Carosel of Progress to be removed and moved to the Walt Disney Family Mueseum


Well-Known Member
I am with the group of people that thinks it should be updated. Sure it is a tribute, but Walt would have probably liked it to be updated.

So, why not utilize all the theater space and have it truly follow families through the 20th century, with one final scene always updated for the future.


Assuming, this is possible with the given space/blueprint, it could look something like this. I always found the opening theater room to be a waste of space, so why not use it.

The turn of the century scene we all know wouldn't change a bit, except for a few changes in dialog and set to make it New Years 1900. Scene two would be the same scene but with a few minor changes in dialog and set to make it spring/valentines instead of summer, 4th of july. The 1940s scene would get a slight redress to reflect a decade later and would be 4th of july. The future/present day scene would go retro and take on a 1970s look. Then the final two scenes would be completely brand new to reflect new year's eve 1999 with the year 2000 hype (Christmas of course would still be referenced with the decorations, but new years for a global appeal.) Finally the last scene would represent the future and would be changed out the most but won't have a set time of year.

AAs would be upgraded, carpets redone, and effects also improved. It'd be a tribute, but one that would better stand the test of time and really make Walt proud if he could see it.


Well-Known Member
Back in 03' when we bought into DVC we were told by our sales person that a Coaster Kingdom was in the plans and the ground work was already started. :brick:

I have learned to not believe a word any front-line, costumed Cast Member ever says about future plans. And if one of those CM's tries to engage me about such topics, I give them a tight smile and move on, as I don't have time for their shenanigans when I'm enjoying a vacation on my dime. I don't care if they are a bus driver, a churro salesman, a DVC center hostess, or a tour guide. No one wearing a costume and a nametag has access to any information that isn't already on the Internet. 99% of the info they do have is from the Internet anyway.

Even the managers of those front-line CM's, in their shleppy "business casual" outfits with radios and Blackberries hanging unflatteringly off their belt, are not to be believed. But generally, those front-line manager types have the profesionalism to not spout off silly rumors anyway. But the point is that level of leadership really has no ability to impact future plans, and they generally know about that stuff barely ahead of the churro salesman.

I'm so surprised that people (no one here however) still believe anything any of these CM's say besides "Two dollars is your change" or "Take row 4 please". :lol:



Well-Known Member
I'd really be afraid of what the groovy 70's would be like. But that idea is pretty interesting. I'd think the 60's would be better, though. I don't know about the 90's. The future would be pretty cool. It would definitely fit in with the Horizons connection.


Well-Known Member
I've sometimes wondered how CoP would do if it were back at Disneyland. Walt intended it to be there permanently along with the rest of his World's Fair attractions. After his death, General Electric didn't change the show or the postshow from 1967-1973 causing frequent visitors to loose interest in it. Now in 2010 with a surge of APers and other locals, I feel the CoP would need a sponsor and one that could give money to update the show every few years along with an updated post show at the Disneyland carousel theater building. There is no way the CoP could survive in Disneyland with just minor tweaks like it has in WDW. Nothing significant has happened to the attraction since 1994 and the ending scene itself is nothing more than a partially redressed scene that has been there since 1975!


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I am with the group of people that thinks it should be updated. Sure it is a tribute, but Walt would have probably liked it to be updated.

So, why not utilize all the theater space and have it truly follow families through the 20th century, with one final scene always updated for the future.


Assuming, this is possible with the given space/blueprint, it could look something like this. I always found the opening theater room to be a waste of space, so why not use it.

The turn of the century scene we all know wouldn't change a bit, except for a few changes in dialog and set to make it New Years 1900. Scene two would be the same scene but with a few minor changes in dialog and set to make it spring/valentines instead of summer, 4th of july. The 1940s scene would get a slight redress to reflect a decade later and would be 4th of july. The future/present day scene would go retro and take on a 1970s look. Then the final two scenes would be completely brand new to reflect new year's eve 1999 with the year 2000 hype (Christmas of course would still be referenced with the decorations, but new years for a global appeal.) Finally the last scene would represent the future and would be changed out the most but won't have a set time of year.

AAs would be upgraded, carpets redone, and effects also improved. It'd be a tribute, but one that would better stand the test of time and really make Walt proud if he could see it.

I like your idea, but I think it is un-doable. The current COP has 6 theater sections, I think -- 4 scenes, a load and an unload. You're getting rid of both the load and unload areas. The only way to do that would be to make the first and last scenes much shorter to allow time to load and unload guests. I think the best we can really do is go to 5 scenes, with a more efficient load/unload happening simulatenously in section 6.


Well-Known Member
The more I think about what could be/should be done with the Carousel of Progress, the more I think the only way to truly save it is to restore it to it's 1964 World's Fair version and leave it be. Sell it as a truly retro look back at tomorrow as seen by Walt Disney in 1964.

The Carousel is a great big nostalgic favorite to all of those that appreciate it, so I no longer think it would be a good idea to add, subtract, or shuffle around the scenes to make it work logically. Even though part of me would like to see the Carousel updated, added to, and made relevant again, the more I think about them having to rip out those original scenes to do it I get a little sick.

I think the folks that are already ambivalent about the Carousel of Progress won't care if it goes completely retro, but at the same time I think a lot of the people that really DO care would like to see the attraction preserved in as close to it's original "Walt Disney actually touched this" state as possible.

Since it wouldn't be possible to make the last theater a General Electric appliance showroom it might be a nice addition to put an edited version of Walt's EPCOT film in the last theater instead.


Well-Known Member
DH and I were told by a DVC employee this past March to make sure we saw CoP one last time while we were there, as it would almost certainly be gone the next time we visited (we go every 2 yrs). We always make a point to see it anyway.
Vague reference, to space being used for thrill ride, was made.

Good thing you don't go back every 3 months cause it would be gone before the rest of us could see it on our trips this summer.:animwink:


New Member
There is nowhere to put it on Main Street, and it would not fit thematically in FW.

Actually they could move it behind Main Street to what is now a parking lot, freeing up some land in TL while also blocking views of the Astro Orbiter from the train station.


Active Member
I don't think Carousel of Progress should be messed with at all. It's how Walt wanted it. Outdated maybe but its still a classic.

I don't think that's true. It's called Carousel of PROGRESS. I think that stems to reason that Walt fully intended to update it. And it has been updated since last time Walt touched it. I think it really should be updated. That last scene needs a lot of work.

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