and doing my best... I'm trying as hard as its imaginable to hang in there... it's just difficult ya know.
But, I'll be okay eventually... I just haven't wanted to continue to be a downer on the boards or disgrace myself by being such a cry baby all the time... I'll be around from time to time... I'm just trying my best to stay focused on staying positive.
I did move out Saturday. My apartment IS "wicked awesome."
The place is absolutely unreal. It's all setup, it's gorgeous, I got my 46 inch LCD in the family room and my dad gave me their home theater system because they don't use it so I have surround sound hookedup down there... (its an old system so I was literally an electrician all day Sunday hooking it up, but I'm awesome so I did it)
We go the pool table in... it was nearly impossible but we did it... and it's all set up and ready to go.
I'm have a blast so far... unfortunately my buddy from home is entirely whipped by the girl he "broke up" with but she's been there every night so far... and sunday night the other kid had his gf there... so it makes it kinda tough... but the other kid's gf is awesome. She's like one of the guys so its fine. She'll only be there on weekends and my buddy from home who is whipped, his gf is really only there because she is taking LSAT classes in the area. So it's fine.
It's nice to be out... it makes it a tad easier... but sadly not as much as I hoped... although I hoped I could move out and be over it cuz i had unrealistic but optimistic expectations...
But like I said... I will be okay... someday...
Thanks everyone for worrying about me... but you don't have to... I will be okay...
(oh and Sammy... I'm sorry, I checked in once last week, although never even came on this thread, but I got your message and then immediately got called into a meeting, I do apologize for not responding, not like me not to respond and I feel bad... Sorry...)