Carousel of progress closed (?)


Well-Known Member
Its my understanding that COP will be open until Stitch opens in a little over a month. It was open the other day, and teh only thing happening at Timekeper is ride out crews....


Well-Known Member
You may have interpeted this wrong... They kmay be counting COP as a Daily attraction untill stitch opens... I dont think COP is going down for a while... though grizz may have more info on this....


Account Suspended
I have more info on this... the CoP is no longer a seasonal attraction. It is open all day, everyday. :) That's right, not even reduced hours. And we get plasma screens for the preshow too, and all new seats in the theater. Now THAT'S Progress!!! :)

I only wish I could say the same for Timekeeper... that attraction is closed right now. :(


Active Member
Timekeeper was closed when I went last weekend, but Carousel of Progress was definitely open. When I went, the theatre was 3/4 full and I noticed several people singing along.


Well-Known Member

I'm glad to see they did something about the "seasonal" opperational hours of CoP. I was so excited to see it open when I was there and made sure that everyone with me saw it. Let's hope it doesn't go back to seasonal once Stitch opens. Also, nice to see that they've done some up-keeping on CoP (with the plasmas and new seats) and that attendance is doing really well right now! Keep it up Disney, WE, the guests, LOVE seeing CoP open!


New Member
It's still open!

I was in the Magic Kingdom Friday night, and was in the last group to ride CoP before the parks closing. It is still open, at least until SGE begins, then it's said to be going down for a rehab which I hope it gets. This is just such a great show, and it just needs a little TLC. I took my sis who had never been to Disney but lives in Orlando, and she said it was her favorite thing there.

So hopfully they fix a few of the things that are screwy, and maybe, a BIG maybe, they will keep with Walt's idea of progress and update the last scene, which has become kind of tired in my opinion.

Geez, writing this post is making me sad. I'm back at work in Ohio. Just had a a great week long visit to the world. Wish I was there.
oh well ...
Trip report soon.


It was spinning like a top.

I was at CoP last Tuesday, (9/21/04), late and it was open with no seasonal hours posted. Sat up front, sang along, and had a great time. When we loaded the theater I was about the tenth person in but by the time they closed the door and started the show the seating a little over 3/4 full which I'd consider very good attendance considering the season and the number of cancelled trips going on between hurricanes. Considering each of the six auditoriums seat 250 people and if the section I was in was any indication then (250 X .75) X 6 = 1125 per cycle. Not bad for the longest running stage show in its 40th year of performances. (Hmmm. If being an old venue is reason to close it down then what would that say about DL)?


Well-Known Member
Great ride, i rode it over the summer in june and it was open everyday.....BUT no air-conditioning!!! only breeze you got was when it rotated...and lemme tell ya it was like an oven in i still sang ;)......and fanned myself at the same ;)


Well-Known Member
Saw it twice in the last week. First time for me.

Really enjoyed. My 14 month old daughter enjoyed barking along with Rover....


Well-Known Member
Carrousel of Progress has and will always be one of my favorite attractions.

When I think about how amazing it must have been when it first open I just get goose bumps. It was ahead of it's time when it first opened.

While the audio-animatronics in COP seems almost comical to todays standards, I still get a kick out of this atrraction and my kids and I still enjoy seeing the way things used to be.

I am getting frustrasted though with the may-be-open/may-not-be-open/seasonal/until Stitch opens it's up in the air status.

Out of respect for this attraction I wish they would either update it and keep it open or close it for good.

I know this sounds harsh, but as an annual passholder and paying guest, I feel Disney needs to make up it's mind as to what it plans to do with COP.

I don't buy into this "at least it's open sometimes and that's better than nothing" game.

Spending tons of money going to see a Disney classic shouldn't be a crap shoot.


Well-Known Member
I think it will stay opened. Now that everybody has been going on it and have been enjoying it, the suits up above will probably decide to keep it open. It also sounds even more likely to stay open after SGE opens because like some else said, they are getting new seats and plasma screens for COP and you and I all know that Disney would never pay for something they expect to close in about a month.


New Member
ok....I dont want to be a scrooge here...but I often walk out of COP feeling like this :hammer: :hammer: i am not saying it has some folksy appeal and all....but it is kind of like "its a small world", as one of the unnoficial travel books said..."wouldn't its a small world be so much more entertaining if you got three softballs at the beginiing of the ride".......well....."Its a great big buetiful tommorow.... :snore: :snore:


Active Member
it's definitely time for some renovation. When I was there in March, I didn't notice the seats were all that bad, but the carpeting was rather worn out and stained. Also the mesh stuff on the side had a hole that had been ripped and had a temporary fix.
I imagine COP will be around for a long time to come.

General Grizz

New Member
I am SO pleased that Carousel of Progress has had VERY successful runs this month - at off season no less!

CoP has been put OFF the Seasonal list (as it has far gone past a "seasonal quota!"), and it is my hope Disney may give it a glorious upgrade/refreshening if it does indeed close when Stitch opens.

There's a great big beautiful tomorrow. . . :sohappy:

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