Candelight Processional warning


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Not that I don't agree with you but ironic that we're talking about trees being IN the way when I'd give a million bucks to have tree back IN the hub at the MK. At least those weren't blocking the view of the fireworks.

You and me both. Back in the day the MK was much cooler. The shade was not only great to sit in here and there but it kept the concrete cooler too. When I was small there were large trees on Frontierland and Fantasyland that kept the areas cooler. There were nice trees in Town Square and Main Street to keep sidewalks shaded for parade viewing. The hub was beautiful. Now it reminds me of Six Flags in Illinois. A year or so ago Disney ripped out the nice trees in Town Square and replaced with tiny twig trunk trees.

And that isn't all I am old enough to recall, I can't tell you how many times we saw the Candlelight Processional for free? We are a silly stupid bunch of fans. I use to be able to get into Fantasmic without waiting for hours on Sunset Street, watch fireworks at the MK without waiting for hours. Now the things that were once free with admission almost need you to fork out a couple hundred dollars for dinner for a family of 4 or $100 for little morsels of dessert to reserved a spot that once was free. I am not a cheap person but once I've paid nearly $100 to get in paying $100-250 more for my family to actually get to see what was once free is irking. This isn't like the Trek or a special tour that is for hours, or Haunted Mansion dinner party, it is a relatively short show that had been free. I don't blame Disney, they saw a market, the guests willing to pay dearly for all these nice shows instead of viewing for free, guests that happily willing to pay twice.



Well-Known Member
My family hasn't done Candlelight in a number of years but it's just outrageous that you literally can't get a seat unless you have a dinner package. I understand maybe a reserved section in the center, but literally almost all of the seating is outrageous. Especially since this is Epcot's main Christmas offering that they promote it just doesn't make sense. Funny also how DL tried to make their Candlelight like ours last year with multiple nights and dinner packages but now this year it's back to just two nights with no dinner packages or anything.

I experienced both DL and WDW Candlelights thanks to DL being multiple nights. I can say that when not going to Candlelight at DL it is the most miserable time- since it's on Main St at Town Square most turn stiles aren't open and traffic is horrible to navigate. I also noticed that most of the seats were given away at the last minute to people passing by (that's how we scored 3 rd row seats 10 min before show time)

At WDW, we lined up immediately after the second seating had begun (for the third performance). If it weren't for that, we could have been one of the last rows. I personally like the dinner package for it- it's an expensive fast pass in my opinion, and a chance to sit down and eat a nice meal I normally wouldn't do. I'll dot he same thing when I go on Wednesday :)


Premium Member
If you like to use the standby option instead of scheduling a dinner package be forewarned that at least since Thanksgiving the standby numbers that actually make it in to seating are less than in previous years. I'd chalk it up to the popularity of the narrators. While we've been here its been Neil Patrick Harris, Whoopie Goldberg and tonight was Sigorney Weaver. Tonight maybe three rows at the back right at the 6:45 were filled with standby, the rest were dinner packages.
I would agree with this. Standby seems harder to get into this year than previous.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
No idea. I only hope that one day I will have about 15 unsupervised minutes in Epcot with a chainsaw to fix the problem.

Let me know when you get that time. I'll join you!

For what it's worth, on a night when there is a popular narrator (Neil Patrick Harris, Whoopi, etc.) very few seats are left for standby because most people who really want to see someone will fork over the $50-ish bucks for a dining package.

We saw Neil Patrick Harris last week from the standby line. We got in line at about 6, wanting to see the last show. We ended up being about the third group admitted to the 8:15 show.

Last year, on a whim, we sent to see if we could get in to see Lea Salonga narrate. Lined up at about 7:45 and got in, no problem. Salonga is immensely talented and did a great job, but she simply doesn't have the name recognition of someone like Neil Patrick Harris or Whoopi Goldberg.

Also, there are cast members patrolling the line keeping a rough count. They are pretty honest about what your odds of getting in are.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell you how many times we saw the Candlelight Processional for free?

Remember when it was in the magic kingdom on the stage in front of the train station? We used to sit on the balcony of Tony's and savor espressos and the most amazing Zabaglione.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Remember when it was in the magic kingdom on the stage in front of the train station? We used to sit on the balcony of Tony's and savor espressos and the most amazing Zabaglione.

