Castle Ramp Smoking Section Eliminated

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Well-Known Member
Maybe Disney (private property) should just exercise their right to prohibit smoking period?

And they would have already if that were the case. It's outdoors, it will take a lot for them to justify doing that. It's called inclusion. Not just us in good old 'Murica who smoke.

I know it's private property but they haven't removed them yet.

FYI, some hotels STILL offer smoking rooms.


Active Member

This isn't really directed at you, but as you see, tobacco is both more addicting and more harmful to the body than cannabis.
I say ban alcohol also so I don't have to see the drunk idiots stumble all over the park & my kids don't have to see them as well. You drunks smell worse then our smoke. So if you want smoking banned so should the alcohol. I have to deal with you drunks who kill innocent people also.


Well-Known Member
The smartest place is on the pathway behind Barnstormer where there already is one. That's really the only smart place there is a smoking section currently. Other good locations are next to Tony's, the location of the one that was near Space Mountain, and the path behind Pirates.
Next to Tony's can't work because it is too close to a cast entrance.


Well-Known Member
They can't go away, at least not yet.
Yes they can go away.

Again, smoking is a choice. If you want to smoke, fine, just don't do it at the park.

It's truly disappointing to see how many non-smokers feel they have to give up their rights in order to satisfy the minority of people who smoke.

If a smoker can go 12 hours (or more) without smoking on a flight from LA to Sydney, then it's not unreasonable to ask smokers to go without smoking at a theme park for the same period of time.


Well-Known Member
Also, as noted, foreign guests and cultures do not have the same feelings about smoking as we do in the US. And, as WDW is an international destination resort, this should be considered.

For a large outdoor area, such as a theme park, banning it outright is probably not the best operational decision. As I said, people will flaunt the ban. For example, smoking is banned at the resorts on the balconies, but people still do it. People who smoke are not going to stop simply because they are at Disney. So, you need to account for it, reasonably.
The vast majority of foreign visitors had to get on a plane to get here, which means they did not smoke for several hours. If they can stop smoking on a plane, they can stop smoking at the park. Or, they can choose not to visit at all. No one is forcing them to come to Disney.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
people who complain about smoking well why don't you complain about the bars at pool side. you say your kids have to walk thru the smoke, well my kids & myself have to watch people drink & get out of hand they should remove the pool side bars as well.
Isn't it all about self restraint?


Well-Known Member
No. If YOU don't like it - YOU don't visit the parks. I certainly didn't pay all that money to accommodate you. It is my right. Don't tread on me.

I assure you, you will not fall over dead for walking by me having a smoke in a smoking area. If you just cannot leave us alone then find a path that doesn't go by a smoking area. I certainly have to find a path to go have a smoke. Do your part.

This is the attitude of the vast majority of smokers. It's sickening.

You do NOT have a right to smoke. If you did, you would be able to do it anywhere at any time.

I have a right to breathe, without inhaling the by-products of your addiction - an addition that has well-documented negative consequences. I should not have to do ANYTHING to accommodate your addiction. Asking anyone to accommodate your addiction is nothing more than a manifestation of your utter selfishness in choosing to smoke in public.

You are in the minority. The only reason that you are allowed to smoke in public AT ALL is because the majority is too lazy or apathetic to do anything about it.

Disney should eliminate all smoking areas in the parks. They only reason they exist is because Disney doesn't want the PR headache.
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