CBS news is at it again!


New Member
BG Rugger said:
What exactly is a "critical health code violation"?

A critical health code Violation is something the health department considers a direct way to get someone sick. (all of the things listed as a violation are there because it could get you sick)

In Fla. there is a code that states all employees who handle ready to eat food, Food that will not be cooked before it reaches the customer, has to wear rubber gloves or the restaurant has to have a documented plan for the education and implemntation of hand washing procedures. Well to make life in chaos easier most restaurants go with the gloves. The inspector comes in and asks are you using gloves or hand washing, When you answer gloves, everyone who is handleing ready to eat foods must have gloves on. For each person not wearing gloves is a critical violation.

Another biggie is unsafe food temps. We have what is called a danger zone. 40 to 135 degrees F. That means chicken at 41 degrees is unsafe but at 39 it is ok. And the heath department changes this. The first time I took the food managers sanitation class it was 35 to 120, the next time it was 45 to 140, that last time was four months ago and it is 40 to 135.

The point here is someone telling you 77 critical violations actually does not mean much. Without knowing what violations and how off the temps were there is no way of knowing how bad a place really is. For those of you that are that concerned, every restaurant in the state of Fl. has to have its most current health inspection available for the general public to see if asked. So ask to see it. If the restaurant had any violations it will be clearly stated, if it was a food temp violation it will say what temp the food was at. Most inspectors are told to find at least three violations. I have had inspectors who will mark something a violation this time that three months ago were aproved by the same inspector, because he or she needs to have three, so if in the future there is a problem with a place they inspected they do not loose their jobs.

Keep in mind most people get food borne illness from their own homes, but because they can't complain to anyone about themselves you only hear about it when restaurants do it.

Here is a critical violation most people do at home. Ever wash you hands and dry them on a towel, then wipe the counter with the towel. Opps thats a violation. Cross contamination. You need a clean towel for every use.


I am 99.9% sure that any food establishment at WDW is 100 times more clean and better controlled than my own kitchen. If we spent our lives only eating perfectly handled food from perfectly clean environments, then we would all be very hungry people.

As for reporters, I have an issue with them for a slightly different but related reason. I work in law enforcement. I do this because while it is not always a pleasant job, I can see things wrong in our society and want to do my bit to make peoples lives better and safer. I honestly cannot understand anybody who makes a living and builds a career by spending their lives picking problems with everybody around them. I see a problem - I do my best to help the people involved. A reporter sees a problem - they write it in the most sensationalist, slanted and inflamatory way they know how because this sells newspapers and TV slots. I face the problem every day with public confidence that whilst crime is falling in the UK, the fear of crime is growing. Why? - irresponsible, sensationalist media.

I apologise to any offended reporters out there, I am sure you are not all bad?


Active Member
I'll take my chances, 8 out of a 1,000,000, sort of like the odds of me winning Lotto. Any place is going to have problems from time to time, a new employee or someone just simply having a memory lapse. It happens, but as was said in the article Disney is correcting problems and finding new ways resolve certain issues. I feel more confident eating at Disney than my local restaurant.

It is very sad that the evening news has turned into the Star and Enquirer smut rag reporting. They turn the smallest thing like a little snow coming our way into a "Blizzard" and scare people into running to the store to stock up. It's all about sensationalism, not about newsworthy stories anymore. Soon there will be a regular segment on Big Foot Sitings on the evening news.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I'm just being the Devil's Advocate here, but the "8 out of a million" complaints...isn't that the amount of complaints that actually get to a federal agency? Because if that's the case, there may be many more-thousands! MILLIONS! :p - of complaints about bad/undercooked food that never goes farther than Disney's own customer service reps, because Disney then does something to appease the complaintant and the complaint then "goes away."


Active Member
slappy magoo said:
I'm just being the Devil's Advocate here, but the "8 out of a million" complaints...isn't that the amount of complaints that actually get to a federal agency? Because if that's the case, there may be many more-thousands! MILLIONS! :p - of complaints about bad/undercooked food that never goes farther than Disney's own customer service reps, because Disney then does something to appease the complaintant and the complaint then "goes away."
To me, that is part of the point. Only 8 people complained. Like I said, I'm sure there were more people affected, but it was either such a small thing that it wasn't worth it, or Disney took care of problem.
I had some friends who went to WDW with their boy who got horribly ill while staying at a WDW resort. Now, there was never any claim that this was caused by food poisining, but Disney gave them a voucher for a free vacation (hotel room and park tickets) equal to the number of days that the child was sick. They still had to pay airfare, food, etc., but if Disney is willing to do something like that in a situation that was not their fault, I'd be willing to listen to a deal they would offer if they made me sick!
I guess my point is, it's no fun to get sick on a trip, but if Disney makes up for it, I wouldn't feel the need to complain, and that's all right.


From our local CBS station in Boston:
Beyond the critical health code violations, the state of Florida received eight complaints in 2003 from Disney guests of food poisoning.
Polak proudly points out they serve more than 100 million meals a year and says they're a leader in food safety.

I think 8 offical complaints out of that many meals served is amazing. I can understand Temp. Violations in the heat in Florida on buffets where the air can heat the food up very fast. All in all I will be eating at WDW more often thanks to this news story as I had a few problems with places I ate on I-Drive.


