Bring Them Back!!!


Original Poster
I read posts quite often about Walt Disney bringing back older attractions. Somehow we find ourselves reverting back to those times in our lives where we had a great time and remember certain things about Disney World. Our lives were different then. For instance, would riding Alien Encounter be the same now as it was say in 1994?

I think all of us "remember the magic" that Disney created for us back in those times.

Your thoughts?


Active Member
I would like to see AE back. Right now I would also like to see the old Figment Ride back and I would also like to see Horizons back. I miss them both and I know that my sister would like to see the Figment Ride back.


New Member
I think (imho) that alot of it has to do with nostalgia. In my case, I only get to go about once every 3-5 years, so whether the ride is fun or not I generally ride it. The ride may not be E-ticket, but it certainly creates memories! AE was not one of favorite rides( I do however prefer it to SGE), the reason I miss it is because I think sub-consciously(sp?) that if the ride were back it could carry to a time of past, such as childhood! I wish Disney was the same as it was when I went when I was 4. Is the park worse off now than it was then? No, but it is the memories to me that are so special. I am not big on change of any kind so when I go back to the parks after a 4 year break and everythings different it loses a little bit of magic for me. But after 20 seconds in the park all feels right!


I think it has a lot to do with nostalgia and the fact that we all tend to remember positive things and see the past as being nicer than it really was, because at the time we could only have seen it as the present, just as we would view today.

Have you read Felix Dennis' poem 'Never Go Back'? - interesting perspective on nostalgia.

Grim Grinner

New Member
If I could bring back any rides or shows- Horizons, World of Motion and the original Imagination would be the first attractions I'd reincarnate.

Few places in all of WDW inspired me as a child, daring to think that mankind could truly advance beyond the mundane.

I loved all those and hearing the ride-through audio of Horizons and Imagination bring tears to my 32-year old eyes.

These ranked among the finest Disney experiences, evoking the ambition and dreams of those who looked really saw what they were really about. Who didn't want to see the future? Who didn't instantly want to write or draw something after riding Imagination?

Pure Disney magic, with that spark of what Epcot was meant to be.


New Member
Usually people who want old attractions to return are also fans of the Carousel of Progress.

Where's the progress in bringing back an extinct attraction?


Original Poster
Usually people who want old attractions to return are also fans of the Carousel of Progress.

Where's the progress in bringing back an extinct attraction?

My point is, that some people relate some of their happiest times in their lives to certain Disney attractions. And, CoP is becoming a little boring. However, it sometimes feels like a part of your life is gone forever. I do remember when I was younger Carousel of Progress played "Now is the Best Time of Your Life." That particular time was a great time in my life. Of course, I was just a kid.


New Member
There's a few rides I miss; Horizons, 20K Under the Sea, the original Backlot Tour, Alien Encounter, and it sucks that they're gone, but I'd give just about anything to have the original Journey into Imagination back.

Yeah, a lot of it IS nostalgia. But it was also possibly the most magical part of my trip to the 'World when I was 12 (I wouldn't get to go again until I was 22--last April). The original JiI, along with the fiber optic lights in the ground at EPCOT, EPCOT at night, and the little box of candy with Figment on it just all kind of drove home just why WDW is the happiest, most magical place on Earth.

It's also just a way better ride than what they have now. It's longer, has more impressive visual effects, and a more hopeful, joyful story.

Yeah... I want the original JiI back. Real bad.


New Member
Fifth gate

Maybe Disney should open a fifth gate with all those classic attractions they´ve closed over the years. :hammer:

I´d love to go back to my old Dixie Landings Resort. :D


New Member
I would like to see world of motion again.

All of my great childhood memories are linked to Disney World in one way or another. And i still even get that feeling of the disney magic everytime i go into MK at the beginning of every trip.


Active Member
Maybe Disney should open a fifth gate with all those classic attractions they´ve closed over the years. :hammer:

I´d love to go back to my old Dixie Landings Resort. :D
It would be cool to see them all in the fifth gate but I don't think the fifth gate will becoming to WDW in a long time. You can still go to Dixie Landings Resort but it is under a new name. POR I think it is called. I am not sure on that one.


Well-Known Member
All you can do is lament the demise of one of your favorites. No need to dwell on the absence, just move on and keep your memories. If they never retired attractions there would eventually be no room for new ones. And how many new ones have become your favorites; just some thoughts.

And the old Dixie Landings is now called Riverside, which is conglomerated with the Port Orleans resort that is now called the French Quarter with the combination of those both as now named Port Orleans Resort. Simple huh? :eek:


New Member
all I have to say is that I do NOT want Alien Encounter back. I went on it when I was 10 years old and I came out with no voice and extremely pale skin. That was one of the most terrifying things I saw as a child.

But I do miss Mr. Toad's wild ride...even though it wasn't the greatest. Isn't it still at DL? I need to visit DL...


New Member
I would like to experience a lot of the ole rides, but I don't want them back because it's just not possible. If there was, in fact, a time machine that would magically transport me back to the times of the original JII, WOM, Horizons and 20,000 Leagues, I would take it, but to sit around and pine away for the old attractions to reappear is useless. Fun, but useless.


New Member
All you can do is lament the demise of one of your favorites. No need to dwell on the absence, just move on and keep your memories. If they never retired attractions there would eventually be no room for new ones. And how many new ones have become your favorites; just some thoughts.

Agreed, I enjoyed WOM but I also love Test Track, and nothing will ever be Horizons, but Mission Space rocks the hiz-ouse. Time marches on, things change, but our memories wil always be with us. I do wish something could be done about River Country, though....:rolleyes:

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