Sorry but to burst your bubble, but I try to avoid buying anything from the asian slave countries like China and Vietnam, not because I have any feeling for people that support a country that uses them like slaves but because the quality is usually horrible.
And if you don't like what your being paid, go get a job somewhere else. Unionized food workers have always annoyed me beyond belief, when I was at college in the north east there was a strike by food workers... it seems 14$/hour wasn't enough when the average McDonalds worker was making less than 8$/hour.
By and large union workers are over paid for what they do. Unions in general have outlived their usefulness. They served a purpose when companies were exploiting workers in the early 1900's but since the mid 50's they have done nothing except foster lazy overpaid workers.
As far as unions protecting lazy overpaid workers i agree and disagree,overpaid?not quite sure about that,what does "overpaid" really mean?Your average union worker in general is more than likely being paid a fair amount in order to live.But lazy and taking advantage of union protection,absolutely!!!!There are workers that have the protection of the union and get away with murder.
It is very hard to tolerate a fellow employee who basically does a lousy job,puts no effort into their job,flaunts their lousy behavior and then cries to the union when reprimanded by the company they work for.Then the union steps in and the worker gets away with it once again.Definitely a problem.
But that comes down to work ethic.Because you are unionized does not mean you do not have work ethic.The majority of unionized employees do their job and never even have to deal with a shop steward or union brass in connection with saving their ______ to keep a job.
I think its a shame that peoples attitudes are if you dont like it leave and unions do nothing but protect lazy people who make too much money.What a croc.To much money for what?To pay your bills and put food on your table without goverment assistance?Do people honestly believe that a unionized worker is sitting at home lighting cigars with all the money they made off of some poor company that had to pay their huge salary?C'mon,be realistic.
The corporations that run this country would love nothing more than to pay nothing to the workers who are the backbone of their company,give their employees absolutely no benefits or sick time.
In a perfect america,there would be no reason for a union or any type of organized employees,but ,thats not the reality.
Bravo to those of you who are non union and getting by just fine,but many people without a union,especially blue collar workers,in certain states would never survive financially,and please dont tell me too bad,its just a rotten way to view things and it wreaks of self importance.
maybe its time that companies be held accountable for the way they try to not pay fair wages and benefits,so unions can become a thing of the past,but for now,i say take the good with the bad and let employees be organized to obtain what they want.