Trip Report Celebrating my inner ninja WDW style with Disney Friends!!

Hey there readers!this trip includes many friends some of which didn't even know that they were tagging along or would be mentioned.This trip had its up and downs but when we were down we didn't down too long and it is for that reason that I am titling this TR after the song"My Inner Ninja" because many of the lyrics apply to this trip,also I'm hoping to get hubby to make a video with some of the pics and including the song, anytime I use a reference to the song it will be in
green like thisI will introduce people as they appear along the way.THe first day I wrote things as a diary sort of style so if I say "now I'm doing this" it means I was doing that at the time and not now in real time,okay let's get started.

Dear Disney Diary.....
Finally it's sorta trip day! Today I got up,did the dishes(so hubby wouldn't have to),walked my dog and got ready to go to Buffalo.( I didn't take any pics while with the fam because I wanted to be in the moment with them before parting ways for a few days.
Luckily there was no wait at the border so that was good.We drove to Walden Galleria Mall and had lunch at Bravo,BEST CHICKEN PARM EVER!!
I needed to buy some new unders so I went to do that and I also took Hailey to Pottery Barn Kids because I wanted to buy a travel seat for her 18 inch doll(you'll see that soon)If I wasn't going to Disney I could've very easily emptied my wallet in there!
When we got done at the mall we went to check in at The Quality Inn across from the Buffalo Airport,where we waited what seemed like half a lifetime for our room to be ready(or at least it felt that way)

(Hailey had found a red straw in the food area and said it was her doll's licorice)

She waited with my building managers daughters while I got us checked in ( I planned their trip for them and they were coming at the same time and staying at the same resort...good idea? or bad idea? )

Hailey and Kailey ,my managers 13 yr old


my building managers name is Jamie for future reference ,because it's easier to just call her by her name,you'll see a pic of her later though.Finally my room was ready (Jamie's was not yet) me n the fam went off to Walmart to buy some last minute items for the trip and then things got a little hairy between hubby and I so that wasn't fun.He and Riley dropped us back at the hotel n they left for home.Hailey and I went to McDonalds for dinner

she was so cute and kept saying that she loved me and that I was her fave and not to be sad because we would have fun together,kids are awesome!Just then my phone rang it was hubby calling from the border,in all my stress of the room taking forever n then arguing with him I had given him my passport and I had his YIKES!!!!This wasn't starting off well at all.He came back to get his passport and give me mine which was good because we got to make up before the trip,I felt better leaving with things on better terms.and Jamie's younger daughter came to my room to hang out with Hailey and i while we watched this on tv.....

I noticed that somebunny was watching us through the window,creepy?Maybe but not when it's this cute!

So precious I want one!!please Mom can i Can I???

We caught the tail end of A Bug's Life too so i guess family was having a pixar day??I made arrangements for a 4 am shuttle to the airport n texted some Dis friends.I'm gonna cuddle up with Hailey after I set my alarm.then soon i'll be back to write more.

Okay well I tried very hard to sleep but just couldn't because someone was snoring(rolls eyes)

What?can you honestly tell me that you thought I would go to The Happiest place On Earth and not take my DisBff?ofcourse not!!! for those of you who don't know or have been hiding under a rock thats none other than oopsidaisy from THe she came along too!I wish i could be in 2 places at once,watching the Incredibles must have rubbed off on her and brought out her own superpowers.we watched more tv and although we didn't have any popcorn we DID have Corn pops!!

so it was allright./SIZE]



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Before I continue on I wanted to share 2 mini stories with you all of things that I thought were funny.OKay so earlier that day when he had crossed the border n were on our way to the mall,hubby says to me "oh it's too bad you didn't get her a net so she could try to catch all the GEICOS,Omg I laughed so hard ,clearly somebody watches too much television!Then I informed him that geico is an insurance company and she wouldn't be needing any auto insurance on this trip! I don't know if it's as funny to you ,but it was to me.
Okay later in the night we were sitting in our hotel room and Hailey was checking things out,when she found a bible in the drawyer and she got all excited and started jumping up and down and flapping her arms,then she yells out "oh i love The Holy Bible"it was as if she had just found an entire drawyer of lollipops or something,I just wasn't expecting that n she had to tell me about how at school the other kids are bored n don't want to hear the stories but she sits straight up with her hands in her lap because she loves it so much.

our first night continues........ since we had oopsi in our room and weren't yet ready to fall asleep it made sense that the only right thing to do was to watch the country music countdown on tv,i mean she is a Nashatarian and all so it just fit.Here are some pics I took of my Boo before we hit the hay that night.

and as I took some time to journal the days events.......this happened

some unimportant facts I forgot to mention( because I forget everything)i texted a bunch of friends to let them know I had made it to "Murrica" and would see them soon.
and remember earlier whemn I said we had gone to walmart well,we also went to The Dollar Tree and bought Hailey an inflatable seahorse to play with in the pool at Disney.Hailey loves seahorses and her obsession with them is rather recent,it's unbelievable how much she knows about them too.thats the thing about children with special needs or learning disabilities is that they might have big delays in some areas while being very gifted in others and she is super intelligent when it comes to animals,she has taught me things that I never would've known if not for her.



