Can Pal Mickey be Updated?


Active Member
Im not sure, I thought this one I saw recently in the parks was the 4th version.

Yeah. There are 4 versions.

There were technically 3 editions: the first one, the Special Edition for the 50th Anniversary, and the current Sorcerer's Edition.

But there were two different versions of the first edition. Though they looked the same on the outside, I believe it was the original that had a white coating on the computer inside and the newer one had a yellow coating. Other than maybe being louder, I don't know how different the second version of the original edition is from the first.

And weren't all the update computers taken out of the stores in Disney, so you couldn't do an "update" even if you wanted to, right?


New Member
If you were able to do this, you got very very lucky. You can not trade them in because it is different v.1 and v.2 were different in more then a few ways. Also they are only on v.2 which is still the 50th HPCOE version but they have changed the box and outfits for Mickey. I doubt they will be coming out with a v.3, due to Pal Mickey falling off the radar of Disney merch (i.e. he is not selling to well). Plus with the DS testing that will be the next step most likely.


Well a manager let me trade mine in just about a month ago. He said they would just put my old one in damages or something. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
At the emporium they just gave a brand new one.
It's definitely NOT policy to allow you to walk in with an old version and get a brand new one. No way. First off, they're more expensive than they used to be. (v1 was $50 and v2/3 is $65) Secondly, they did offer an "upgrade discount" for a very brief period of time when v2 came out but it was something like $20 off the new... Maybe more? Darnit, I can't remember and the website which had the information recorded is now defunct. Anyway, it was a pretty much non-advertised promo that lasted for only a few months.

Now, that said, with Disney being Disney, there's a slight chance if you went in and said you bought your Pal on your previous trip last year and now he no longer works, that they might exchange it for you, and since they only have the new version, you'd wind up with a newer version. But that's kinda cheating and it's certainly dishonest and willfully taking advantage of Disney customer service policies. And they might not even do it because they might just replace his batteries and such for you. Technically the return policy information on the receipt says that you need the original receipt for all exchanges or returns unless marked as nonreturnable. (Art, collectibles and related are 30 days return and DVD and software is return unopened or exchange for defective only.) Again, you might be able to get away with complaining your way into a new one or getting a manager to do it for you,'s really kinda cheating.

Yeah. There are 4 versions.

There were technically 3 editions: the first one, the Special Edition for the 50th Anniversary, and the current Sorcerer's Edition.

But there were two different versions of the first edition. Though they looked the same on the outside, I believe it was the original that had a white coating on the computer inside and the newer one had a yellow coating. Other than maybe being louder, I don't know how different the second version of the original edition is from the first.

And weren't all the update computers taken out of the stores in Disney, so you couldn't do an "update" even if you wanted to, right?
Yeah it's more a v1a and v1b than anything but you're right. There are some with white housing (like mine) and I've heard reports that some are yellow. Though I don't know what if any updates, changes or differences beyond the simple color change were in the two production runs of the original release.

As far as the "reset drawers" they were removed from the Pal Mickey locations back around v2's release. They used to use them to reboot the Pal. Now they have you take out the batteries completely and then reseat them to reboot him and reflash his memory. So the equipment they used to use to return him to factory settings isn't even in the stores any longer, no.


New Member
It's definitely NOT policy to allow you to walk in with an old version and get a brand new one. No way. First off, they're more expensive than they used to be. (v1 was $50 and v2/3 is $65) Secondly, they did offer an "upgrade discount" for a very brief period of time when v2 came out but it was something like $20 off the new... Maybe more? Darnit, I can't remember and the website which had the information recorded is now defunct. Anyway, it was a pretty much non-advertised promo that lasted for only a few months.

Now, that said, with Disney being Disney, there's a slight chance if you went in and said you bought your Pal on your previous trip last year and now he no longer works, that they might exchange it for you, and since they only have the new version, you'd wind up with a newer version. But that's kinda cheating and it's certainly dishonest and willfully taking advantage of Disney customer service policies. And they might not even do it because they might just replace his batteries and such for you. Technically the return policy information on the receipt says that you need the original receipt for all exchanges or returns unless marked as nonreturnable. (Art, collectibles and related are 30 days return and DVD and software is return unopened or exchange for defective only.) Again, you might be able to get away with complaining your way into a new one or getting a manager to do it for you,'s really kinda cheating.

Are you sure? Because I don't see why a manager would let me trade in an old one for a new one if that wasn't the policy. I didn't even ask to trade it in. I went in and asked if he could be updated. The sales lady said that she wasn't sure and she went to ask a manager. He then told me that they can't be updated but I could trade it in for a new one. Of course I said yes! I didn't have a receipt or anything and I definitely didn't complain or cheat - the manager offered so I assumed this is what they always did. This was about a month or so ago.


Well-Known Member
I am absolutely 100% sure it's not policy.

