Candelight Processional warning


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In the Parks
If you like to use the standby option instead of scheduling a dinner package be forewarned that at least since Thanksgiving the standby numbers that actually make it in to seating are less than in previous years. I'd chalk it up to the popularity of the narrators. While we've been here its been Neil Patrick Harris, Whoopie Goldberg and tonight was Sigorney Weaver. Tonight maybe three rows at the back right at the 6:45 were filled with standby, the rest were dinner packages.


Well-Known Member
My family hasn't done Candlelight in a number of years but it's just outrageous that you literally can't get a seat unless you have a dinner package. I understand maybe a reserved section in the center, but literally almost all of the seating is outrageous. Especially since this is Epcot's main Christmas offering that they promote it just doesn't make sense. Funny also how DL tried to make their Candlelight like ours last year with multiple nights and dinner packages but now this year it's back to just two nights with no dinner packages or anything.


Well-Known Member
My family hasn't done Candlelight in a number of years but it's just outrageous that you literally can't get a seat unless you have a dinner package. I understand maybe a reserved section in the center, but literally almost all of the seating is outrageous. Especially since this is Epcot's main Christmas offering that they promote it just doesn't make sense. Funny also how DL tried to make their Candlelight like ours last year with multiple nights and dinner packages but now this year it's back to just two nights with no dinner packages or anything.
FWIW, you can still pretty much just stand in America and watch the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
we were there during NPH...we created our own "candlelight dinner package". :) We grabbed quick service meals and two glasses of wine from the American Pavillion, dragged a couple of chairs closer towards the front of the entrance and heard almost the entire performance...without the hassles or lost vacation time of lining up hours in advance. There's really not that much to see and it was actually quite nice to relax under the open sky and not be jammed in with tons of other people in the theater. The only downside is the occasional loud talker that passes by, but it wasn't too bad. (I also found a full length version from last year's 2012 processional on YouTube...vs this year's shorter I think I'll start a brand new WDW tradition by watching the full Candlelight Processional on Christmas Eve in my living room. (A little reminder of my vacation, since I miss it already.)

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
It has been this way for a number of years. Disney can and will sell out the entire theater to dinner packages. If you must see it, buying the dining package is in essence your ticket to the show.

It sucks, but that is the reality of the situation.


Well-Known Member
I always go about an hour before and find a spot near the control booth and watch it from there. Always is a great vantage point and I don't have to wait through the line. I was talking to a CM over there and she was saying that people line up at 1030 to wait. I don't know when the last time that I waited in line for it. When I went the 2nd day that it was open the line for the dinner package went all the way back to Japan.


Well-Known Member
I always go about an hour before and find a spot near the control booth and watch it from there. Always is a great vantage point and I don't have to wait through the line. I was talking to a CM over there and she was saying that people line up at 1030 to wait. I don't know when the last time that I waited in line for it. When I went the 2nd day that it was open the line for the dinner package went all the way back to Japan.

Was at Epcot saturday night, the line for the 6:45 showing was all the way through Morocco.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I booked the dinner package for Saturday at San Angel. I hope everything goes smoothly, it's our first time seeing the processional.
It should, but what you will want to remember that while the dining package does guarantee you a seat, it does not guarantee you a good one. Since someone decided to put trees in the middle of an auditorium seating area, I would recommend getting there at last 1/2 to 1 hour before show time.


Well-Known Member
It should, but what you will want to remember that while the dining package does guarantee you a seat, it does not guarantee you a good one. Since someone decided to put trees in the middle of an auditorium seating area, I would recommend getting there at last 1/2 to 1 hour before show time.

Thanks for the advice!

Tom 55

Well-Known Member
I went to the Candlelight Processional last December. I had the dining package seating and was one of the last seated. That day had Whoopie Goldberg and there was maybe 20 seats for standby seating at that time. There was a long line of standby people who did not get seating.


Well-Known Member
It should, but what you will want to remember that while the dining package does guarantee you a seat, it does not guarantee you a good one. Since someone decided to put trees in the middle of an auditorium seating area, I would recommend getting there at last 1/2 to 1 hour before show time.
Yes, what is the deal with the trees? They block people's ability to see and there are frequently about a thousand of those teeny tiny gnat-like bugs swarming around you if you right by them.

There is no reason to line up at 10:30, lol. If you get in line for the second show as the first show is starting, you will get a seat.

It's bad, but it isn't that bad.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Yes, what is the deal with the trees? They block people's ability to see and there are frequently about a thousand of those teeny tiny gnat-like bugs swarming around you if you right by them.

There is no reason to line up at 10:30, lol. If you get in line for the second show as the first show is starting, you will get a seat.

It's bad, but it isn't that bad.
No idea. I only hope that one day I will have about 15 unsupervised minutes in Epcot with a chainsaw to fix the problem.


WDW Fan Since 1973
Originally, the trees were supposed to form a natural canopy over the seating area (for shade purposes). If you notice, the few that are left (it seems there used to be many more) have flat bottoms (not a Miley reference) that form a sort of ceiling above you.

We purchased a dining package last year for NPH, and treated it like we were paying for tix to a Broadway show. While actually an expensive add-on, we appreciated knowing that we'd have a seat for the performance. It was well worth it, especially when the narrator is someone that you really enjoy. We actually lined up immediately after our dinner package and secured very good seats.

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