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Omg I swear I woke up every hour and then finally at 2:30 am(after not going to bed until 10:45)H and I got up and began getting ready, with the tv set to the Disney Channel of course.

Can you guress where we're going today?

here are the girls waiting in the lobby for the shuttle,thew one on the far right is Jamie's youngest daughter Tessa,her and Hailey have a love hate relationship,so we never know how they are going to be together.

oh and theres the travel seat I bought for Hailey's Disney Girl Doll "Julia" some of you may remember that she got her at The Grand Floridian tea party last SEptember.WE got to the airport and checked in with Southwest and were through security in no time,I think this might have been the fastest I've ever gone through that line ,but hey no complaints here I think thats great!

here's Hailey determined to stay awake so she could see exactly how we'd get there,because she needs to know incase she decides to buy a plane one day( her words precisely)

She told Julia to pay attention too!

here's Kailey showing her how to blow bubbles

and of course I had to make sure that we had a nice healthy breakfast while on the plane( why don't we have these in Canada? or at least not in Ontario,I neeeeeeeeeed more!!!!)

we had a nice relaxing flight,and I gotta see it's alot easier to fly with only one child,but I was missin my big girl already.

look at this view

Julia sat on the tray n watched too



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okay before I do another update I just have one request PLEASE and i mean PAH LEEEEEZEEEEEEE can somebody who is going to food n wine please please please get me pictures of Wilson phillips at eat to the beat!!!!! I just heard today they are going to be there n my heart is hurting so much that I'm going to miss it!!!!Did I say please yet?
__________________Guess where I am ?

anyone know?if you guessed MCo you're right! here's a pic before we got on the famous fake o rail

and here are Hailey and Tessa taking a ride

So this is where for months now I kept telling myself that i was finally going to try Chick-Fil-A since we don't have one back home,and up until only a few months ago i thought all MCO had was Mcdonalds n sbarro,but in my defence I was never in any other are of the airport except that big open part that you see.I never had a need to go beyond it so i just never did.

okay so get off the fake o rail and the plan is that Jamie and her group are going to go smoke (yuck)and we had talked about this for several months before the trip even happened,she knew and was okay with this being my trip with Hailey and that I when we were around the same places I'd be glad to help but it was clear that at the airport she needed me and I agreed to help no prob.So we made a plan that she'd go out the doors of level 1 B side but WAS NOT TO GET IN LINE for magical express,I told her if she got too close to that area they would tell her she had to get on a bus,so not to do that n to just meet me by the elevators,after i took a few pics n got my food to i went to take some pics....

Hailey was so happy to see this because giraffes are one of her faves,well that n zebras

I wanted her to sit on the other side to cover the writing on the pillow but she just looked at me like i was speaking another language so I let it be because let's face it she's not hurting anyone so it's really not worth fighting over right?

"nobody's gonna see me comin ,nobody's gonna hear a sound"

and why is that? because they weren't serving lunch ,so I opted out n I mean why wouldn't they be sreving lunch at 8:30 am right?lol so I head in the direction to meet jamie and my phones going off but my hands are full and I can't answer it( because at this time i've got my DME stuff in hand,My Id, 2 suitcases,and a childs hand,how I did it i don't know)so I walk over to the seating area unload everything n theres a text from Jamie asking if i told her to get in line I text back n say DO NOT GET IN LINE NOMATTER WHAT I AM HERE WAITING FOR YOU!!!,so what does she do after i wait 15-20 minutes more she texts me telling me she is on a bus and that right now they are at ready for this?"Epcots Royal Beach Resort" um I don't think so,so I text her back telling her it doesn't exist and i'll just see her at AK.At this point i am p*$$ed off because #1 when I say DO NOT do something,it probaly means you shouldn't do it and #2 there is nothing that makes me more angry than waiting for people,like i get vulgar angry it's not cute at all.Plus I was hoping i was gonna have chick-fil-a and that didn't happen,i'm hungry it's hot n ure making me wait?Omg i was sooooo mad.Like I know the average person wouldn't have gotten this mad but I was!Anyways it wasn't all horrible......we got a cruise line bus

I dunno what this smile is

BUt it wasn't all bad because if you can't tell by now,after 11 years I FINALLY got the front seat WOOT WEW!!! I was so stoked I had to text oopsi right away ,because ofcourse she wasn't on the bus since she had to be at work and all.


