Celebrating My 40th At WDW


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I am sooo excited right now!!
I will be going in just 6 days...Celebrating my 40th B-day ( it's actually the 12th but with the kids school schedule I had to make it a week earlier :)...) I am also celebrating my Mom's first trip to WDW...:sohappy:

All my reservations are set, MNSSHP on the 4th and of course the 25th celebration at Epcot (What Luck!!) :sohappy: oh yeah and The F&W Festival!!!:slurp::slurp::slurp: That is a treat in itself!!

All I can do is wander around going...do I have everything?:hammer:
I need to calm down, and just wait...eeek!, Ya right:brick:

So help me be patient I know it will be here soon and I have to start getting some sleep (Im in CA so it's like 3 hours ahead, need to start getting on FL time) heh...

Also going to be my first time going at it without my DW so it should be real interesting (We usually take her mom and Step dad and my other 2 oldest for a total of 8...but with only 4 it's going to be so much easier getting on rides and such)

WooooHooo Look out, I on my way...
anyway thanks for listening.
Have a great day.


Well-Known Member

Enjoy. For my 20th Wedding Ann. which I will be 40 as well im taking wife to Europe which will of course include a trip to DL Paris.

Have fun Bro...:wave:


Steampunky Time Lord
I'm another one...

I know what you mean. My 40th is actually on Oct 2nd and I'll be down there for it as well from 9/30 to 10/3.

Grew up in Florida and took many day trips to the parks so have never stayed on property...until this coming trip. :)


Well-Known Member
Just a quick note, we were given Anniversary buttons at check-in at the resort, so they mave have the B-day buttons too. DH told them when booking that it was our Anniversary and they had them ready for us when we checked in.:wave:


New Member
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I know what you mean. My 40th is actually on Oct 2nd and I'll be down there for it as well from 9/30 to 10/3.

Grew up in Florida and took many day trips to the parks so have never stayed on property...until this coming trip. :)

Happy Birthday to you as well!!
Thanks to you guys for the wishes!
Gonna be a blast!!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Just a quick note, we were given Anniversary buttons at check-in at the resort, so they mave have the B-day buttons too. DH told them when booking that it was our Anniversary and they had them ready for us when we checked in.:wave:

Yes, The hotels have them. If it's on the reservation they should give it to you at check-in, but if they don't just ask.

It's really neat, I didn't get one on our trip because it wasn't close to my birthday but 5 of our 10 did and they got comments form 85% of the cast members, it was very nice.


Happy birthday in advance. I did my 45th back in June and I got a birthday button when I checked in. A friend had called to tell them after I left for the airport and someone else called to tell them Goofy was one of my favorite characters so I found a signed pic and balloons from him in my room on my exact birthday.

I did wear the button all weeks so have fun with it.


Active Member
We spent my brother's 40th birthday at WDW staying Concierge at the GF. On the actual day I gave him 40 birthday cards I had collected from family and friends and brought down with me. I had a t-shirt made for him that said "Hi I'm John, today is my 40th birthday." Coupled with the birthday pin from guest relations, nobody missed wishing him a happy birthday. I can't think of a better place to spend my birthday. Have a great trip, a great day and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!


Well-Known Member
Happy Birthday!!

I had my 50th a couple weeks ago, and as a present to myself, traded in my pickup for a Mitsubishi Eclipse and booked a trip to the World for DD18 and I for December. (Probably a good thing I don't turn 50 more than once - I couldn't afford it!)


Happy Birthday!! I celebrated my 40th at WDW last year. It was awesome. My wife made shirts for the entire family for my b-day. Make sure you stop by guest relations at each park and get a button staying it's your birthday. Everyone will wish you HB, and you may even get some bonus extras throughout the park. I am trying to talk my wife into going back to WDW to celebrate my 41st , but so far it has not worked....:ROFLOL:


New Member
First off, Happy Birthday Ray. Have a Great trip.

DH and I spent our 14th anniversary with my mom, my sister, our neice, and celebrated his dad's 1st trip this last may. We were there for about 10 days (including day arriving and day leaving). Flying from the west coast to the east coast is an all day trip with us. We left at 6 am and landed in Florida around 5 pm. Lost 3 hours due to time change.

I'm rather jealous of JoeZer, my 37th bday is October 2nd and unfortunately I will be home in Idaho. :cry::cry::cry::(


New Member
Original Poster
Thank you all very much, Im getting even more excited now after watching 5hrs of Disney on the Travel Channel...lol
and I recorded it so I can watch it again tomorrow...Ya a button at every park and special goodies!! I feel Like a Kid Again!!:sohappy:
Thank you again!!

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