Changes coming to Primeval Whirl


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they probably should have put in these ride access controls when they built Primeval Whirl. It's not like off the shelf carnival rides are known to have great safety mechanisms built in...
This is really random, but somewhat related. My favorite thing about PW is that the exit speil is "Please stand up before exiting..." With the exception of crawling out of the vehicle, isn't that kinda mandatory? They couldn't phrase that any better? Anyone else notice this?


Well-Known Member
This is really random, but somewhat related. My favorite thing about PW is that the exit speil is "Please stand up before exiting..." With the exception of crawling out of the vehicle, isn't that kinda mandatory? They couldn't phrase that any better? Anyone else notice this?
If I am to believe that people were apparently experiencing apocalyptic panic upon seeing their cars rotate at the top of Spaceship Earth, I fear I must also believe that someone has tried to exit Primeval Whirl by crawling...


Well-Known Member
Too bad the changes are not with a bulldozer. That ride makes the park look trashy, I wish they would just get rid of it and build something that looks like Disney built it.
the whole premise for that area of Animal Kingdom is so that it envokes the parking lot amusements we went to as kids. Its supposed to be like a street festival amusement area from the 60'a throughout the 80's, look down, theres even parking lot striping around there. Its a fun spot in the park, we like it, and we like PW too.


First off it's great they are making this safer for the CM's and everyone else included.

But my girlfriend and I LOVE riding PW. It's one of those rides that is a great laugh, it's a short line and has a lot of great sight gags! Personally, I think this is one of those rides that is kind of classic. I won't speak for my girlfriend (though I'm sure she'd say the same ;)), I'd miss it if they took it away.


Active Member
Yeah, they probably should have put in these ride access controls when they built Primeval Whirl. It's not like off the shelf carnival rides are known to have great safety mechanisms built in...
Primeval isn't exactly a "shelf carnival" ride. It was custom built for disney and even though it may look crap and not be up to the par like all the other disney attractions, this ride actually is as safe as any other attraction at disney. Every aspect of the attraction was carefully looked at before and after the ride was built for safety. Many safety additions that are on every other attraction at WDW like Everest, RNR...were added onto PW. But unfortunatly, this event occured, and with many CM's and numerous guests boarding and exiting this attraction every day, stuff like this is bound to happen once and a while. You just can't make everything safe enough for the public to be okay with.


Well-Known Member
the whole premise for that area of Animal Kingdom is so that it envokes the parking lot amusements we went to as kids. Its supposed to be like a street festival amusement area from the 60'a throughout the 80's, look down, theres even parking lot striping around there. Its a fun spot in the park, we like it, and we like PW too.

I don't think anyone is debating that Imagineering was spot-on in carrying out the design of Dinorama. I'm always amazed at what WDI can do with pavement design to make just about anything that's brand-new look not-so-brand-new.

Personally, I just think it's the choice in the theme itself that is the problem. While it's a fun ride, I know of half a dozen other places outside Disney that I can ride one.

Every time I go to Dinorama I'm always reminded of a quote I read once, that was attributed to either Joe Rhode or Marty Sklar (I forget which) in regards to Dinorama:
"This could all be gone in a week..." :sohappy:
Which is true. There are no permanent support facilities within the boundary of Dinorama (inside the "road" along the egde). All bathrooms are either part of Chester & Hester's or around by the Nemo theater.



Well-Known Member
Many people don't realize the backstory of Dinorama. My understanding is that Chester and Hester tried to mirror the other side of Dinoland by mocking it's serious nature. Instead of the "museum" it's a carnival atmosphere. Instead of the "Dinosaur" attraction they have the "whacky" roller coaster that has similar elements. They mock going back in time and dinosaur interactions while "Dinosaur" is more of a serious ride.

With that said, I think the best way to look at Dinorama is that it's a kiddy land. The problem is the roller coaster is a little too thrilling for it to be called a kiddy coaster. My Recommendation for Dinorama is to enclose the ride completely, and repaint the cutouts with black light paint. I would also change the restraints on this ride to lap restraints. Those over the head, under the shoulder restraints are very uncomfortable.


New Member
I don't tend to do rides that much as I am a big wimp but I LOVE LOVE LOVE this ride and I insist we have to go on it every year, unfortunately my partner hates it because it throws you about but he does it for me as I wait on him!

I hope the ride doesn't change other than with the safety updates!

Just thought I'd share :):sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:


Yeah it throws you around a bit but it's FUN!! Want some real excitement? Go to Raglan Road...down about 10 pints of Guiness...wait for it....GO ON THE TEACUPS!!!!


Active Member
I like Primevil Whirl alright, but last time we rode in between 3 or 4 Everest rides and I was so woozy afterwards! Thank goodness for the Finding Nemo musical-- so I could get my sea-legs back!

It always makes me crack up laughing for some reason.


How do I put this gingerly?

I'm a guy.

I'm a fairly solidly built, linebacker sized guy. I'm not necessarily one of those zaftig couch potatos that are bottoming out the "Small World" boats, but I do take up a certain amount of physical space. It's unavoidable. I am the size that I am.

When I try to stuff "myself" into the seats on "the Whirl" that were apparently designed with only Lilliputians in mind, let's just say there's absolutely no place for my "guyness" to go.

Every twist, every twirl, every swing, every sudden stop becomes an endurance test of pain management.

When last I attempted that ride, I peeled myself out of the micro-cart and was not only hobbled over in discomfort, but talking in a scary approximation of Minnie Mouse's voice.

Um, yeah, that's exactly the "ouch" I'm talking about. :lookaroun

I'm just saying there should be signs. Big, unavoidable, flashing neon signs that would warn other guys like myself what awaits them on "the Whirl."

The horror.

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