Put it this way. Say you bought a sweatshirt with the Disney MGM logo on it a year ago. You wore it and used it. But then this year, they changed the name to Disney's Hollywood Studios. Your sweatshirt is now out of date. Would you expect Disney to exchange your sweatshirt for a new version just because yours is no longer current? Of course not. Nor would they. Now, if there was some sort of defect with the sweatshirt, or it was manufactured wrong and you didn't notice until you got home, might they go ahead and let you exchange it for something of comparable value? Possibly.

So no. It's definitely not policy to give freebies and exchanges and let someone get a brand new item indefinitely just because the old product has become out of date. Make sense?


Well-Known Member
For those not familiar with re-flashing firmware on computing devices, think of it as a PC (this is a stretch but should convey the concept). You can always re-install the same version of Windows (not that it's common or anything ) when it fails on your PC.

firmware flashing and os reinstall are not the same .. if you messed up your firmware (mainboard.. gfxcard) you can't just reinstall .. you are in serious trouble ..


New Member
I am absolutely 100% sure it's not policy.

Put it this way. Say you bought a sweatshirt with the Disney MGM logo on it a year ago. You wore it and used it. But then this year, they changed the name to Disney's Hollywood Studios. Your sweatshirt is now out of date. Would you expect Disney to exchange your sweatshirt for a new version just because yours is no longer current? Of course not. Nor would they. Now, if there was some sort of defect with the sweatshirt, or it was manufactured wrong and you didn't notice until you got home, might they go ahead and let you exchange it for something of comparable value? Possibly.

So no. It's definitely not policy to give freebies and exchanges and let someone get a brand new item indefinitely just because the old product has become out of date. Make sense?

How is a sweatshirt comparable to a pal mickey? I'm sorry but I don't see how you can say you're 100% sure it's policy. Have you ever actually asked a manager? Becuase I think he'd know what the policy was.


Well-Known Member
How is a sweatshirt comparable to a pal mickey? I'm sorry but I don't see how you can say you're 100% sure it's policy. Have you ever actually asked a manager? Becuase I think he'd know what the policy was.
*sighs* Please don't be purposefully obtuse. The scenario was just a parable to say that you wouldn't expect them to give you something brand new for free just because you bought something that is now out of date. I used "sweatshirt" just as an example to show the point.

Old products now out of date CAN NOT be traded in for brand new products for free just because you want the latest and greatest. Regardless of what the product is.

I know it's not the policy because their return policy on items is pretty straightforward. And because at one point in time they offered you a small trade-in credit towards the upgrade of a new Pal Mickey. And above all that, the very simple common sense that says you can't just get a brand new product for free because you bought an older version. No store anywhere for any reason does this as common practice. It's silly to think they would because new versions of products come out ALL THE TIME and companies count on you buying multiple versions of the product in order to make money. (In fact, there's a term for it: "Planned obsolescence." Google it.) Do you think if you bought an older version of the iPod that you'd be able to walk into the store and hand them your old one and get the newest version that costs more and, does more for nothing?

See, the example works with pretty much any product from pretty much any store. Which is why it doesn't matter that I used "sweatshirt" - the fact remains the same. You can't "return" old or outdated versions of products for brand new ones just because you want the new version. Broken or defective items are a different story of course but your old Pal worked fine, he just was out of date. You should be thankful they gave you a new one instead of going around arguing that it's formal policy and count your blessings that you got what you wanted and didn't have to pay for it.


New Member
See, the example works with pretty much any product from pretty much any store. Which is why it doesn't matter that I used "sweatshirt" - the fact remains the same. You can't "return" old or outdated versions of products for brand new ones just because you want the new version. Broken or defective items are a different story of course but your old Pal worked fine, he just was out of date. You should be thankful they gave you a new one instead of going around arguing that it's formal policy and count your blessings that you got what you wanted and didn't have to pay for it.

Huh? I'm 'arguing' just because I disagree with you? Then I guess you're arguing too. Well, I still disagree with you because I do think a manager would know the policy better. *sighs*

Anyways I'm not going to claim I know the official policy 100% like you do. But all I know is that I got to trade mine in so it definitely doesn't hurt to ask. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Proving a logical point through debate and presentation of facts is not "arguing." Repeating the same sentence over and over without any fact, logic or basis for your point of view is. So saying "nuh uh, you can so!" isn't anything more than your opinion. Just because, as I said, you got lucky and a manager exchanged the product for you does STILL not mean it's policy to accept an old, used product in trade for a free brand new product. Period.


New Member
Proving a logical point through debate and presentation of facts is not "arguing." Repeating the same sentence over and over without any fact, logic or basis for your point of view is. So saying "nuh uh, you can so!" isn't anything more than your opinion. Just because, as I said, you got lucky and a manager exchanged the product for you does STILL not mean it's policy to accept an old, used product in trade for a free brand new product. Period.

