Buying at DVC


New Member
I'm sorry for this rookie question. We're likely buying DVC in November. My wife and I have two big questions

1. How difficult is it to book your trip once you own your points? How far in advance to you normally need to plan? How hard is it to switch from your home resort to another?

2. Does it make sense it make more sense to buy resale at one of the other locations with the 2042 expiration or at the new resort with the 2054 expiration?

Thanks for your input!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi we love DVC (bought at VWL in 2002) and are really happy we did.

If you are interested in learning more about DVC I suggest you do a search here and also visist The DVC board has a LOT of info and memembers. (I think there are only about 20 active DVC members here.)

For 1st time buyers I would suggest buying from DVC, resale maybe for add ons. But if you want to do resale go for it, just really research it ahead of time.

Buy at the resort you like the best. If you like SSR buy there, if not get resale.
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New Member
Buying while we are here now, just something to think about.

First they are only offering Saratoga Springs as home right now and it's now $89.00 a point, min 150 pts. Feb is the start month, but if you put money down and finance payments don't start till Apr 04.Also if you get on this it goes for 50 years others end in 38 years.

I asked about why do this and not do a resale and supposively first you have to be careful because they are required to in written let disney know they want to sell. They must give disney first option to buy. So if they don't do that could be huge problems plus will only be 38 years not 50.

We took the price plus maintence fee times 50 years divided by
50 years. That will give you what it cost a year. Do you spend that in vacations. It made sense to us. Only thing is if you go somewhere else other than disney you pay $75.00 more.

Still not bad especially if you have a credit card that gives you airmiles.
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New Member
We've been DVC members for a little over two years and LOVE IT! Since my DH is in the Navy and and we refuse to vacation without him, most of our vacations are planned only a few months in advance and often we have to change our plans midstream. We may have have not always gotten our first choice of DVC property, but we have always had the size unit we needed, even in busy times.

We have not used our points (150) to stay outside of WDW except for the Disney cruise (awesome!), but we have used them to stay in the AKL and Polynesian, something we had never done before, as well as DVC properties. Those I have spoken to have said they have never had a problem booking outside of WDW.

Personally, I would go with the 50 year plan, instead of resale. If you decide to resell it yourself down the line, it will have a better value.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry I didn't really answer your question before. We wondered about getting an add on at SSR, but after staying at OKW had some reservations about that kind of resort (layout being so spread out, and a number of bus stops.) Personally I would like to be sure they "fixed" all the little problems like that at OKW and would have to learn more about SSR before I bought there.

We havne't had any problems getting ressivations at other resorts. Last aug we wanted BCV but was on a wait list (we were able to get in VWL) We didn't follow through with wait list and tried OKW instead (since we were able to get 9 nights in a stuido instead of 6 at VWL).

I think you can almost always get in somewhere, if not a DVC resort at least using points at another WDW resort. It might not be your 1st choice, but all the resorts are so great and you have 38 (or 50) more years to stay at the other resorts another year.

The flexablity is great. I wish we had more points (we have 170, considering a 50 point add on soon.) We keep browing from the next year and using up all our points before the use year starts. The studios are fine, but the one bedrooms are soooooo nice. (especially for families.)
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New Member
Booking, banking and everything that goes with DVC is very easy any usally can get what and when you want without any problems. Always keep in mind Holidays are the ones to book as far in advance as poss. You can book11 months in advance for home resort. This is why we choose DVC club over all others, it is VERY flexable. Beware of resales and the extra cost they may bring even though they might be a bit less $$$
Hope it works out for you we LOVE IT!!!:sohappy: :wave:
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How can you justify the maintenance costs per year the whole thing is a rip off we have looked into this twice.I even got offered 50% off and its still a rip off,its the maintenance fees that are bad pay all that money for the property then you have maintenance fees for the next 50 years and no maid service every day.:hammer:
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New Member
Originally posted by wdwfan65
How can you justify the maintenance costs per year the whole thing is a rip off we have looked into this twice.I even got offered 50% off and its still a rip off,its the maintenance fees that are bad pay all that money for the property then you have maintenance fees for the next 50 years and no maid service every day.:hammer:

