"Budget Cuts" - Now Showing at Disney's Hollywood Studios


Well-Known Member
Exactly, you don't. So everyone can stop comparing Disney to a department store. It's not the same thing.

Whether we like it or not Disney can close what they want when they want. It's not about whether I agree (and I don't) or not.

People are looking to make an issue out of this. I understand the argument, but I really don't care that a few things close an hour or two before the park does. They aren't saying Hollywood Studios closes at 9pm and they close the gates at 7pm and kick everyone out. But let's find issues with everything they do.

They could have cut the citizens of Hollywood. They could have cut Fantasmic to a few nights a week. They could have dumped a lot of things but they chose to close a few things a couple of hours before the park does. I'm not going to get angry over this. It's not worth it.

Should we argue the same thing about Animal Kingdom closing the animal trails at dusk? HOW DARE THEY!
Look I understand it isn't an issue with you but it is with some of us This forum is a good place to air our concerns. I also contacted Disney and they contacted me today. The rep seemed also concerned about some of these closings and the closing of MK at 10:00. Said it was being discussed with her team. She was typical Disney rep-a pro and concerned about the situation.


Premium Member
Is all of this over One Man's Dream closing an hour early? Shouldn't the real gripe be that the park only has 4 rides left now;) To each their own, but it seems like a little bit of an overreaction to me. Who's starting the online petition?


Well-Known Member
Is all of this over One Man's Dream closing an hour early? Shouldn't the real gripe be that the park only has 4 rides left now;) To each their own, but it seems like a little bit of an overreaction to me. Who's starting the online petition?

Thank you. All this over something closing an hour or two early.

I'm glad @Jim S contacted them, that's what needs to be done if you are concerned. Of course they can afford to keep it open to close. But they have budgets whether we like it or not. I get why some don't like it but it seems like a silly quibble when there's lots of other things to get at them about.

MK not staying open past 10 and Epcot constantly closing promptly at 9 are something that needs to be addressed. DHS having four rides is something that needs to be addressed.


Well-Known Member
I continue to receive EXCEPTIONAL Guest Service every week I visit. The degradation of the Guest Experience is a fabrication by the h8ters on WDWMagic to push an agenda that the WDW Resort is crumbling like Rome, when it's not. But continue living in your fictional world Jimmy boy.
Why the name calling-not needed. You may get to go to Disney on a regular basis and early closings are not a concern of yours. It is a 1200 mile trip for me and my family and once a year is about all we get to come. We want a full and meaningful experience and Disney is our special place. When we perceive Disney is reducing the value of our experience it is certainly my right to express my concern. I have contacted Disney about my concerns and the rep was a real pro and understood and appreciated my concerns. They certainly didn't call me names and did not call me a Disney hater.


Well-Known Member
You seem to really get bent out of shape with people that don't agree with your viewpoint. I have never found name calling an effective way to discuss problems or resolve anything.


Well-Known Member
I don't think we need to resort to name calling ...

I totally understand your frame of mind on this @Jim S , sorry if I was personally being uncaring towards it, not my intention. I understand wanting 'full value' when traveling to the parks. But in the grand scheme of things, this isn't the worst thing in the world. Again though, I'm glad you e-mailed Disney. They need to hear our feedback, too many times we all complain and complain and don't let them know how we feel. I know they often blow us off but I think it matters to let them know.


Well-Known Member
The only early closing that concerns me is the dag on Magic Kingdom closing 58 minutes ago in the middle of August. Some low tier attractions at the worst Disney park in the USA closing an hour or two early are not concerning.
Well I think we have found something we agree on. Closing MK at 10:00 is a real concern for our next trip, more so than what is occurring at HP.. Hope they reevaluate that decision.


Well-Known Member
I don't think we need to resort to name calling ...

I totally understand your frame of mind on this @Jim S , sorry if I was personally being uncaring towards it, not my intention. I understand wanting 'full value' when traveling to the parks. But in the grand scheme of things, this isn't the worst thing in the world. Again though, I'm glad you e-mailed Disney. They need to hear our feedback, too many times we all complain and complain and don't let them know how we feel. I know they often blow us off but I think it matters to let them know.
Thanks for understanding-Disney means so much to my family and we want the experience to be the greatest. I do my complaining on this forum but when we make our trip each year we ignore anything that is negative. We make it all positive.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for understanding-Disney means so much to my family and we want the experience to be the greatest. I do my complaining on this forum but when we make our trip each year we ignore anything that is negative. We make it all positive.