New Member
Original Poster
aklodge said:
No, they aren't. I just think that goofyman is mad at these reporters that go and try to get some big story and look for every itsy-bitsy thing they can find do critize on. I dont think he's saying that he hatesAll reporters. Goofyman, your reply please/

Woow sorry did not mean to offend any Disney loving reporters. Thanks Aklodge, You are correct! I should have said some reporters are the worst and not have generalized! What makes me made about this story is not only the WDW connection it's SWEEPS week stuff that the stations try and also CBS reputation lately is questional at best. And as someone mention maybe the stations say do the story or else, I feel for people that are in those situations but maybe, just maybe we all need to do the right thing sometimes...HMMMMMMMMM :drevil:

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
goofyman said:
And as someone mention maybe the stations say do the story or else, I feel for people that are in those situations but maybe, just maybe we all need to do the right thing sometimes...HMMMMMMMMM :drevil:

You couldn't be more right. In my opinion, the "right" (if such an idea exists) way to do this story would have been to talk to people who have eaten at Disney longterm and see how many problems they have had....also, interviewing someone in Disney's culinary department and allowing them to respond to any charges or findings would need to be part of the story. You can do stuff like this, but you've got to (in my opinion) do it thoroughly, accurately and fairly. Which isn't to say you cover up the problems you find, but you present them in context and allow people with different points of view to speak.


Active Member
I think CBS 2 needs to retire the Eat at Your Own Risk series already. It is getting old real fast and they seem to be running out of places to report on. Time to come up with a another "ratings booster". Of course the stories are blown out of proportion. I wonder what percentage of people actually never get sick eating out. I'll bet it is somewhere around 90-95%.

We all know already that when we eat out, there is a chance that we may get sick due to unsafe food handeling practices or other circumstances.


Premium Member
If there were more cases of this happening then I would worry. For now, I still feel comfortable going to CRT and ordering the Porkchops or whatever.

Kind of off topic, but I remember back in the 90s that we thought the quality of the counter service facilities food wasn't very good. Now, we feel the quality is very much improved. They have definately made an improvement to the variety of food choices that are available now too.


Active Member
TAC said:
I thought "sweeps week" was over until May?

Anyway, in the video, the first people that were interviewed weren't even AT WDW. They were at that store that sells el cheapo merchandise (I can't think of the name).

What makes me mad is that the reporter is from NYC. How many restaurants are in NYC? How many there have health violations?

Oh they go after them too. They have had NY salad bars, coffee shops, bakeries, top rated restuarants, pizza places, delis, fast food, you name it, they covered it. The series is getting old though, is completely one sided, and is purely for ratings. I didn't see this new story yet, but I assume Kirstin Cole was the reporter. Perhaps she wanted to go on vacation, but CBS 2 made her take a video camera and report on all those "unsafe" places to eat at WDW.


Well-Known Member
I've been going to Disney for many many years now...and have gotten food poisoning once...(this was food at AK) happens, its a risk you take when you go eat at any restaurant...I still eat at the same vegies from there though...

I agree Disney is cleaner than most other places...but that doesn't mean people can't get sick from eating anywhere in WDW...

CBS isn't the only guilty party in exagerating news stories, or "stretching the truth"...all the major networks, papers and magazines will do this if it is in their interest (or if certain people are either censoring them [things get cut out or added] or putting money in their pockets)...Don't blame reporters themselves...blame their editors, station managers and/or the other higher ups...

Just some thoughts...:lookaroun


Active Member
objr said:
I've been going to Disney for many many years now...and have gotten food poisoning once...(this was food at AK) happens, its a risk you take when you go eat at any restaurant...I still eat at the same vegies from there though...

I agree Disney is cleaner than most other places...but that doesn't mean people can't get sick from eating anywhere in WDW...

CBS isn't the only guilty party in exagerating news stories, or "stretching the truth"...all the major networks, papers and magazines will do this if it is in their interest (or if certain people are either censoring them [things get cut out or added] or putting money in their pockets)...Don't blame reporters themselves...blame their editors, station managers and/or the other higher ups...

Just some thoughts...:lookaroun

I agree, but I suspect that there are some reporters out there take more of a proactive role, and embellish things too much, so while the station mangers, editors, and higher ups are to blame, the reporter also shares some of the responsability.


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
Anyway, in the video, the first people that were interviewed weren't even AT WDW. They were at that store that sells el cheapo merchandise (I can't think of the name).

I noticed that too.

I just wish that we didn't have all these ambulance chasing lawyers running around. I HATE (most) lawyers. I'll take my chances, thank you very much. Quit trying to tarnish Disney's name to get some extra viewers. Stupid CBS... (Stands for "Complete Bull S**t")


Well-Known Member
Well I just hope that CBS2 doesn't decide to do a segment on my kitchen. Foods held at unsafe temps?? Oh - like the jar of strawberry jam I accidentally left on the counter this morning after making my daughter's sandwich? Eeek!

Sounds like a typical "tempest in a teapot" kind of story to me.


In the 12 years i've spent working in various kitchen around the world, I did 4 years for Disney and believe me disney world restaurants are one of the safest places to eat. They have their own food safety guidelines and inspectors that are tougher and above any state laws.

And don't be scared by the `critical` health code violation.
Like Moonshadow1 said it's usually temps on a sauce that are slighty off or a cooler that was above 41 because the door has been open for a delivery to go in. There are much worst things going on in your own kitchen. I'm pretty sure not a lot of people have different colors cutting boards to make sure they don't cut veggies and cheeses on the same board!!! Cause that's a big No-no according to both Disney and State rules...


New Member
ChefTigger said:
I'm pretty sure not a lot of people have different colors cutting boards to make sure they don't cut veggies and cheeses on the same board!!!

My cutting boards are all the same color but they are different sizes. The big board is for meat, the medium board is for vegetables and the small board is for cheese. I use different knives for each as well. :wave:

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