Busch vs. AK


New Member
On the lines of the annual pass costs, both Universal/IOA and BGT/SW have introduced and option to pay by the month (which I do for all 4) When I purchased my AP for WDW, it was $300 up front. I wonder why WDW has not allowed the pay-by-month option, esp with the high up front costs of the pass.

It is just as easy to institute your own pay-by-month option. Do like I do and just put thirty bucks a month in a safe place. And bingo, at the end of the year you have an annual pass with some spending money.
One problem with the pay-by-month option is that some people will only pay one month. Pay thirty now for your one or two week trip. Then never pay the rest. You could get hundreds of dollars worth of admission for just $30.00.


Well-Known Member
Mine are hooked up to my debit card...if you dont pay, or dont have the money, they send your account to collections.


New Member
In my humble opinion, the only thing that BG has on DAK is the coasters. We have passes to both. The only reason is because we are only 15 minutes to BG so on days that we don't feel like driving 45 minutes, we jot over to BG.

From the moment you get on the tram, you'll feel the difference.
The magical feeling is not there. The service is incomparable. At BG You feel like your in a zoo with lots of pretty foliage and some thrill rides. At DAK you feel like your actually in another land (in some places). As stated before, you cannot begin to compare the attention to detail that Disney is known for to BG. If it's thrill rides your after, well, check out BG. If it's more of a visually stimulating experience and ambiance you seek, trek on over to DAK.

And the biggest difference.............no Mickey Mouse at BG!!! I rest my case.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by xfkirsten
From my standpoint, Busch Gardens is the better park of the two. Much more in the way of attractions, and most of all Busch Garden's education aspect kicks AK's up and down the block. The animal part of AK always seems like more of a selling point to me than any actual attempt at education, and I don't agree with that philiosophy. The animals often seem to take a backseat to other aspects of the park, such as the shows and now Expedition Everest. The amount they actually try to teach you about the animals is very minimal. Whereas when you go to Busch Gardens, education is a prime aspect of the park.


I gotta agree here with Kirsten... Plus... I have been going to BG way before AK was even thought of. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bill
To be quite honest, Bush Gardens in Tampa stinks. It's not a theme park at all. It's not very nice, it's like everything Disney isn't and doesn't want to be. AK is a totally, 100%, different experience then Busch Gardens.

I agree with Bill. I visited Busch Gardens in Tampa once and will never go back. I spent an entire day there and only rode like 3 rides. For one their lines were rediculously long. I worked at Disney during the busy summer months and rarely to never saw lines as long as those at Busch Gardens. Also their rides kept braking. More than once when we waited forever in a line they would come tell us that the ride was broken and to try back later. Also their food service wasn't so hot either. I bought an ice cream sundae and they charged extra to not get nuts on it. So I paid more for less. Anyways Busch Gardens just didn't seem too guest friendly. Animal Kingdom is much better in my opinion. If you go for the animals, Animal Kingdom is more like a natural type setting, and Busch Gardens is more like a zoo with roller coasters.


Well-Known Member
In the hundreds of times...well maybe 100 times...I have been to BG, only once did I have to wait in any sort of a line for a rollercoaster...and that was on New Year's Eve.

You must have gone on a very bad day.


Well-Known Member
I was told that the crowds were higher than normal but I didn't know how much higher than normal they were. Part of the surprise of it all when I went was that nothing special was going on it was just a normal day at the end of July. Even the line for the skyway was really really long.


Account Suspended
i've been reading this post and i'm very surprised at peoples thoughts, but i guess on a disney web site you get a very 1 sided view. There is no comparing these 2 parks because dak is disney's worst park. busch is ten times better then animal kingdom. better viewing spots better rides more attractions the list goes on and on. the theming is about equal at both spots and thats the only thing that disney does well. the number of animals are also about the same. and whoever said dak safari is better the rhino rally at busch is VERY WRONG!!!!! Rhino rally is much more exciting and you get a much better view of the animals. DAK will remain as disney's worst park and least attended because there are alot better parks in the area.


Premium Member
Originally posted by domincfh
DAK will remain as disney's worst park and least attended because there are alot better parks in the area.

You arent really very accurate there. DAK isn't Disney's lowest attended park (DCA and WDS Paris are lower).

Figures from "Amusement Business."

