Bringing in snacks and sandwiches?


Well-Known Member
Well, we have small children so we put non perishable foods like little boxes of raisins, peanut butter/crackers, rice krispie treats etc. in a backpack w/us. The "pack a picnic" to save money is good in theory and probably works well for those who frequent WDW on a regular basis. Since you all are first timers you might eat a big breakfast before going in, then eat a sit down meal late in the day before lunch prices turn into dinner prices, same foods lower prices for lunch. eatting late lunches not only saves money but time as well because you avoid the lunch rush and beat the dinner crowd! For me, its about going on vacation and yes I do splurge on some things, the hassle of keeping track of the kids and a picnic lunch would be too great for me..on a WDW vacation..time is money. So it really depends on park hours, how much you would save , how badly you need to save money. etc.

We did do this at DL a few years ago. it was an alright thing to do and it did save money. But for me personally being at disney with the family I would rather spend a bit more and eat once in the parks and snack the remainder of the time!

yes, no glass and no alcohol... if you have those things you "should" and most probably will be asked to dispose of them and i have seen it happen...


New Member
Originally posted by blackride
I see people all the time with food. It is much easier to get food in if you have a baby :)

This is so true and necessary really. Any parks that do not allow food will allow food, snacks, juice, and milk for babies/toddlers with no hassle other than the occasional juice check to make sure it IS juice.


New Member
Original Poster

Thanks for your replies. It sounds like it's no problem, but what about carrying a cooler around with you all morning? Wouldn't that be a hassle?


New Member
Well, I guess that is one reason we never do-- I suppose you could put it in one of the lockers, Train staion at MK, but then that would not be to handy if you are at the other end of the park.

We just bring snacks, water and try to eat once while in the parks. ( getting childrens portions, or sharing one reg. helps) Then Splurge, later when we get back.

If you have a stroller, not the umbrella, that has a place on the bottom and it is a small cooler it might work- Oh soooooooo much to carry.

Hummmm just a thought-- Maybe one of those cloth, foldable ones. Yah!! If you bring items that you can throw away after using? :D Uh Huh ! Maybe that would work??? What do you think?? :confused: :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Re: Thanks

Originally posted by Barnie
Thanks for your replies. It sounds like it's no problem, but what about carrying a cooler around with you all morning? Wouldn't that be a hassle?

Yes it would, thats why we don't bother. If its money your trying to save, then I would do like others have said, when eatting at counter service order childrens portions, or breakfast before going into the park, bring a backpack w/some snacks, then eat a big late lunch at a buffet, then you can eat dinner when you get back to the resort or just eat a snack for your late meal...after a big 3pm lunch you should be able to make it on a snack or a kids meal for late in the evening. Also, if you have several people w/you then thats even more food to carry and the cooler won't disappear after you eat. You'll still have to haul it back to your resort every night at the end of a long day.

you might try putting some pbj in tupperware in the backpack, or you could just buy that pb in the new squeeze tubes and put some crackers in the backpack in tupperware to keep them from crushing!


New Member
We don't bring a cooler. For those of you who want to do this, here is what we do:
We freeze water bottles and juice pouches (Capri Sun). Then we make sandwiches out of rolls and whatever (ham, cheese, etc.) We have the sandwiches in ziploc bags. We take Pringles (no-crush!), and maybe cookies (Chips Ahoy, Oreo, whatever). Sometimes, especially if we are planning to spend the whole day there from open to close, we pack snacks like raisins, nuts, fruit (apples or pineapple spears in a ziploc bag), goldfish crackers for the kids (the whole package) etc. All this goes into an empty backpack (or split into two backpacks). The frozen drinks keep the sandwiches cold till lunch, the rolls also travel better then regular bread plus they fill us up more. Everything is disposable and then we have a place to put the souveniers we buy. We do have a stroller with a storage space underneath, so we can store our full backpacks or the empty ones there, but even if we didn't, I believe our method would work. We do not usually take the backpacks on the rides with us as we really need the heat to melt the drinks. We leave them in the stroller. If you are all adults, each one could carry their stuff in their own bags or combine into one sack and take turns carrying it full.
Also, we carry very, very little else into the parks. I find some people carry way to much stuff in general. We have a camera, wallet, keys, and a change of clothes for the baby (she's potty training, so no diaper). When she was younger, I carried the change of clothes and about four diapers and a wipey thing. That's it. If you fall anf get a cut, scrape, etc. or if you need Advil, Tylenol, whatever, go to First Aid. It's free. We sunscreen up in the morning, and sometimes I may carry a travel size sunscreen for may very fair skinned kids, but the rest of us don't need it. Anything else is not necessary IMO.



I didn't know there was a rule stating you were not supposed to bring in food items. I don't have kids (and I really like disney burgers) so I haven't ever thought to bring any in. I assumed that you could though.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Lovecraft

I didn't know there was a rule stating you were not supposed to bring in food items. I don't have kids (and I really like disney burgers) so I haven't ever thought to bring any in. I assumed that you could though.

Well, I just can't imagine Disney personnel zealously banishing anyone from the parks over a limp peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a handful of chips, so I say go for it! As I posted earlier, we've always brought food with us, and never had a problem, security bag checks and all. :lol:


New Member
For those of you that enjoy an afternoon alcohol libation at MK and don't feel like going over to the Contemp. , a few words of advice. I used to bring in a flask but after 9/11 , I obviously can't. If you plan to bring in Vodka , just put in a water bottle and carry it. Security won't even notice. Any other kind of darker alcohol , try to put it in a colored or opaque plastic bottle such as a gatorade bottle, etc. No one will notice. That being said, I don't advocate people getting drunk in the parks anyway. My friends and I merely enjoy having an afternoon drink in the park. Obviously we dont' bother with that hassle at the other parks as they do serve alcohol.


New Member
I have never had trouble with getting in food and frozen water bottles. The security guys always joke about wanting some. I don't think coolers are allowed but I could be wrong.


New Member
when i go to disneyland & dca i bring sanwiches chips ect. over here they call it snacks they don't say anything, as long as there's no glass bottles your fine.

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