News Cast Member Killed in Accident


Well-Known Member
Saw a post somewhere else that it looks like he may have been pinned by a small 4 wheel vehicle that they use on site. It was towing a trailer that was tipped and this is only a guess but the cart probably tipped as well. Poor guy indeed.



Well-Known Member
Saw a post somewhere else that it looks like he may have been pinned by a small 4 wheel vehicle that they use on site. It was towing a trailer that was tipped and this is only a guess but the cart probably tipped as well. Poor guy indeed.

That somewhat matches what we are hearing unofficially. But there may be a little more to it. Definitely some unanswered questions here. Disney, appropriately, is publicly-focused towards the loved ones over sharing specifics it has learned on the accident itself, although I’m sure their internal review teams are digging. The verbage all day from the communications team has been.... different than I might have expected, but I always give them credit for never lying to us. As soon as OCSO or Reedy Creek FD gives us more word I will post what they tell us. (Probably tomorrow morning or early afternoon)


Well-Known Member
Saw a post somewhere else that it looks like he may have been pinned by a small 4 wheel vehicle that they use on site. It was towing a trailer that was tipped and this is only a guess but the cart probably tipped as well. Poor guy indeed.

Maybe I'm seeing things, but there looks to be a shoe under the truck, but hopefully it's just me seeing things.
The floor coloration also looks like blood, but I'm not sure.
Still this is really sad and will hold all other speculation that might arise.


Well-Known Member
Saw a post somewhere else that it looks like he may have been pinned by a small 4 wheel vehicle that they use on site. It was towing a trailer that was tipped and this is only a guess but the cart probably tipped as well. Poor guy indeed.


For those trying to figure out what they're looking at in this picture, it's the back of a utility vehicle where the driver sits ahead of the front axle, like a bus. The grey cart to the right is a garbage tipper that is flipped over because it is missing it's wheels, similar to the black one on the left side of the image, which is likely tipped to keep it from filling with water.


Well-Known Member
For those trying to figure out what they're looking at in this picture, it's the back of a utility vehicle where the driver sits ahead of the front axle, like a bus. The grey cart to the right is a garbage tipper that is flipped over because it is missing it's wheels, similar to the black one on the left side of the image, which is likely tipped to keep it from filling with water.
I think it was the trailer filled with what looks like rolls of paper that is tipped on its side. In any case once the OHSA report comes out we will know all the gory details. I know I can wait. RIP - you lived the dream and worked for Disney.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You'd think clickorlando would have proper imagery for the Lodge vs the park never mind the slightly off hyperlink as well as article title. Hopefully the CM recovers well, non life threatening or otherwise.
I’ll get it changed. I imagine it was posted like that because we were initially told Animal Kingdom by OCSO. Only later did the Sheriff’s spokesperson clarify it happened at the Lodge, instead. It looks like the copy got updated and not the pic or headline.


Well-Known Member
I've just read the preliminary report from OCSO. Two other witnesses saw/heard it happen. It appears the cast member was repairing a motorized cart when it took off, went up a fence then fell on top of him. Just a very sad accident. My heart goes out to his family, and the two witnesses (also cast members).

Nothing "Disney" about this, an incident along these lines could happen lots of places. We drive similar vehicles where I work, and unlike a car that will roll when shifted into drive, the utility vehicles will remain stationary until throttle is applied. It's really easy to leave them in drive when you stop and get out for a moment, with or without the parking brake applied. All it would take is for someone to knock the throttle, and the machine will move forwards.

Incidents like this are a reminder to everyone to constantly assess how they're doing their jobs, and eliminate opportunities for incidents to occur.
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Well-Known Member
They just don't tend to make the news... unless it involves a fatality.. Then we get a month of everything being reported. (same old cycle in news...)

This 100%!
I work in a news station and once we run a story about something it is guaranteed that there will be 3 or 4 other stories only slightly related or as extreme following just around the corner, then after about a week or so the entire thing is dropped and focus is shifted to another topic.

In this case main story "Worker dies at Disney" now we will hear about ANY typ of accident, no matter how small or inconsequential.

It's a very strange, sad cycle...

Also my condolences to all involve, always very tragic to hear.


Well-Known Member
Someone’s dead and here you are making jokes/making it about yourself, seriously?
Really, you are making a deal about my reaction to the minor press coverage of every little thing after to some kind of disrespect to the fellow that lost his life. People die everyday, they are not any less dead then those that die in an accident at WDW. There are only two things that are absolute in life and that is birth and death. Some add taxes, but, you really don't have to pay those. I was basically replying to the post by @Movielover.

I find it disrespectful for all of you to be so morbidly interested in the gory details about what happened. The man died and that is as personal as you can get, so it is none of our business what happened or even why. It wasn't about anything that would possibly be a threat to Guests. I also find offering thoughts and prayers is as shallow an offer that can possible happen. We all know that no one is going to be thinking about it or are they going to be praying for anything other then how the themselves can deal with it. Sorry, but, I do feel bad for the guy, but, I don't feel like being a hypocrite about it. I don't know him, I am not personally affected by it and I wasn't even making fun of it. I was making fun of the public that hungers for the details of someone else's disaster.
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Well-Known Member
Really, you are making a deal about my reaction to the minor press coverage of every little thing after to some kind of disrespect to the fellow that lost his life. People die everyday, they are not any less dead then those that die in an accident at WDW. There are only two things that are absolute in life and that is birth and death. Some add taxes, but, you really don't have to pay those. I was basically replying to the post by @Movielover.

I find it disrespectful for all of you to be so morbidly interested in the gory details about what happened. The man died and that is as personal as you can get, so it is none of our business what happened or even why. It wasn't about anything that would possibly be a threat to Guests. I also find offering thoughts and prayers is as shallow an offer that can possible happen. We all know that no one is going to be thinking about it or are they going to be praying for anything other then how the themselves can deal with it. Sorry, but, I do feel bad for the guy, but, I don't feel like being a hypocrite about it. I don't know him, I am not personally affected by it and I wasn't even making fun of it. I was making fun of the public that hungers for the details of someone else's disaster.
I see you’re at it again. Does it ever get tiring playing devil’s advocate all the time? Your post was insensitive. Who are you to question the motive of others? How do you know they don’t genuinely care about the deceased and his loved ones? We may not like the media coverage, but it’s the world we live in. Someone tragically dying in WDW will get more attention than most other places. I don’t see that changing anytime soon, so the best we can do IMO is to at least be sensitive or say nothing at all.


I don't understand how this slipped though the news net, but, back a few years ago after riding BTMR my wound from a recent carpel tunnel surgery slightly opened up and first aid had to apply a butterfly type bandage on it. It was highly traumatic but, I did survive, however, the press didn't know that I would. I may not have psychologically recovered from the lack of coverage to this day.:eek:;):angelic:

Incredibly inappropriate.

RIP to the cast member.

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