changes on haunted mansion


New Member
Madam Leota's head now floats.
They updated the whole bride scene.
They added a whole stair scene at the beginning.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Lets see...

  • new sound for the stretching room
  • the staircase scene was added
  • Madame Leota floats
  • The bride scene changed dramatically

A lot of general maintenance and repair.

edit: oops-tonya already told you that. :hammer:


New Member
They also updated the audio, lighting, entire stretching room, fixed/cleaned props, gave us DL style portraits in our hall, put our sinister 11 pics in the load area, and installed new doombuggies. At least I think they installed new doombuggies.
Edit: other people said some of these already. I thought I could type fast...


New Member
Watching it on YouTube isn't exactly the same as riding the attraction, obviously, but you do notice the changes when you're actually riding the HM. I thought the new additions were cool, I don't remember every single one of them, but tonya up there mentioned the major changes.


I just got home from riding it maybe a week ago! I'm telling you right now that the changes are much more breath-taking in real life! There are a ton of updates that add to the mansion. The best way to see it, is of course by being there. I was taken aback by the sound quality and stuff! You gotta see


New Member
They added a whole stair scene at the beginning.


Escher... would sue.

(and Disney would still win. TOMA!)


New Member
The HM refurb is how you do it right. Everything tangible has been mentioned above but the overall lasting effect for me is one of gratitude. I think what was done there is nothing short of amazing and the team responsible deserves a healthy round of applause for doing what the team at SE couldn't, or weren't allowed to do. They updated the audio and lighting ala POTC but without forgetting the history and feel of the original ride. The attic is a little jarring but after a few rides I started to appreciate it and remembered how little was really there before. The rest is simply incredible. From the dynamic audio enhancements in the stretching room to the great floating Leota everything seems new again.
Someone else may be able to answer this though. It seems to me that the doombuggie stays focused on the first view from above the graveyard a bit longer before you turn around for your descent. I always loved seeing that first glimpse of the cemetary but it seemed shorter before. Anyone?

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Youtube will in no way do the changes justice. You honestly have to be there.

The audio in the stretching room is fantastic. It feels like the Ghost Host is hoovering above you and floating around the room. Be sure to stay back until you're one of the last ones into the loading area. The gargoyles on the wall whisper to you and it's SO creepy!

The bride really scared me too. I've always been a little freaked out by her, but now that she talks I was covering my eyes/ears! (I'm 25, I know I feel like I dork now. :lol: )

The people in charge of the changes deserve a massive round of applause.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
The Haunted Mansion refurb is incredible. Pretty much all of the changes have been posted here already, but I want to emphasize the graveyard scene. All of the individual audio tracks are now synchronized, and the whole scene just works now.


Active Member
I've noticed that the 11 portraits that used to be in the first hallway after leaving the loading area are actually spread in different places throughout the ride. Some are now on the walls of the loading area and are very hard to see. One is placed above a staircase in the first scene you enter after leaving the loading area before you get to the changing portraits. One in actually on the wall of the banquet scene, but at our level where the glass ends, not in the ballroom itself.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Virtually each show scene has been updated, altered or enhanced - from when you walk in to when you leave. The best refurb WDI has done for a long long time.
I though they did a great job on the ride last april when i rode it, in the stretching room there was a rust mark on the wall and you could see the portraits move by it as they grew up. But the stair seen is phenominal I also like the change in china in the ballroom.


Well-Known Member
It's the same, only different. Two thumbs up for a rehab done right. They made a great attraction even better.


Active Member
Just got back and rode it 4 times last week. This is the BEST ride update I've seen. The changes are apparent enough to notice and wow you, but the ride doesn't feel any different. The windows with lightning at the beginning are so much better than the old portraits, and the staircase scene is AMAZING, I don't know how they did it in such a small space. It's good to see Imagineers can still wow us. The Haunted Mansion is my favorite attraction (see my screen name), and I have to say the changes were all only positive, no criticism at all, and that's kind of rare for me because I can usually find something I'd do different. I love the ride even more now. GREAT JOB!


Well-Known Member
I have to say that the refurbished HM is wonderful. I went on it several times and each time I noticed something different.

The bride in the attic scene is nothing short of AMAZING and I will admit all out CREEPY!!! :lookaroun I actually got goosebumps seeing the bride (maybe it was because I was on my honeymoon lol :hammer:)

The staircase scene is great too.

I noticed a definite update and I think it came out great :) YouTube doesn't do it justice, I didn't think it was that big of a deal either from the videos I saw, until I experienced it for myself in person.

Definitely a change for the good!!!


Well-Known Member
Someone else may be able to answer this though. It seems to me that the doombuggie stays focused on the first view from above the graveyard a bit longer before you turn around for your descent. I always loved seeing that first glimpse of the cemetary but it seemed shorter before. Anyone?

It's possible. Though I don't have a definite answer, I think the section of track past the bride was altered slightly so that the doombuggy's rotation turns you more toward where the bride is now. Before, you were focused to the right-hand side of the track.
Changing the car rotation requires physical changes and re-welding of the track, so it's possible they continued the change a few feet more out the window to the graveyard overlook.
Or, it might just be that the direction you're facing as you leave the bride puts you facing the graveyard longer anyway.


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