Captain EO


Active Member
Captain EO is the only thing that gives me the slightest hope that ECPOT Center can still be saved. They've ruined The Living Seas. They destroyed WOM and Horizons replacing them with lesser attractions.

Captain EO is a small artifact that shows how great EPCOT Center once was. A little glimpse back to the golden years. EPCOT could be great again with the right kind of people restoring it. A good place to start would be JII. It should be rebuilt using modern technology, a true successor to the original.


Well-Known Member
Captain EO is the only thing that gives me the slightest hope that ECPOT Center can still be saved. They've ruined The Living Seas. They destroyed WOM and Horizons replacing them with lesser attractions.

Captain EO is a small artifact that shows how great EPCOT Center once was. A little glimpse back to the golden years. EPCOT could be great again with the right kind of people restoring it. A good place to start would be JII. It should be rebuilt using modern technology, a true successor to the original.
EO didn't last long enough originally to be considered part of the classic. HISTA was much more creative and enjoyable to watch and tied in closer to EPCOT then EO ever thought of being. Just because it had a future world back story, didn't make it a glorious thing to see. Would have made a good MTV video though. It didn't last long then and it became a new attraction strictly due to the death of MJ and someone at Disney saw a way to exploit that and change the HISTA attraction with little or no additional cost. I never had a desire to bring my kids in to watch MJ grab his crotch. o_O


Well-Known Member
Captain EO has been the butt of many jokes since coming back from our trip last summer. When my fiances 13 year old sister messes something up or does something wrong we call her "hooter" haha. I really could not wait for it to be over when we saw it. No one in our group enjoyed it and we even had a "teen of the 80's" with us. I would love to see a new show in EPCOT be great, but I get that people are attached to it. Its just so terrible though!


Well-Known Member
I was a teen in the 80s...I was a teen for the majority of the 80s, too. The part of EO that looks like one of the old videos gives maybe 5 seconds of, "Oh, yeah. I remember this stuff," but the rest of it is just...not good.

It really is time to put HISTA back in there until they come up with something else. They've paid their respects to Michael Jackson. Let it go.


Well-Known Member
As a fan of MJ, the 80's and the original EPCOT Center... I have a soft spot for EO. Part of me wouldn't mind if it stayed. In another thread it was suggested that it won't live to see 2014... So if you're a fan - go now, go often - just in case.

As for the rest of the pavilion... Ugh. Gut and reboot it already.


Well-Known Member
As I have said (and others) on this thread, this is just Disney exploiting a dead guy through the cheapest way possible, milking a subpar attraction because they're too cheap to install something of quality in the HISTA/EO spaces. It's a sad state of affairs. It's also the worst thing about Tomorrowland at DL as well. Such valuable wasted space all in the name of saving money. I was a preteen and teen in the 80's, and there is nothing, I mean, NOTHING, that can redeem how crappy this attraction is. It is utter cheese, stanky as they come, and the fact that Disney is milking/exploiting MJ and his legacy (tarnished or not), puts some mold on top of that stanky cheese.


Well-Known Member
Why do people say the 80s were cheesy?

I don't think they were. They were fun. Everyone wasn't miserable and whining all the time.

I prefer the 80s to the last two decades!
QFT! Don't nobody mess with my 80s! ;)

They weren't perfect and we could all literally die within 30 minutes notice... But I'll take 'em over the last two decades any day!


Well-Known Member
Why do people say the 80s were cheesy?

I don't think they were. They were fun. Everyone wasn't miserable and whining all the time.

I prefer the 80s to the last two decades!
I don't have a thing against the 80's. It was a fairly good time for me. What I hated was Captain EO. It just happened to come out in the 80's and it would have been awful no matter what decade it came out.


Well-Known Member
The Giger-esque alien queen was a timely choice (thinking ahead to the other Alien installments to follow, the Borg queen, etc.). Check out The Untold Story of Captain EO.

But how can you not dig on this? :D



Well-Known Member
OK, so my take on EO....Not a fan. Not a fan of reheated pop stars...not a fan of social misfits...not a fan of people addicted to plastic surgery...not a fan of people in love with their own legend...and pretty much not a fan of half baked attractions at a park that is supposed to be all about what could be in terms of human potential. Love it or hate it boys and girls there it is my $0.02.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna pull out a few chairs for you guys so that yall can take a seat. Everyone knows it's all about the 90s :p.
Yeah, a bunch of kids pretending to be jaded, calling everything "lame" and saying "Whatever!" a lot. Listening to music with lyrics like "I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel, I'm cold and I am shamed, lying naked on the floor..."

Ugh. Give me some Wham! any old time.

(If I could post the tongue guy, he'd be here!) :)

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
Yeah, a bunch of kids pretending to be jaded, calling everything "lame" and saying "Whatever!" a lot. Listening to music with
lyrics like "I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel, I'm cold and I am shamed, lying naked on the floor..."

Ugh. Give me some Wham! any old time.

(If I could post the tongue guy, he'd be here!)

Yea, I really wish they would bring back HISTA. I cannot stand the Capt. EO show either. I sat thru it about 5 min. and was like WHY??? Why did Epcot ever bring this back? All it was is a Movie, there was no thrill like the HISTA. No sneezing dog to get you screeching, no huge snake coming out to make ya scream, no little boy holding the audience in his hands and feeling like you were really gonna drop at any moment, no rats running between your feet to get the whole audience on their feet.....all Capt EO is a movie...I think I felt my seat vibrate 2, I could have cut gas that would have done that on its saying! I have only seen the HISTA twice before it was gone and thought it was one of the most awesome shows with movement I had ever seen. My whole family of 4 thought it was awesome. Yes I was also a teen of the 80's and MJ was fantastic then but this show is terrible. My teen daughter is crazy about MJ she has his music and videos and can do just about a lot of his dance moves, but like I said Capt EO was only a thrill what so ever...UGHHH! I wanted to leave 5 min into the show but stayed to see if it got any better....boy was I ever bored, I could have took a nap!


Well-Known Member
Yea, I really wish they would bring back HISTA.

I actually prefer HISTA myself, though that's a damning with faint praise situation for me. I really just want to see something new in the space. I don't care if 4D movies aren't anything special these days for theme parks, it's still enjoyable especially if it's a new film.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, a bunch of kids pretending to be jaded, calling everything "lame" and saying "Whatever!" a lot. Listening to music with lyrics like "I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel, I'm cold and I am shamed, lying naked on the floor..."

Ugh. Give me some Wham! any old time.

(If I could post the tongue guy, he'd be here!) :)

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