cast members on youtube..


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So today I was searching things on youtube when i typed in Year of a million dreams(disney of course) and came across a video of cast nembers getting completly bombed ,acting well not so disney like , Maybe I was under the wrong impression but are'nt you supposed to act well more disney like when you work for them?? I mean isn't there a book around with ceratin things to follow?? Just out of curiousity?? Believe I understand letting go some of that built up hostility at the end of the day...But was just curious.One cool thing was you got to see inside the old treehouse's near Downtown disney which was pretty cool...anyone else see any of this on youtube??


New Member
time off

If they are not working who says they can't have fun! The kids in the old tree houses are college students. I'm sure they are blowing off steam.



Well-Known Member
So today I was searching things on youtube when i typed in Year of a million dreams(disney of course) and came across a video of cast nembers getting completly bombed ,acting well not so disney like , Maybe I was under the wrong impression but are'nt you supposed to act well more disney like when you work for them?? I mean isn't there a book around with ceratin things to follow?? Just out of curiousity?? Believe I understand letting go some of that built up hostility at the end of the day...But was just curious.One cool thing was you got to see inside the old treehouse's near Downtown disney which was pretty cool...anyone else see any of this on youtube??

Were they on the clock and in costume? As much as they would like, you cannot regulate how somebody acts in their home when not on the clock.


New Member
If it showed them in the treehouse villas there is a good chance they were College Program students. And if they were CPer's, I can speak with authority that MANY non-Disney things go on with members of that group!


New Member
This thread is a good example of how people forget sometimes that Cast Members are regular people too. We have stresses at work, we work long hours and sometimes need a drink or two.

But, since the original poster has not provided a link (yet) to this video, it's hard to tell what they are talking about.


New Member
Be for real

I agree with other people if they weren't wearing their uniforms who are we to say they can't let their hair down. A Disney Job is like any other job and drinking and partying are Universal (oops lol)every where.

Lighten up Please.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
I actually rather enjoyed that. It seemed a nice montage of the CP experience. Now, I never did the CP, so I have no idea if that was an accurate reflection of it, but it seemed to be. It felt very "real" and you could tell they all seemed to enjoy the experience.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I agree with other people if they weren't wearing their uniforms who are we to say they can't let their hair down. A Disney Job is like any other job and drinking and partying are Universal (oops lol)every where.

Lighten up Please.

Please do not tell me to lighten up, I do understand about letting your hair down, I'm all for having a good time , I was , as I said in a previous post a bit surprised , I know that being "off disney time" is pretty much whatever you choose,...... I enjoyed watching myself.....nevermind.....


New Member
However, this is not how all Disney CPs blow off steam. I for one, never participated in this kind of activity during my CP and I know a lot of people who chose not to as well.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
However, this is not how all Disney CPs blow off steam. I for one, never participated in this kind of activity during my CP and I know a lot of people who chose not to as well.

So perhaps do you get what I asked?? Please Don't bash me please:cry:


Well-Known Member
The only thing in that video that really shouldn't be occurring is filming in actual backstage areas - like the Utiladors. The rest is completely fine, and it's just college-age kids having some fun after a long day of work.

My personal experience wasn't of one so crazy, but that tone of the video fits my roommates very well. :) The videos that I took are more like the New Years fireworks, riding in the front of the monorail, and the Inferno Barge burn-off. That's more my idea of a party. :)

Mansion Butler

Active Member
So today I was searching things on youtube when i typed in Year of a million dreams(disney of course) and came across a video of cast nembers getting completly bombed ,acting well not so disney like , Maybe I was under the wrong impression but are'nt you supposed to act well more disney like when you work for them?? I mean isn't there a book around with ceratin things to follow?? Just out of curiousity?? Believe I understand letting go some of that built up hostility at the end of the day...But was just curious.One cool thing was you got to see inside the old treehouse's near Downtown disney which was pretty cool...anyone else see any of this on youtube??

Yes, you're supposed to be Disney. You really think 55,000 people are all going to work without fault? It would be beyond unrealistic to think there will never be a CM problem

And no, I never recieved a book.
"Getting drunk=act stupider then you already are" ugh College Students, LOL I can say that now cus I graduated.

I'm surprised this video is still up with all the "secret agents" Disney has floating around watching the interweb.

Mansion Butler

Active Member
So perhaps do you get what I asked?? Please Don't bash me please:cry:

I don't get it. I don't know why it's surprising to see people act like people, and I don't know why it's a problem for Cast Members to drop their Disney Look when they're off the clock.

Both Simba1 and I were both still pretty Disney-appropriate off the clock, but it seems obvious that not everyone is.


New Member
I just watched the video and I'm not sure what the complaints are all about. I thought I was going to see some drunken party or something. The video isn't about CM's getting drunk and doing crazy things. There's very little alcohol to be seen. It's one young lady's montage of the time she spent in the CP. I can understand why Disney might take it down since it does show some behind the scenes stuff but I don't see why we would be bothered by it.

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