Celebrities at WDW...

Saw Pierce Brosnan eating breakfat at 1900 park faire with his kids and nanny(?) dont think it was his wife. Also met Cat Cora in the Lobby of the boardwalk about 3 years ago (maybe in talks for a restaurant??). She walked right by my husband and when I pointed it out he acted like he knew it all along! She was super nice and stopped and said hi to us. Later that evening I saw her again and she posed for a pic with us. I was in culinary school at the time and answered all her questions with, "yes, chef" or "no, chef." My husband says it was creepy but its a sign of respect in the kitchen LOL. I think he was just jealous.:)


Well-Known Member
I was there yesterday and nobody knew who I was. (just kidding).

Not to get off subject but; I was standing in line for RNR and wondered if the the band members fro Aerosmith have ever been on th ride. Anyone know?

Larry Mondello

Well-Known Member
I saw Penn from the Penn and Teller duo.

I originally thought he was an obnoxious clown, but he was actually SO nice to everyone and posed in the area near the hub by the Tomorrowland entrance. I think he's a really nice guy and it changed my perception of him.

We went to their show last year at the Rio in Las Vegas. Before the show you could walk up on stage and look at their props. There were two guys on stage playing the piano and bass. Penn was playing the bass and talked with everyone who went on stage. After the show they posed for pictures with everyone who wanted one. Really nice guys. Also, Teller really can talk. He just whispers.


We also saw Rev Run at Tower of Terror with his family.We were getting ready to get on the ride and they were standing in the corner . He was nice enough to take a picture with my kid!:)

I'd have asked him to do RnRC with me and have him sing Walk This Way in the queue.

The only "famous" people I've seen are Sig and Edward from Deadliest Catch.

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
My family and I were eating at the 50's Diner. We were in the waiting area and a rather old man came in. He had a US NAVY hat on. My husband (being in the NAVY) commented to him briefly.

We were sat at our table, but hubby needed to run out of the Diner to get the diaper bag out of the stroller. He couldn't get threw the door because a person was standing there and was surrounded by an audience. My husband got upset because nobody would let him through so he yelled in his Marine voice (also prior enlisted Marine) "excuse me"..... Lots of people jumped and cleared the way for him to get through. On his way back into the diner, the hostess stopped him from coming in. He had to explain why he needed back in the diner.

On the way in, he realized that Gary Sinise was the reason for the mob at the door and apologized to him. Mr. Sinise was really nice to Chris about it. Later we realized (when he walked past our table that it was his father Chris was talking to (the old man in the Navy hat).... I think it was his father... he was with him at least so I am assuming......


Well-Known Member
I met Michael Jackson at a Lake Buena Vista hotel in 1981. He was in a suite right next to our room. We wouldn't have known right away he was there, but after we checked in, a bellhop rode up the elevator with us and spilled the beans, squealing like a fangirl.

We me Michael while we were out on our balcony and his was on his. He was working on new music in his room, which we could hear (although it wasn't very loud). He had two huge bodyguards and walked around wearing a purple satin Diana Ross tour jacket, even though it was July. One day, we were waiting outside for a van, and he came out with his bodyguards. There was a hotel exec who had a walkie talkie and was calling ahead somewhere, saying they were taking Michael to the hospital.

We never asked him for a picture or autograph because we didn't want to bother him, but now I'm sorry we didn't try.


We had dinner with David Cook (American Idol) at the Cali grill in Dec 2008... and by have dinner I mean he was sitting 2 tables over. My husband and friend had no clue who he was but I was star struck since he was my favorite that season!!

Not at WDW but we met Smitty from the Imagination Movers here in Rochester. He is a New Orleans firefighter and my hubby is a ff and 911 dispatcher. After their show we went to the back door to wait for them to come out with my then 2 year old daughter. After about an hour of standing outside in the Rochester cold a security guard came out and said they would be awhile. We had patches for Smitty (its a firefighter thing to collect patches) and asked if they could give them to him. He said he would try so we started to pack our daughter up kinda bummed. A few minutes later (luckily we stayed around) Smitty came out and just chatted with us for a good half hour. We talked about the movers, Hurricane Katrina (we have a katrina dog we rescued from NOLA) and firefighting. He was supoer down to Earth and so nice!


Well-Known Member
I was there yesterday and nobody knew who I was. (just kidding).

Not to get off subject but; I was standing in line for RNR and wondered if the the band members fro Aerosmith have ever been on th ride. Anyone know?