I do get the complaining on certain things. Sometimes on the boards though we can get overwhelmed by it. No harm done. I hope you do have a great trip. We all have things we complain about lol and the boards are a good place to vent and find like minded people. We have a lot of informed posters and passionate fans. At the end of the day we're all here for the same reason :)

I also don't understand MK closing at 10:00PM. They're getting as bad as Epcot. It makes no sense to me that Epcot closes promptly at 9:00PM. World Showcase at least should be open until 11:00PM or later.


Well-Known Member
But, you know that going in. Closing an attraction, or calling it 'seasonal' is an obvious cut in 'customer service'.

I agree with you, but guests will know going in what closes before the park does, they let you know when something isn't operational or that One Man's Dream is closing before the park does. You aren't going into the park and then at 7pm you find the doors closed to said attraction. Most won't care (sadly) and those that do will complain and hopefully it makes them change what they're doing.

Christian Fronckowiak

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Sigh........Even if the cuts are due to low fall attendance, don't the guests in the fall deserve the full experience that everyone else gets??? Seems like a lame excuse to cut back to me. The Fall guests pay just as much as any other guest during the year whether it is busy or not..........

Sparse or not, Disney is charging full price for a park that's a shadow of its former self. I'd feel cheated even further if I couldn't stop by one of the few attractions left on the way out. You know for sure that they will keep all of the gift shops open!
I was going to counter your argument by mentioning the seasonal pricing, but then I remembered that I was uncertain about whether or not seasonal pricing has crept into the non Magic Kingdom parks. So I'll follow up with the argument that you're paying the lower one-day admission to enter one of the "other" (non-MK) parks.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
It's a home run? Not saying you're right or wrong, but how do you say?
To be honest I've yet to see it for myself, it just seems that the response was very warm and positive, especially around these parts. And we all know how harsh the critics are around here ;) (myself included)

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
This is why Disney should postpone the closure of GMR. This is pretty pathetic.

It's pathetic that it is even being closed in the first place (a 25 minute E ticket people eater for a 6 minute screen based attraction). Build the 6 minute Mickey ride over where Animation was. TGMR provides a NEED now. And when everything else is finally open, it would provide a NEED later.


Well-Known Member
It's pathetic that it is even being closed in the first place (a 25 minute E ticket people eater for a 6 minute screen based attraction). Build the 6 minute Mickey ride over where Animation was. TGMR provides a NEED now. And when everything else is finally open, it would provide a NEED later.

It is a result of cord cutting and the resultant splintering of content providers. Think of traditional cable as humpty dumpty and it will make more sense.

Netflix is more to blame than Disney.


Well-Known Member
Obviously people are all going to have their own definition of value, and that's what it comes down to. Sure, we nit-pick this and that, none of which on its own is generally a deal breaker for moat people. However, when you add everything up, are you still getting the value you expect for each trip for which you are paying thousands of dollars? For us the answer is no (as of two years ago). We are now going to go every 2-3 years instead of every year so WDW has lost our 4-5k a year. I suspect the value quotient for us won't be acceptable again until 2020-21.

Everyone seems to expect a single answer to this question but its completely subjective IMO.


Premium Member
Obviously people are all going to have their own definition of value, and that's what it comes down to. Sure, we nit-pick this and that, none of which on its own is generally a deal breaker for moat people. However, when you add everything up, are you still getting the value you expect for each trip for which you are paying thousands of dollars? For us the answer is no (as of two years ago). We are now going to go every 2-3 years instead of every year so WDW has lost our 4-5k a year. I suspect the value quotient for us won't be acceptable again until 2020-21.

Everyone seems to expect a single answer to this question but its completely subjective IMO.
This is a fair point. Everyone has their own opinion on what's worth the price and when enough is enough. I suppose if you really like One Man's Dream and like going at night before closing this really could be the breaking point.

I'm with you on less frequent visits. I've found that about every other year seems to be the sweet spot for me these days. When I do visit WDW I still feel like it has value for me and it keeps things more fresh when I haven't seen them for a few years. I don't really think there was a breaking point for me that drove me to cut back. It's more about having a lot of other things I like to do and places I want to see and the years I go to WDW that takes up the bulk of my vacation budget.

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