I think the issue is with Active.com and the various race websites not updating based on the actual registration numbers. I always seem to have issues with Active's website every time I try to register for a race. It keeps prompting me to upgrade my account, which I did 3 years ago and when I enter my username, it says it's already in use, so I have to use an old link to get into my account and then search for the event (which isn't always easy). I've tried speaking with people about it, but keep getting told they know there's issues and "they're working on it." Then they try to charge you an additional fee to register you over the phone. Last year's Philadelphia Marathon site had the race at 50% and when I tried to register Active said the race was full. In this case it was a problem with Philly (all of their races always seem to have alot of potentional, but end up being a fiasco). Apparently, in an effort to gain more charity donations, they modified the cap number, in order to force people to register for a charity to get into the full. It's my understanding that in most races (Disney included), runners who register with a charity do not count against the cap number.