Please realize that while Walt did not want to "milk people for money", he also had no concept of spending or money. This is why his brother ran all reincarnate Roy and ask him for his opinion about profit...the problem you all have with Dino-Rama is that it doesn't have an E-Ride...well, there are lots of non-E-Rides at Disney, and you all knew that eventually they would have to build more of those instead of just building can complain that the attractions are there, but if they weren't there you'd still be complaining about a lack of attractions. Seeing as there is no way for disney to presently make you happy, your feelings are pretty much meaningless to them--there is no way to change them. If disney can make 1/100 guests happy with these new attractions, then that's a good thing...and there are certainly more than a few people in these forums who like Dino-Rama...and we are the people who analyze Disney to death. This land is/will continue to do well. While I may or may not agree with carny games in the parks, people are enjoying that, so it's a good thing. I have also yet to see another park theme their wild mouse coaster as well as disney has--and the theme does fit into dinoland.