Buffet Meal - Can someone with Lapband Surgery eat on the child menu?


Well-Known Member
That hedehoge is adorable? What state are you from? I am in PA and we are not allowed to have them.

Hi! :wave:

It's not my hedgehog! I live in the UK, and I don't think we are allowed to keep them as pets here either, although many people feed wild hedgehogs who come to their gardens every night.

The picture was taken last year on holiday in Devon, when we went to a hedgehog hospital. It's a small animal sanctuary that takes injured hedgehogs, looks after them, and where possible, releases them into the wild.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Sorry for bumping a controversial thread but I just wanted to add $.02 more.

My friend (non lap-band) has decided NOT to come with me in December. We were on 8 day MYW + dining and I just called Disney to re-book. I switched from DDP to DDE (tables in wonderland :rolleyes:) and canceled my buffet reservations. After thinking about it, there's no WAY i'm going to pay full buffet price (minus 20% discount + 18% gratuity) when I can't eat a lot. I have re-booked for restaurants where I can order off the menu in portions I can handle.

So not only did I save $$ by not doing DDP, I'm going to save several tummy-aches as well from over-eating!! :lol:
Lap Band

I had LapBand surgery on Sept 2. I made my ressies in May of 2008, before I had a surgery date. We had already gotten reservations with the DP. I also have one of those cards from my surgeon. I called Disney and was told that as an adult, I'd have to pay the adult price, I guess just eat less :) Now, if you haven't paid in advance for the DP and show them the card there, you might get charged less...but for reservations in advance...adults gotta pay adult charges...


New Member
Just my .02

I found this when I was searching on how to get "the card" for my sister...and just for everyones knowledge you don't have to just have the lapband or gastric bypass surgery to have issues with ordering a kids meal...my sister had colorectal cancer and can't have alot of food and it goes right thru her if you know what I mean...she would never dispute paying full price for a character meal in WDW b/c that is more of what your paying for in WDW than the food...I guess my point is she wanted the card for reg rest so no food would go to waste, when she currently goes to rest and orders kids meals she get's funny looks although she will graciously pay a few extra bucks and she tips well...and ya'll just are vicious and haggard and mean...jumping all over people who are having surgery to better themselves...good for you that are taking charge of your lives and best of luck to you...enjoy WDW! To those who are being mean...karma bites ya in the rear!

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
I found this when I was searching on how to get "the card" for my sister...and just for everyones knowledge you don't have to just have the lapband or gastric bypass surgery to have issues with ordering a kids meal...my sister had colorectal cancer and can't have alot of food and it goes right thru her if you know what I mean...she would never dispute paying full price for a character meal in WDW b/c that is more of what your paying for in WDW than the food...I guess my point is she wanted the card for reg rest so no food would go to waste, when she currently goes to rest and orders kids meals she get's funny looks although she will graciously pay a few extra bucks and she tips well...and ya'll just are vicious and haggard and mean...jumping all over people who are having surgery to better themselves...good for you that are taking charge of your lives and best of luck to you...enjoy WDW! To those who are being mean...karma bites ya in the rear!

Read what the OP was talking about....Buffets. There is no such thing as a children's portion at a buffet, which is why you should have to pay an Adult price no matter weather you have a card or not at a buffett. The point of many detractors, and mine as well is that someone who doesn't want to eat a lot, should either expect to pay the full adult price and not complain, or not go to a buffett at all. There are plenty of non lap band people that eat less that lap band folks.


Active Member
All these people keep debating over whether or not an adult with a surgery that makes it impossible for them to eat more than a handful (unless they stretch their stomach out over a period of years causing potential death) should get to pay the child's price while at a buffet.

They don't choose to eat less, they must. I'm very sorry, but this is not up for debate. If you say that they choose to eat less, then you are so horribly wrong that it's just sick and a little research before you talk wouldn't hurt anyone involved.

Comparing it to getting a young child in to the parks for free? Well, they really are over the "free" limit. No surgery made them grow up. Surgery to help you from death is slightly different than aging a year, and maybe it should be viewed as such.

Lastly, I applaud the people that WANT to pay the child's price. You see, knowing how little these people eat, there is nothing stopping them from eating that aforementioned handful and then complaining that they feel nausea (because half the time, many people do feel sick after meals so there's no lie there). Then they could get it for free! Like ANY other adult that ate that much. So if everyone wants to talk about how shameful it is that they get a discount for physically not being able to eat more than a small child no matter how much they really want to, just remember that they don't have to pay at all if they really were scamming. They're just trying to make things fair.

Okay with your reasoning if I go to the park while pregnant and can not go on but a handful of rides I should get to pay children's prices to get into the park?

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