Calling all hotties!!!


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Just kidding....just trying to get your attention! Anyways I'm going to Disney World on July 30th and I'm going single (with my family as well though) and one thing that always makes me depressed when I go is to see people being all lovey dovey and having a good time while I'm there not having a g/f. :lol: I was just was wondering has anyone ever met anyone at WDW that they are still seeing?


New Member
JesusJuice said:
Just kidding....just trying to get your attention! Anyways I'm going to Disney World on July 30th and I'm going single (with my family as well though) and one thing that always makes me depressed when I go is to see people being all lovey dovey and having a good time while I'm there not having a g/f. :lol: I was just was wondering has anyone ever met anyone at WDW that they are still seeing?

I'll be arriving there on the 30th as well.

However, since I'm a guy, I can't really solve your problem... :lookaroun


New Member
Sorry bud cant help ya, im a guy and i'll be gettin there on the 31st, for the ESPN weekend. And im only in HS so i hav'ent really dated anyone seriously


i havnt met n e 1 i am still seing but i have met grls there and a great idea is PLEASURE ISLAND!!!!! alllllllot of attractive girls there.....and all the girls out there--i bet u can find a guy there u like


Well-Known Member
Nice topic. I must say that flyer has the best idea. PI is the best place for not only other vacationing people but also some locals. I am going with my own hottie in one week!!!!! Oh and also.....Maria and Pixie Duster are two of the hottest hotties on the boards...atleast from what I have seen in the pics.



New Member
I went to PI and I'm only 18...did they change that rule or something?

And meeting girls at PI is a fine idea...just watch out for the skanks...seems to me that the last time I was there (February) they had almost completely taken over Manequin's; writhing about and grinding on one another as though they were en flambe. haha, just a friendly warning :lol:


New Member
While I use to live in Orlando..I often met women there....mostly at Pleasure Island...I even had a romantic Liasion with a couple..but alas I had an annual pass and would go weekly so I'm sure my odds would be greater.

Plus they were local might want to rethink meeting that special someone there..Long distance relationships are tough...I'm excited...I'm taking my one and only there in October...she has never been :D


New Member
Great subject... I often feel the same way. We're arriving on 7/27 (I'm going with my family as well!) It'll happen when the time is right, whether you meet the person at Disney or elsewhere! Have fun on your trip and maybe I'll see you at PI!!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I hate to brag but...Stitch and I still have a little something going on. It's tough though...he's always working and I'm stuck home cleaning up boogers. There's something about him and I can't walk away. I only hope you could meet someone at WDW and have what we have. Have Fun!
I'm sorry...I never really met anyone down there. I met someone from Magic and we still talk a little but that's all that is. My hope is to meet someone down there and then we can get married at WDW cause he'll love it as much as me.


I met my wife in a Disney chat room. Does that count? ;)

I almost had a heart attack when I saw the title of this thread. I thought those girls who riled everyone up last month had come back :eek:


i don't know about meeting anyone at wdw, but i once took this girl there on a first date...and now we're married!!! HOLY COW! :p

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