1 Magic Kingdom
- Orlando, Florida, USA 14.0m

2 Disneyland
- Anaheim, California, USA 12.7m

3 Epcot
- Orlando, Florida, USA 8.6m

4 Disney-MGM Studios
- Orlando, Florida, USA 7.8m

5 Disney's Animal Kingdom
- Orlando, Florida, USA 7.3m

6 Universal Studios Florida
- Orlando, Florida, USA 6.8m

7 Islands of Adventure
- Orlando, Florida, USA 6.0m

8 Disney's California Adventure
- Anaheim, California, USA 5.3m

9 Sea World Orlando
- Orlando, Florida, USA 5.2m

10 Universal Studios Hollywood
- Universal City, California, USA 4.5m

11 Busch Gardens Tampa
- Tampa, Florida, USA 4.3m

11 Adventuredome
- Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 4.3m

13 Sea World San Diego
- San Diego, California, USA 4.0m

14 Knott's Berry Farm
- Buena Park, California, USA 3.4m

15 Cedar Point
- Sandusky, Ohio, USA 3.3m


Well-Known Member
BG = DAK + IOA (only not as well done.)
Although DAK is my least favourite Disney park - I would hate it if it started to resemble BG.


Well-Known Member
I used to LOVE Busch Gardens. Summer of 2000, I was there alot. I went back for a field trip in 2002, and really looked at the park. The biggest gripe I have with the park is that it is very hard to find an Air Conditioned building in the park. It gets so hot and humid there, and it's hard to find a place to cool off. Montu is great and all, but I don't like the fact that it is built in the parking lot. Employees are some of the rudest people ever. Alot of the employees were eating Skittles, chewing gum, and drinking on the job. The trams look like they have different cars from different trams all attatched together, and there isn't even a limit on how many sits to a row...If you fit, you can sit. The resturaunt near the front of the park (Morrocan Palace or something...the open air place, by Gwazi and the SnakeDancer lady) is just completely disgusting. Tthe workers were just throwing food everywhere...Wiping the sweat off their foreheads with their apron, and then saying "WHAT CHU WANT?" The food prices at BG are crazy, even more expensive than Disney. Rhino Rally was a good try...but you are supposed to be a safari...yet, you have a train, Skyway, and rides looming in clear view.

I love Animal Kingdom. It is my favorite park. I'm telling you...it is NOT a "half-Day" park. If you think that you can do everything in a half of a day, you have not been to Animal Kingdom. It is so detailed, so greatly themed. I have been going since it opened, and still find new things all the time. Animal Kingdom is much better.

Oh yes, and what is up with the ads saying Katonga being the first theme park production of Broadway caliber...I think Festival of the Lion King is as close as you can get to Broadway.


Well-Known Member
You can't honestly compare the two because of the mindset and premise the two were built on.

WDW? (AK)...'nuff said. Disney. Themeing. Nostalga. etc.

BG (Tampa)...started out as 'animals'. Leader in care and veterinarian services, as well as teaching on habitats and awareness.

BG has more animals than AK.
AK has more $$ than BG.

BG sprinkles attractions around animals.
AK has a nice marriage between the two.

If you're a local (ie: live close to a BG-VA or FL) you become 'de-sensitized' to the whole animal thing. So the animal attraction isn't as big a draw.

I like AK, but I don't compare the two. I like BG, too.


Well-Known Member
Busch Gardens Tampa is a completely acceptable park. Though not a Disney park, I find it way above Six Flags and other amusement parks. It seems very ecclectic, tho, almost haphazardly thrown together. But I like it.

Animal Kingdom is a great park as well. Lots of planning, everything fits.

BG Williamsburg is an exceptional park. It is beautifully themed and has some really fun rides, just not "Disney rides." The food and entertainment are great as well. If I'm not mistaken, BG Williamsburg has received the Most Beautiful Theme Park award for at least the last 10 consecutive years, an honor they mention was taken away from Disney World.

Not that that specific award "makes" a park. But it does show recent trends in Disney's commitment to excellence.


Account Suspended
sorry. least attended disney park IN ORLANDO:hammer: (not to mention worst disney park in orlando) the only reason why people even attend DAK is because its DISNEY and DAK also has the lowest time in park of all disney parks in ORLANDO. THANKS FOR THE CORRECTION

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by domincfh
the only reason why people even attend DAK is because its DISNEY

I agree (although you could've said that better). Although AK is a lovely park I just don't like the excuse of slashing rides out of the budget and then say there's a lot to look at or that it's Disney! Only we, Disney fans, can understand great theming and are willing to take our time to look around. The average guest will want to see a nicely themed park with many rides that only Disney can provide. I never liked the park the way it opened because it lacked so much. (I won't argue about the theming because it is top notch) I know I was disappointed to see so few attractions, and from the ones that were there turned to be either a disappointing short Raft-Ride (the queue IS great) or a Dino-Rama theme. I'm sorry, but there's alot to improve and that is why I choose BGT. I will agree though, if AK grows (and doesn't stop after E:E) than I believe this is only the beginning and that one day I will change my mind. Don't flame me, PLEASE! Anyone who disagrees is welcomed to speak nicely! :) (I'm afraid of you die-hard AK fans :p )


Account Suspended
Ah, the debate begins. :)

Disney's Animal Kingdom by far is one of (maybe the most) themed of any Disney park in the US. (TDS is Number one hands down) Islands of Adventure is themed very nicely as well, but that's a totally different story.

