Well-Known Member
Just got back to my hotel after a 8:30 AM -11:00 PM day at Magic Kingdom.
Being there and spending a good amount of time purposefully with the river today, it reaffirmed my stance that if the rides they’re building (and yes, it will always be if until we’re seeing it, even if I have faith in it as is), then this will be a win for Magic Kingdom.
The Liberty Belle was consistently full, but in the three times I went around on it, very few seemed engaged with it. People on their phones, chit chat about what ride they’re doing next, just next to no fascination with it at all. We can debate the causes and displeasure all day long, but it’s hard for me to deny seeing it in person that people just kinda don’t care about it anymore. Probably haven’t for a long time.
I know the consistent argument on here has been so what if they don’t care, they don’t know better or know what they want, but I honestly think they do. They know exactly what they want and I can’t fault Disney for listening. The real estate is valuable and I think it’s pretty undeniable even without seeing an ounce of what they’re building that it’ll be a massive surge in popularity, attention, and traffic for the area.
I get it’s sad to see it go. It’s been a staple. But it’s time for a change, time’s outpaced the River’s vitality. I don’t know if the new stuff will be good or not, but I’m looking forward to finding out.
We always spend time on TSI, but thinking of these attractions in isolation it is hard to argue that they are a great use of real estate or that the replacements won't be much more popular/better use of space from a capacity/usage standpoint
I think the argument is the ambiance and overall theming that the rivers, riverboat, and TSI provided impacted every guest whether they realized it or not and their loss will likely impact all guests
If what they do is done well I think the net impact will be positive for the majority of guests, though without some negative elements. It's just hard to quantify how much things like theming and ambiance impact the average guest (who isn't the type to be on these boards or think about things like that)