brich said:
You need to be trained to help a lost child these days? The Kodak employee had a uniform and should have some sort of identification displayed. A "perfect stranger" does not. This is why it is suggested you have lost children find a uniformed CM.
Having a uniform and a badge doesn't quality you to handle lost children. I can buy a badge in any of the shops in WDW.
Unless you are properly trained on recovering lost children, and apparently the Kodak employees aren't, then it doesn't matter if you are a Kodak Cameraman or a lady who is a "Perfect stranger."
All I am saying is I don't blame the camera people...they are trained to hang around in certain locations, recruit park guests, and take their pictures. The camera man did what a LOT of people would do...hand the kid over to someone who he or she thought could handle the situation better.
Disney needs to have these Kodak people trained to be more Proactive in these matters and train them how to deal with Lost children.
I don't blame anyone..the child went to the wrong person..not the childs fault, not the Kodak persons fault,not Disney's fault not the parents fault.
This is a case where it's never been an issue before and some corrective action needs to be this for the Kodak people IMO.
Side note: Perhaps there should be a pre entrance park video that all parents should watch to train them on how to avoid losing their children and what to do if they do get separated from them. I don't recall every having any lost children training classes when my kids were born...perhaps it's time. :lol:
People are always looking for someone to "Blame" these days.
Each person in this case, the Cameraman, The Perfect stranger. The Parents, and The Disney Management need to work together to minimize this sort of senerio.