So, Bush Garden's can't compare theming wise. There is NOTHING better then AK in the state for theming. And Epcot is also amazing too. Let's look at Morocco. If you've ever been to Bush Gardens (Tampa, we're not talking about the one in VA) you know how the theming is horrible, espically when you enter the park. Go to Epcot and see which Morocco looks better. :)

Okay, now on to the animals.

Busch Gardens does have an array of animals. And I was quite impressed with their Myombe Reserve. However, I have to side with DAK on this one as well. Seeing animals on a safari is better in my book then seeing them an a boat-raft thing with Wendy's on the side of the bumper. Though, the part when the river takes you out off the bridge is pretty awesome. :) Unfortunately, Rhino Rhally has little theming, is WAY too short, and just doesn't have as much to see as Kilimanjaro Safaris. Plus, we have yet to see Dinosaurs at Busch Gardens. :)

Now, rides, AK's weak spot. Well, if you're a complete coaster nut, then you'd love BG. Unfortunately, I'm not. Take away the coasters from BG and you have a pretty boring park. Take away the Coasters from Animal Kingdom and you have an improved park. LOL. Well, since BG has the coasters, I'd say they won out on number of rides, but the quality and theming of the rides has to go to Animal Kingdom.

Now, what else do we have to compare... ah yes. Drinks and food. Since BG offers Pepsi Products and Free Beer, well, what would you choose? LOL, though food wise, AK ummm, well, the Tusker house is Excellent. Lack of sit downs though. Well, I guess Food is about the same.

Clean park? Umm, AK! BG isn't clean. Sections remind me of a carnaval... though, I guess AK has those "areas" too. But on the whole, AK is much cleaner then BG.

Attendance wise, AK is better, yadda yadda...

Park hours are about the same...

Bush Gardens is way too far from Orlando. No reason to drive that far...

Disney-MGM Studios & MK and the Universal parks are closer, and the coasters are better quality then BG's. Not to mention Revenge of the Mummy. ;)

Prices are the same for most things...

Well, I'd go for DAK. But, there are reasons for that. I'd never buy an AP to Busch Gardens. Heck, I could have gotten a free FL Fun Card to go back all year... but I didn't because I hated the place! WU HA HA HA HA. I have an AP to Disney and Universal. Let's look at the prices (Per park)... BG is the cheapest... only $50 for an AP. (FL Fun Card) Universal is the same. (based on a $100 Annual Pass) But Disney is 75...(based on a $300 annual pass) but, let's divide those up per day... 21 cents a day for Disney. 14 cents a day for Universal and BG. Well, those prices are pretty darn close. I think I'll pay the extra six cents a day for the disney pass. :)

Hmm, just for fun... how much do I spend a day for theme park Annual Passes? $1.10

Hmm, not bad...

So, those of you who are on the monthly plan... how much extra do you spend for your passes? LOL Most of you will find you're paying about $20 - $40 EXTRA to do it monthly. Honestly, what is wrong with you people?!?!? :lol:

Okay, so, that's my post. Questions? Comments? Rants? Mickey Prem. Bars? :D


Well-Known Member

Thanks Bill!......i guess?


woah. *takes longwinded breath*


Thread's closed!

Thanks everybody!

*walks over to fridge and pops top on beer*


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by surfsupdon
Busch Gardens Tampa is a completely acceptable park. Though not a Disney park, I find it way above Six Flags and other amusement parks. It seems very ecclectic, tho, almost haphazardly thrown together. But I like it.

Animal Kingdom is a great park as well. Lots of planning, everything fits.

Odd... flip your AK and BG in your descriptions of each of them... and thats how I see it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BwanaBob

If you're a local (ie: live close to a BG-VA or FL) you become 'de-sensitized' to the whole animal thing. So the animal attraction isn't as big a draw.

A small correction here, but the BG-VA does not have a lot of animals. There is a Bald Eagle display that contains rescued and severly injured birds that could no longer survive in the wild. There is a very small wolf display, a bird show (parrots, raptors, owls, etc.) and a petting zoo. Nothing like what you'd find in Tampa. BG-VA is more of a mini tour of Europe. BG-VA is not even close to being on the same level as DAK. It's still a beautiful park.

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