Can you go from a Deluxe to a Value?


New Member
I am considering a stay at a value resort(POP or ASMO) after staying in deluxe resorts for years. We have stayed at the BWI the last few visits, and last year we stayed at the CR with a tower room MK view, which was awesome! We can do the exact same vacation we did last year if we stay in a Value resort for 1/3 the price. I like the larger beds in the Deluxe resorts, and especially the convience of the Epcot resorts, but the price difference is huge! So, can a deluxe girl go value?


Active Member
mbaker1277 said:
I am considering a stay at a value resort(POP or ASMO) after staying in deluxe resorts for years. We have stayed at the BWI the last few visits, and last year we stayed at the CR with a tower room MK view, which was awesome! We can do the exact same vacation we did last year if we stay in a Value resort for 1/3 the price. I like the larger beds in the Deluxe resorts, and especially the convience of the Epcot resorts, but the price difference is huge! So, can a deluxe girl go value?

I could not do it. I would spend my trip comparing between the two. I could alternate from deluxe to moderate which I do all the time, but I could not do a value if I am used to staying at a deluxe like you seem to be used to. Moderates are so much closer to deluxes if you choose the right one. Save some money and go moderate. :)
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Well-Known Member
I say DO IT!

You've already done the Deluxes, so why not see the Values too?

It will be a whole new experience for you and you can then form your own opinions! Thousands of people choose the Value resorts as their favorite every day!

Think of the shopping and fine dining you can do with the money you save on the resort!


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New Member
You gotta do watcha gotta do! Ask your self a question, are you there for the parks or the resort? If you answer parks, even though there is no valet parking and nice dinning the value resorts are okay. You can still enjoy what the other resort have to offer. If you answer resorts then stay away from the value resorts. I can be painful to have experienced the themeing of a deluxe resort then stay at a value resort, even the newest POP Century.
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Well-Known Member
We usually stay in the Deluxe Resorts because WDW is our one big vacation for the year. I want to try all the resorts, but am getting flack from the family. Its all I can do to get them to stay anywhere but the WL.

I say try it. If you don't care for it next time try a moderate.
I fail to see how anyone can have a bad time at WDW no matter what resort they stay in. :wave:
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Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
I fail to see how anyone can have a bad time at WDW no matter what resort they stay in. :wave:

That's exactly why I doubt I'll ever spend a single night in a Deluxe resort :)

But I also agree with tigsmom's advice. If you don't like it, you can always stay somewhere else on the next trip.
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New Member
I would not want to go to a value again. I'm not saying I never would, but most likely I wouldn't.

But the DVC and some other reasons make it easy to stay away from the values.
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Original Poster
Thanks for all of your replies! I guess I should have told you that we haved stayed at a value before in '96(ASM), 2 times POR, 1 time each at POFQ and CS, 3 times at WL and BWI, and once at AKL and CR tower. I honestly did not see much difference in the moderate vs. value resorts. We had at really bad experience at POR. We are considering a split vacation,which we have done several times, starting with a value and ending with a deluxe. But for now we have res. at POFQ and the Yacht Club. I was interested to see how differnt a value would be from a deluxe. And yes, we spend a good bit of time at our resort, and it really does make or break our trip, since we don't just use it as a room to sleep in.
Thanks for your replies!
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New Member
I stayed in a value before I tried any of the others. Now, I don't think I could stay at a value. THere is a big difference (even from the mods to the values). Any more than 2 people per room at a value is too crowded.
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Do whatever makes YOU and the family unit happy!!

This year's trip can be whatever you decide to make it!

Feel free to justify it financially if you want, there's nothing wrong with picking whatever accomodations you choose to stay in based on whatever criteria you want to apply.

I've stayed in WL, AKL, CR, POFQ, ASM in various orders and have survived every trip!:sohappy:

You could have the best trip of your life this time if you want to reflect on how much $$ you're saving everyday! And, this could also be just the trip you've been waiting for to splurge on some other aspect of your Disney Adventure.:king:


Uh Oh, Now that you say your accomodations "Make or Break" your trip , disregard all previous comments.

If the resort "Makes or Breaks" it for your family, I doubt seriously staying @ any of the Values would be satisfactory! That's not a criticism and you have every right to feel anyway you want about it.

It even sounds like you'd be better off staying in the Deluxe than a moderate.
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New Member
AKL is my favorite... I save up all year to stay there on my summer trips. We get a nice room with a nice view and enjoy all of the "deluxe" offerings.

Then, on our other trips during the year, we pay minimal money and enjoy the same things at Pop Century that we enjoy at AKL. We get a nice view from a room near the lake with views of Epcot and fireworks at night. The only thing that feels "value" to us is the room, which, like at AKL, we aren't in that often anyways.

I say go for it. You just might like it! Disney Magic is everywhere... even the Value Resorts.
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Original Poster
I have only had one bad experience at a Disney resort, and it was the POR. But the grounds were beautiful, much more so than most of the deluxe resorts we have stayed at. The only reason we were considering a value resort for part of our stay was to save a little money. I really like the looks of the POFQ rooms, and I love the boat that travels to Downtown Disney. I think we might split our stay between there and the Yacht Club( a new one for us).
Thanks for the advice!
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New Member
As mentioned it depends how much time you spend in the rooms...

Also to me it depend on how many people are going 4 people you would be better in a Deluxe as the Values can be tight with that number.

Another option would be to get 2 value rooms which is still about 1/2 the cost of a deluxe that way you get 4 beds, 2 TV's and to bathrooms. We have done this and it works great.
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New Member
Well, if you could have the exact same vacation for 1/3 the price of what you would be paying to stay at a deluxe resort, then why not extend your trip a little. the ultimate Disney experience needs to be seen from a lengthy stay.:D
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New Member
Rinxman said:
Well, if you could have the exact same vacation for 1/3 the price of what you would be paying to stay at a deluxe resort, then why not extend your trip a little. the ultimate Disney experience needs to be seen from a lengthy stay.:D

We have done that also... ;)

Money saved on the room used for extra night and extra days on tickets.
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Well-Known Member
We stayed at a Value Resort for the first time after having stayed at deluxes. We were pleasantly pleased with Pop Century. My family was just thrilled to be able to go after 5 years of not being able to afford a vacation. So, I guess it depends on how you look at it.
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