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Then I saw this sign OMG OMG OMG!!!!

but I mean who cares right because we all know theres a much more important sign coming up.....

oh man I couldn't believe it,but I didn't soak it in too much because I was distracted by our bus driver shouting at the top of his lungs"LOOK TO DEE LEFT LOOK TO DEE LEFT EETZA ALLAH GAY TAH ,ALLAH GAY TAH!!!!"I didn't see no ALLAH GAY TAH but I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants it was so funny n he was a really aewsome driver ,he talked to Hailey the entire ride n she was so pumped that she kept saying "yeah! yeah ! yeah!" in like this really excited yet almost haunted creepy kinda voice.Then he was laughing n said that if anyone ever tried to rob me they'd hear her yelling "yeah!" and get scared out of the house.Although somehow I don't think she'd be yelling that if we were at home and getting robbed but um okay .WE made it to AOA and I was in love,like in complete awe


okay seriously though pictures cannot do it justice


Hailey gives her approval

here's a lady who greeted us and took us to our check-in attendant,which I thought was super cool and made it seem like we were royalty,I love how welcoming this place is

i love that u can see the wow on Haileys face as she soaks it in with me

omg really? they almost modelled simba after Lambert the sheepish lion? That would've rocked my socks off and if you don't know lambert the sheepish lion you need to go here.....

anyways here's the pic that lead us to that in the first place

my eyes got misty and all I could think of was how much i just can't wait to be king no just kidding I was thinking how much i just can't wait for Riley to see this place in November.She'll go nuts! So after we got checked in and everything was good to go I realised that Jamies group was still at the resort,I don't know why they were still checking in after all this time but okay.I had a mission because for a long time before this trip we knew that we'd be getting H a new pillowpal so that was first on our list n we headed here

and she chose Simba rather than pluto which surprised me completely because i was not expecting that oh and simba had something he wanted to say to a very special reader of this tr so I thought i'd share his words with you .......

yep the day we arrived was a special day for a special friend and so we had to be sure and mention that!


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So we were on our way to our room because CHA CHING CHA CHING it was ready YAYYYYYYY!!!BONUS!! Let's walk there together shall we? So as soon as we exited the main building this was our view ( complete with jamies moms back)

now if there was no parks to be explored I would've ran and jumped full force into that pool clothes,shoes,suitcases and all because I WAS HOME!!! and it was like AFRICA HOT out! but we had a room to get to...

Omg if Riley saw this Crush she'd go ape!

don't worry we'll see more of this pool later

The first section we walked through was the lion king section,which if I ever stay in the suites these are the rooms I want,now If i could have a lion king room in the section of the cars pool it would be perfection,but let's face it this is disney and everythings amazing here so i'll take whatever they give me.

Hailey and tessa follow rafiki because......"follow rafiki he knows de way"

omgomg SQUEE!

He's perfect and beautiful" Hah SVEN YA MOMMA BE SEE MA MO" that's the Hailey version incase you weren't sure!who is sven? Is there a swedish lion i never knew about????

Hakuna Matata!
I hope we have conveyed
You don't have to bust a gut in the sun
It's much cooler in the shade

GASP!!! Hyenas are taking over the pridelands...nope just an elephant graveyard



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"well forgive me for not jumping for joy.......bad back you know"

if you think I've watched The lion King too many times after all the quotes(some of which i use in regular everyday talk)You have no idea how many times more I've actually watched the next one!

"It's a dinglehopper"

"I haven't seen this in years,this is wonderful"
"what is it?"
"a banded ,bulbous snarfblatt"

i was so excited it was like I was reliving my childhood,this resort is great I can't tell you guys enough,like pictures do not do it justice and seriously it puts all other values to shame.

Hailey wants a treasure box like this for her next birthday(why didn't she say xmas since that comes first?well because she already knows she wants to get an American Girl doll then)

"he's a human ,you're a mermaid!!!"
"But daddy I LOVE HIM!!!'

"Tritons daughter will be mine .... I'll see him wiggle like a worm on a hook"

"like I always say,your majesty,children have got to be free to lead their own lives"
"you always say that,sebastian?"

then we were getting closer and I could tell because look what i spy with my little eye......

I loved that we were in the back because Everyday I could see pop when I opened the curtains in our room,I loved that because pop is rileys fave resort and so I would look out the window at it across the lake and wonder what she was doing at that moment,and it helped get me through being there without her,because as much as I love disney it just wasn't the same without her,and before this the longest I had ever been away from her was 2 nights not it was hard on me,I got down but i didn't stay down.


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Loving the TR and especially love all of the movie quotes. I swear, I can hear them in my head in perfect character voice each time I read one. Can't wait to read more!


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Love the TR so far!! And I can't believe we didn't get a picture together at Epcot!!!! UGH!!!!!

And btw I just watched Lambert and relived my childhood. I LOVED this cartoon. Ashley didn't remember it but I did!! :)


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thanks everyone and welcome to the new comers! I've been absent for a few days because we had some appointments and Sunday was date day with my youngest,so I was busy but I've got some more coming today.

