Well, I’ve been home now from my cruise for about two weeks so I suppose it’s time to get started on my trip report!
The Details:
Who: Me (Ashley) and my husband (Wes)
When: May 11-18, 2013
Where: 7 Night Western Caribbean Cruise
Side Note: I got a new camera for Christmas that I was super excited to use on this trip. It’s a Canon Rebel T4i. On Day 6 of our trip, while eating a fabulous dinner at Palo, I turned on my camera and saw the worst message… “Cannot read memory card”.

At this point in the trip, I had already taken over 900 pictures and my immediate reaction was “Oh my God…did I just lose all of my pictures?!” I brought another memory card with me on the trip so I knew that I could take more pictures but I was so sad thinking that I had lost all of the pictures from our trip so far.
I am happy to report that I was able to save almost all of my pictures once I got home. Luckily, only some of the first and second day pictures were affected and the rest of the pictures were still intact! Thanks again to the wonderful people who replied to my post about different programs that I could use to try to save my pictures!
You may notice that some of my pictures from Day 1 and 2 are cropped a little weird and the reason is that the picture was corrupted so I cut off the bad portion to salvage the picture.
Now, enough of that drama…on with the trip report!
Saturday May 11th – “Come Sail Away! Come Sail Away!”
We were up early after a horrible night’s sleep. Our neighbors decided to blast their car radio at 3am so that was fun. I was up at 4:55 and my Dad came to pick us up around 5:20. My parents were watching the dog, so she came with us for a ride in the car to the airport. We got to the airport, said goodbye to the dog and my Dad, checked our bags, went through security and were sitting at our gate by 5:57am. Not too shabby. I love RDU!
Our flight took off at 6:45am and it was uneventful. Wes and I both took a much-needed nap for a good portion of the flight. We landed at MCO early and made our way to the DME counter. We got there at 8:26 but the cruise podiums didn’t open until 9am so we had some time to kill.
Instagram LOVE
After killing some time on social media, the check in podium opened up and we were the third people to check in. I had our camera bag and a small carryon bag and Wes had his backpack. We decided to drop off my carry on bag to be delivered to our room so I wouldn’t have to carry it until our room was ready. So we transferred a few items to Wes’ backpack and then dropped it off to be delivered to our room.
There she is!
So close!
The bus ride to Port Canaveral seemed very short. We arrived at the Port a few minutes after 10am and made our way inside the Port terminal. We walked inside and were the second couple in the terminal that morning! Woo hoo! Last time we cruised, we didn’t arrive to the terminal until around 1:30 so boarding had already started by the time we got there. I was excited to get to explore the terminal while it was so empty.
Empty terminal
After this, a lovely Cast Member offered to take our picture in the empty terminal. Unfortunately, this was one of the pictures that was lost.
Oh well. We were now Castaway Club members so we got to check-in in the special line. We felt so special.
Check in was a breeze and we then went to explore the terminal. Again, most of my pictures from the empty terminal were destroyed but here are a few that were saved.
Boarding Group 3! Whoop whoop!
They started boarding the ship around 11:30. We were on the ship a little before noon and went straight to Cabanas to grab some lunch. Of course, I first had to take a couple pictures of that beautiful chandelier!
The Details:
Who: Me (Ashley) and my husband (Wes)

When: May 11-18, 2013
Where: 7 Night Western Caribbean Cruise
Side Note: I got a new camera for Christmas that I was super excited to use on this trip. It’s a Canon Rebel T4i. On Day 6 of our trip, while eating a fabulous dinner at Palo, I turned on my camera and saw the worst message… “Cannot read memory card”.

I am happy to report that I was able to save almost all of my pictures once I got home. Luckily, only some of the first and second day pictures were affected and the rest of the pictures were still intact! Thanks again to the wonderful people who replied to my post about different programs that I could use to try to save my pictures!

Now, enough of that drama…on with the trip report!

Saturday May 11th – “Come Sail Away! Come Sail Away!”
We were up early after a horrible night’s sleep. Our neighbors decided to blast their car radio at 3am so that was fun. I was up at 4:55 and my Dad came to pick us up around 5:20. My parents were watching the dog, so she came with us for a ride in the car to the airport. We got to the airport, said goodbye to the dog and my Dad, checked our bags, went through security and were sitting at our gate by 5:57am. Not too shabby. I love RDU!
Our flight took off at 6:45am and it was uneventful. Wes and I both took a much-needed nap for a good portion of the flight. We landed at MCO early and made our way to the DME counter. We got there at 8:26 but the cruise podiums didn’t open until 9am so we had some time to kill.

Instagram LOVE
After killing some time on social media, the check in podium opened up and we were the third people to check in. I had our camera bag and a small carryon bag and Wes had his backpack. We decided to drop off my carry on bag to be delivered to our room so I wouldn’t have to carry it until our room was ready. So we transferred a few items to Wes’ backpack and then dropped it off to be delivered to our room.

There she is!

So close!
The bus ride to Port Canaveral seemed very short. We arrived at the Port a few minutes after 10am and made our way inside the Port terminal. We walked inside and were the second couple in the terminal that morning! Woo hoo! Last time we cruised, we didn’t arrive to the terminal until around 1:30 so boarding had already started by the time we got there. I was excited to get to explore the terminal while it was so empty.

Empty terminal
After this, a lovely Cast Member offered to take our picture in the empty terminal. Unfortunately, this was one of the pictures that was lost.

Boarding Group 3! Whoop whoop!
They started boarding the ship around 11:30. We were on the ship a little before noon and went straight to Cabanas to grab some lunch. Of course, I first had to take a couple pictures of that beautiful chandelier!