Obviously, you don't. You have entitlement mentality. Since you visit WDW from outside the state, you are somehow better than the rest and somehow deserving of special privileges (like the right to have dinner that isn't a $9 QS burger in a basket). Funny how that entitlement mentality thing works.
But you (and more importantly, TDO) might want to remember that it was the locals who kept the lights on in 2001-2003 when so many folks were afraid to travel.
You might also want to realize that in the end we all lose as Disney dining continues to head down the Walmart road.
Out of your way ...:sohappy: wow ... we should all bow (where's the bowing smiley?) before people like you. ... And locals should have the ability to dine at WDW. After all, they're the folks who have to put up with all the negatives associated with having the resort in the area. The idea that locals should be second-class citizens really is so ... so ... elitist of you ... and we all know that being elite isn't considered a good thing in this country nowadays ... so why don't we just call it a snobby arrogant 'tude!
I don't know that WDW is the #1 destination any longer. I thought NYC was. And WDW was #1 back in the 70s and 80s and you could still walk up and get served a quality and reasonably priced meal.
Oh, and you still can at UNI/IOA ... but that's because nobody goes there, right?
:drevil: ... Or is it because UNI doesn't have anything as destructive to their food and beverage operation as the DDP is to WDW!