Well it's my opinion that you're being very condescending and even rude over a subject so silly. You have NO facts whatsoever that they don't let you trade in Pal Mickey - just your own OPINION. Where are your facts? Have you ever tried to trade him in? Have you ever talked to a manager about it? All you have done is given examples of sweatshirts and i-pods and talked about "common sense" to prove your point. Period. So maybe I did just get lucky or maybe it is the policy to let people trade them in - I don't know. All I know is that IN MY OPINION you're wrong and like I've repeated over and over - I think a manager would know better than you. :)


Well-Known Member
Come back when you've been here four years and have over 2,400 posts and have the slightest grasp of reality. Then you can try to pass off an overly nice manager as fact and possibly have someone take you at your word that you know policy. Until you actually realize how absurd your suggestion that everyone run out and trade in old merchandise for brand new stuff free of charge is, I'm not going to bother trying to talk to you any further. Clearly common sense and reading comprehension ("I'm so confused! Why does she keep talking about sweatshirts and iPods?? What's an "example" mean??" :hammer:) are not your strong points if you can't understand your exchange was a fluke.

To everyone else: If you stop and think about it, of course you can't just exchange your old Pal Mickey for a new version free of charge (without a serious defect or broken unit which we all understand is a different situation.) Tack this onto the internet rumor train like the one which says you can also update it too. The things people try to pass off as fact! :lol:


New Member
Come back when you've been here four years and have over 2,400 posts and have the slightest grasp of reality. Then you can try to pass off an overly nice manager as fact and possibly have someone take you at your word that you know policy. Until you actually realize how absurd your suggestion that everyone run out and trade in old merchandise for brand new stuff free of charge is, I'm not going to bother trying to talk to you any further. Clearly common sense and reading comprehension ("I'm so confused! Why does she keep talking about sweatshirts and iPods?? What's an "example" mean??" :hammer:) are not your strong points if you can't understand your exchange was a fluke.

To everyone else: If you stop and think about it, of course you can't just exchange your old Pal Mickey for a new version free of charge (without a serious defect or broken unit which we all understand is a different situation.) Tack this onto the internet rumor train like the one which says you can also update it too. The things people try to pass off as fact! :lol:

Wow... Again, you are being so rude and condescending that I shouldn't even bother. But clearly reading compreshension and not YOUR strong suits because if you actually READ my posts you would've seen that - unlike YOU - I NEVER EVER claimed to know the policy 100%! I was just sharing what happened to me. But all I know is that if a manager let me trade mine in then it does not hurt to ask.

I'm sorry that I don't have thousands of posts like you but I didn't know that I couldn't share my experience because of it. I GET IT - you don't think you can trade them in. THAT'S FINE. We disagree. But I don't see why you have to tell me I have no grasp on reality and all this other rude stuff - I think you need a grasp on reality if you think that a pal mickey thread on an internet forum is worth being rude over. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Come back when you've been here four years and have over 2,400 posts and have the slightest grasp of reality. Then you can try to pass off an overly nice manager as fact and possibly have someone take you at your word that you know policy. Until you actually realize how absurd your suggestion that everyone run out and trade in old merchandise for brand new stuff free of charge is, I'm not going to bother trying to talk to you any further. Clearly common sense and reading comprehension ("I'm so confused! Why does she keep talking about sweatshirts and iPods?? What's an "example" mean??" :hammer:) are not your strong points if you can't understand your exchange was a fluke.

To everyone else: If you stop and think about it, of course you can't just exchange your old Pal Mickey for a new version free of charge (without a serious defect or broken unit which we all understand is a different situation.) Tack this onto the internet rumor train like the one which says you can also update it too. The things people try to pass off as fact! :lol:

You go girl! :lol:


Well-Known Member
firmware flashing and os reinstall are not the same .. if you messed up your firmware (mainboard.. gfxcard) you can't just reinstall .. you are in serious trouble ..

You are correct regarding firmware updates. My intention was that the system was designed (originally) to be upgraded via the IR units some stores used to have. The base code may have been in ROM with only "data" in flash, or the entire image may be flashed.

Since my PAL had many corrupt audio (some cues played part way and stopped, some were gone), and was subsequently fixed by putting his nose in their IR box for a few minutes, it either reloaded only the data (similar to rebuilding Windows) or they flashed the whole thing (like a home router) implying that my boot & I/O was working. I'll never know for sure without taking him apart. Since he works now, I won't be doing that as my DS loves him.

I was simply trying to make a simple comparison for non-techies that have heard more Windows re-install stories than firmware flashing stories so as to avoid the above detail. Sorry for any mis-information & incorrect comparisons. :wave:

The Mom

Premium Member
I will reapeat Erika's post...don't be rude. It was rude to imply that a poster was cheating or somehow scamming WDW because he/she was given something that is not part of WDW official policy.

And just a counts don't mean anything. ;) Except that somone has posted a lot. :lol:


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