I'm not sure i agree with you. Think it depends on how many times you go on vacation and where. We go on vacation about 4 times a year. Even with the maintence fees it works out to be cheaper than what we spend. Plus if you get in now it is for 50 years. Yes maintence will go up but what do you think it will cost for a hotel room on Disney property in 40 years??!!
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New Member
We've been members at OKW since 1995. We love it there. We're trying out the Boardwalk Villas next month. We've also used points to stay at the Grand Californian at Disneyland, and at the Sagamore Resort in upstate NY. We're planning on trying out Hilton Head next year, and maybe the Disney Cruise Line the following year, as well as another trip to DL for the 50th anniversary celebration. (One of the best things about DVC is the flexibility.)

As to your questions:

1) Booking at your home resort between 7 and 11 months should be a piece of cake, except maybe the peak season dates. Booking at resorts within 7 months really depends on the season and the resort. When we booked our dates at Boardwalk, we really wanted Beach Club, but they were booked solid, so we took Boardwalk. I'm sure that at another time of year, or maybe even one week in either direction, we would've been able to get Beach Club. Making reservations at a resort other than your home resort is done just as easily as booking the home resort, but you're subject to the whims of the resorts selling out. What I did this trip is book Old Key West for our dates at the 11 month window, then at the 7 month window make reservations elsewhere and cancel the OKW reservations.

2) You really have to do a fiscal analysis to answer this one. What is the cost of 51 years at Saratoga Springs for x number of points? What is the cost of the 39 years left at another resort for x number of points? Add in the annual maintenance costs, divide by the number of years, get the annual value. Compare the two resorts, the two prices, and decide which is best for you. Also, if you expect to be using the points until 2054, or passing them along to someone who will be using them, what is the value of the additional 12 years of ownership?

Hope this helps.
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We go twice a year and stay at the Poly for 6 to 8 days each trip still cheaper than the vacation club maintenance costs,I think most of you dont want to admit you have been ripped off.Enjoy counting your points:lol: Instead of sending me nasty e-mails show me how Im wrong
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New Member
To Disneyfalcon: When we took the cruise in Dec 2001, they were running a special. We took a three day cruise, 2 adults and 2 children with the smallest accommodations available (inside stateroom) for 166 points plus a $75 fee. It included all meals and almost all activities (except spa and land excursions) and the only additional amount was tip and alcohol. It normally would have cost 200 points for the four of us for that time of year. Cuurently it can run as from 71-228 points per adult for the 3 night depending on accommodations and time of year, 84-241 for 4 night and 131-395 for 7 night. Children are extra points ranging from 15-162 depending on age, length of stay and time of year.

To wdwfan65: My DH and I first came to the same decision, hotels were cheaper and this was a waste of money. Boy were we wrong. We having a growning family 2 DD and 1 on the way and space and facilities has become an isse, which is why we have it. In our studios, we get refrigerator, microwave, toaster, coffeemaker and extra closet space. Add more space and a washer and dryer in villas (a must for longer trips). Our dues have been less than $600 and with our 150 points we can go as many as three times a year, stay a Sunday through Thursday during off peak times. That breaks down to $40/night. I'm pretty sure you can't get those rates at the Polynesian.

I definately agree it's not for everyone, but don't knock it till you have all the facts. It's certainly not for those who don't go to WDW a lot or don't care about room, but when you have kids, we have come to feel it's the only way for us to vacation. I just wish we had stuck with it the first time!
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwguru

To wdwfan65: My DH and I first came to the same decision, hotels were cheaper and this was a waste of money. Boy were we wrong. We having a growning family 2 DD and 1 on the way and space and facilities has become an isse, which is why we have it. In our studios, we get refrigerator, microwave, toaster, coffeemaker and extra closet space. Add more space and a washer and dryer in villas (a must for longer trips). Our dues have been less than $600 and with our 150 points we can go as many as three times a year, stay a Sunday through Thursday during off peak times. That breaks down to $40/night. I'm pretty sure you can't get those rates at the Polynesian.