Yes, I was so happy when this made its way from Disneyland. Now, it is still amazing but an amazing bankroll for Disney. Fans fault.


Well-Known Member
My family hasn't done Candlelight in a number of years but it's just outrageous that you literally can't get a seat unless you have a dinner package. I understand maybe a reserved section in the center, but literally almost all of the seating is outrageous. Especially since this is Epcot's main Christmas offering that they promote it just doesn't make sense. Funny also how DL tried to make their Candlelight like ours last year with multiple nights and dinner packages but now this year it's back to just two nights with no dinner packages or anything.
No room at the Inn?

Sounds pretty authentic.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know exactly what happened w/ the 5:00 show yesterday (Sunday)? We got there about 3:30 to get in line for standby (since the dining packages were sold out) but were told the 5 pm show was closed for a private viewing for the "Orlando Community" but we wre more than welcome to get in line for the 6:45 show 3 hours later.

I'm not normally one to complain, but this upset me greatly enough to go to guest services. It was not published anywhere (Parks blog, Facebook, twitter, front gate,etc), so we drove out and wasted our afternoon for nothing.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know exactly what happened w/ the 5:00 show yesterday (Sunday)? We got there about 3:30 to get in line for standby (since the dining packages were sold out) but were told the 5 pm show was closed for a private viewing for the "Orlando Community" but we wre more than welcome to get in line for the 6:45 show 3 hours later.

I'm not normally one to complain, but this upset me greatly enough to go to guest services. It was not published anywhere (Parks blog, Facebook, twitter, front gate,etc), so we drove out and wasted our afternoon for nothing.
Aren't all entertainment offerings subject to change? They aren't obligated to make that fact known ahead of time to anyone other than those with the dining package.


Well-Known Member
(I also found a full length version from last year's 2012 processional on YouTube...vs this year's shorter I think I'll start a brand new WDW tradition by watching the full Candlelight Processional on Christmas Eve in my living room.

Wait, what? This year's show is shorter? How has this not been discussed to death around here already?

What was cut?


Well-Known Member
If you like to use the standby option instead of scheduling a dinner package be forewarned that at least since Thanksgiving the standby numbers that actually make it in to seating are less than in previous years. I'd chalk it up to the popularity of the narrators. While we've been here its been Neil Patrick Harris, Whoopie Goldberg and tonight was Sigorney Weaver. Tonight maybe three rows at the back right at the 6:45 were filled with standby, the rest were dinner packages.

.... Plenty of Standing Room in front of America.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know exactly what happened w/ the 5:00 show yesterday (Sunday)? We got there about 3:30 to get in line for standby (since the dining packages were sold out) but were told the 5 pm show was closed for a private viewing for the "Orlando Community" but we wre more than welcome to get in line for the 6:45 show 3 hours later.

I'm not normally one to complain, but this upset me greatly enough to go to guest services. It was not published anywhere (Parks blog, Facebook, twitter, front gate,etc), so we drove out and wasted our afternoon for nothing.

It has been advertised on the WDW website that the 12/8 shows were at 6:45 and 8:15 only. I'm sorry you weren't aware of this.

"Show times take place 3 times during each day of the event at 5:00 PM, 6:45 PM and 8:15 PM, except on December 8, 2013, when show times take place at 6:45 PM and 8:15 PM only."


Well-Known Member
We saw the show on Saturday night with whoopi. They have changed the narration a little- no longer talks about Jesus not going to college, ....all the things we define as great.....single most influential man.... They also don't do as much singing as the mass choir is exiting.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
The show pretty much ends after the Hallelujiah chorus, now. After that song they take their bows, the Narrator thanks the audience, and then exits.


Well-Known Member
I always go about an hour before and find a spot near the control booth and watch it from there. Always is a great vantage point and I don't have to wait through the line.

Good call.

Here is a common view of the stage if you spend a lot of money and wait in line for a long time:


Here is the view if you don't spend any money and only a few minutes waiting:


Any questions?


Well-Known Member
We waited 2.5 hours this year on Neil Patrick Harris' second night. It was outstanding, but it was the longest line I've ever done in 20+ years of doing WDW. But I wouldn't do the dinner package. In addition to the cost, the line for the dinner package audience stretched almost to France! I'll stand in line or pay the $$$ but there's no way I'm doing both.

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