@derelicte19 i'm kinda glad we didn't get a pic that night I looked awful LOL,but it was so good to see you n actually spend more than 2 seconds together! Hope fully next time we can get a drink together.


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I'm baaaccckkkkkk ( haunted mansion voice) well forgive me for this but i'm going to jump out of order here for a moment only because Hailey decided she wanted to give a room tour on video and she did it at night when we had ended our first day.So I think I'll show you that with the room pics I took upon entering our room rather than at the end of our night.also I don't do technology like I suck at it okay so please excuse the fact that i flip the camera all over the place thinking you can see it as i see it lol hey I never said I was smart okay! So the vid the pics ak day then i'll go back to night time! see you get to time travel in this report fun stuff huh? Don't answre that!



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okay so that's Hailey's room tour now time for my pics of the room which are not as exciting by any means...

the seating area

table with ariels music sheets

Mickey that looks like he had a fight with Mike Tyson

our beds

my boyfriend

(not the hairy slobbery one)

this area was never this clean again

look at this stuff isnt it neat

I bet ur less dizzy viewing it this way than in the video

took a pic of this so i'd know our room number

okay so after taking pics I kinda just threw my stuff wherever9all over the beds) and went through quickly to ditcyh the stuff i needed at the airport n on DME ,then pack only what I needed for AK in my purse.Jamies room was ready too so they went to check theirs and again we set a meeting place n time,well that didn't happened so I text her a bunch with no respondse4 before I decided that i was going to ak with hailey then and not waiting any longer,it took everything in me to not go nuts because I have zero tolerance for waiting like i not get out to the buses and an Ak bus is there n they r getting on it ,like really?UM we were supposed to meet in the gift shop at a certain time I wwas there 10 minutes early n still waoited another 10 before I decided to go outside UGH!!!!! GRRRRR! Anyways we were on a bus and we were going to AK


then we saw the parking tram and I overheard someone telling someone else how "that's the monorail and I don't see the big deal about it" then I couldn't help but giggle.I had to go and get H her GAC card so I told Jamies group just to go to Restaurantosaurus and i'd meet them there when I got done.You're prob thinkin why would u do that with the our meet up success so far lol well this time I was kinda secretly hoping to lose them cause I just wasn't in the mood.They asked me more questions this time than usual but I guess I would too after the recent scams.Then we made our way to Restaurantosaurus(where I haven't been to since 2005) and I didn't see the other group so i just went in and ordered my food,I wasn't waiting.

that socalled chocolate mousse wasn't like chocolate mousse at home it was gross,but Hailey liked dipping her fries in it EUCH!!!! I didn't care though cause it was vacation time so go nuts kiddo!Then I took a few blurry pics of the place....



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So i saw the other group when I was getting straws,napkins and ketchup and we got a table in the same room as them and eventhough Hailey and I shared our meal it was too much for us to finish.Now we had a mission! For the past 3 trips she has wanted to ride Primeval Whirl but wasn't tall enough so we had to go try again and omg ARIANABAGEL NANA LOOK WHO WE SAW along the way

then we set off in this direction.......(me h and jamies kids,where was Jamie? I don't know her kids just said that their mom told them to go with me)

just scanning the area n no jamie

and so I said okay we're going on this ride so i guess u are too n off I went because H was tall enough,she just was at the line PHEW!!! I was spo glad because last time she had a major melt down over it and I didn't want that to happen again so all was right in the world,except that I had 2 kids without a parent in my care n had no idea where that parent was.

I wonder how Hailey felt about finally getting to ride

OH NO!!!!!!!

the kids wanted to go again but H and i had other plans so I told them they were welcome to go wait in the line9 I know Jamie lets Kailey take tessa on her own alot so she wouldn't care) we got off the ride n no jamie or her mom so I was going on triceratop spin n they decided to join us there too


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oh now I should mention that actually before we went on this Ride I had received a text from a friend on the Disney running team I'm on ,she was selling a limited edition 25th anniversary figment and I knew i had to have it because last yr Hailey was saying that Figment should have clothes like Duffy n not be inapropriate,so we went to meet her n buy the figment off her which hailey carried all around

Boy I guess disney had it right when they said "there are no lost kids only lost parents"

oh look who I found down below,how nice of you to join us!

Now don't get me wrong I have no problem taking someones child or children with me if I offer or it's a planned thing but when u just send ur kid to follow me n I have no idea where u are or what ur plans are Plus i'm in disney and have my own agenda thats another story.
anyways moving along.........

my little monkey was happy and thats what mattered

oh look at that!

that was all anyone wanted to do in Dinoland and since we had just ate I decided to skip out on my tradition of getting a popcorn and frozen drink from the Dino diner,which I think is very under rated I love that lil trailer!!

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