I definately agree it's not for everyone, but don't knock it till you have all the facts. It's certainly not for those who don't go to WDW a lot or don't care about room, but when you have kids, we have come to feel it's the only way for us to vacation. I just wish we had stuck with it the first time!

I couldn't agree with you more. We also did the math, it seemed like so much at 1st but then you look at what you are getting and how often you can go and it really is worth it (for those whose life style it fits.) Now we won't even stay at non DVC resorts because having the studio is so much better then any normal room. For us it turns out to be around 5$ a point when all is said and done, for a room at VWL (12 points a night) that is around 60$ a night, good deal.

No it isn't for everyone, but if it is for you, you will love it!
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howie d

New Member
Buying DVC

To answer your 1st question, it is not difficult to book a vacation at your home resort. I've booked 2 trips to my home resort, 2000 and 2002, during the exclusive window. The window allows you to book a resrevation at your home resort from 11 months through 7 months out from your departure date. I tried to switch to another resort (Beach Club) once, but was unsuccessful.
The answer to your second question depends on you. I bought a resale at BWV and received a good price. The new resort is by the Marketplace, not the best location, $89 a point, but for 50 years. Personally, I would go the resale route. You may be able to get a resort closer to the parks, at a cheaper price. Try calling the places directly, because the internet resale prices I looked at were no bargain. It looks to me like some people purchased at a previous price and are selling at the current one.
I bought the resale 4 years ago and saved $4K.
One other point, Disney has the right of first refusal, so if you get a really cheap price, they can purchase it from the seller rather than you. I honestly thought that would happen to my purchase, but luckily not.
Good Luck
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New Member
I too have good feelings about our decision to enter the world of DVC ownership. My DW and I choose to purchase a 220 point resale at BWV two years ago, it really was a no big deal to do. As a reference we used (sorry if I shouldn't give a plug), the transaction was simple and professional no pressures other then signing over the check. It is true that resales are presented with an "asking price" which is negotiable but first right of refusal is a Disney thing. One area to watch in a resale would be the status of those points, make sure you understand what points are currently available, borrowed or banked.. avoid surprises. Points from a resale are no different from those of a DVC direct purchase in fact your membership card will have the originally purchased date on it.

As far as booking the stays this to has been no problem. We've used points to book at our home resort (BWV) as well as a MK resort (Poly). In fact we've used our points to stay at the BWV two weeks ago, what a great time of the year to go. Keep in mind there are differences in staying in a Dis hotel room (2 beds and a pair of chairs) vs. your home away from home (a small condo). It's real nice to spread out and kick back in your room after a long day enjoying a snack and your favorite beverage (there's a blender in the room, so a nice margarita or daiquiri could even be in order, lol).

Overall the whole point/stay thing is pretty easy to figure out and quite flexible. I am convinced that the program is a fair deal, it's certainly not a "freebie" but we are staying in some of best Disney properties multiple times a year. Sounded good to me and so far it's living up to my expectations.

Oh ya... One more thing.... The real plan for DW & I was/is to start having "adults only" stays, boy Disney can be fun as an adult tooooo!!!!

Question 1: Booking was simple and Disney happy

Question 2: Saved a bunch with the resale... don't believe I gave anything up.

Final thought: Having a DVC may be the thing that makes an annual pass a economical choice be sure to factor that into your decision.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwfan65
We go twice a year and stay at the Poly for 6 to 8 days each trip still cheaper than the vacation club maintenance costs,I think most of you dont want to admit you have been ripped off.Enjoy counting your points:lol: Instead of sending me nasty e-mails show me how Im wrong

What has crawled up your pompous buttcrack?
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