I know for a fact that Steven Tyler has. When we rode RnRC during our first trip back in March 2005, we were just about to climb in when they told us we had to wait for the next one. We then saw this short guy and a couple of kids come out from the opposite side of the loading queue and jump in real quick. After finally getting to ride it, we were looking around in the gift shop after we were done and low and behold, this short guy walks right behind me with a couple of BIG security guards. Everybody seemed really excited and when we went to pay for our merchandise, the CM asks me if I got to see Steven Tyler. Thinking it was all part of the WDW "magic/experience", I said "You mean the guy pretending to be Steven Tyler?" Little did I know it was the REAL Steven Tyler!!! I started to suspect it might have been the real one when we kept hearing people talk about him in the queues for the other rides in DHS that day. Didn't 100% believe it was him until I got home and looked on the Aerosmith website where it had pictures of Steven Tyler at WDW with his kids. :brick:

Can't believe I didn't listen to my wife and at least get a picture of him while he was being wisked out right behind me. Oh well....going to see Aerosmith here for the second time in a couple of days in Detroit and will have to settle for seeing him from afar! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I've met Buddy Valastro from TLC's Cake Boss at Epcot (and I've been to his bakery in Hoboken NJ multiple times) , and the basketball player Jason Kidd at Cape May Cafe


My husband always spots the celebrities.

We have seen Carmello Anthony (with body guards and VIP tour guide) and Cameron Mathison, and Rick Fox at DL.

We met Dan Hardy (UFC fighter) couple weeks after his fight with St. Pierre. He was heading to space mountain at DW. We got pics and talked to him. Nice guy!

I am sure I am forgetting some people, but that is the most recent for sure.


Well-Known Member
Saw Doug Flutie with his family at MK then next day saw Chad Pennington(then with the Jets) at MouseGear in Epcot.Last year saw Samantha Brown at MK.


Right after the Beijing Olympics, we were at the Magic Kingdom on the day that they had the Michael Phelps parade, so that was cool. But later that day, I was relaxing in the Boardwalk quiet pool with some family, and three guys and a girl came out of nowhere and walked into the pool. I noticed the one guy was quite tall, and his body was ridiculous. As the seven of us enjoyed the pool, I slowly realized it: OH LAWD, I'm swimming with Michael Phelps. :eek:

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
That's fascinating! I never considered that there could be famous people around us in disguise. I guess now that this is a realistic option, I wouldn't mind being famous again. :p

Famous people have all the money in the world. They can easily hire someone to slap a wig on them or wear glasses or a hat or extra make up or whatever. I think a celeb that gets spotted at WDW would do so because they want to. There are plenty of ways to hide without someone knowing you. Earlier in this thread Michael Jackson apparently visited Disneyland in peace in disguise. So arguably the most recognizable person on the face of the earth went there without a whimper and no one noticed. It can happen.

I'll bet Miley Cyrus has been to WDW without anyone of us knowing. She's a kid, 17 years old, you think she doesn't want to experience Small World without being gawked at?

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
I met Michael Jackson at a Lake Buena Vista hotel in 1981. He was in a suite right next to our room. We wouldn't have known right away he was there, but after we checked in, a bellhop rode up the elevator with us and spilled the beans, squealing like a fangirl.

We me Michael while we were out on our balcony and his was on his. He was working on new music in his room, which we could hear (although it wasn't very loud). He had two huge bodyguards and walked around wearing a purple satin Diana Ross tour jacket, even though it was July. One day, we were waiting outside for a van, and he came out with his bodyguards. There was a hotel exec who had a walkie talkie and was calling ahead somewhere, saying they were taking Michael to the hospital.

We never asked him for a picture or autograph because we didn't want to bother him, but now I'm sorry we didn't try.

Well I am doing the math and how much do you want to bet that the "new" music he was doing at that time in 1981 was probably the Thriller album?

Anyways, I am a person who likes seeing famous people too. That being said, I would never stop them in the middle of their day they are trying to enjoy and ask for a picture or an autograph if they are walking the other way. I just don't think it's right to bother them for that. I'd rather have a conversation with them if they don't look to be in a hurry, I don't need proof that I met a celebrity.

I did that back in March 2002 at MK with Cito Gaston (current manager of the Toronto Blue Jays). He was sitting on a bench right near Splash Mountain/Thunder Mountain area. He was with his grandkids. I noticed him and shook his hand and asked him how he thinks the Blue Jays will do this season. He shook his head and shrugged in shoulders in a pessimistic way (this was after he was let go from the team and before he was hired back). Then I asked him what it was like during the back to back World Series wins for the Jays and he said "those were some good times". Then a couple minutes later I left and carried on


Original Poster
I met Michael Jackson at a Lake Buena Vista hotel in 1981. He was in a suite right next to our room. We wouldn't have known right away he was there, but after we checked in, a bellhop rode up the elevator with us and spilled the beans, squealing like a fangirl.

We me Michael while we were out on our balcony and his was on his. He was working on new music in his room, which we could hear (although it wasn't very loud). He had two huge bodyguards and walked around wearing a purple satin Diana Ross tour jacket, even though it was July. One day, we were waiting outside for a van, and he came out with his bodyguards. There was a hotel exec who had a walkie talkie and was calling ahead somewhere, saying they were taking Michael to the hospital.

We never asked him for a picture or autograph because we didn't want to bother him, but now I'm sorry we didn't try.

Wow! Did you catch any of the music he was writing? Or hear it? I was going to to say if you did, did you recognise it..?

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