Never understood peeps love for this Josh guy…
It was a Disneyland phenomenon from 2018 that Josh coasted on until lately, when people are figuring out he's not as dreamy as he first seemed.
In 2018 Josh Damaro replaced Michael Colglazier as the Disneyland President. Josh was tall and handsome and genuinely personable, three things that Michael Colglazier
was definitely not. Josh also could talk one-on-one with average CM's and not seem like a complete DB, which was the opposite impact of Michael Colglazier when he was forced to interact with a CM in the park once or twice per year. Josh's stylish Cool-Dad wardrobe also helped.
Josh's impact at Disneyland went beyond the parks in 2018, as he delivered the same personable performance with key politicians and business leaders whom had all gotten tired of Colglazier's snobby and boring
I'm-The-Smartest-Person-In-The-Room act. Josh's wife is also a pretty blonde lady who is charming and fun at social events, which was the complete opposite of Mrs. Colglazier who is even more boring and elitist than her husband
(hard to do!).
In short, Josh got a huge bump in profile in his quick Disneyland gig by simply
not being Michael Colglazier.
But Josh still supports and follows the lead of Bob Chapek. So here we are... with a tall, handsome and personable cool guy who is helping Bob Chapek to run the parks division into the ground.