Bringing in snacks and sandwiches?


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Original Poster
First post here, but have gleaned a lot of valuable info from these discussion boards. Thanks, everyone. Leaving 6-18 for CBR, 3 families of in-laws and cousins (6 adults + 6 kids, ages 7-13), all first-timers!

One family of five has suggested bringing along sandwiches and snacks into the parks to save $ and time instead of doing lunch at a sit-down or counter service. Is this a good idea? Is it allowable?

I appreciate your responses.



Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
it's not something that Disney allows... but with how "thorough" the bag check are...

Originally posted by mkt
it's not something that Disney allows... but with how "thorough" the bag check are...

funny you should say that... on friday (at the magic kingdom)a family in front of us had one of those bag coolers with 7 sandwiches*yes they actually said out loud 7 sandwiches* and they were checked at security and they opened the bag which had a pop can and juice boxes as well and the family joked about bringing an extra sandwich for the bag check guy and he just sent them thru no probs. at all .

I swear you could have a bazooka in your backpack and if you just joked with the bag check people and said it was a camera they would let you go through


Well-Known Member
I would say .............. yes - but within reason.
It all depends on the security staff carrying out the bag searches. The easiest is perhaps to have a large breakfast, take fresh fruit etc into the park and then have a large evening meal. Just buy drinks and ice-cream when in the park.


Well-Known Member
I really don't think you would have a problem, the bag checks are generally looking for something dangerous. Last I heard a bologna sandwich can't explode and kill you. (However the cholesterol......).:lol:


Well-Known Member
snacks are a definate yes! my sister is a diabetic and has to have some sort of snack with her at all times (whether it be cracker sandwiches or cookies or whatever) she has them in her bag and has never ever been questioned about it. sandwiches are a bit iffy...i'd agree that it depends on the bag checker. i'd say you could probably get by with it...i really don't think they'd take the sandwiches away from you.

but for goodness sake, at least try the Dole Whip in adventureland! ;)


Well-Known Member
The first thing we do when we arrive in WDW is to head to WalMart in Kissimmee and stock up on snacks. Our boys know that it's treat enough to get in the gates of WDW. I usually bring Rice Krispie treats, Fruit Rollups etc. The boys fill up their bottles with Gatorade and slip them in to their drink carriers. I usually bring water and Nestea Diet Tea w/lemon as I can drink it at room temp.
If we had to put out money every time for a drink or snack; I figure that would be an extra $300.00. I'd rather save that money for other things; not food or drink.


Well-Known Member
I bring in snacks all the time! I carry a bag with em and the security guads that do the checks will either ignore it or one even made a joke sayign we meet at the Tree OF Life and share em. I don't see why not. It does save moeny


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Debbie
The first thing we do when we arrive in WDW is to head to WalMart in Kissimmee and stock up on snacks.



New Member
I don't carry in sandwiches to the parks, but I do bring in snacks for my daughter... she needs to eat little bits often... I've never had a problem.


New Member
We are AP holders and go very often. Every single time, we bring a cooler with at least one sandwich per person (there are six), drinks, water bottles, chips, fruit, etc. Never, EVER has anyone anywhere on Disney property said a single thing. EVER! The official rule is these things are not allowed, but in actuality, they don't care. The security check is for dangerous bomb/weapon things. They are not there to enforce the no food rule. I have even carried my cooler into one of the counter service restaurants and sat down to eat our lunch. Again. never had anyone say a darn thing. It does not matter who checks your bag. They are not allowed to turn your cooler away.
That having been said, we do always end up buying food in the parks anyway. Ice cream, soda when we run out of drinks, and since we usually are there for lunch and dinner, our sandwiches run out by 3PM and we end up having dinner somewhere. Still, this saves us $$$, so my advice is: go ahead and do it!


Well-Known Member
Instead of sandwiches, I like to take high energy protein/carb bars and such. These give you plenty of energy throughout the day and really curb your hunger .. plus, they are easily packed and won't spoil either. Oh, and a water bottle


New Member
Take Plenty of Water!


We just got back from our 9-day stay and had a great time. Every day we would load up our backpack with granola bars, fruit snacks & other goodies. The best thing that we did this year was to bring along two 1-liter water bottles that fit into the insulated holder with a strap (Wal-Mart). I would freeze the bottles every night. Don't worry, they defrost in no time with the 90 degree temps and make a nice refreshing drink. We actually attached ours to our stroller handle and used them to secure our backpack so it was easy to reach. Beware though, because too much weight can topple your stroller when a little one jumps out.

Have a wonderful trip!


New Member
we have always brought in drinks and snacks in our backpack - and last year picked up some pb&j at the resort before heading to animal kingdom... nobody has ever said a thing to us...


Well-Known Member
I've always carried snacks and sandwiches in with us, and we all carried water bottles, too. I can't imagine Disney security saying a single word to you if you do the same! They're SECURITY bag searches, not the food police!:lol:


New Member
I'm so glad to read these posts. We are going in October and have two little ones. (6 and 3) My biggest concern was that I have insulin resistance and have to eat low carb, high protein meals and snacks. I also must snack about every 2-3 hours so my blood sugar doesn't bottom out. I was concerned about bringing snacks into the park. We will still eat meals and some snacks there, but it will be nice to carry snacks in. We did that on our last visit, but that was before all of the security checks. I was worried about the security being the "food police". I make my own low carb hamburger and hot dog buns so I can eat with the family!:slurp:

WDW Here We Come - 10/12/03 - 10/19/03!!!
One word of caution though. I have seen security at MGM make people get rid of glass bottles (both times it was a glass Snapple bottle) so I'd avoid the glass, as that can be used as a weapon.

We always bring water and sometimes snacks and we've never had a problem either.

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